Weekly Newsletter 7/2012

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 7/2012

AYY happily celebrated its two-year journey on 4–5 Feb 2012. During the party, we took a tour around the stars at Planetarium at Heureka Science Centre, danced along fast rhytms at Helsinki Club and enjoyed the tropical jungle at Gardenia in the middle of the bright and snowy winter.

Aalto University Student Union Board and the Anniversary Committee 2012 would like to thank the participants for the wonderful party and its members for these two amazing years. We wish good luck and inspiration for the spring!

  1. This week’s events
  2. Services of AYY Töölö Housing Office currently provided through Otaniemi Housing Office
  3. Create a medal/prize for SELL Student Games 2012 supporting the green theme of the games!
  4. Start Exercising course to begin in March
  5. New theme day of FSHS encourages to eat healthily
  6. Info night of teekkari sailors
  7. Participate in the skipper courses of teekkari sailors
  8. Public poll – better life through work!
  9. Participate in the survey on WebOodi, win iPad 2!
  10. EntreMill – working life-oriented career training programme for university students! Application ongoing NOW!
  11. News from Aalto Career Services

1. This week’s event

2. Services of AYY Töölö Housing Office are currently provided through Otaniemi Housing Office

AYY’s Töölö Housing Office has been closed since 27 Jan. The independent branch was closed because the number of customers in Töölö Housing Office has been constantly low and almost all housing services are also available for members as remote services, such as electronic forms.

Currently, Töölö does not provide any housing services. All housing issues are handled through Otaniemi Housing Office for now.

However, housing services in Töölö will not be completely discontinued as they will be transferred to operate partly in connection with Töölö Service Point. It is still possible to collect and return apartment keys to the service point. In order to collect the keys, the resident needs a signed rental agreement and the proof of identity as usual. In addition, Töölö Service Point gives advice for simple housing-related questions.

Housing advice and key services will be relaunched at Töölö Service Point as quickly as possible and the members will be informed about this separately.

More profound advice and answers to all housing-related questions will continue to be provided at Otaniemi Housing Office, either by email at asuntotoimisto@ayy.fi or by telephone (see the address and contact information here). Online and email services function as previously.

Additional questions may be presented to Housing Specialist Jaakko Koivula (etunimi.sukunimi@ayy.fi, 050 520 9444) and AYY Board Member in charge of housing affairs Lauri Ikonen (etunimi.sukunimi@ayy.fi 050 520 9416).

3. Create a medal/prize for SELL Student Games 2012 supporting the green theme of the games!

The aim of the challenge for Aalto University students would be on sustainable product planning of the prizes handed out for the competitors of the SELL Student Games. Recycling, multi-purpose use, environmentally friendly material use and other sustainable principles may be used in creating/producing the design. About 2,000 participants from 15 countries will take part in the event and a rough estimate of the need for prizes is about 800 pieces all together. Prizes will be given to best three contestants in every sport, so it needs to be visible in some form which placing the prize indicates (e.g. different colors/shapes, engraving, etc.). This means that there will be approx. 265 medals/prizes for each placing. Prizes should also represent Aalto University in their visual expression (colours/logo).

Competition period, budget and prize for the designer

All designs must be sent by 29 February 2012 to hille.hakkinen@sell2012.fi. The budget for manufacturing the medals/prizes is EUR 4,700 (or less). The production must be planned so that the medals are ready by the beginning of May 2012.

A gift voucher of 300 euros for an ethical grocery store will be given to the winner of the challenge.

Further information

4. Start Exercising course to begin in March

Start Exercising Course will begin on week 10. In the course, you exercise in groups led by peer instructors. Participants can have effect on the course content. Are you interested? Read more about the course and sign up.

5. New theme day of FSHS encourages to eat healthily

”Student’s apple day” is the new health promotion day of FSHS, celebrated for the first time on Monday, 13 Feb 2012. The day’s purpose is to encourage students to healthy lifestyles.

Daily fruit eating helps students to cope better in their studies and refreshes the mind and the body. The day’s purpose is to bring back the value of the apple word as the symbol of a healthy diet. On the theme day, apples are distributed to students at all FSHS locations.

Students within FSHS can ask the foundation’s public health nurses for more information on healthy lifestyles, good eating habits and ways to maintain their own health.

The day is also the 58th birthday of FSHS. The charter of the foundation was signed on 13 Feb 1954.

Further information: FSHS Development Manager Sari Krappe, tel. 046 710 1540, sari.krappe@yths.fi

6. Info night of Teekkari sailors

Teekkari sailors is a sailing club for all Aalto members and also students outside Aalto. The sailing club TRIP will arrange an info night at 6pm on Thursday, 16 Feb, 6pm. During the night, the club presents spring courses, the electronic boat project and future events. You can also hear summer job tips from the main sponsor of the electronic boat, ABB. Otherwise, you can just spend a relaxed evening and meet new and old club members. The venue is Ossinlinna sauna in Otaniemi. All who are interested to hear about Trip activities are welcome. See you in Ossinlinna!

