Newsletter 38/2011

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 38/2011

Aalto University Shop will open on Tuesday, 20 Sept, in the lobby of the former main building of TKK (Otakaari 1, near Alvari Square). The shop sells brand products of Aalto University. The shop owned by the Student Union will open its doors on Tuesday, 20 Sept, and will be open on weekdays between 11am-1pm. Welcome!

  1. This week’s events
  2. AYY’s Representative Council Elections, 25 Oct–2 Nov 2011
  3. Apply for the union meeting delegation of SYL
  4. Participate in the organising of CUMULUS student seminar
  5. Traditional SELL Games in Otaniemi
  6. Outdoor movie – it’s just so cool
  7. Syyskiima 2011 – Thursday, 22 Sept, 5pm
  8. Nominate new honorary members to the Guild of the Round Tower
  9. Helsinki Region Welcome Weeks in the metropolitan area, 19 Sept–2 Oct 2011
  10. Builders of the Future design contest
  11. Student retreat, Hila, Kirkkonummi, 14–16 Oct
  12. Confirmation camp refresher for students in Mustasaari,7-9 Oct 10
  13. Finnish Student Championships in badminton, orienteering and tennis

1. This week’s events

2. AYY’s Representative Council Elections, 25 Oct-2 Nov 2011

Aalto University Student Union will appoint its Representative Council for the next two-year term in October–November. The Representative Council of 45 members is elected by proportional vote and has the Student Union’s highest decision-making power. All student union members are entitled to run as candidates and vote in the elections.

Important dates:

  • 5 Oct, 12noon: Nomination of candidates ends
  • 25 Oct: Election panel (preparatory)
  • 24 Oct–1 Nov: Electronic voting
  • 2 Nov: Ballot elections

Don’t guess, vote instead!

Apply for the position of election officer in AYY’s Representative Council Elections

Aalto University Student Union (AYY) is looking for election officers to conduct the ballot elections of the Representative Council Elections on Wed, 2 Nov, 10am–4pm, on six polling stations (Arabia, Otaniemi, Töölö, Lahti, Mikkeli and Pori). The duties of the election committee include, among other things, the conduction of the elections and the vote count after the election process has been completed.

We primarily take into consideration the applicants who have previously acted as election officers but other applicants also have an excellent chance to be selected. The committee members receive a lump sum of €100 (€150 to chairpersons).

Please apply no later than Fri, 7 Oct! See the application instructions: /vaalit/.

Further information:

3. Apply for the union meeting delegation of SYL

SYL, the National Union of University Students in Finland, is the association of the Finnish student unions, which represents the Finnish university students in national decision making. The board, which is appointed annually, implements the action plan and the policy paper which guide the advocacy work of SYL. The policy paper and the action plan will be approved in the union meeting where the board is also elected. The union meeting of the year 2011 will be held in Hyvinkää on 18–19 November.

In the union meeting, AYY is represented by a delegation which includes 14 actual members and 14 vice members. The delegation will be chosen through an open application, so that the board will select 5+5 and the Representative Council groups select 9+9 delegates. Further information on the union meeting and the application form is available at /blog/2011/09/16/hae-syln-liittokokousdelegaatioon-2/. The application period for the delegation is 17–23 Sept 2011.

4. Participate in the organising of CUMULUS student seminar

Cumulus (Cumulus International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media) was founded in 1990 by the University of Art and Design Helsinki TAIK with Royal College of Art London. Cumulus will arrange a conference in Helsinki in the spring on 24–26 May 2012. In this connection, a two-day student seminar will be arranged on 22–23 May 2012. AYY is looking for a working group for the student seminar to organise the seminar and be in charge of its contents and programme. The student seminar will be arranged in cooperation with the General Secretariat of Cumulus and the call for applications is open to all Aalto University students.

Students have never before had the opportunity to participate in the global Cumulus conferences. Along with the student conference, you have the opportunity to take part in the conference as well as create the student meeting and make them a part of Cumulus conference at the same time.

Free-form applications must be submitted to AYY’s Board Member Voitto Kangas ( by Sunday, 5 Oct 2011! More information on the project and Cumulus: ( and



Aalto University Sports Club and Aalto University Student Union have the honour to organise one of the largest and most international student sporting events of the coming year in Otaniemi, Espoo, on 17–20 May 2012. Traditional SELL Student Games are a multi-sport event open to all university students around the world. There are no age limits or level requirements and the event offers sports and opponents to sports enthusiasts on all levels. The event represents student sporting, fun times together and networking at their best! The registration for the games will begin on 15 November 2011. More information on the event is available on Facebook or the website of the event at Dig the games on Facebook and win a SELL 2012 shirt!

APPLY FOR SELL2012 working group

SELL 2012 working group will be the group which brainstorms and implements SELL 2012 games. The working group will be searched and interviewed by the middle of October. The working group will begin its operations immediately after the selection and their work will end at the big party after the games in May 2012.

We are looking for 8 people for the working group, each of which will be responsible for the implementation of their own area of responsibility (/blog/2011/09/12/hae-sell2012-%E2%80%93tyoryhmaan/). The work requires responsibility but it is also relaxed and independent. The working group will work under the management of the secretary general of the games. Later in the autumn and the next spring, plenty of helping hands will be recruited to help the working group. A total of approximately 250 volunteers will work in various tasks in the games.

