Newsletter 36/2011

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 36/2011

Aalto University Student Union’s first scholarships have been granted and the scholar recipients have been informed personally. The newsletter about the issue is available on AYY’s website. Congratulations to all scholarship recipients!

  1. This week’s events
  2. Have influence on candidate matcher questions in the Representative Council elections
  3. Golf tickets available at a discount price
  4. 7 Wonders Campus Walks for new international students
  5. TEE – Teaching and Education Evaluation feedback seminar
  6. Ballgame leagues of the autumn will begin, sign up by 22 Sept
  7. Join the Polytech Orchestra
  8. Oxetti is looking for new singers
  9. Stbl söker frilansare
  10. Teekkari Picture 2011 contest

1. This week’s events

Wednesday, 7 Sept: Stadisuunnistus orienteering
Wednesday, 7 Sept: Teekkari Village sauna for wife candidates

2. Have influence on candidate matcher questions in the Representative Council elections

How should AYY be governed?
What kind of activities should AYY arrange?
Who is Bill?

AYY’s Representative Council elections are approaching and you have the opportunity to influence the candidate matcher questions. Suggest your own idea and vote for other proposals no later than Wed, 14 September!

3. Golf tickets available at a discount price

Otaniemi and Töölö service points offer golf tickets for Kurki and Ringside Golf. A game ticket is valid for one round and costs €20/pc for the student union members (normal price at Kurki is €45/65 and at Ringside € 48/58 depending on the game time).

Purchase limitation of max. 2 tickets / member.

Further information on game times and fields is available on the website of the clubs.

With technical issues related to game rights, please contact: Vice Chairperson of the Board Ville Poikolainen, +358 45 6715000,

4. 7 Wonders Campus Walks for new international students

Come and discover 7 Wonders of Aalto campuses! Join us for a guided walk and discover seven distinct, and dare we say wonderful features of one Aalto University campus area – in addition, each walk includes a surprise! New international students from all universities in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area are welcome to sign up.

One campus walk will take place on each of the following days:

  • 20 Sept – Otaniemi
  • 21 Sept – Töölö
  • 22 Sept – Arabia

From 4pm–6pm each day

We are offering each student an opportunity to participate in one campus walk. However, there is a maximum number of participants per walk and therefore registration is required in advance.

To register: send a message with your name, University (if Aalto, please specify which School), phone number and campus walk preference, to:

Note for Aalto students: we encourage you to explore a campus other than your own

Please note that the registration is binding. If you are unable to attend, please inform us at:

This event is free of charge. It is arranged by Aalto University International Relations and AYY (Aalto University Student Union) in cooperation with Helsinki Region Welcome Weeks (

For more information, please contact:

5. TEE – Teaching and Education Evaluation feedback seminar

9 Sept 2011, 1.15pm–4pm, Aalto University School of Economics, Nokia Hall

Welcome to the seminar where the feedback given by the international evaluation panels to the degree programmes, students and the leaders of the Schools and Aalto University will be presented. The seminar is only intended for Aalto staff and students.

The draft version of TEE report will be available by 7 Sept 2011 here.

In order to confirm the amount of refreshments, please sign up at by 5 Sept 2011.

The seminar will be arranged in Finnish.

The programme:

  • 1.15pm–1.20pm Opening words, TEE Project Manager Lena Levander
  • 1.20pm–1.50pm Utilisation of the evaluation results, Adjunct Professor Seppo Saari, University of Helsinki
  • 1.50pm–2.25pm TEE results and conclusions, Vice President Martti Raevaara
  • 2.25pm–2.45pm Students of Technology Improvisation Group
  • 2.50pm–3.20pm TEE’s significance on developing degree programmes, Professor Matti Pohjola, School of Economics and Professor Arvo Vitikainen, School of Engineering
  • 3.20pm–3.35pm Student’s speech Antti Karkola, AYY
  • 3.35pm–3.55pm Significance of TEE feedback on the implementation of Aalto University’s strategy, Rector Tuula Teeri
  • 4.00pm The seminar ends with a celebration toast outside Nokia Hall.

6. Lakinlaskijaiset party at Dipoli 30 September

The greatest Dipoli party of the year – Lakinlaskijaiset – will shake the ground of Otaniemi again on 30 Sept! This year, Klamydia and Aikakone entertain the crowd on the Main Stage and Dipoli offers everything from karaoke to dancing on the tables. The biggest party of the Student Union does not leave you cold, whether or not you happen to own the tassel cap of technology students! In honour of Friday, the party will continue until 3am and extra buses run from Otaniemi to the city centre.

Tickets sales will begin at Alvari lobby at 10am on 19 Sept! More specific information is available at, Facebook and from 5 Sept onwards at The age limit to the event is 18 years.


In order to succeed, the biggest Dipoli party of the year needs dozens of helpful hands. There are tasks for every taste ranging from security duties to carrying equipment and from decoration to ticket sales.

In return, you will get a free entrance to the party, overall badge, opportunity to get the pink ribbon of the party committee and access to the after party arranged for the employees. In October, all employees can also participate in the legendary finishing party.

Further information and registration as an employee:

7. Join the Polytech Orchestra

Now you have the opportunity to join the ranks of the Polytech Orchestra. In the autumn, we will start with a new repertoire including Brahms, Beethoven and Bruch. Are you interested?

Students of technology, economics or arts with playing skills: join the orchestra.

Our rehearsals will take place from 12 Sept onwards on Mondays, 6pm-9pm, in Servin Mökki, Otaniemi. Take yourself and your instrument with you!

Further information: and Vice Chairperson Heini Nieminen

8. Oxetti is looking for new singers

Do you feel like singing? So do we!

The choir of technology students Oxetti welcomes new singers, and we are particularly looking for male voices! We are a small mixed choir from Otaniemi and our programme ranges from easy listening to more classical sounds.

Our rehearsals will be held in Konetalo 1, Hall 216, on Tuesdays, 5.30pm-8pm. In the autumn, we will organise tryout rehearsals on 27 Sept and 11 Oct. You are welcome to join our rehearsals and get to know our choir. Advance registration is preferred but not obligatory and no previous experience of choral singing is necessary. Further information is available (in Finnish) on the website of our choir at and Ari Ojanperä will answer any questions you might have. Welcome!

9. Stbl söker frilansare

Är du intresserad av politik, samhälle, musik, konst eller något helt annat och känner att du vill få uttryck för dina intressen i ett månadsmagasin? Har du en juttuidé redan nu? Sälj din idé till oss! STBL söker nu frilansskribenter för höstens fyra nummer. Du behöver inte ha journalistisk erfarenhet, det räcker med att du vill och tycker om att skriva. För mera information kontakta chefred. Fanny ( eller red.sek. Catariina (

Kom med i vårt team i höst, vi har sjukt roligt!

10. Teekkari Picture 2011 contest

Teekkari Picture 2011 is a photo contest for all students registered for the attendance at Aalto University. The contest with the theme ”Techology students’ life at Aalto University” encourages you to capture the best moments from a technology student’s autumn. The contest period is 23 Aug–23 Oct 2011. The best pictures will be rewarded! Further information on the contest is available at

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