Newsletter 35/2011

This is AYY’s newsletter 35/2011

New students, welcome to Aalto! If you have not received AYY’s new student’s guide, you can read it online.

  1. This week’s events
  2. Two interesting jobs available at AYY
  3. Aalto on Waves: Apply now!
  4. 100th anniversary logo contest of the Guild of Civil Engineers
  5. Otatarha Race, 30 Sept, 2pm–5pm
  6. Builders of The Future design contest for students, staff members and alumni
  7. Alumni questionnaire
  8. Autumn term of Polijazz, the dance club of Aalto members, will begin
  9. Foil fencing for beginners, 20 Sept–13 Oct 2011
  10. Join the Academic Choral Society

1. This week’s events

2. Two interesting jobs available at AYY

Specialist/project manager for the development and coordination of housing services

The specialist’s duties include the description and re-evaluation of the customer service of housing rental operations in the Student Union and the service reform based on them. The specialist also answers to residents’ questions and provides advice on housing matters. The position also includes the coordination of finances and activities of resident democracy organs in the student union housing. In addition, the specialist participates in the Student Union’s influencing work related to construction and urban planning, within the scope of skills and interests.

This is a full time, open-ended position. Please read the complete job advertisement and see the application instructions here.

For further information on the position, please contact Secretary General Teemu Halme (teemu.halme(at), 050 520 9415) or Board Member Kalle-Heikki Koskinen (kalle-heikki.koskinen(at), 050 520 9416).

Housing Secretary for Otaniemi Service Point

The housing secretary’s duties include, among other things, the processing of housing applications, preparing rental agreements, coordination and responses to various housing inquiries, housing-related reporting and the development of housing activities. This is a full time, open-ended position.

Please read the complete job advertisement and see the application instructions here.

For further information on the position, please contact Board Member Kalle-Heikki Koskinen, tel. 050 520 9416 or Finance Director Reija Väätäinen, tel. 040 7095900. Email: firstname.lastname(at)

3. Aalto on Waves: Apply now!

Don’t you just love the summer: sun, beach, friends and doing all kinds of fun stuff together? Wouldn’t it be nice to continue on doing that when November and winter hits and do something useful and meaningful at the same time? If you answered yes, yes and yes, then get aboard Aalto on Waves!

The second application round is open now! This will give applicants who did not succeed in the first round a chance to improve their applications, as well as new applicants the chance to be part of an incredible journey!

The application period is open NOW and will continue until 4 Sept 2011. You will find the application form and more information on our official website: !

See you aboard!

4. 100th anniversary logo contest of the Guild of Civil Engineers

The Guild of Civil Engineers will open a logo contest in the honour of its 100th anniversary. Design a logo for the anniversary year and WIN A GIFT CERTIFICATE OF €100 FOR STOCKMANN DEPARTMENT STORE! The logo will be used in advertising, materials, etc. related to the 100th anniversary. The 100th anniversary of the guild will begin in the autumn of 2012 and culminate in the annual celebration, the 100th Hermanninsitsi in April 2013!

You can participate in the contest by sending your suggestion to the chairperson of the guild juho.rahko(ät) between 1 Sept and 25 Sept 2011, before 4pm. The chairpersons of the 100th anniversary committees of the guild will choose the winner.

Further information and more specific instructions will be available at on 1 Sept.

5. Otatarha Race, 30 Sept, 2pm–5pm

Design, create, build, challenge yourself and others, and get excited.. all this is possible, as you and your group of friends have the opportunity to participate in a formula-like race with a self-made, non-motorised vehicle. The best teams will be rewarded so get prepared for the competition in good time! Each group will get points for the speed and style of the vehicle as well as for their team spirit. Please remember to register your team in time, no later than 26 Sept!

Further information is available on AYY’s website
and Facebook.

Even if you do not participate in the competition, you should come to the race as the whole Alvari Square will be filled with bustling race atmosphere on 30 Sept! You can get to the race mood by watching the video from the autumn of 2010.

