Weekly newsletter 47/2011

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 47/2011

The new Representative Council has appointed Student of Economics Voitto Kangas as the former of the Board at its meeting on 16 Nov. Antti Karkola will lead the Representative Council next year. Read more information on acting in AYY at ayy.fi/stop and join Voitto’s team!

  1. This week’s events
  2. Apply for AYY Board now!
  3. Opportunity to get to know Tsinghua University students!
  4. KY is searching for the club secretary for the period 13 Feb 2012–31 Aug 2013
  5. AYY – Welcome Winter
  6. Apply for AIESEC internship in Lithuania! Info evening on Tue 22nd November.
  7. Audiopoli organises Aniversaario speaker construction project!
  8. Give feedback about your experience at Aalto and win prizes!
  9. Wearing the Responsibility – Seminar of corporate social responsibility in textile production
  10. CMI autumn seminar: conflicts become more complex – what kind of aid is useful?
  11. Publishing event of Teekkarin työkirja job-hunting guide on 28 Nov

1. This week’s events

2. Apply for AYY Board now!

What does and does not work in your student union? Do you want to have real influence? Now you have the chance of a lifetime to develop AYY, your young and spry student union. Do it yourself and jump to AYY! The application period for AYY’s Board is ongoing.

We offer duties in many fields, whether you are interested in interest representation, services produced by the student union, campus, sports or major events. Come and lead your student union and you might have a year ahead of you that will change your life, get you involved in decision-making of the student union and the university, municipal or national decision-making and activities, and offer memorable adventures.

Do not hesitate – apply now. The Board candidates should submit their application no later than 22 Nov in order to arrange their participation in the panel of the board candidates on 24 Nov.

Further information: ayy.fi/stop and Voitto Kangas, Former of the Board (voitto.kangas@ayy.fi, 045 631 7689)

3. Opportunity to get to know Tsinghua University students!

AYY provides an opportunity to get to know the Chinese culture and people. AYY and our friendship student union from Tsinghua University (Peking) want Aalto and Tsinghua students to get to know one another by organising several events in the coming years.

The first aim is very simple.If you want to get to know one or several students at the best university in China, please send your address to international(at)ayy.fi including your name, age, major subject (degree programme), email and possible other communication means such as skype. Please describe with a few sentences what you would like to learn from your future Chinese friend (in English). The deadline for registration is Wednesday, 30 Nov!

In early December, we introduce the students to one another and share their contact information.

After this, everything is up to you. You can get to know your new friend through email, call each other on skype on a weekly basis or you might get so close that you will be on your way to Peking in January.

4. KY is looking for the club secretary for the period 13 Feb 2012– 31 Aug 2013

The Association of Economics Students in Helsinki (KY) is the advocacy and service organisation for approximately 3,300 students of Aalto University School of Economics that also supports the recreational activities of its members. KY actively fosters the traditions and culture of Economics students as part of the Aalto University community. We are now looking for a full-time club secretary to join our team for the period 13 Feb 2012–31 Aug 2013 or as agreed.

The job description of KY’s club secretary provides versatile challenges and an enthusiastic and motivating work environment. The position is full-time with 37.5 working hours per week, in the summer between 1 June–31 July there are 30 working hours per week. The position is covered by KY’s employee regulations. The monthly salary is 1,700 euro and in the summer 1,360 euro. The term may be continued after the period for an additional year if both parties so desire.

Applications addressed to KY Board should be submitted to Secretary General Susanna Kemppinen by email at susanna.kemppinen@kyweb.fi by 3pm on 8 Dec 2011.

For further information on the position, please contact Secretary General Susanna Kemppinen, 0500 430 546, susanna.kemppinen@kyweb.fi and Chair of the Board Lauri Heiliö, 050 566 7017, lauri.heilio@kyweb.fi.

Further information on KY is available on KY’s website.

5. AYY – Welcome Winter

  • What?: Let’s welcome winter in a definitive setting amongst friends
  • How?: For the price of the entrance, you can eat, drink and enjoy the snippets of program that is to be presented in a unique environment brought to the Casa Academica.
  • When?: 24th of November 2011, 20:00 – 02:00
  • Where?: Casa Academica, in other words Hietaniemenkatu 7A How much?: 20€ / 15€ (non-alcoholic)

6. Apply for AIESEC internship in Lithuania! Info evening on Tue 22nd November.

Are you interested in doing an internship abroad? Have you got educational and/or job experience in marketing, accounting or environmental protection?

