Newsletter 43/2011

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 43/2011

AYY’s Representative Council elections are in progress NOW! You can vote EITHER electronically on  24 Oct, 00.01am–1 Nov, 11.59pm in OR in ballot elections on 2 Nov, 10am–4pm. You can NOT choose your ballot box voting station yourself. You can find your station from the election letter send to your email. If you wish to vote at another voting station (see the list of voting stations here), please contact Election Coordinator Sonja Virta (, tel. 050 520 9421) no later than Friday, October 28th, 12:00 noon.

Don’t you have a candidate yet? Find your candidate with the help of SYL’s candidate matcher at

  1. This week’s events
  3. Don’t guess – watch the Election Battle and vote
  4. What will housing in AYY look like in 2016? Now you have a chance to participate in shaping that future in the housing vision group!
  5. Take part in the all-inclusive AYYDVENTURES
  6. Well-being week at Aalto on 31 Oct–3 Nov
  7. Borrow sports equipment from AYY’s Otaniemi Service Point
  8. CAREER WORKSHOP How to use various job search channels efficiently (CHEM, ENG, ELEC, SCI, +)
  9. Scholarships for students and teachers in the field of technology
  10. Special Project of management has started again!
  11. Come dine with me

1. This week’s events


This is your opportunity! Grab it and jump to AYY!

Come and learn about the Student Union, life and the world, and have the year of your life! The application period for AYY’s board, sections and committees is open. Do you want to have effect on academic affairs, sports, culture, housing or communications? We have duties in various areas!

AYY needs people to make the Student Union, would you be one of them? Each active member of the Student Union, you for example, can give your own contribution and make the Student Union an important, necessary, suitable, interesting and a reliable interest representative, service provider and the community for yourself and, above all, for your community. There are many ways to influence and participate, choose the most suitable one for you!


3. Don’t guess – watch the Election Battle and vote!

AYY’s Representative Council elections are here! Who will decide on what your membership fees are spent and what are the views of your Student Union? The most interesting battle of the autumn will take place in the Election Battle which gathers together in the same studio the representatives of electoral coalitions for a fierce war of words on 25 Oct, 7pm-9pm. Presenters are Aino Magazine Journalist Johanna Mitjonen and Aate Media Journalist Maria Viitanen.

Who is beautiful? Watch! Aate offers the exciting battle to your home couch as a live broadcast in prime time. Who is bold? Participate! Send your own tough questions or comments. Surf to

In AYY’s Representative Council elections, you can vote electronically on 24 Oct-1 Nov ( and in ballot elections on 2 Nov.

4. What will housing in AYY look like in 2016? Now you have a chance to participate in shaping that future in the housing vision group!

AYY is putting effort in improving student housing and housing services in the near future. The goal of AYY is to become the best student housing provider in Finland by 2016. In the housing vision group, you will take part in mapping the general state of the housing services now, generating new ideas about the services that are needed and prioritising the implementation of improvements. The purpose of the housing vision group is to offer an opportunity for students, tenants and others who are interested in AYY’s housing affairs to participate in the review of the housing services.

The housing vision group will be composed of the maximum of 8-10 members. The members are chosen from among the applicants by considering the group’s general diversity and representativeness. The group will begin its work in November and meet approximately once a week. The aim of the group is to provide a general and comprehensive report about the desired improvements in the housing services by the end of December 2011.

More information and questions:

Kalle-Heikki Koskinen (Member of the Executive Board, Housing and Services, tel. 050 520 9416) and
Jaakko Koivula (Housing Specialist, tel. 050 520 9444).

Apply to the housing vision group by e-mailing to Jaakko ( Please tell a little bit about yourself and why you would want to participate in the group. Deadline for applications is Friday, 28 Oct. The members are chosen and the choices announced by Friday, 4 Nov.

5. Take part in the all-inclusive AYYDVENTURES

AYY International week is coming. Take part in the all-inclusive AYYDVENTURES, especially the TERMINUS on Nov 12th! We’ll keep you posted about further information. Find us on Facebook.

