Newsletter 46/2011

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 46/2011

The union meeting of National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) will be arranged in the following weekend in Hyvinkää. If you want to participate, just tune to the Aate frequency and follow the live thriller online.

  1. This week’s events
  2. Apply for AYY’s exchange scholarship in the autumn
  3. Participate in Be a Change event
  4. The Tenured Professors’ Installation Lectures at Aalto University on 16 Nov 2011
  5. Writing a master’s thesis for a company
  6. How to distinguish yourself in online job search workshop
  7. Welcome to develop HSL website from the student’s perspective on Wednesday, 23 Nov, 2pm–4pm!
  8. Finland and the Economic Crisis in the EU lecture series

1. This week’s events

2. Apply for AYY’s exchange scholarship in the autumn

AYY wants to support the internationalisation of its members by assisting exchange studies with scholarships. The first application round for exchange scholarships was arranged in July and the second application round is currently underway. Scholarships worth 10,000 euro will be allocated. The amount of an individual scholarship is the maximum of 800 euro. The deadline for applications is 11.59pm on 30 Nov. More information on the scholarship and application instructions are available on AYY’s website.

Further information: AYY Board Member Antti Karkola,

3. Participate in Be a Change event

Are you interested in social entrepreneurship? Do you want to develop your business idea?

Be A Change 2011 is a social-oriented business idea competition that gathers entrepreneurial people in search for innovative, sustainable business ideas that create solutions for the world’s challenges. The event is open both to individuals who already have an idea that they want to share and those who are simply interested in networking, discovering innovations and caring for society.

Join the weekend full of inspiration and creativeness from 18 to 20 November 2011 @ Aalto Design Factory (Otaniemi).

Sign up before 16 Nov on our website.

Follow us on

4. The Tenured Professors’ Installation Lectures at Aalto University on 16 Nov 2011

Aalto University celebrates its tenured professors with lectures given by the new Associate Professors and Full Professors. You are very welcome to Dipoli, Auditorium (address Otakaari 24, Espoo) on Wednesday 16 November 2011 at 2pm.

  • ”Physics of society”, Santo Fortunato, Aalto University School of Science, Department of Biomedical Engineering and Computational Science
  • ”Towards efficient use of radio spectrum”, Riku Jäntti, Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering, Department of Communications and Networking
  • ”Getting in touch with atoms and molecules”Peter Liljeroth, Aalto University School of Science, Department of Applied Physics
  • “Cognitive Microelectronics”, Jussi Ryynänen, Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering, Department of Micro and Nanosciences

All lectures will be held in English.

The multidisciplinary lectures will be followed by a reception hosted by Tuula Teeri, the President of Aalto University.


Tenure Track is the core academic career system of Aalto University. It is the foundation of Aalto University’s objective to be a world-class university with a distinct profile, in which science and art meet business and technology. Aalto Tenure Track offers a well-supported career path aimed at the professorial level for successful academics.

Tenure track is based on the principle of commitment from the university and the individual to their academic career; it has clearly defined expectations, incentives, and assistance in personal, professional and academic development.

More information about the speakers

5. Writing a master’s thesis for a company

Wed, 16 Nov 2011, 2pm-4pm, Otaniemi

There is a wide range of practices on writing a thesis, administrative and legal perspectives and a variety of funding opportunities. Come and hear about different options and collect ideas for your own thesis.

The target group includes particularly those students who are nearing the thesis phase but students in the early stage of their studies are also welcome.

Read the more specific programme and sign up no later than 14 Nov in the event calendar of Aalto CareerWeb.

6. How to distinguish yourself in online job search workshop

Wed, 30 Nov, 2pm-4pm, Otaniemi

Many companies are looking for employees through online application forms. How could your application stand out?

In the training, you will learn how you can highlight your know-how in online job search and how to take advantage of the menus and open fields in the application form. You will also hear how employers search for job applicants from their own applicant data files.

The training consists of lectures, tips for filling out job application forms and working in small groups. 25 Aalto University engineering degree students in the order of registration can participate in the training.

Read the more specific programme and sign up no later than 18 Nov in the event calendar of Aalto CareerWeb.

7. Welcome to develop HSL website from the student’s perspective on Wednesday, 23 Nov, 2pm–4pm!

Now you have the opportunity to influence the future of the website of Helsinki Regional Transport Authority (HSL)! HSL and Opiskelijametropoli project will arrange a brainstorming workshop on Wednesday, 23 Nov 2011, 2pm-4pm on the development of HSL website from the student’s perspective.

A new user group site will be created on HSL website for students and academic communities. Now we want to hear what kind of information you need from HSL site? How could HSL website better serve you during your studies? How could the Journey Planner better serve the students’ needs? What kind of information and services would you like to see in the maps? Which information or online service would improve the mobility between campuses in the metropolitan area?

Coffee and snacks are provided in the event. In addition, students receive two movie tickets for their participation.

The event is arranged by Opiskelijametropoli project in cooperation with HSL. The workshop includes experts of HSL communications and public transport development. Binding registrations by 16 Nov to Project Designer Hanne Hämäläinen ( Please mention your university, major subject, study phase and possible food allergies.

The event will be held in Bock House/Old Town Hall next to the Senate Square (the Greens’ Room 333, Aleksanterinkatu 20).


8. Finland and the Economic Crisis in the EU lecture series

The lecture series (in Finnish) is open to public at Little Parliament Citizen Info, Arkadiankatu 3, Helsinki. At the end of the events, the public has the opportunity to ask questions and participate in discussions.

Wednesday, 16 Nov, 12.30pm-1.45pm Greece, Italy and leverage – what’s new in the euro crisis? Counsellor Martti Salmi, Ministry of Finance

Thursday, 24 Nov, 12.30pm-1.30pm Parliament and the economic crisis of the EU, Chair of the Grand Committee of the Finnish Parliament Miapetra Kumpula-Natri

Tuesday, 29 Nov, 2pm-3pm How to proceed? Professor of Finance Vesa Puttonen, Aalto University

Coffee is provided before the events. Free admission, welcome!

Organised by Uusimaa Europe Information, Parliament Information Office and the Finnish Delegation of European Commission.

Further information:

Hanna Päivärinta, Regional Communications Officer, Uusimaa Europe Information, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, tel. (09) 1605 6565, gsm 040 510 7511,




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