Weekly newsletter 5/2012

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 5/2012

Registration for SELL Games is already well underway! The actual registration period will end on 20 March (you can also sign up later but at a slightly higher price), so now is a good time to be active! For more information, see the website of the games: http://sell2012.fi/

  1. This week’s events
  2. Open after party of AYY’s anniversary at Helsinki Club on Saturday, 4 Feb
  3. Gravitation is here again on Shrove Tuesday, 21 Feb
  4. The fourth national health survey to be launched
  5. Startup Life
  6. Shoot for the Stars with TalentMatch!
  7. Welcome to the beginner’s scuba diving course and scuba diving experiment 2012 of PSK Kupla!
  8. Bateria of the samba school Império do Papagaio is looking for new members
  9. Ilustrum – international Aalto student’s free game is published
  10. Looking for performers for the 4th ScienceSLAM Helsinki event
  11. Playing Doctor: Professional of Love

1. This week’s events

2. Open after party of AYY’s anniversary at Helsinki Club on Saturday, 4 Feb

Did you miss the anniversary registration or spent your student financial aid on your rent or other unnecessary things? Don’t worry, Aalto 2.0 will arrange the after party at Helsinki Club that is open to everyone, and the prices are suitable for the student budget. Come and feel the anniversary atmosphere at the after party!

The admission fee to the after party is 4 euro, including the cloakroom fee. In addition, snacks are provided and drinks are sold at a student-friendly price!

During the night, we will be entertained by a DJ and an excellent band Pikku2!


  • Location: Helsinki Club (Yliopistonkatu 8 )
  • Time: 4 Feb, 23.30pm -3.30am
  • Admission fee (incl. cloakroom): 4 euro

Student-friendly drink prices.

3. Gravitation is here again on Shrove Tuesday, 21 Feb

Shrove Tuesday sledge, buns and the party! The Gravitation is here again on Shrove Tuesday, 21 Feb!

This is the greatest cross-disciplinary party of the beginning of the year and the night will be pure greatness! Gravitation is arranged at The Circus and it is the official party of the Shrovetide celebrations at Ullanlinnanmäki Hill. Wow! Performers include Jare & VilleGalle, Haloo Helsinki and a DJ who will keep the dance floor full. Come and warm yourself after all the sledding!

  • What: Gravitation 2012
  • Where: The Circus
  • When: Shrove Tuesday, 21 Feb 2012 and the doors will open at 8pm
  • How to get there: purchase a ticket in advance for €10/at the entrance or from Tiketti for €12
  • What else: hilarious overall badge €2 and student-friendly prices at the bar!

More information on ticket sale locations and schedules will be published later. Please also follow other information as there will be info about the programme, bus schedules and everything else that makes the Gravitation 2012!

4. Fourth national health survey of university students to be launched 

FSHS will launch again the comprehensive national health survey of university students at the end of January. This year, the survey is sent to ta total of ten thousand university and polytechnic students.

The questionnaire includes traditional questions about health and health behaviour but it also charts other areas of life, which are related to students’ health and coping. This year’s special themes are learning difficulties, gambling, bullying and experiences of violence, sexuality and the role of exercise in students’ lives.

Ten thousand students will soon receive the questionnaire by mail. You can respond either traditionally with the paper form or electronically. In order to have reliable results, it is important to get a good response rate. FSHS hopes that plenty of students will participate in the research.

Kristina Kunttu, Chief Medical Officer of the community health of FSHS acts as the principal researcher of the health survey of university students.

Further information (in Finnish.)

5. Startup Life

Startup Life is for you! Intern at a startup, experience a life-changing summer and learn from the best entrepreneurs in the world. We send the most talented students from Aalto University to do internships in Helsinki and around the globe. We have positions for software developers, graphical and industrial designers and business students in Silicon Valley, New York, London, Berlin, Moscow and Helsinki.

Come up with tricky questions on the programme and be sure to attend info events on 8th and 15th, 6pm @ Aalto Venture Garage (Betonimiehenkuja 3D, Espoo). DL for applications 29 Feb.

Look for more info at: www.startuplife.in

6. Shoot for the Stars with TalentMatch

TalentMatch combines matching in social media and networking events with easy access to add-on services to create a marketplace where internationally qualified, right talent is in the right place, at the right time.

Here’s how you can join:

  1. post professional profile on www.talentmatch.fi and click the “follow” button.
  2. assess your work behaviour and let your friends and colleagues assess you as well
  3. stay informed of the most recent job openings and those jobs that match your experience and working style best
  4. expand your network at Talent Talks® Matchmaking events on 29 March and 7 June 2012

TalentMatch is a service provided by Otaniemi Marketing Ltd and Technopolis Plc. Further information & inquiries to oin@otaniemi.fi.

