Weekly Newsletter 49/2011

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 49/2011

The weekly newsletter will be published next week (week 50) for the last time this year. The first weekly newsletter of 2012 will be published on week 3, 16 Jan. The last association newsletter will be published this week (week 49) and it will come back from the Christmas break on week 3/2012. Have a nice December!

  1. This week’s events
  2. The Student Union Board appointed for the year 2012 – Voitto Kangas appointed as the Chair
  3. SporttiSmökki will blow your socks off on 7 Dec
  4. AYY Farewell Party
  5. REMINDER: Give feedback about Aalto and win prizes!
  6. Tools for anxious situations workshop
  7. Apply for student exchange in Vietnam or Nepal for the autumn of 2012!
  8. Bit Bang Seminar on Future of Internet, register latest on 9 Dec 2011
  9. Aino Studia Generalia – Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development
  10. Students’ Finnish Championships in Athletics in Kuopio on 18 Jan

1. This week’s events

2. Student Union Board appointed for the year 2012 – Voitto Kangas appointed as the chair

The Representative Council of Aalto University Student Union (AYY) appointed the new Student Union Board at its meeting on Wednesday, 30 November. Student of Economics Voitto Kangas (23) was appointed as the chair of the Board. Kangas has previously acted in the AYY Board 2011 where his areas of responsibility included Aalto community as well as cultural and organisational affairs.

Nine (9) other members were also appointed to AYY Board. They are:

  • Pilvi Hussi Age: 21, Aalto TAIK, Glass and Ceramics Design
  • Anna af HĂ€llström Age: 24, Aalto ENG, Architecture
  • Lauri Ikonen Age: 23, Aalto SCI, Industrial Engineering and Management
  • Jani Kalasniemi Age: 25, Aalto ENG, Engineering Design and Production
  • Noora Lehtovaara Age: 25, Aalto ENG, Architecture
  • Roope Nortia Age: 23, Aalto SCI, Computer Science and Engineering
  • Eetu Pursiainen Age: 24, Aalto SCI, Engineering Physics and Mathematics
  • Kati Penttinen Age: 22, Aalto ELEC, Bioinformation Technology
  • Juho Salmi Age: 23, Aalto ELEC, Automation and Systems Technology

The term of the new Board will begin in January lasting one calendar year.

Further information: Chair of the Board 2012 Voitto Kangas, voitto.kangas@ayy.fi, 045 631 7689

3. SporttiSmökki will blow your socks off on 7 Dec

Want to experience the ultimate sport of Finnish table-hockey? Do you wish to overcome your friends whilst wearing in a Sumo-suit? Have you ever experienced a Sauna-village? Who is Aleksi Airinen?

SporttiSmökki answers all your questions, and likely a thing or two about the meaning of life. The event is thrown by Aalto-Liike, the Sports Section of Aalto University Student Union, AYY.

The event consists of competitions, performances and sporty activities. Be sure to check out the timetable for more detailed information. Fabulous prices await – do not linger! This time you can rest assured, that the prices indeed are spectacular!

Check out more info

At Smökki, JÀmerÀntaival 4, 7.12. at 18:00-23:00

4. AYY Farewell Party

The AYY International Section 2011 has one more event to offer you!

Some of you are leaving Finland soon. The exams are coming but there is still time for one more party. Come to Smökki to bid some of those farewells, to learn about Christmas time in Finland and Finnish food and just to have fun!

The entrance to the party costs 3 euros. One cup of the traditional Christmas drink, glögi, and lots of fun activities and education is included. More glögi and traditional foods can be bought for a very reasonable price.

Bring a gift worth 2-3 euros with you and you will get one from Santa!

  • What? AYY Farewell Party
  • When? 9 Dec @ 7pm-00:30am
  • Where? In Smökki, JĂ€merĂ€ntaival 4
  • Non-compulsory dress code? Christmassy 🙂
  • FB link

5. REMINDER: Give feedback about your experience at Aalto and win prizes!

If you already participated in the International Student Barometer, thank you!

If you have not yet filled out the International Student Barometer, you still have time! The survey is open until 9 December 2011. Please check your inbox for a message with the link to the survey (Subject: ‘Give feedback on Aalto and win prizes’), and have your say – which could win you one of the following: €1,000 cash or donation to charity, iPad 2, Canon IXUS 220 camera, iPod nano, or movie tickets.

This is your opportunity to tell Aalto what’s working, what’s frustrating and what you think of your university experience to date.

The survey forms part of a wider ongoing study and is independently administered for the University by the International Graduate Insight Group (i-graduate.org).

Last year, Aalto University conducted the International Student Barometer for the first time, along with many other Finnish universities. For an update on the results, please visit Aalto’s ‘Into’ website > ‘About Aalto’.

