Weekly Newsletter 3/2012

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 3/2012

AYY’s second anniversary will be celebrated at Heureka on 4-5 Feb 2012. Registration to the party is ongoing until 27 Jan 2012. http://www.vuosijuhlat.fi/

AYY wishes you all a nice, successful and leisurely year 2012.

  1. This week’s events
  2. Aalto Thinks 2012 – who is talking and about what?
  3. First application round of TTE-Fund, DL 29 Jan
  4. Contact Forum recruitment fair at Kaapelitehdas on 26 Jan
  5. Tools for anxious situations workshop
  6. Career and recruitment services for engineering students
  7. Communication and language courses available
  8. Movie tickets for test subjects
  9. Björn Savén Finnish American Scholarship for studies in the United States
  10. Sports section informs
  11. Spring dance courses of Dance Association Polijazz to begin on 19 Jan
  12. Judo-Kan organises the beginner’s course in judo, come and watch the performance on Sat, 21 Jan, 3pm
  13. CLUB LAGOON 2 Feb 2012
  14. Premiere of Kansanhiihto play, 15 Feb 2012/”Aalto campaign”
  15. Christian mediation for students and personnel

1. This week’s events

2. Aalto Thinks 2012 – who is talking and about what?

AYY will arrange Aalto Thinks forum in the spring of 2012, where students have the opportunity to discuss with Finland’s top leaders and decision-makers.

Please fill out the survey of the event no later than 29 Jan 2012 here and have effect on the topics of the event and on who can make comments.

3. First application round of TTE-FUnd, DL 29 Jan

New year, new tricks? Apply for the grant from TTE-Fund! The fund may provide grants for all AYY mebers and its affiliated communities. TTE-Fund supports activities that aim at stars, make others excited and can be seen and heard.

The first round of applications is open. The application period will end on Sunday, 29 Jan 2012, 11.59pm. Instructions for filling out the application and its attachments are available on the website of the fund.

The grant can be applied through the online form that can be found at: http://tter.ayy.fi/hae-avustusta/

It is also worth remembering that the streamlined application process of TTE-Fund for smaller and quickly implemented projects is continuously open until the end of May! Through the streamlined application process, you can apply for the maximum of 300 euro grant by sending a short e-mail application.

More detailed information is available at TTE-Fund website. For further informaition, please contact tter@list.ayy.fi.

4. Contact Forum recruitment fair at Kaapelitehdas on 26 Jan

Are you looking for a summer job? Are you interested in internships? Do you need tips on fine-tuning your CV from recruitment professionals? Are you pondering on your future career? If so, head to Kaapelitehdas on 26 Jan, 10am-5pm!

This year, approximately 80 companies from various fields will take part in Contact Forum fair. The fair provides an excellent opportunity to get to know these employers, and ideally find a suitable job for you.

Many top-class speakers will rise on the stage and a free CV Clinic is also available. Meltwater Group will arrange a small group event on social media and those who participate have the opportunity to assure the recruitment personnel and get a follow-up interview. The fair also has a professional photographer for CV photographs! The photoshoot costs two euros, the amount and any additional donations will go to the sponsor project of AYY’s development cooperation section in Swaziland!

You can travel to the fair conveniently with free buses from Aalto campuses in Otaniemi, Töölö and Arabia! The event is free of charge.

Read more

Event on Facebook

5. ‘Tools for anxious situations’ workshop

In the spring of 2012, ‘tools for anxious situations’ workshop is organised for the undergraduate and graduate students of Aalto University. The workshop is intended for students whose anxiety affects their studies and who would like to find tools for coping with anxiety. There are many types of anxiety, one is nervous to perform, the other fears social situations and the third might be anxious about something else. The workshop provides an opportunity to handle different situations and anxiety in general – usually from the participants’ own starting points. The methods include discussion and exercises performed both alone and together with other participants. The workshops are led by Study Psychologists Minna Nevala and Paula Venäläinen.

The workshop meetings will take place on Fridays, 27 Jan-2 March, 10am-12noon in Otaniemi, Innopoli 2 (Tekniikantie 14). Please sign up by email no later than 20 Jan at opintopsykologi(at)aalto.fi.

The workshop is arranged in Finnish.

Further information and registration instructions (in Finnish)

6. Career and recruitment services for engineering students

Now is the time to start looking for a summer job or internship! Please remember that Aalto Career Services is ready to help you. Please check out our upcoming events for technology students:

7. Communication and language courses are available

Do you want to understand the Finns and the Finnish culture better? Do you want to learn Finnish or Swedish languages? Do you want to have better opportunities when applying for a work in Finland? Do you want to improve your English/some other language or even learn a new language?

The Language Centre provides courses that can help you with that:

  • Kie-98.7009 Get to know Finland
  • Kie-98.5711 Swedish for international students
  • Vie-98.1400 Workplace communication skills (group H2)
  • Kie-98.1111 Talking Technology

This is only a small portion of courses that available in the English language. If you are interested, you can find more information on our website

Improve your language skills; communication skills are vital in the contemporary world!


