Weekly newsletter 44/2011

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 44/2011

You still have a couple of days left to vote in AYY’s Representative Council elections! Electronic voting is open until Tuesday, 1 Nov, 11.59pm at ayy.fi/vaalit and ballot voting will be arranged on Wednesday, 2 Nov, 10am-4pm. Your ballot voting location is mentioned in the election letter which was delivered by email to everyone who is entitled to vote.

  1. This week’s events
  2. Apply for HOAS delegation
  3. Book an appointment for influenza vaccination
  4. Light application round of TTE-Fund to open on 1 Nov
  5. University students’ own sports centre – UniSport at Otahalli
  7. Renovation causes noise and changes to pedestrian traffic
  8. TalentIT Career Fair on 3 November in Dipoli
  9. BEST Training Day 9.11.
  10. Bringing out the voice of the young
  11. Sacred belongs to everyone – art contest for students
  12. Teekkari Photo 2011 exhibition

1. This week’s events

2. Apply for HOAS delegation

According to the rules of the Foundation for Student Housing in the Helsinki Region (HOAS), AYY has the right to appoint its own representatives to certain organs. AYY has the right to appoint nine (9) members to HOAS delegation for two calendar years at a time. Based on the fixed term regulation in the foundation rules, AYY’s Board will appoint four (4) members to the delegation for the period 2012-2013 this year.

The duties of the Hoas delegation include confirming the foundation’s financial statement, budget and the plan of action, among other things. The actual meetings of the delegation are the spring meeting held in May and the autumn meeting held in November.

If you are interested in representing AYY in the delegation, please apply for the position by filling out the application form at http://lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/HOAS/ . The application must be filled out by 4pm on 8 Nov 2011.

3. Book an appointment for influenza vaccination

FSHS offers free seasonal flu vaccinations for students in the risk group. Book your appointment for vaccination. Contact information and phone numbers are available at FSHS website at www.yths.fi/toimipisteet.

Further information about the risk groups and seasonal influenza vaccines is available at www.thl.fi

4. Light application round of TTE-Fund to open on 1 Nov

Do you have an idea but no funding? A continuous, lighter application process will SOON be open!

TTE-Fund (fund for promoting teekkari activities) allocates grants to all AYY members and communities operating within the Student Union. TTE-Fund supports activities which reach for the stars, make others excited and which can be seen and heard.

In November, the lighter application round of TTE-Fund will permanently open. You can apply for the maximum of 300 euro grant with a brief project description. The lighter application process is intended for small projects implemented with a tight schedule. The applicant can alternatively get either the amount one applied for or no funding at all, so you should carefully consider the amount you will apply for! The grant is paid afterwards against a brief final report and the financial statement of the project.

Applications for the lighter application round can be send from 1 Nov 2011 onwards until the end of May. If the lighter application round is popular, it will continue next autumn.

Instructions for the lighter application round:

  1. Write a brief (maximum A4) free-form application about the project. The application must include at least a brief project description and an estimated budget.
  2. Send the application to tter@list.ayy.fi. The application must include the applicant’s contact details and the account number to which the grant is paid.
  3. Grant decisions are announced to the applicants each month.
  4. The allocated grant will be paid against a brief final report including a photo and a financial statement of the project. These should be sent to the address tter@list.ayy.fi.

More information on the lighter application round is available at TTE-Fund website.

5. University students’ own sports centre – UniSport at Otahalli

UniSport, university students’ sports centre at Otahalli began its operations on 1 Sept! There are gym facilities of 800 m2 on three floors, 55 hours of group exercise (Zumba, BODYPUMP®, spinning, etc.) per week and ball game facilities (floorball, futsal, basketball and volleyball), etc. All this costs only €89 for university students!

Take your student card with you and come to exercise! Further information: www.unisport.fi!

Events at Unisport Otahalli during Aalto’s wellness week on 1-3 Nov 11

Open house on Tuesday, 1 Nov, 6.45pm-6pm Read more.

Late Night with UniSport, 3 Nov, 7pm-12midnight Read more.

Do a favour for your friend and yourself!

Bring your friend to UniSport on the wellness week on 30 Oct-4 Nov and get one additional month to your season card! The campaing includes the students and staff of Aalto University and the University of Helsinki (max. 1 additional month /season card).


Young designers (Nude), the subject association of the Department of Design at Aalto University School of Art and Design, is celebrating its 25th birthday and organising its first ever Annual Celebration! There are some seats still left for the friends of Nude! Don’t forget the after party!