7. Welcome to the basic course of scuba diving and the scuba diving experiment of PSK Kupla

The info lecture of the spring course will be arranged at 5pm on Tuesday, 7 Feb 2012 at Civil and Environmental Engineering Building at the address Rakentajanaukio 4 A. The info lecture will last approximately two hours. The lecture will cover the course content, schedule and the conditions for participation in the course and you can also sign up for the course. In addition, you will also get information on Kupla activities.

The lectures and pool exercises will be mainly arranged on Tuesday evenings in the spring and the course will end in the open water camp in May. The price of the course in 2012 is €390. The reduced student price of €360 is offered for students with a valid university student card.

We will also arrange a scuba diving experiment in connection with the course on Tue, 7 Feb. The event provides basic information about the diving hobby and you can try out scuba diving in the pool led by an experienced trainer. After the experiment, you still have the opportunity to sign up for the spring course.

Participation in the scuba diving experiment does not require you to participate in the course. You must register in advance for the scuba diving experiment as there is a limited number of participants. If you want to participate in the scuba diving beginner’s course but not for the intro diving, you do not have to sign up – just come to the introduction class.

The course website is open.
Further information on the scuba diving experiment and registration

Please note that the course and the scuba diving experiment will be held only in Finnish.

8. Bateria of the samba school Império do Papagaio is looking for new members

If you are just an ordinary student interested in Latin rhytms, come and learn about the samba drum group in the practice facilities of the samba school Império do Papagaio on Wednesdays, 6pm-7.30pm (Oksasenkatu 1-2,shelter).On 8 February, there will be a performance of the advanced bateria after the beginner’s class. At least come and listen.

The introduction class is free, and you do not need your own drum or drumsticks – we will play with the school’s instruments. You also do not need previous drumming experience, but some musical experience is certainly helpful.


9. Ilustrum – international Aalto student’s free game is published

The international student at the School of Electrical Engineering Albert Abello’s start-up company ilustrum has published its game in Finnish! Please support Albert’s cultural initiative and try the game at www.ilustrum.com. In addition to the English-language collections, there is also a Finnish collection, which is available here. This is one way to pass time during the dark winter days!

10. Performers wanted for the 4th ScienceSLAM Helsinki

ScienceSLAM Helsinki is a popular science event series, aimed at the general public to promote science and research in a creative and entertaining way. For the 4th ScienceSLAM Helsinki, on 27 March 2012, at Korjaamo, Helsinki, we are looking again for enthusiastic, open-minded researchers that would like to share their research topic with a wider audience.

Participants can come from all areas and stages of science, and are free to present a topic related to their own research expertise. Presentations are ten minutes each, and ultimately compete for the votes of the audience. The medium of presentation is free and can range from a more traditional talk, to a dance choreography or self-made video clip. A stimulating, entertaining performance is at least as important as pure scientific value. Creativity and fun is strongly encouraged! The language of the event and presentations is English.

DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS is 27 Feb 2012. Application forms can be found at www.scienceslam.fi. For more information on the event, please visit our website or just contact us directly!

We are looking forward to hearing from you! Your team of ScienceSLAM Helsinki

web: www.scienceslam.fi
mail: mail@scienceslam.fi

11. Playing doctor: Professional of love

Wednesday, 8 Feb, 9pm-4am, Kaarle XII

City magazine: “the best medicinal party of the year”

Playing Doctor takes you to the past decades, warm summer nights at the dance halls. To the time when the medical profession was a calling, and motivated by love. So come and find your inner professional of love and maybe meet the hot doctor of your dreams, who can donate his heart just for you…

Radio Helsinki DJ Mikko Mattlar will play records – there is also live music! Tickets €7/9 (advance/entrance) and overall badges €2, please make sure you have the exact change.

Tickets are sold as follows:

  • Haartman, 1 Feb and 8 Feb, 12noon-1pm
  • Ruskeasuo, 1 Feb and 8 Feb, 12noon-1pm
  • Porthania, 6 Feb, 11am-12noon and 7 Feb, 12.30pm-1.30pm
  • Viikki, 6 Feb, 11am-12noon
  • TKK Main Building, 10.30am-12.30pm
  • School of Economics, 6 Feb, 11.30am-12.30pm

The link of the week

Do you have the anniversary ticket but don’t know how to dress up. Thumb Man will help you out! http://vimeo.com/35579336