Weekly newsletter 48/2011

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 48/2011

  1. This week’s events
  2. Next Stop AYY – ongoing application for volunteer positions!
  3. Application for student representative positions open until 30 Nov
  4. Discount for Aalto University students in Iittala stores
  5. Get to know Tsinghua University students
  6. Apply for AIESEC internship in Canada
  7. Movie tickets for test subjects
  8. Apply for NordicMUN
  9. Welcome to Helsinki Refugee Film Festival!

1. This week’s events

2. Next stop AYY – ongoing application for volunteer positions

Operate in the Student Union’s delegation, committee or body? AYY provides versatile duties for those who are interested in the community, culture, internationality, student advocacy, sports, culture of engineering students, communications or corporate relations.

The sections form the core of volunteer work in the Student Union, acting directly as part of the various sectors. With their hard work, delegation members participate in the most visible activities in AYY, which is rewarded with memorable experiences, new skills and friends. The sections include Aava, Aura, Aalto-Liike, Kopojory, Group X, International Section and TJ. Find out what is behind the mystery names and find your own group!

Committees are an easy and fun way to participate in the student union activities and gain experience from more specific fields. Committee activities include various events, happenings arranged for new students and development cooperation.

The application for the chairperson position in the sections will end on 2 Dec and the deadline for the majority of other positions is 7 Dec.

3. Application for student representative positions open until 30 Nov

Here is a friendly reminder that the application period for the next year’s student representative positions (“hallopeds”) is open until 30 Nov at /stop/hallopeds/general-information/?lang=en

AYY is also looking for members to the Management Group for Academic Affairs. We are looking for committed volunteers to coordinate student representatives within their respective Schools and to keep the AYY Board informed about the issues in the Schools.

If you are interested in these positions, please feel free to contact me for further details. Janne Peltola, janne.peltola@ayy.fi or 050 520 9438.

4. Discount for Aalto University members in Iittala stores

Dear Aalto members, Iittala offers all Aalto University students a 10 % discount on all normal-priced products in all Iittala outlets and stores in the metropolitan area. You can receive the discount by presenting a valid student card. The discount is valid until 31 Aug 2012. The discount does not apply to ordered products such as Arabia’s Fujin kukat and Memories, numbered products, Myiittala Aalto Vase, Art Works, Claritas and Vodou collections.

5. Opportunity to get to know Tsinghua University students

AYY provides an opportunity to get to know the Chinese culture and people. AYY and our friendship student union from Tsinghua University (Peking) want Aalto and Tsinghua students to get to know one another through several projects in the coming years.

The first aim is very simple. If you want to get to know students from the best university in China, please send your email address to international(at)ayy.fi including your name, age, major subject (degree programme). Please also mention possible other communication tools that you use (such as skype) and describe with a few sentences what you would like to learn from your future Chinese friend (in English). The deadline for registration is Wednesday, 30 Nov!

In early December, we introduce the students to one another and share their contact information. After this, everything is up to you. You can get to know your new friend through email, call each other on skype on a weekly basis or you might get so close that you will be on your way to Peking in January.

6. Apply for AIESEC internship in Canada

Are you interested in working abroad? Do you have educational background and/or working experience in programming? AIESEC Aalto is offering internships opportunities in Canada for Aalto students.

Era Environmental Consulting in Montreal requires programmers with knowledge of SQL, Javascript, Visual Basic, C/C++, .Net, ASP. Duration: 6-8 months. Salary $2,000/month.

CATI Training Systems in Montreal requires a programmer with the knowledge of C/C++, Active X, Open GC, Visual studio. Duration 12 months. Salary $2,500-$3,000/month.

Apply by sending your Study Transcript, CV and cover letter to our Project Leader in Outgoing Exchange of AIESEC Aalto at emma.lottanen@aiesec.net by 23:59, 4 December 2011.

For more information, please visit our website.

7. Movie tickets for test subjects

Department of Media Technology is looking for test subjects for two tests. The requirement for participation is fluent Finnish skills. Each test takes approximately one hour. You can participate in both tests if you want to.

Usability test performed with a tablet. Reward: Finnkino movie ticket. Registration link.

Magazine research. Reward: Finnkino movie ticket/lunch voucher. Registration link.

Aalto SCI Department of Media technology, Research Group of Visual Media

8. Apply for NordicMUN

In Kiljavanranta, Nurmijärvi, the NordicMUN meeting will be arranged on 23-26 Apr. The theme of the meeting is the climate change and the meeting language is English. A general meeting and a safety council simulation will be arranged in the event.

Electronic registration to the meeting is ongoing and will end on 10 Dec 2011.

Invitations, registration forms (general meetings, safety council, chair, teaching seminar) and further information on the event is available on the website of the event at www.nordicmun.com. If you wish to participate in the administrative staff or the media team, please send a free-form application by email at: nordicmun(at)ykliitto.fi Send you application already today!

9. Welcome to Helsinki Refugee Film Festival

Refugee Advice Centre will arrange the first refugee film festival in Finland, Helsinki Refugee Film Festival, on 25–26 Nov in the auditorium of the Finnish Film Foundation, Kanavakatu 12.

In addition to the films, the festival programme includes work shops and discussions. The purpose of the event is to provide more information on issues related to displacement, migration, human trafficking and political persecution.

The seven festival screenings consist of 13 great and thought-provoking films. These include both films that are rewarded internationally and debut films made by students, films seen for the first time in Finland and films that are slightly older but still have current themes. The event includes documents, long and short films from Finland, the Nordic Countries and other European countries as well as films from Kongo, Brazil and New Zealand, for example. There is a free admission to all festival events. Welcome!




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