Newsletter 39/2011

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 39/2011

The nomination of candidates for AYY’s Representative Council elections will end at 12noon on 5 Oct. Gather your group now! Further information on the elections, the Representative Council and candidacy is available at

  1. This week’s events
  2. Aate invites students to the brainstorming event Kellarista Kulttuurikeskukseksi
  3. Wanted: the Best International Teacher 2011
  4. Exercise Stress Away course
  5. Give feedback on Aalto University premises and win Jopo bike or iPad
  6. Students graduating in the academic year 2011-2012, participate in MoA exhibition
  7. Students’ Support Centre Nyyti’s web groups to begin on Monday, 26 Sept
  8. Nyyti’s survey for new students about the beginning of studies
  9. Paint the walls
  10. Montaasi narrow-film course 7-9 Oct
  11. First Date Sitsit

1. This week’s events

2. Aate invites students to the brainstorming event Kellarista Kulttuurikeskukseksi

The premises which were previously known as OUBS are located in Otaniemi, Jämeräntaival 1. The operations of OUBS were discontinued on 31 May 2011 and AYY’s new audiovisual media Aate began its operations on 1 June 2011. In addition to television programme production, the goal of Aate is to act as an open arena for the students’ various cultural projects. Aate wants to serve as many Aalto members as possible who are interested in arts, culture and audiovisual expression.

A functioning cultural centre needs to be surrounded by enthusiastic people, and therefore Aate invites you to the brainstorming event KELLARISTA KULTTUURIKESKUKSEKSI: YHTEISEN AATTEEN ASIALLA.

In the informal event we will consider how Aate could enrich AYY’s cultural life. Music, theatre, poems, films, photos, yoga, sculpture… it is up to YOU. So please come to Aate (Jämeräntaival 1 A, basement) at 7pm on Monday, 3 Oct 2011!

Further information:
Vesa Rajala, Executive Producer
tel.+35850 520 9425 |

3. Wanted: the Best International Teacher 2011

Have you encountered an excellent lecturer at Aalto or a supervisor who is completely dedicated to one’s students? Does your dazzling teacher deserve recognition for his or her work?

AYY grants the award for the best foreign-language teacher. Students are invited to suggest any person who teaches at Aalto in a language other than Finnish or Swedish. Please send your suggestion by 4pm on 4 October to the address Please include brief justification why this teacher should be selected to win the award.

The prize will be awarded in the celebration of international students on 12 Nov. With the award, AYY wants to draw attention to the importance of quality foreign-language teaching. We will raffle off two pairs of Finnkino movie tickets among those who send a proposal for the best teacher.

4. Exercise Stress Away course

Exercise Stress Away course is aimed at students and it will begin in FSHS Töölö Health Centre on 5 Oct, 2.30pm-4pm. The course will be arranged once a week between 5 Oct and 23 Nov 2011. The duration of the sessions is 1.5 hours. The course will take place in the sports facilities of AK floor on FSHS Töölö Health Centre, Töölönkatu 37 A.

The course includes 8 dates when you can try out different sports and relaxation exercises and hear about issues related to stress management. The purpose of the course is to find the connection between physical activities and stress management. The course is a great way to begin exercising for the first time or after a long break!

The course is organised as a cooperation of FSHS and AYY. The instructors are FSHS physiotherapist Kati Kauppala and AYY’s Sports Specialist, Physical Education Instructor Karoliina Sarkkula. The course is free but requires commitment. We charge a 15 euro fee for uncancelled classes!

12 students are accepted to the course.

Binding registrations by 30 Sept to

5. Give feedback on Aalto University premises and win Jopo bike or iPad

Let your voice be heard and tell Aalto University real estates what you think about the university premises and the campus area. We will draw JOPO bike (value 373e) and iPad (value 597 e) among all respondents. The draw date is 17 Oct.

The survey is available at:

You can respond to the survey until 3 Oct 2011.

The survey is conducted by research company Qualitems to where the responses are directly submitted. The results will be treated confidentially and the contact information of the respondents will not be connected with the answers at any point.