Please join us at the dinner party at Aalto Design Factory on Saturday, 5 Nov, 6pm!

Please sign up at http://tinyurl.com/nude25v/ before Thursday, 3 Nov! Limited number of seats. The price of the dinner card is €20, including a cocktail, a three-course dinner, red and white wine.

Dress code: Festive.

The official after party at 9pm for all Aalto students will take place at Molly Malone’s. Join us at facebook and get to know us at http://nude.ayy.fi/


7. Renovation causes noise and changes to pedestrian traffic

The excavation work of the renovation at Otakaari 1 began on 27 Oct 2011. The work begins with rock drilling in the yard between the wings A and M and will continue between the wings Y and M on the north side of the building on week 44 (31 Oct-4 Nov). Drilling will cause significant and constant noise. The estimated duration of the work is one month. NCC Rakennus apologises for the inconvenience.

A pedestrian pavement will be constructed next to the work site on the Otakaari side. Pedestrian traffic is directed to the front of the work site gate. Some of the heavy traffic of the construction site will drive through the gate, so please pay attention when passing the gate.

Also see the website on Otakaari 1 renovation here.

8. TalentIT Career Fair on 3 November in Dipoli

TalentIT is the largest ICT-focused career fair in Finland. On 3 November, students can meet employers and learn more about job opportunities in the field of information and communication technology.

The theme of TalentIT 2011 is Balanced Career, which is why employers have been asked to focus on presenting their role in employee well-being and to emphasise the importance of the working life balance. With this theme, we want to encourage students to think and ask questions about their own well-being in the working life.

This year, we have 60 interesting exhibitors from start-ups to well-known international companies. In addition, some companies will advertise their current job openings with “Open position!” info flashes in Klondyke hall during the fair day.

Learn more about TalentIT and sign up for “Open position!” infos at Into.

9. BEST Training Day 9.11.

When: 9 Nov 2011, 4pm

Where: Microsoft Finland, Keilaranta 7, 02150 Espoo

What: BEST Helsinki organises the second training day of this semester for Aalto students and this time we are heading to the awesome (you’ll see ;)) Microsoft office at Keilaranta to hear about the cool new things they have been working on!

After the training, there will be more interesting discussions over a delicious dinner and in the sauna!

Sign up here!

10. Bringing out the voice of the young

The Social Guarantee for young people ensures a work, training, workshop or rehabilitation place for everyone under 25 years of age and all recently graduated under 30 years of age within three months after becoming unemployed. The target is challenging but together we can achieve it!

Are you between 15-29 years of age? Please respond to the questionnaire here! The questionnaire is in Finnish.

The Ministry of Employment and the Economy and the Social Guarantee for Young People working group thanks for your help!

11. Sacred Belongs to Everyone – art contest for students

Sacred Belongs to Everyone art contest, which is intended for students, will begin on 1 November. The aim of the competition is to provide a concrete opportunity for the young adults to reflect on their relationship with the sacred through art. Through the contest, we also receive information about what the young adults consider sacred. The contest is implemented in cooperation with educational institutions.

The contest is open to students in universities, the universities of applied sciences, vocational schools and colleges in the metropolitan area, regardless of their level of artistic expertise or the field of study. The theme can be processed from any perspective without limitations. There are three competition categories: visual expression, word art, and multimedia or a collage.

In each category, the first prize of 700 euro and the prize of 200 euro are awarded. In addition, the pre-jury consisting of students will select one work from all entries, which is rewarded with 200 euro. You can participate in the contest between 1 Nov 2011 and 31 Jan 2012. The winning works will be presented in Sacred Belongs to Everyone exhibition in the exhibition hall at Lasipalatsi, Helsinki, on 26 Apr–8 May 2012.

The contest is arranged by the educational institution work of the Evangelical Lutheran parishes in the metropolitan area.

Further information: www.pyhakilpailu.net

Joanna Valtari pyhakilpailu@gmail.com or Katja Kangas 09 8050 2547.

12. Teekkari Picture 2011 exhibition

The winners of Teekkari Picture 2011 contest will be announced at http://teekkarikulttuuri.ayy.fi/teekkariperinneviikko/ on Wednesday, 2 Nov 2011. The exhibition will be arranged from the contest pictures in the main building lobby on Otaniemi Campus on 3-10 Nov 2011. Come and admire the contest entries!

The link of the week

Do you have plans for the next year? Check out a big bunch of opportunities at ayy.fi/stop.

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