6. ‘Tools for anxious situations’ workshop

In the spring of 2012, ‘tools for anxious situations’ workshop is organised for the undergraduate and graduate students of Aalto University. The workshop is intended for students whose anxiety affects their studies and who would like to find tools for coping with anxiety. There are many types of anxiety, one is nervous to perform, the other fears social situations and one might be anxious about something else. The workshop provides an opportunity to handle different situations and anxiety in general – usually from the participants’ own starting points. The methods include discussion and exercises done alone and together. The workshops are led by Study Psychologists Minna Nevala and Paula VenĂ€lĂ€inen

The workshop meetings will take place on Fridays, 27 Jan-2 March, 10am-12noon in Otaniemi, Innopoli 2 (Tekniikantie 14). Please sign up by email no later than 13 Jan opintopsykologi(at)aalto.fi.

The workshop is arranged in Finnish.

Further information and registration instructions (in Finnish)

7. Apply for student exchange in Vietnam or Nepal in the autumn of 2012!

There is one student exchange position in Hanoi University of Science and Technology in Vietnam and three student exchange positions in Kathmandu University in Nepal for the studies beginning in August 2012 as part of CIMO’s North South South (NSS) project. The purpose of the project is to support and develop studies and cooperation between Europe and Asia in terms of sustainable development. The student exchange period is six months and the students who is accepted as an exchange student will receive a scholarship for studies (400 euro/month).

Application form (into.aalto.fi > oman koulun sivut > Lomakkeet > Opiskelijavaihdon hakulomake) is submitted to Helena Hietanen ( School of Electrical Engineering, Otakaari 5, I 208, helena.hietanen@aalto.fi) no later than 15 Dec 2011.

Further information on the project.

8. Bit Bang Seminar on Future of Internet, please register no later than 9 Dec 2011

  • What? Bit Bang Seminar on Future of Internet
  • When? 14 December 2011, 12noon-4.30pm
  • Where? TUAS building, auditorium AS1 (Otaniementie 17, 02150 Espoo)

Bit Bang 4, the fourth Aalto-wide and multidisciplinary post-graduate course, invites you to attend the presentations of the semester’s team work assignments. The post-graduate students have spent the autumn discussing economical, societal, governance and technological aspects of the Future of the Internet.

Come and hear what they have found out!

Please register with elina.karvonen@aalto.fi by 9 December.

Seminar programme

  • 12noon Registration and coffee
  • 12.20pm Welcoming words, Bit Bang and MIDE Leader, Professor Yrjö Neuvo
  • 12.30pm Are We All Criminals?
  • 1.15pm Back to the Future – Prediction of Incremental and Disruptive Innovations
  • 2pm Coffee
  • 2.30pm Internet Re-shaping the Democracy?
  • 3.15pm Proliferation of the Crowdsourcing Phenomenon
  • 4pm Closing, Professor Yrjö Neuvo
  • 4.30pm Seminar ends

More information about the course and the event.

9. Aino Studia Generalia – Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development

On Thursday, 8 Dec, the open lecture series Aino Studia Generalia will focus on entrepreneurship and sustainable development. The night is concluded by Aalto Studio Performance which summarises all lecture series presentations into a performance.

The speakers and topics are:

  • Professor Paula Kyrö, Aalto University, “YrittĂ€jyys ja ekologisesti kestĂ€vĂ€ kehitys – grow or not to grow” (”entrepreneurship and ecologically sustainable development – grow or not to grow”)
  • Erpo HeikkilĂ€ and Risto Vahanen, Earth Aid Finland, ”KestĂ€vĂ€ yrittĂ€jyys kriisialueiden jĂ€lleenrakennuksessa” Earth Aid Finlandin toimintamalli Haitissa (”sustainable entrepreneurship in the reconstruction of crisis areas – method of Earth Aid Finland in Haiti)
  • Researchers Vera Haataja and Steffen Farny, Aalto University, ”YrittĂ€jyyden kehittĂ€minen ÀÀrimmĂ€isessĂ€ köyhyydessĂ€â€ (”development of entrepreneurship in extreme poverty”)
  • Aarni Moisala and Elena Hynninen, Aalto Studio Performance, ”KestĂ€mĂ€tön Sukari: rikas, rakas, köyhĂ€, varas?” (Unsustainable Sukari: rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief?”

The event will be arranged in the main building of Aalto University School of Economics (Runeberginkatu 14–16) on Thursday, 8 Dec, 5pm-7pm. The .12. klo 17–19. The evening is moderated by Design Director Anne Stenros from KONE.

Further information.

Lectures are in Finnish, free of charge and open to everyone.

10. Students’ Finnish Championships in Athletics in Kuopio, 18 Jan

@ Kuopiohalli, Kuopio, 18 Jan 2012, 11am-3pm

Students who have paid the membership fee of their student union may participate in the championships. The student card will be checked at the location. The participation right for two sports + relay). UniSport supports the participation fee against the receipts. Further information at erkki.somervuo@helsinki.fi

More information on the sports, for example, is available on the Student Union website.

Registrations no later than 10 Jan 2012 to jyrki.blom@kuopio.fi, inquiries Jyrki Blom, tel. 044 5184549 (please include your name, date of birth, sports, records).


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