AIESEC Aalto is offering 3 internships opportunities in Lithuania for Aalto students. The internship are more than 3 months, and tasks vary from marketing to quality control. Come to our Info Evening to get more information about the job descriptions, requirements and application process at Pieni Puoli in KY building- Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 21 B, Helsinki on Tue 22nd November at 6PM or visit our Facebook: AIESEC Aalto.

Apply by November 30th by sending your CV and cover letter to our Project Leader Laura Tynninen at laura.johanna@aiesec.net.

7. Audiopoli organises Aniversaario speaker construction project!

Now you have an excellent opportunity to construct your own speakers which have even a better sound and appearance than more expensive speakers. Come to the listening night

on Tuesday, 29 Nov, to hear more about the project and try out the speakers, or follow information on the website. Check out more information through this link!

8. Give feedback about your experience at Aalto and win prizes!

Just as you receive regular feedback from us as you progress through your studies, we need to receive regular feedback from you. The International Student Barometer is your opportunity to tell us what is working, what is frustrating and what you think of your university experience to date.

Please check your email inbox for a message with the link to the survey, plus more details, and have your say – which could win you one of the following: €1,000 cash or donation to charity, iPad 2, Canon IXUS 220 camera, iPod nano or movie tickets.

The survey is open until 9 December 2011.

The survey forms part of a wider ongoing study and is independently administered for the University by the International Graduate Insight Group (i-graduate.org).

Last year, Aalto University conducted the International Student Barometer for the first time, along with many other Finnish universities. For an update on the results, please visit Aalto’s ‘Into’ website > ‘About Aalto’. In addition to the International Student Barometer, the Student Barometer will also be launched through i-graduate this year, inviting Finnish students to participate.

Thank you in advance!

9. Wearing the Responsibility – Seminar of corporate social responsibility in textile production

Time: 1 December, 2pm–5pm

Venue: Hanken Main Building, Auditorium Aulan (Arkadiankatu 22).

Did you know that 70% of the lakes and the rivers in China are classified as polluted due to textile and garment production? In 2008, 260 million jeans were produced in China and distributed to the US, Europe and Japan. Additionally, most workers in China are paid a very low price-rate wage that makes it impossible for them to earn a living wage without working overtime hours.

  • Veli-Matti Kankaanpää – CEO at TMA – textile and fashion industries
  • Juha Beurling – General Secretary of The Consumers Association of Finland
  • Satu Nieminen – Intern at Pro Ethical Trade Finland and Clean Clothes Campaign Finland
  • Eikka Kosonen – Head of European Commission Representation in Finland
  • Outi Moilala – Independent researcher, Social Responsibility
  • Maria Ylisiurunen – Product Development Manager at Nanso Group


Register now and ensure your seat

For more information visit our Facebook event.

If you have any questions or concerns, please write to the following address: csrseminar2011@gmail.com

10. CMI autumn seminar: conflicts become more complex – what kind of aid is useful?

Tuesday, 29 Nov 2011, 2pm-4pm

Media Centre Lume Sampo Hall (Hämeentie 135 C, Helsinki)

When the peace treayty is signed, from where do we start constructing a new society? What is the best way to stabilise a conflict-torn country? What kind of financial support is useful in this process? Does the development aid provided by nations correspond to local needs? Welcome to CMI’s autumn seminar to follow the eclectic discussion on the construction of society after conflicts.

The seminar is open to the public. Please sign up in advance no later than 21 Nov by email at comms@cmi.fi or by phone: +358 45 773 246 01.

The detailed seminar programme.

11. Publishing event of Teekkarin työkirja job-hunting guide on 28 Nov

Help for job hunting is available again! Teekkarin työkirja 2012 job-hunting guide will be published in Otaniemi on 28 Nov, 10am-1pm. In addition to the brand new books, coffee will be served in the publishing event in the main building lobby. You can also collect movie tickets against the Summer Job Guru overall badges distributed on the campus.


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