Newsletter 42/2011

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 42/2011

Go Ahead! feedback week on all campuses this week. Give AYY feedback about anything. Find a feedback toilet, drop your feedback into a box at AYY’s service point or open up online at /annapalaa

  1. This week’s events
  2. Go Ahead! feedback week NOW
  3. Sign up for the audience at Election Battle!
  4. Technology student’s tradition party on 4 Nov
  5. What do you think about Into? Answer the survey and win Aalto products!
  6. Workshops to support studies in the autumn of 2011 and the spring of 2012
  7. Join AYY-kehy for a trip to Africa
  8. Trainee Programmes recruiting event
  9. Ongoing application period for Stratos 2012
  10. OtaKoppi gathers a women’s baseball group – join the team!

1. This week’s events

2. Go Ahead! feedback week NOW

Are you lost in a poor course? How are the student meals? Does the autumn make you feel blue? What is the student calendar like this year? How about the latest Aino magazine?

During Go Ahead! week, AYY collects feedback on all delightful issues or concerns. Find a feedback toilet, open up online or drop your feedback into a box at AYY’s service point! This is your forum to open up!

3.Sign up for the audience at Election Battle!

The most interesting battle in the autumn will take place at Election Battle on 25 Oct, 7pm-9pm. The battle gathers the representatives of electoral alliances in the same studio. Do you want to be in the audience at Election Battle? Registration will begin at 2pm on Tuesday, 18 Oct and the fastest 40 people can watch the thriller at Aate studio (address Jämeräntaival 3A, basement). Sign up at

Was there no space for you? Don’t worry! Aate will show the exciting battle to your home couch as a live broadcast in prime time. Send your own tough questions or comments. Surf to the address

In AYY’s Representative Council elections, you can vote electronically on 24 Oct-1 Nov ( and in ballot elections on 2 Nov.

4. Tradition party of technology students on 4 Nov

Teekkari Section has the pleasure and honour to invite all technology students and their friends to the tradition party which will be celebrated in the anniversary spirit of the former TKY. The party is a unique opportunity to experience the old traditions of technology students, without forgetting the humour of technology students.

The dinner with festive traditions will be enjoyed at Dipoli on Friday, 4 Nov, from 6pm onwards. The price of the dinner card for students is 80 euro and 100 euro for the graduates.

Please sign up for the tradition party no later than 23 Oct at:

5. What do you think about Into? Answer the survey and win Aalto products!

Into ( is a portal for Aalto University students. We would be grateful if you could spend a few minutes answering a survey about Into service. Your responses will help us to improve our service.

The survey can be answered anonymously here

If you want to participate in a prize draw of Aalto products, please submit your contact information at the end of the survey!

6. Workshops to support studies in the autumn of 2011 and the spring of 2012

In the autumn of 2011 and the spring of 2012, the following workshops will be arranged to support the studies of undergraduates at Aalto University:

Otetta opiskeluun (‘get a grip on your studies’) workshop

The group is intended for students who are struggling with their studies; they might find it difficult to start study projects or run out of energy to finish assignments.

Meetings on Tuesdays, 8 Nov- 29 Nov, 12noon-2pm, Teemu Kerppu at Learning Lab (Vuorimiehentie 2). Please sign up no later than 1 Nov (see more information below).

Stressi hallintaan (stress management) workshop

The objective of the workshop is to support coping and help to identify suitable stress management methods for yourself.

Meetings on Fridays, 4 Nov-18 Nov and 2 Dec, 10am-12noon in Arkadia building of the School of Economics, classroom E-012. Please sign up no later than 31 Oct (see more information below).

Tools for anxious situations

The workshop is intended for students whose anxiety affects their studies and who would like to find tools for coping with anxiety.

Meetings on Fridays, 27 Jan-2 March, 10am-12noon in Otaniemi (location to be confirmed). Please sign up no later than 13 Jan.

All the workshops are led by Study Psychologists Minna Nevala and Paula Venäläinen. More information on the workshops and registration instructions in Into

7. Join AYY-Kehy for a trip to Africa

AYY-Kehy is arranging a two-week, development and business focused study trip to Swaziland to our Sponsor Project. The trip will take place in late February 2012. (Initially 24.02 – 09.03.2012)

We are going to hand pick 15 enthusiastic Aalto University students, who show a keen interest in development cooperation issues. The main themes of the trip are to learn about practical development and the African business life. The trip offers students the opportunity to give one’s contribution by volunteering at our Project.

The forthcoming voyage program is divided into two parts:

The first week is going to be spent in Swaziland exploring the sponsor project: This means doing voluntary work (including renovation and construction) for the operations center and the local community. During the second week we will be exploring other nearby destinations, (Mozambique, Johannesburg, etc.,) where we will visit the local attractions, firms, and also spend time soaking up the African sun.

The initial budget for the travel is about 1200 € / person. BUT DO NOT WORRY: We will cover some of the travel costs in co-operation with the Student Unions as well as business partners.With diligent effort, the voyage could end up costing 0€ of your own money.

If you feel that the purpose of the trip is for you, go and fill an application form at APPLICATION IS OPEN UNTIL 18.10.2011!!

For more information, please contact Kehy’s chair Nea Berglund, 050 5709473 or

8. Trainee Programmes recruiting event

Wednesday, 19 October, from 10.30am to 2pm, at TUAS (Otaniementie 17, Espoo).

Are you making career choices and want to know more about job descriptions and companies before applying? Would you like to deepen your expertise, share your knowledge and have a comprehensive insight into the company? Many employers offer the possibility to participate in a Trainee Program, which give you a chance to learn about the organisation’s working culture and the diverse tasks the company has to offer. Learn more about different trainee programs in our event at TUAS building on Wed 19 October. The programmes are particularly directed at the students of Automation and Systems Technology, Computer Science and Engineering and Industrial Engineering and Management.

Career Services is also organising a CV clinic from 10.30am to 1.30pm. Visit the clinic and get tips for your CV!

Trainee Program Presentation from 1.30pm to 2pm at TUAS in hall 1023-1024. After the presentation, snacks are provided and there is time for free conversation. Please sign up no later than Tuesday 18 October:

Find more information about the event at Aalto CareerWeb.

9. Ongoing application period for Stratos 2012

The application period for international business Stratos 2012 trainee programme has began!

Are you interested in international business, business contacts and a free study trip abroad? Are you at the end of your studies and study economics as your major or minor subject at Aalto University? If you answered yes to the previously-mentioned questions, check out the programme in more detail at and send your application.

The programme will be arranged during the spring of 2012 and it includes an assignment of 3-6 credits for the company, corporate visits and a week-long study journey to a distant business location.

The deadline for application is 23 Oct 2011!

10. OtaKoppi gathers a women’s baseball group – join the team!

OtaKoppi is a baseball association operating within Aalto University Student Union, which now gathers a women’s team to play in a regional league next summer. We need more players to complete the team. You don’t necessarily need previous experience on playing in a team/league, but sportiveness and enthusiasm will get you far. However, it is recommended that you are familiar with baseball in some way. This is also an excellent opportunity to get back to baseball after your junior years or if you need a more relaxed team after more serious ones.

If you got even a little bit interested, please contact elina.kekki(at)!

Come and play in a fun team. 🙂

Further information:

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