Newsletter 37/2011

This is AYY’s newsletter 37/2011

What was the most memorable memory of your own freshman autumn? What made it so memorable? Tell Aino magazine about your own freshman autumn! Movie tickets will be raffled among the respondents who submit their contact information.

  1. This week’s events
  2. Changes in the web-based services for Aalto University students
  3. AYY’s Campus Expo, 19 Sept–20 Sept, 10am–2pm
  4. Aaltoes Talk events this week
  5. Ongoing search for name ideas for the new Aalto school
  6. Ballgame leagues of the autumn begin, sign up by 22 Sept
  7. Improvisation and dance courses of Teekkarispeksi
  8. Teekkari tennis cheerleaders for Davis Cup 16–18 Sept
  9. Dominante, Helsinki Academic Male Choir and Polytech Choir are looking for singers
  10. Aalto student, 9 Finnish companies want to have a dialogue with you for a better working life!
  11. Housing night for the young, Wed, 28 Sept, 6pm–8.30pm
  12. Do not miss the Hidden Helsinki City Race on 23 September 2011
  13. PUS-Basket is looking for new players

1. This week’s events

2. Changes in the web-based services for Aalto University students

In addition to WebOodi, the most important web-based services for Aalto University students are Noppa and Into. Noppa is a handy tool for everyday course work and communication and it is composed of home pages of courses. Now Noppa is taken into use also at the School of Art and Design and the School of Economics. Read more at

Into, released at the end the end of March 2011, is a portal for students into information related to studies, Aalto services and the students’ own university. The website also collects the news and events of Aalto University for the Bachelor and Master’s students and for doctoral candidates. During the summer, extensive amount of information has been updated to Into and now most of the study-related pages on the websites of the schools and departments and Piazza (School of Economics) have been replaced by Into. Read more at

Aalto CareerWeb

Career Services will open a new Aalto CareerWeb on Thursday, 15 September. There you will find support for your career planning, information on job hunting and jobs. Meet us on the campuses on 15 September and hear more: Töölö,:the entrance hall of the main building at 11am-2pm, Otaniemi: the entrance hall of the main building at 11am-2pm and Arabia: near the main doors at 10am-12noon. Keep an eye on the news at Into and your email.

Remember to visit WebOodi and update the conditions for the release of your contact information. Read more about this from Into

3. AYY’s Campus Expo, 19 Sept-20 Sept, 10am-2pm

AYY’S Campus Expo is here again! Campus Expo is an informal two-day expo to all Aalto members. In the event, associations present their activities at their presentation stands, which can be anything ranging from a quiet stand to an elephant or from a couch group to a bouncy castle.

This year, the event will be arranged in Otaniemi on 19–20 Sept and in Töölö on 20 Sept (in the lobbies of the former main buildings of the schools).

Come to find out what recreational activities the associations can provide for you!

The ssociations may sign up for the event with the following form by Wednesday, 14 September.

4. Aaltoes Talk events this week

Mon, 12 Sept

Aaltoes Talk: Micki Honkavaara
4.30pm-7pm, KY House (Pohjoinen rautatienkatu 21 B, Helsinki)

The beginning lecture of the series What I Wish I Knew When I Was A Freshman. Come and get inspired by Micki Honkavaara’s talk on following your passion! The event will be especially thought-provoking for freshmen, but everyone else looking for a bit of inspiration is also welcome to join!

Thu, 15 Sept

Aaltoes Talk: Timo Ahopelto
4.30pm-7pm, Aalto Design Factory (Betonimiehenkuja 5, Espoo)

The second lecture in the series What I Wish I Knew When I Was A Freshman, takes place at Aalto Design Factory in Otaniemi. Timo will talk about the journey that has taken him from the RUK primus and fastest graduate from the industrial engineering & management department to one of the most successful serial entrepreneurs, CEOs and investors in Finland.

5. Ongoing search for name ideas for the new Aalto school

The University of Art and Design and the Department of Architecture will form a new school to Aalto University. Suggest a name for the new school and participate in the search for the name of the new school! The contest is open to everyone – students, personnel, alumni, partners and the public. The contest period is 5–23 Sept 2011. You can submit as many suggestions as you wish.