Further information on the survey: laura.andstrom(AT)

6. Students graduating in 2011-2012, participate in MoA exhibition

MoA info session, 30 Sept 2011, School of Art and Design, Hämeentie 135 C, 8th floor, great lecture hall 822, Friday, 30 Sept, 9.30am-10.30am.

MoA event has been organised since 2000. Last spring, in addition to art students, other students also had the opportunity to participate in the heart of the event, the exhibition.Come and hear how your thesis could be best presented to the public in the three-week event in May.

We will tell you, among other things, how to participate in the exhibition, the schedule for the winter, what opportunities participation provides for you and what does it require of you. In addition, you will meet the working group of MoA and other graduating students.

Come, come, welcome! Katri and Tarja, MoA Producers

7. Students’ Support Centre Nyyti’s web groups to begin on Monday, 26 Sept

In our guided web groups, you can discuss life as a single, loneliness and break-up. In the groups, you can anonymously share your thoughts, feelings and experiences with others who are in a similar situation. In the groups, you can gain new perspectives and find suitable solutions for you, which help you to cope and move onwards.

The web groups are open to all students. They can be read without registration. Writing to the groups requires registration and logging in. You can join the groups at any time. The groups will end on 16 Dec 2011. You are cordially welcome to our groups!

8. Nyyti’s survey for new students about the beginning of studies

A survey for new students is published on Nyyti’s website, which will chart new students’ experiences of the academic world and their adaptation. It will only take a few minutes to respond to the survey. Popular Nyyti bags and memory sticks will be raffled off among those who respond to the survey.

You can respond to the survey between 12 Sept and 7 Oct 2011

You can respond to the survey through the link on the front page of You can also get to know website which includes information on students’ well-being and life management in various situations in life.

9. Paint the walls

Come and transform Otaniemi construction site into graffiti walls on Friday, 30 Sept. Painting will begin at Alvari Square at 12noon and continue as long as there is daylight and enthusiasm. AYY provides the paints. From you, we expect nothing but attitude and courage to create.

Facebook event

Please bring painting clothes and latex gloves with you. Further information: and

10. Montaasi narrow-film course,7-9 Oct

The legendary narrow-film course of Film Club Montaasi will be arranged on the weekend on 7-9 Oct! The basic course of film making includes script writing, visual narrative, lighting and the basics of filming. During the weekend, we also brainstorm and film short-films to 8mm film in groups. The course provides a unique opportunity to shoot on a narrow-film which is getting rarer every year.

Further information:

11. First Date Sitsit

All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey, people from Aalto ES are dreaming of California but you are dreaming of her, dreaming of him, and wondering if you should take that special one on a date… Or maybe have you been in a relationship for so long that you have even forgotten how to hit on someone? Well in any case, the International Section of AYY offers you a perfect training with the First Date Sitsit!

How would you dress up for the first date with the woman or the man of your dreams? Rather smoking and martini or Naked Man technique? Review the best Barney Stinson tips, sharpen your funniest pick-up lines and release the George Clooney, the Scarlett Johansson… or the Borat in you and discover the Finnish sitsit culture (sitsit = a traditional student party with singing, drinking, eating and having fun) at Smökki on October 6 starting from 18:00. Afterparty will be held in Rantasauna.

Tickets cost 15€ (13€ without alcohol) and will be sold in the main building of Otaniemi Campus from 26.9 to 3.10 between 11:00 and 13:00. Please bring cash with you. We have 90 seats for international students.

If you’re not in a party mood or you just want to see what it is like to organize a sitsit you can also register to work at the event. Or you can help us beforehand by participating in the ticket selling. Don’t forget that if you’re aiming for the Teekkari Cap helping at one event is compulsory. More info and registration:

In a nutshell:
What? First Date Sitsit by AYY International
When? October 6, 18:00
How much? 15/13€ (including a three course dinner, drinks and program)
Dresscode? First date
Why? Because sitsit are fun (and you want that guy or that chick in your bed)

The link of the week

The student media Aate began its operations. The first video clips can be watched at Were you satisfied with what you saw? What should Aate activities include in the future? Participate in the brainstorming event Kellarista Kulttuurikeskukseksi at 7pm on 3 Oct and tell your opinion (see more specific information on the event above)

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