Weekly newsletter 45/2011

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 45/2011

AYY’s Representative Council elections were conducted and the voting rate was 31. You can read the election release here and see the results here AYY congratulates all the new representatives

  1. This week’s events
  2. Ticket sales of the closing party of AYYDVENTURES week to begin on Monday
  3. Scholarships of the Polytech Choir Fund now available for application
  4. Physicist Spex 2011: Kekkonen
  5. Prodeko’s boy calendar is here
  6. MoA’s registration period open until 1 Dec 2011
  7. Rock excavation work continues in Otaniemi
  8. Writing a thesis for a company – in employment or with a scholarship?
  9. Mide demo day on 15 Nov 2011
  10. Launch of the Aalto University WDC2012 programme
  11. Welcome to the ARENA Career Fair at Aalto University School of Economics, Wed, 9 Nov!

1. This week’s events

2. Ticket sales of the closing party of AYYDVENTURES week to begin on Monday

The closing party of AYY’s international week, AYYDVENTURES, will be held at Design Factory on 12 Nov, 6pm onwards. There are plenty of interesting events and exotic performers. Tickets in advance cost 6 euro and 8 euro at the entrance. In addition to the programme, the ticket price also includes African food and admission to the after party at Fredan Tivoli, so you will certainly get value for your money. Join the party! Also check out the other events of the international week.

Tickets are sold as follows: Otaniemi Main Building: 7-11 Nov, 11am-1pm, Taik: 7 Nov, 11am-1pm, School of Economics: 11 Nov 12noon-2.15pm

See the preliminary programme

3. Scholarships of the Polytech Choir Fund now available for application

The Polytech Choir Fund invites applications for scholarships for the choir term 2011-2012. The purpose of the Polytech Choir Fund is to support and promote with scholarships and grants the singing activities of AYY members and the members of AYY associations.

Applicants are asked to clarify their singing activities and to justify the need for the scholarship. The application should include the applicant’s social security number, tax municipality, contact information and account number, the copy of AYY’s membership fee receipt or the student card and the explanation of the expenses of singing activities during the choir term September 2011–August 2012 with supporting documents.

Applications must be submitted by Thursday, 17 Nov 2011, to the address Polyteknikkojen Kuoron Rahasto, Eero Hämäläinen, PL 69, 02151 Espoo. You can also leave your application in an envelope with this contact information to AYY’s Otaniemi Service Point.

Late applications will not be processed.

If you need more information, please contact Secretary of the Polytech Choir Fund Eero Hämäläinen, 0400 629208, eero.hamalainen@polyteknikkojenkuoro.fi

4. Physicist Spex 2011: Kekkonen

“Kekkonen. Kekkonen. Kekkonen.” echoes everywhere in November 2011. This is an amazing story of what might have happened in the recent history without us knowing about it. Secrets will be revealed one after another, masks will drop and hearts break when President Kekkonen with his friends and foes walks onto the stage. Will the world peace remain? Will vodka help? And who on earth is the man in the closet?

Physicist Spex presents Kekkonen, its fine and rich third production in 2011 in Kannusali (Kannusillankatu 4, Espoon keskus). There are three performances: Fri, 11 Nov, 6pm, Sat, 12 Nov, 5pm and Wed, 16 Nov, 6pm. In addition, you can enjoy the spex atmosphere at Nachspex sitsit party on Sunday, 13 Nov.

Ticket sales will be arranged in the lobby of the former TKK main building on weekdays between 31 Oct-16 Nov and online at www.fyysikkokilta.fi/speksi where you can also get to know the characters in advance and sign up for the sitsit. The student ticket price is €10.

Come along and experience speed, entertainment and danger. See you at Physisict Spex!

5. Prodeko’s boy calendar is here

The long anticipated Prodeko’s boy calendar is finally here! Prodeko boys have worked hard at the gym numerous times last winter and spring for you and the calendar! The calendar was published on Prodeko’s anniversary week and you can also order it online. The calendar has been incredibly popular and also was presented on Iltalehti website.

The hottest Christmas gift is really popular so order yours before the edition runs out!

Official website of the calendar and orders.
FB site of the calendar (like it!)

With testosterone greetings, Prodeko boys 😉

6. MoA’s registration period open until 1 Dec 2011

MoA 2012 is an event arranged every May, which focuses on new master graduates. If you graduate from Aalto University no later than May 2012, MoA is a great place for you to showcase your thesis to a wider audience.