Free-form applications must be submitted to Secretary General of SELL Games Anna Lee no later than Sunday, 2 Oct 2011! Please mention three (3) areas of responsibility, which you would be willing to perform. We will invite the best and the most motivated students for an interview! For further information and questions, please contact Anna by email, check the website or call the number 050 5209420!

6. Outdoor Movie – it’s just so cool

This fall, Aalto Outdoor Movie Night offers you a chance to enjoy a classic outdoor movie! On 21 Sept, starting at 7.30pm, Alvari Square in Otaniemi will turn into a huge outdoor cinema where it’s easy to camp out with friends and let the big projector do the rest of the work. Popcorn and soft drinks will be provided but bringing warm clothes/seating with you is highly recommended. If the weather looks stormy, the movie theatre with its popcorn machine will move to Design Factory.

The people have spoken and the winner movie is Exit Through The Gift Shop. It tells about the street/graffiti artist, Banksy, and his extraordinary lifestyle.

Stay tuned and check the weather situation

7. Syyskiima 2011 – Thursday, 22 Sept, 5pm

The smash hit party, Kevätkiima, is making a comeback. Last time, we celebrated spring fever with 500 people at Jenny Woo – now it is time to escape the ever colder days to Cuba on 22 September starting at 5pm. The students of architecture invite you and your friends to a party where the atmosphere is like the one in a reindeer gathering.

See you at Erottaja. Cheers, Students of Architecture 2010

Tickets: In advance €5 (sale times on Facebook)
At the entrance, 5pm-8pm, €6 & 8pm-1am €8.

Facebook event

8. Nominate new members to the Guild of the Round Tower

Nominations for the honorary members can be made until 10 Oct, 10.11am, to the address The nomination should include the name and the photo of the nominated person and the possible grounds for the nomination and the proposer(s).

You can nominate persons who are nearing the end of their studies or who have recently graduated, and who have actively operated within the community of technology students and shown continuous enthusiasm and interest towards technology students’ culture and other student union activities and promoted development in the student union or in the associations operating under the student union.

Nominations can be made by an individual person, guild or association, or by several people, guilds or associations.

Further information:

9. Helsinki Region Welcome Weeks in the metropolitan area, 19 Sept–2 Oct 2011

During the Welcome Weeks, expats of all nationalities and their families are given information on living in Finland and are offered a chance to build their social networks through various activities offered alongside the more informational events. The purpose is to make new friends, get the know-how – and have fun while doing it.

Check the event calendar of the Welcome Weeks at
or on Facebook:

The event is organised by Uusimaa Regional Council, the cities of Helsinki and Espoo, Helsinki Education and Research Area (HERA) and Opiskelijametropoli Student City project in co-operation with Mundus Nicole Saari Ky, and Jolly Dragon. AYY has contributed to the organising of the Seven Wonders campus walks and Helsinki Hidden City Race.

10. Builders of the Future design contest

Aalto University is organising a design contest for a memorial to the donors who provided funds for the University’s endowment capital. The contest is open to Aalto students, staff members and alumni and both individual and team submissions are welcome.

Do you dare to rethink the memorial? Are you interested in making a contest proposal in a multidisciplinary team?

If yes, come and have breakfast at Design Factory (Betonimiehenkuja 5 C, Espoo) on 20 September from 8.30am to 10am. You can hear the basics of the contest and meet others interested in the contest – you have a chance to look for a multidisciplinary team or just network with Aalto students, alumni and staff.

More information on the contest:
Breakfast event on Facebook

11. Student retreat, Hila, Kirkkonummi, 14–16 Oct

The retreat price is €30 including transport and full board in the camp centre. The transport is arranged from Leppävaara station. Inquiries and registration by 30 Sept 2011, school work office tel. 050 529 0881 (Mon–Thu, 9am–12noon).

When you register, please include your name, phone number, email address, allergies or dietary restrictions, transportation need and whether you have previous experience from retreats.

The student retreat is arranged by the school work section of the Espoo parishes, the retreat leaders are Jyri Hakala and Katja Kangas.

12. Confirmation camp refresher for students in Mustasaari, 7–9 Oct 10

We invite you to the confirmation camp refresher in Mustasaari in Helsinki on 7–9 Oct. We will discuss faith, doubt, God, prayer, solitude, relationships and other issues related to the human life, not forgetting songs, plays, sketches and other basic activities at the confirmation camp.

Full board with the ferry journey costs €40. 18 people first to register can participate. Binding registration by 22 Sept to Please provide your contact information (telephone number, email address and postal address), possible allergies and special diets. Inquiries from the leaders:

School priests Laura Mäntylä,, 050 5919874 Kaisa Heininen,, 050 596 5417 Link to Facebook event

13. Finnish Student Championships in badminton, orienteering and tennis

  • Finnish Student Championships in badminton in Helsinki on 8–9 Oct 2011
  • Finnish Student Championships in orienteering in Lappeenranta on 13–14 Oct 2011
  • Finnish Student Championships in tennis in Helsinki on 15–16 Oct 2011

For more information about the games with the registration instructions is available at: /blog/2011/09/12/opiskelijoiden-sm-kisoja-tulossa-sulkapallossa-suunnistuksessa-seka-tenniksessa/

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