6. Builders of The Future design contest for students, staff members and alumni

Aalto University will organise a design contest to create a memorial to persons who donated funds for the University’s original capital. The contest is open to Aalto students, staff members and alumni.

The contest is divided into two stages.
First stage of the contest 1 Sep 2011–31 Oct 2011
Second stage of the contest 16 Nov 2011–16 Jan 2012

1st prize 10,000 e
2nd prize 5,000 e
3rd prize 3,000 e

The contest and more information will be published on Thursday 1 September 2011 at An information briefing for participants will be held at Sampo Hall in the School of Art and Design, Hämeentie 135 C, 10am-12noon, on 7 Sep 2011. A live broadcast will be streamed through the address

7. Alumni questionnaire

Do you want to network and collaborate with Aalto alumni? Are you interested in learning about the career stories and work experience of the alumni? What could alumni relations mean to you?

We want to actively develop and improve our operations and services. That is why we have created this questionnaire concerning our activities and we hope that you will find the time to respond to this questionnaire. Please let us know your thoughts on how we have succeeded in our work so far, and also what you, as a student, expect from us in the future.

Responding to the questionnaire will take approx. 5–10 minutes of your time. Please respond by 15 September at the latest.

Answer questionnaire here.

In case you have any questions, we are more than happy to answer them at

Kind regards,
Aalto University’s Alumni Relations
Anna-Maija, Henna, Julius, Kaisa, Niina, Nora, Pirita, Seija, Susanna and Victor

8. Autumn term of Polijazz, the dance club of Aalto members, will begin

This autumn, Polijazz offers students regular weekly classes and intensive dance courses! Regular weekly classes will begin on week 37 and continue until the week 49.

Polijazz’s regular weekly classes in the autumn of 2011 are:

CONTEMPORARY DANCE on Thursdays, BREAKDANCE on Thursdays, COUPLE SALSA on Fridays, STREETMIX on Fridays, REGGAETON-CON-SALSA on Fridays (see the more specific schedule and teachers online).

In addition, Polijazz will organise intensive dance courses on Mondays and Saturdays during the whole autumn! Intensive courses will begin a week after the regular classes, and there are separate registrations and course fees for each course. There will be many interesting courses, such as show jazz, an advanced course in breakdance, street dance and pilates or ballet!

The membership fee of Polijazz for one regular weekly class in the autumn term is 35 euro. Additional weekly classes cost 45 euro for 2 hours per week and 50 euro for 3 hours per week. Classes are paid to Polijazz account 130930-59683, Nordea Otaniemi, with the reference 13. You can try out the first class for free!

Sign up for the regular weekly classes at or just come to the class. See our website for more information on classes, our activities, dance courses or ask for more information from our teachers and board members. Also join Polijazz Facebook group!

9. Foil fencing for beginners, 20 Sept–13 Oct 2011

The beginner’s course will begin on Tuesday, 20 Sept 2011, at 7pm. There are 8 classes, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7pm-8.30pm, in fencing hall 2 at Töölö Sports Hall (Kisahalli).

Please bring your indoor sports clothing and indoor sport shoes to the beginner’s course, the club provides weapons and other equipment. After the beginner’s course, you have the opportunity to participate in the advanced course and get to know other weapon types of fencing, a saber and a sword.

The course fee is 90 euro for students and 120 euro for others. The maximum of 20 people can participate in the course and we will fill the course in the registration order.

Registration and inquiries from the executive director by email:

10. Join the Academic Choral Society

Our repertoire includes classic a cappella music, voluminous orchestral works, modern choral compositions and folk songs. Academic Choral Society is looking for new, unique and enthusiastic singers from across the university borders. We are looking for male singers, in particular, but women are also welcome.

We will have open rehearsals and audition at Meritullintori 3, Helsinki, on Thursday, 8 September, 6pm–9pm.

Please sign up with the Secretary of Academic Choral Society Tiina

Is the time not convenient for you? Please ask for a new audition opportunity from Tiina via email.

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