  • What: Info night for new members and those interested in club activities. Old members are also welcome.
  • When and where: Thu, 16 Feb, from 6pm onwards at Ossinlinna, Otakaari 18.
  • What to bring: Your own towel.
  • How: Just show up!

7. Participate in the skipper courses of teekkari sailors

Again this spring, TRIP (technology students’ sailing club) will arrange the leisure and coastal skipper courses of the Finnish Navigation Union (Suomen navigaatioliitto). Courses are arranged in Finnish. Registration for courses is now open. The leisure skipper course is the beginner’s course for navigation and water traffic regulations, among other things. You will learn to find your way between the right signs, read directions on a map and identify other ships based on their lights. The course will start from the basics so you do not need any preliminary information. The course includes 7 lectures. The lectures will be arranged on Tuesdays, 5.30pm-approx. 8pm.

The coastal skipper course is continuation for the leisure skipper course and provides further information on tides, weather and the use of radar. The course consists of 6 lectures arranged on Thursdays, 5.30pm-approx. 8pm.

The requirement for the coastal skipper course is a completed leisure skipper course degree but it is possible to complete both degrees at the same time in TRIP’s courses.

You can participate in the course if you are a TRIP member and pay the course fee (€60 including the exam fee). In addition, you will pay for the course book and other materials, as well as the possible diploma fee. Overall, these courses are cheaper than courses in folk high schools and better designed for university students.

Further information, detailed schedules and registration online.

8. Public poll – Better life through work!

The national development strategy of working life led by Minister of Labour Lauri Ihalainen is being prepared. The project includes ministries, labour market organisatinos and other actors in the working life. In order to support labour, we also need citizens’ perceptions on ideal jobs and how the meaningfulness of work could be improved.

The survey seeks answers on what the future workplaces should be like, what kind of jobs are easy to find, what kind of workplaces are good and how to achieve good results. We want answers both from those inside and outside the working life.

The link to the survey. You can respond between 7 –26 Feb 2012. Information on the survey is also available on the website of Ministry of Employment and the Economy. It only takes a few minutes to respond.

9. Participate in the survey on WebOodi, win iPad 2!

Aalto University is clarifying the image of WebOodi related to the modernisation project of the information system of the Study Administration. It is particularly important to take into account students’ opinions on the importance of the operations provided by WebOodi as well as their usability. Services provided for students to support their studies is an extensive entity and this survey begins the clarification work for the development of the services.

All responses will be treated anonymously and confidentially. The survey results will be used in the modernisation project of the information system of the Study Administration between Aalto University, the University of Helsinki and the University Of Tampere, and in the development work of Aalto University’s own service package provided for students.

The survey is in Finnish and it will close on 26 Feb 2012. iPad 2 (value approx. EUR 500) will be raffled among the participants who sign up for the draw.

Link to the survey

Further information on the survey: Mari Riihiaho, Project Designer, Aalto University, information systems of study administration mari.riihiaho@aalto.fi

10. EntreMill – working life-oriented career training programme for university students! Application ongoing NOW!

EntreMill is a Finnish career training programme related to the working life, including contact teaching, mentoring and consulting, combined with on-the-job learning in companies and/or working on your own business idea in companies selected for the programme. Training is based on measures promoting effective employment and development of those professional skills that are not learned at school. The training programme is ideal for students as you can study,work on your thesis or work part-time at the same time.

The training programme is intended for enthusiastic and motivated students who study in higher education institutions or who are graduating (polytechnic/university) or recent graduates who need sparring in their transition to the working life and the development of professional skills. The aim is that those who participate in the programme will find employment or set up their own business during the course – or shortly after the course!

Coaching and on-the-job learning are part of the EntreMill project of Uusimaa Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment partly funded by European Social Fund (ESF) and thus the programme is free for the selected students! Training is organised by Aalto University School of Economics Small Business Center and implemented on the premises of Small Business Center in Helsinki. On-the-job learning will take place in the selected companies. Further information and application instructions can be found here.

Take advantage of this unique opportunity and apply by 5pm on 29 Feb 2012! Please kindly note that the training programme is arranged in Finnish!

Further information: Laura Ahtikoski, EntreMill Project Manager, tel. 040 353 8440, laura.ahtikoski@aalto.fi

11. News from Aalto Career Services

The application period for Murjottelu internships opens on 15 February on our website into.aalto.fi/murjottelu and ends on 1 March.

Murjottelu KickOff, Thursday, 16th of February, 2 PM – 4 PM, Aalto Design Factory

MURJOTTELU is an interdisciplinary summer training campaign, which helps students to find internships in their own fields of study. Make your way to the Murjottelu Kickoff at the Aalto Design Factory on Thursday to learn more about Murjottelu and meet some of the employers. Enrollment in CareerWeb Events

Other news: Application period for international IAESTE traineeship programme will end on Friday this week, 17 Feb. More information and placement descriptions www.iaeste.fi