Berlin, Bali, Shanghai.. Think of all the places you’ve always wanted to travel. We’ll take you there. In just 6 days.

On your way to the Las Vegas of Otaniemi, practice foreign languages, delight your stomach with exotic meals and challenge fate by taking part in millennial Asian games.

Estimated times of arrival:

Polijazz is also organizing a zouk dance course for you. You’ll have an opportunity to try your new skills at the TERMINUS!

And if you just can’t get enough of dining in different ways, check this out as well.

If you join the crazy train of AYYDVENTURES for at least two earlier stops, you will be rewarded at the terminus for your ayydventurous spirit! 🙂

6. Well-being week at Aalto 31 Oct–3 Nov

In November, Aalto celebrates the well-being week. During the week, Aalto’s health and well-being associations are presented and we remind everyone about the importance of exercise, healthy nutrition and rest!

During the week, we arrange three well-being days, see the campus-specific events behind the links at Inside (log in with Aalto user name):

Also read the facebook event which presents events on well-being week that are organised by the Student Union.

7. Borrow sports equipment from AYY’s Otaniemi Service Point

AYY lends sports equipment to its members from Otakaari 11 Service Point in Otaniemi. Equipment can be borrowed during the opening hours. The service point offers soccer balls, volleyballs, floorball sticks, badminton rackets and board games. When you borrow something, please write down your contact details and the borrowed equipment in the notebook in the closet and return the equipment IMMEDIATELY after use. The service will be discontinued if the equipment are not returned to the equipment closet.

8. CAREER WORKSHOP How to use various job search channels efficiently (CHEM, ENG, ELEC, SCI, +)

Wed, 26 Oct 2011, 2.15pm-4pm, Otakaari 7 B, 3rd floor, seminar hall 331.

In the event, we will go through the most efficient job-search channels: public and silent search, direct contacts to interesting companies and networks. Please bring one job advertisement with you: either a job that you could apply for or an otherwise interesting position.

The training consists of info flashes and work in small discussion groups.

The training will be arranged on Wednesday, 26 Oct, 2.15pm-4pm at Otakaari 7, 3rd floor, seminar hall 331. The training is led by Career Psychologist Seija Leppänen from Aalto University’s Career Services.

Twenty Aalto University degree students can participate in the registration order.

Sign up for the training at Into.


9. Scholarships for students and teachers in the field of technology

Five scholarships granted from the profit of the School of Electrical Engineering Fund can be applied for until 31 Oct. Scholarships from Student Fund and Julius Tallberg Fund are granted for Aalto students of technology. Scholarships from Ernst Wirtzen Fund and Kansallis-Osake-Pankki Fund and Strömberg Fund are granted for Aalto teachers. Application instructions are available at Into scholarship site.

The scholarship application period is extended due to the lack of applications.

10. Special Project of management has started again!

The student-led course Special Project aimed at the students of management at the School of Economics has started for the academic year 2012. The course will be implemented as a study trip and this year’s destination is Kuala Lumpur, where the group of 15 students will travel next March. Check out the website and follow the progress of our project at

11. Come dine with me

Come dine with me? Hmm, with whom…? You don’t know and that’s the spirit of this game! The only thing you do know in advance is that you will have an intriguing evening built around a surprise menu served by and accompanied with other Aalto students.

Reveal your hidden chef and apply as a host or explore your tastes by applying as a guest. Either way, Art Goes Aalto will make the matchmaking for you. We serve you new friends for first course, culinary experiences for main course and a joyful evening for dessert.

Register as a host or as a guest at the very latest on 31 October. The participation fee for guest is 5 euro. Hosts will get 20 euro from AYY plus 5 euro from each guest for dinner preparations. As a host, you don’t have to pay anything!

Register as a guest

Register as a host

This fun is organised by Aalto University Student Union’s ART GOES AALTO.

The link of the week

The website of the student media Aate is open. Check out the latest clips and get to know the cultural centre project at Like Aate on facebook and keep track of what’s happening.

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