Newsletter 34/2011

This is AYY’s newsletter 34/2011

The autumn semester is starting! Year tags for student cards and calendars are now available at the AYY service points. At the same time you can get yourself a new ecological AYY shopping bag! Also remember to update your travel card’s student status by August 31st.

  1. This week’s events
  2. Informing in AYY’s weekly newsletter and the association newsletter
  3. Aalto Party on 1 Sept 2011
  4. Aalto University is looking for a project worker for SELL 2012 project
  5. Welcome to Unisport Otaniemi and Töölö
  6. Looking for floorball players
  7. Participate in Aalto City Seminar on 12 Sept 2011
  8. Welcome to the dance courses of HOT-Dance (Hämäläis-Osakunta dance club)!
  9. Apply for volunteer work in Asia, Africa or Latin America
  10. Are you interested in short or longer term volunteer work outside Europe?

1. This week’s events

From Monday, 22 Aug onward: Polijazz’s Reggaeton con hiphop course

2. Informing in AYY’s weekly newsletter and the association newsletter

The weekly newsletter is AYY’s newsletter which is published during the academic terms in Finnish on Mondays and in Swedish and English on Tuesdays. Texts for the newsletter should be submitted to the communications officer ( by 10 am on the previous Friday. The weekly newsletter can be read at Through the same link, you can also subscribe to the weekly email summary of the newsletter. In the future, the number of the newsletter indicates the week that the newsletter concerns.

The section ‘this week’s events’ of the newsletter automatically includes the events which associations publish in AYY’s event calendar. If an association does not have a user name for adding events, it can be requested from Web Developer Rekik Haile ( Other content in the newsletter consists of the current news and events of the university, the student union and the organisations operating under the student union. The newsletter primarily aims to publish newsletters and events which concern as many Aalto members as possible.

As its name suggests, the association newsletter is directed to the associations and is published on Fridays during the academic terms. Material for the association newsletter must be submitted to Joonas Jylhä ( by 10am on Wednesdays. The association newsletter can be read at /yhdistyksille/yhdistystiedote/. Through the same link, you can also subscribe to the email.

3. Aalto Party, 1 Sept 2011

After the university’s official opening ceremony, the official after party Aalto Party will be arranged at Otaniemi Design Factory and its surroundings between 3.30pm-9pm! The afterparty is an open event to all Aalto members and there is bus transportation from Töölö and Arabia campuses to Aalto Party. Please note that in order to confirm the amount of refreshments, you must register through the link below no later than 29 Aug.

Sign up for Aalto Party here!
Further information on Aalto Party:
Welcome to celebrate the beginning of the academic year together!

4. Aalto University is looking for a project worker for SELL 2012 project

Aalto University and Aalto University Sports Club are looking for a project worker for the implementation of an event production handbook and sustainable campus at Aalto University.

The aim of the project is to create the event production handbook for Aalto. The handbook is created in connection with the implementation of SELL Student Games 2012. Based on the experiences received from the project, guidelines are produced for Aalto events taking into account the objectives of sustainable development. SELL Student Games 2012 will be organised on Otaniemi Campus in Espoo on 17–20 May 2012. The project worker can also work on one’s Master’s thesis alongside the project.

Free-form applications, CV and the transcript of studies should be submitted to Meri Löyttyniemi by ( 4 Sept 2011. The job starts according to agreement and will last until 22 June 2012. The employee is paid the total sum of 12,000 euro (6 months à 2,000 euro, full-time work divided into approx. 10 months). Due to the part-time nature of the project, it is possible to study alongside the work. The workspace will be located on Aalto Otaniemi Campus in connection with the SELL Games office.

Further information:
on the vacancy
on sustainable development at Aalto University

on SELL Games 2012

5. Welcome to Unisport Otaniemi and Töölö

The common sports services of the University of Helsinki and Aalto University will finally open in Töölö and Otaniemi! Now you can enjoy the joy of exercising in the most convenient way for you!


Gyms and customer service will open on 22 Aug. Group exercise classes and ball games will start on 1 Sept.


