What will AYY’s housing look like in 2016? Participate in visioning group!

AYY is putting effort in improving student housing and housing services in the near future. The goal of AYY is to become the best student housing provider in Finland by 2016. But to accomplish that, we need Your help in deciding on what to concentrate on.

In the Housing vision group you will take part in mapping the general state of housing services now, generating new ideas about what new services are needed and prioritizing the implementation of improvements. Housing vision group is meant as a way for students, tenants and other laymen generally interested in AYY housing to participate in the housing services overhaul.

Housing Vision -group will be composed of a maximum of 8-10 members. Members are chosen from those who apply by considering group’s general versatility and representativeness. The group will start it’s work in November and gather about once a week. The aim of the group is to have a general and comprehensive report about the desired improvements in housing services ready by the end of December 2011.

Examples of the issues addressed in the Vision Group:

  • Electronical housing services: Which services should be offered on the internets?
  • Tenant democracy: How can tenants affect what happens in housing? Decisions about renovations, common areas, etc.
  • Construction: Should we build more? Where? How?
  • Environmental issues: recycling, energy and waste issues.
  • Personal guidance: Open hours in housing offices, when, what services should be offered “live”?

More information from and questions to
Kalle-Heikki Koskinen (Member of the Executive Board, Housing and Services, tel. 050 520 9416) and
Jaakko Koivula (Housing Specialist, tel. 050 520 9444).

Apply to the Housing vision group by e-mailing to Jaakko (jaakko.koivula@ayy.fi). Tell a bit about yourself and why you would want to participate in the group. Deadline for applications is Friday 28.10. Members are chosen and the choices announced by Friday 4.11.

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