Further information on the contest.

6. Ballgame leagues of the autumn will begin, sign up by 22 Sept

From now on, UniSport will be responsible for organising Aalto University’s ballgame leagues (former Teekkari leagues).

The leagues generally consist of teams of subject organisations, guilds, tutor groups or groups of friends. The staff is also welcome to join. Although the teams compete, the emphasis is on fair play, relaxation and community spirit. The university leagues are not to be taken too seriously.

The league games are played in Otahalli, Kumpula Sports Centre and Töölö ballgame field. The best team of the University of Helsinki or Aalto University in each ballgame league can represent one’s school in Finnish Student Championships.

NB! UniSport does not insure players. You should make sure that your insurance is in order.

Participation in the leagues does not require a season card. The only fee is a team-specific league fee.

Inquiries: 050 4001 875 or erkki.somervuo (at)

Starting dates of leagues in the autumn of 2011:

  • Football, 26 Sept, Töölö ballgame field
  • Floorball Otaniemi, 5 Oct, Otahalli, registration will end on 22 Sept
  • Floorball Kumpula, 7 Oct, Kumpula Sports Centre, Futsal Otaniemi, 3 Oct, Otahalli, registration will end on 22 Sept
  • Futsal Kumpula, 26 Oct, Kumpula sports centre

Further information on the leagues is available here.

7. Improvisation and dance courses of Teekkarispeksi


Teekkarispeksi will again arrange improvisation courses both for beginners and more experienced. The beginner’s course is suitable for everyone and does not require any previous experience from performing, theatre or improvisation – you will only need enthusiasm and humour!

Courses will start on week 38 and include a total of eight three-hour improvisation sessions. The total price for the members of Teekkarispeksi is 30 euro and to others 35 euro. The course schedule is as follows:

  • Beginner’s A, Tuesdays, 4pm–7pm
  • Beginner’s B, Thursdays 7pm–10pm
  • Advanced C, Tuesdays 7pm–10pm
  • Advanced D, Thursdays 4pm–7pm

You can sign up for the beginner’s course in the main lobby of TKK at 12noon on Wednesday, 13 Sept and for the advanced course in the lobby of JMT 1 A at 7pm. Further information on Teekkarispeksi website ( and from producers: tuottajat at


Courses are held on Wednesdays, from week 38 onwards, as follows:

  • Beginners course, 5.15pm–6.30pm (does not require previous experience, lessons start off with the basics)
  • Intermediate course, 6.30pm–7.45pm (requires 1-5 years of dance experience).
  • Advanced course, 7.45pm-9.15pm (requires intensive dance studies from several years).

The courses cost 15 euro for Teekkarispeksi members and 20 euro for others for the whole autumn. The dancers for Teekkarispeksi 2012 production will be selected based on dance tests arranged after the dance courses but participation in a course does not bind you to anything.

Registration for courses will begin in the lobby of TKK’s main building at 12noon on Wednesday, 14 Sept and at the same time on the website of Teekkarispeksi. Further information on dance courses is available from Nora Wind: nora.wind at and the website of Speksi:

8. Teekkari tennis cheerleaders for Davis Cup, 16–18 Sept

Teekkari tennis cheerleaders will take over the fan seating area on 16–18 September and encourage the Finnish team to victory!

Mission: Having 100–200 club members of Tete tennis club, other Aalto members and other youthful tennis enthusiasts, particularly students, in our cheerleader team. Fantastic cheers, attitude and fun that we have not seen before in Finland!

Carrot: Free tickets (Fri–Sun) to Davis Cup, meals, opportunity to meet with the Finnish team in person, great atmosphere, fame and glory!

To do: Invite everyone who could get excited about this: Tete members, other Aalto members and tennis enthusiasts who study elsewhere or are recently graduated. We need all your help in order to find the group!

Please sign up at puheenjohtaja (at) name+ contact information + the days(Fri–Sun) you could attend.

Consider: What is the name of your fan area? Do you already have some witty cheers on your mind?