Group exercise classes and gym facilities at the School of Economics in Töölö will open on 1 Sept. At first when the customer service point is under renovation there are temporary entrances to the facilities. The customer service point in Töölö will open in October. Until that date, you can buy the season card/other services from the other sports centres of UniSport, such as Meilahti or city centre (new customers) or online at (old customers of University Sports Services). You can try out group exercise classes and gym facilities for free during September.

Check out the services:

6. Looking for floorball players

One of AYY’s floorball clubs, Ylämummo, is looking for floorball enthusiasts for the fifth division season which will begin soon. Our training hour is open to all AYY members and it takes place in Meilahti Sports Centre on Mondays at 9pm-10pm.

If you like to play and have a fair attitude towards floorball, feel free to come alone or with a friend to play in our rehearsals! Further information from mikko.matero (at) .

7. Participate in Aalto City Seminar on 12 Sept 2011

Kino Tapiola, 12 Sept, 1pm-6pm

In June 2011, Aalto University’s management decided to locate most of its operations in Otaniemi, Espoo. In this seminar arranged by Espoo’s cultural section and Centre for Urban and Regional Studies (YTK), we discuss Aalto’s campus vision and outline Otaniemi’s connections to the other centres in T3 area (Tapiola, Keilaniemi).

Debaters include, among others, Aalto University’s President Tuula Teeri, Espoo’s Mayor Jukka Mäkelä, Chair of the Aalto University Student Union Saara Hyrkkö and Professor Jarmo Suominen. The chairperson of the seminar is Cultural Director Georg Dolivo. All seminar lectures are in Finnish.

The seminar is part of Aalto University’s World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 programme. The event is free and open to everyone.

Further information and required registration behind the following link:


8. Welcome to dance courses of HOT-Dance (Hämäläis-Osakunta dance club)!

HOT-Dance is the active dance club of Hämäläis-Osakunta, which is intended for students.

Courses in the autumn of 2011 (weeks 36/37-50)

  • Basics: Wed, 14 Sept onwards, 5pm-7pm (Julia and Tomi)
  • Beginners: Wed, 7 Sept onwards, 7pm-9pm (Minna and Petteri)
  • Intermediate: Thu, 8 Sept onwards, 5pm–7pm (Henna and Mikko)
  • Advanced: Thus, 8 Sept onwards, 7pm–9pm (Kimmo)

Course prices for the members of Hämäläis-Osakunta:

Basics: 5 euro/term or all courses: 15 euro/term

Prices for other students:

Basics: 25 euro/term or all courses: 40 euro/term

The courses do not require advance registration or your own pair. You will need comfortable clothes and shoes suitable for indoors. Hot-Dance clubs can be found at Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6, courtyard, 4th floor, Punainen Mylly.

Further information:
HOT’s email list (joining instructions on the website)

Facebook group: HOT-Dance
HOT’s communications officer:

9. Apply for volunteer work in Asia, Africa or Latin America

Through Finnish Volunteer Programme Etvo, 20–30 volunteers can work in fields such as environment protection, human rights or village development. Etvo volunteer also has a unique opportunity to explore the everyday life of the developing countries.

Etvo is directed to those who are at least 22 years old and interested in volunteer work in developing countries. Voluntary positions are available in the local cooperation organisations of Finnish organisations.

Tasks range from environmental education to defending children’s rights and from English teaching to reporting on the life in refugee-inhabited areas. Common to all positions is that each volunteer can explore the life in the developing countries and the operations of the organisations at the grassroots level. The duration of self-financed volunteer work varies from six months to a year depending on the needs of the host organisation and the applicant’s wishes.

If you are interested, please read the application instructions at and the descriptions of the volunteer positions in 2012 at Also read the blogs of the current volunteers at The deadline for applications is 1 September.

10. Are you interested in short or longer term volunteer work outside Europe?

Come and get to know organisations, hear about volunteers’ experiences in a panel discussion and ask more questions! Finnish Volunteer Programme Etvo, International Voluntary Service (KVT), ICYE Finland and Allianssi Youth Exchange present their operations.

Date: Wednesday, 24 Aug 2011, 6pm-8pm, International Cultural Centre Caisa, Mikonkatu 17 C, Helsinki.

Panel discussion, 6.45pm-7.30pm

Further information on the organisations:

The link of the week:

AYY is now in HeiaHeia. Join the group at

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