Newsletter 40/2011

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 40/2011

The first autumn issue of Aino magazine has been published. Grab your copy from the campus or one of the Student Union’s service points. Also check out the previous issues on Aino’s website:

  1. This week’s events
  2. Still time to run as a candidate in AYY’s Representative Council elections
  3. Apply for the position of election officer soon
  4. Come and discuss with Esa Hyvärinen, Sauli Niinistö and Johan Rockström
  5. Apply for the position of student representative in Aalto University administration
  6. Third application round of TTE-Fund
  7. Kassi – online marketplace for Aalto members
  8. Slush student tickets on sale now
  9. A few weeks left to participate in Teekkari Photo 2011 contest

1. This week’s events

2. Still time to run as a candidate in AYY’s Representative Council elections

The nomination of candidates for AYY’s Representative Council elections will end at 12noon on Wed, 5 Oct. In the elections, all the student union members registered for attendance may vote and run as a candidate. The Representative Council of 45 members has the highest decision-making power in the Student Union. See more specific instructions on the nomination of candidates at /vaalit/candidates/?lang=en

3. Apply for the position of election officer soon

Apply for the position of election officer in AYY’s Representative Council elections by Fri, 7 Oct. Election officers will conduct the ballot in the Representative Council elections on Wed, 2 Nov, 10am–4pm, and complete the vote count at the polling stations. Officers are still needed especially in Pori and Lahti (travel expenses will be covered) but you can also apply for Arabia and Otaniemi polling stations. The position requires carefulness and the Finnish language skills, among other things.

Election committee members are paid a one-off fee of €100 (€150 for chairpersons).

Please remember to apply no later than Fri, 7 Oct! See the instructions: /vaalit/etusivu/tiedotteet/

Further information:

4. Come and discuss with Esa Hyvärinen, Sauli Niinistö and Johan Rockström

On 2 Nov, 6pm-9.30pm, Aalto University Student Union will arrange its first Aalto Thinks seminar which objective is to bring together national and international decision-makers to discuss current social topics with students. The first event will take place at Aalto Venture garage at Betonimiehenkuja 3. The theme will be planetary boundaries. Our guests include Esa Hyvärinen, Sauli Niinistö and a Swedish researcher Johan Rockström. The first 350 students to sign up can participate in the event so book your free ticket quickly at

5. Apply for the position of student representative in Aalto University administration

On 23 Sept 2011, Aalto University Student Union has decided to open the call for applications for student representatives in the administration of Aalto University to the joint administrative bodies and the working groups of Aalto University for the year of 2011. The students of Aalto University can apply for the position of the student representative in administration.

There are available positions in the following committees:

  • University’s Committee for Academic Affairs
  • Academic Committee of Art and Design
  • Academic Committee of Chemical Technology
  • Education Council of Electronics and Communications
  • Master’s Programme Committee at the School of Electrical Engineering
  • Quality Committee of Teaching in the School of Electrical Engineering
  • Advisory Board of the Small Business Centre

6. Third application round of TTE-Fund

This year’s third application round of TTER (fund for promoting teekkari activities) is open now. The purpose of the fund is to distribute grands and thus support the efforts of the student union, its members and the communities and associations within the student union. You can apply for the grants with a separate application. The deadline for applications is Sunday, 9 Oct, 11.59pm.

Instructions on the application and the attachments are available on the website of the fund at The website also includes other information related to the fund – visit the website even if you do not have the need for a grant right now!

Grants can be applied with an online form which is available at:

More information is also available by email at

We would also like to inform you that a so-called light application round will be arranged in November during which you can apply for smaller grants (the maximum €300) through an easier application procedure. More information will be available in October.

Good luck with your application!

7. Kassi – online marketplace for Aalto members

Kassi is a communal and free online marketplace for Aalto University students and personnel, where you can buy, sell, rent and give away goods, search for housing, offer and ask for help from others and arrange carpooling. Through Kassi, you can conveniently find apartments and furniture, get rid of your old school books and borrow a drill from your neighbour. Through the service, you can also offer and request help ranging from computer problems to carrying removal boxes.

The service is available at

Welcome to visit the service!

8. Slush student tickets on sale now

Student tickets for technology and start-up conference Slush can be purchased at

Student card holders can purchase their tickets for 25 euro, including warm meals on two days and the after party. Slush will be arranged at Kaapelitehdas on 2-3 November. The event is an opportunity to explore the start-up world, learn about novelties in the industry and meet plenty of companies and people in the field.

9. Still a few weeks to participate in Teekkari Photo 2011 contest

Teekkari Photo 2011 is a photo contest for all Aalto University students registered for attendance. The contest with the theme ”technology student’s life at Aalto University” encourages you to capture the best moments in the autumn of a technology student. All Aalto University students can participate in the contest. The competition period is 23 Aug-23 Oct 2011. The best pictures will be rewarded! More information on the contest is available at

The link of the week

AYY’s Representative Council elections are approaching. The nomination of candidates will end at 12noon on 5 Oct! Other information on the elections both for candidates and voters is available at

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