Please sign up at puheenjohtaja(at) /Anu Henttonen 041-5477333

Further information:
Facebook event

9. Dominante, Helsinki Academic Male Choir and Polytech Choir are looking for singers


The next audition of the mixed choir Dominante will be arranged on Thursday, 15 Sept, in Hall AS2 of TUAS building located at Otaniementie 17. The audition tests note reading skills and the register, among other things. In addition, singers must perform one song of their choice. You can book an audition time with the Chairperson of the choir Ms Maiju Rahkonen, call 040 543 2314. Those interested in joining the choir are welcome to follow the rehearsals at 6pm on Monday, 12 September. You do not have to sign up for the open rehearsals.

Further information:

Helsinki Academic Male Choir

Helsinki Academic Male Choir is looking for singers and will arrange singing tests on Monday, 12 Sept and 19 Sept 2011 at 8pm in Restaurant Proffa at the Aalto University School of Economics (guidance from the entrance of the main building). Be prepared to perform one song of your choice. If you want, you can come and watch our rehearsals already at 6pm.

Further information:

Polytech Choir

Challenge yourself, come to the singing tests of the male choir PK! You do not have to be a great singer, yet! The auditions in the autumn of 2011 will be arranged on Wednesdays, 14 Sept, 21 Sept and 5 Oct at 5pm in TUAS building (Otaniementie 17, follow the signs from the lobby). Sign up for the audition from the freshman emperor of the choir:

Further information:

10. Aalto student, 9 Finnish companies want to have a dialogue with you for a better working life!

Aalto student, welcome to join the Dialogue – New Work project! In the dialogue project, students and companies together create future work. Nine visionary companies want to have a dialogue with you: Accenture, KONE, Outokumpu, Pohjola, Sanoma, SEK&GREY, UPM, Valio and Wärtsilä.

Whether you are a first-year student or have studied for several years, you can respond to the survey through this link and participate in the battle for a better working life and the raffle for a travel voucher worth 1000 euro. In November, the project will culminate with a workshop with 100 Aalto University students and corporate executives representing the partner firms who will gather around the same table to create New Work. Book a place for you in the workshop! www.uusityöontäällä.fi

11. Housing night for the young, Wed, 28 Sept, 6pm-8.30pm

Do you want to purchase a first home or do you need a bigger apartment? What do you need to know when buying a home alone or when married? Come and hear the current housing affairs and discuss with experts in the main office of YIT in Käpylä, address:Panuntie 11.

The invitation is for two and there is a limited number of participants. Please sign up by 21 Sept or by telephone 0290 011 299 ((local network charge/mobile phone charge), Mon–Fri, 8am–8pm.

The programme and further information:

The presentations are in Finnish.

12. Don’t miss the Hidden Helsinki City Race – 23 September 2011

Have you ever seen Helsinki from above – slowly floating on air? The Hidden Helsinki City Race is proud to present the chance to WIN a ride in a HOT AIR BALLOON – and plenty of other cool prizes!

23 September, 6 hours, 28 teams and 17 tasks – who will get the best points in tasks related to discovering the history & designing the future of Helsinki?

Organised for the second time; this year as part of the Helsinki Region Welcome Weeks, organised by Helsinki Education and Research Area (HERA), the City of Helsinki, regional Opiskelijametropoli project / Student City, and Jolly Dragon, in cooperation with student organisations, student unions and local landmarks in Helsinki.

Students at all higher education institutions in the Helsinki Region are invited to join the race. Participation in the race is free. For more information and sign up, go to

Registration will end on 18 September.

13. PUS-Basket is looking for new players

Searching for a basketball team? Have you played before but can’t find a suitable team? If you don’t want to practise 5 times a week, or pay 500 € / season, PUS-Basket is the right team for you.

PUS-Basket is the basketball team of Aalto University School of Science (all Aalto students are welcome). We practise twice a week at Leppävaara Sports Hall. Our team plays in the 2nd division, which is the third highest level in Finland. You can check the level of our games from the videos on our website:

More information: Club “president” Jouko Heiskanen,

We’re talkin’ about practice!

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