Traditionally, MoA has presented the thesis of the Masters of Arts but now along with Aalto, we expand this arena to also include other fields of study. Although the exhibition is, and will remain, the focus of MoA, we also offer the opportunity to present conceptual and written thesis through demos, seminars, pitching , slams and discussions.

MoA provides not only a festive end to your studies but also a stage where you can present the final results of your studies to the general public and meet other graduates. Please sign up at www.moa.fi and become part of the greatest World Design Helsinki 2012 project arrranged by Aalto University: MoA 2012!!

Further information at www.moa.fi and from Event Producer Katri Winqvist, tel. (050) 591 4314 or email katri.winqvist@aalto.fi

7. Rock excavation work to continue in Otaniemi

Rock excavation work continues in Otaniemi also on week 45 (7-11 Nov) between the wings Y and M. The work will cause noise, dust and dirt on road.

The pedestrian underpass constructed on Otakaari side is nearing completion. District heating work of Fortum, which is independent from NCC Rakennus work site, is preventing the use of the underpass for now.

8. Writing a thesis for a company – in employment or with a scholarship?

Wed, 16 Nov 2011, 2pm-4pm at Otaniemi

There is a wide range of practices on writing a thesis, administrative and legal perspectives and a variety of funding opportunities. Come and hear about different options and collect ideas for your own thesis.

The target group includes particularly those students who are nearing the thesis phase but students in the early stage of their studies are also welcome.

Read the more specific programme and sign up in the event calendar of Aalto CareerWeb.

9. MIDE DEMO DAY, NOV 15, 2011

Saha, Otaniemi, 12am–3pm

MIDE is a research programme on digitalisation and energy technology at Aalto. It carries out long-term projects aimed at creating high-level expertise and building multidisciplinary cooperative research consortia inside Aalto University.

On 15 November, MIDE will bring all its 11 research projects and 3 student projects under the same roof – just for you! Come and get a hands-on experience from our demos and taste delicious waffles at the Aalto on Waffles stand!

Coming up on Demo Day:

  • How to make a transparent loudspeaker
  • A multi-touch table aiding urban planning
  • How LEDs can exceed 100% efficiency
  • A carry-on hydrogen supply for your mobile
  • How to cut a work machine’s energy consumption by more than half
  • How to make real business in a virtual world

For more information on MIDE and the event, please visit http://mide.aalto.fi or contact elina.karvonen@aalto.fi.

10. Launch of the Aalto University WDC2012 programme

The World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 year is approaching, and the preparations are well underway. Aalto University plays a major role in the content production for the WDC 2012 programme, and the year will bring a great deal of visibility for us both in Finland and internationally. The theme chosen by Aalto University is the promotion of better living environments under the title Living+.

You are welcome to join us and learn more about our theme, Living+ and about the projects and events at Aalto during the theme year. The event is a great way to meet other members of Aalto involved in the same project, while also enjoying delicious refreshments.


WHAT Aalto University and World Design Capital Helsinki 2012
WHERE Design Factory, Betonimiehenkuja 5, Otaniemi
WHEN 17 Nov 2011, 2pm-4pm

The more specific programme of the event and the registration form are available at Inside (requires logging in with Aalto user name).

11. Welcome to the ARENA Career Fair on Wed 9th November at Aalto University School of Economics!

The annual ARENA Career Fair will be held this year on 9 November in the main building. ARENA Career Fair is the biggest contact event organised for Economics students in Finland. This year we celebrate the 20th ARENA Career Fair and there are more than 70 exhibitors presented. ARENA is organised by Aalto University School of Economics and Hanken.

The fair opens at 9.30am, and the bustle continues until 4pm. Besides visiting the stands, you can learn about potential employers by participating in company presentations and the CV-Clinic. New this year: SME stands and opportunity to participate in speed interviews for the open positions of companies. At ARENA-On-Line you can also get acquainted with a number of employers.

Welcome to learn and expand your network! More information on ARENA Fair, schedule and how to get most out of ARENA Fair at https://into.aalto.fi/display/encareer/ARENA+Career+Fair

The link of the week

Something to do on boring lectures or just for fun! http://firstpersontetris.com/


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