Department of Media Technology is looking for test subjects for iPad usability research in Otaniemi. Fluent Finnish skills are a requirement for participation. The test takes approximately one hour. The reward is Finnkino movie ticket.

Further information and registration

Aalto SCI Department of Media Technology, Research Group of Visual Media

9. Björn Savén Finnish American Scholarship for studies in the United States

Björn Savén Finnish American Scholarship (formerly known as IK Finnish American Scholarship) annually provides talented young Finnish business and technical students with an opportunity to broaden their academic and international perspective through studying at leading universities in the United States. The grant for the academic year is EUR 30 000. Further information: www.sayl.fi.

Application criteria

  • Finnish nationality
  • Age between 23–30
  • Graduate from either one of the Finnish Business Schools, Universities, Technical Universities or similar
  • Seeking to conduct a minimum of one year graduate or post-graduate studies in the United States, with the view of pursuing either a financial or industrial career in Finland

How to apply?

For more information about the Björn Savén Finnish American Scholarship and detailed information about how to apply, please visit the League of Finnish American Societies Scholarship Foundation, who administrates the scholarship, website at www.sayl.fi. Deadline for applications is 27 January.

10. Sports section informs

  • Registration for basketball and volleyball leagues at Otahalli will end on 15 Jan. Registrations and league information on UniSport website.
  • Try out Lacrosse. Introduction, Tue, 17 Jan, 8.30pm-9.30pm at Pallomylly in Myllypuro. Further information.
  • Registration for SELL 2012 is ongoing. Sign up here.

Further information heidi.heiskanen@ayy.fi

11. Spring dance courses of Polijazz Dance Association to begin on 19 Jan

The weekly spring classes of the Dance Association of Aalto University Students, Polijazz, will begin on week 3 and continue until the week 19. The regular weekly classes available are contemporary dance, break, street and Caribbean street. See the schedule here (in Finnish). Welcome to continue with your familiar dance or get excited about new ones!

All weekly classes are held on multipurpose premises at Jämeräntaival 3a, Otaniemi. The first class is a free trial, and you can also participate in the classes in the middle of the term. Polijazz membership fee is 35 euro and entitles you to one regular weekly class throughout the spring. If you want to participate in two weekly classes, the fee is 45 euro and three classes cost 50 euro. The payment is made to Polijazz account 130930-59683 Nordea Otaniemi, reference number 13.

Please sign up for the classes or just come to the class. Please also join Polijazz Facebook group!

12. Judo-Kan organises the beginner’s course in judo, come and see the performance on Sat, 21 Jan, 3pm

Are you surprised by the slippery weather in the winter and scared to break your bones? Or do you feel so out of shape that even climbing the stairs feels like mountaineering? Don’t worry, Judo-Kan will arrange the beginner’s course for adults (over 16 years of age) on Saturdays from 21 Jan onwards. In the course, students practice the basic skills of judo from throws and falling to arm locks.

The performance of the beginner’s course and the first free trial rehearsals will be arragned on Saturday, 21 Jan, 3pm at Rastaala School, Kalasääksenkatu 4. The actual rehearsals will begin on Saturday, 28 Jan, 11am-12.30pm. The course does not have fitness requirements but if you have musculo-skeletal problems, please discuss with the coaches before the beginning of the first rehearsals.

The course price is €100 (€80 for students) + €55 membership fee of Judo Association, which includes a comprehensive judo accident insurance. If you practice with your own insurance and completely at your own risk, the membership is not mandatory.

Early registration is open on the website of the club.

Further information: Henri Koponen, henri.koponen@judo-kan.fi

13. CLUB LAGOON, 2 Feb 2012

CLUB LAGOON 02.02.2012 @ The Circus – the most summery & crossdisciplinary overall party, hot atmosphere and cold drinks at student-friendly prices.

The hot atmosphere is arranged by Culture Section (KUJ).
Event on Facebook

14. Premiere of Kansanhiihto Play, 15 Feb 2012/”Aalto Campaign”

Aalto University students have the opportunity to purchase tickets to the premiere of Kansanhiihto 2012 play on 15 Feb 2012, 7pm, for 10 euro / ticket. The play is a credible tragicomedy about the heroes of the skiing nation.

The play ponders on heroism in the modern world where competition involves any means necessary. If a person drops out of the competitive skiing of society, does one have any value left?

These ”Aalto University campaign tickets” must be collected by 23 Jan 2012.The number of tickets per person is not limited, so you can book several tickets for the play. However, there is a limited number of tickets available, so please act quickly.

Tickets to Kansanhiihto play on 15 Feb can be booked and collected from our ticket office, tel. 010 7331 331. When booking the tickets, please mention the code “Aalto University”.

Further information on the play

15. Christian meditation for students and personnel

From 12 Jan 2012 onwards

  • Time: Thursdays, 12noon-12.20pm
  • Location: Silent room, Main building, Otakaari 1 N
  • Organisers: Aalto priests on Otaniemi campus


The link of the week

Get oriented to the beginning of the new year by signing up for AYY’s anniversary party,  which will be arranged at Heureka on 4 Feb 2012. To get into the right mood watch a video here.