Weekly Newsletter 10/2012

This is AYY’s Weekly Newsletter 10/2012

The operating grant application is ongoing! See the instructions and further information on how to apply for the grants here.

  1. This week’s events
  2. Technology student: Become an International Tutor!
  3. International winter sports day – 1,2,3, GO!
  4. Study psychologists’ workshops for students
  5. Seminar on the future of Europe
  6. Get Supergolf game rights through KY-Slice
  7. Espoo’s city planning asks for opinions about the archipelago
  8. Boating and environment theme night
  9. News from Aalto Career Services
  10. Annihilaatio goes ST. PATRIC
  11. Bad Taste sitsi-party 15 March

1. This week’s events

Wed, 7 March, ADS Weekly Debate

2. Technology student: Become an International Tutor!

Have you been an exchange student somewhere and didn’t get all the need you might have wanted? Or did you come to Finland expecting more from your tutor? Maybe you didn’t even get one. Or you could just be interested in meeting lots of great new people from different cultures and maybe improving your language skills. This is your chance to do just that and help others at the same time. Become an international tutor to the incoming international students of Aalto University!

Being an international tutor is very rewarding and fun. Basically it means helping a small group of exchange students during the academic year of 2012-2013. Most of the work is done in the first week of school in the beginning of September but you can gain a lot if you hang around with the exchange students throughout the year. This includes making friends who you might later visit from all over the world.

You can register as an international tutor here. The registration is open until 15 April. The tutors will be trained in two sessions: one in April and the other in August.

More information and answers to your possible questions from us, the International Grand Viziers 2012:
Jatta-Mari Rouvinen, jatta-mari.rouvinen@aalto.fi (CHEM)
Heidi Huppunen, heidi.huppunen@aalto.fi (ELEC)
Katharina Jokinen, katharina.jokinen@aalto.fi (ENG)
Riina Kärnä, riina.karna@aalto.fi (SCI)

3. International winter sports day – 1,2,3, GO!

Came to Finland but yet to experience the thrill and the chill of winter sports? On Monday 12 March in Paloheinä is your chance – come take both your international and local friends to have some unforgettable time! We offer a chance to practice a few very traditional Finnish winter sports which include cross-country skiing and sliding down a hill with a sledge. There will also be some cool surprise program to check out! Later on we will continue to Otaniemi for a sauna party at Rantasauna starting at 9pm.

With the student card you can rent a skiing set in Paloheinä for 19€ and a sledge for just 3,5€. Without the card the prices are 22€ and 4€. In case you have your own equipment feel free to bring it along and save the money! More information.

The activity in Paloheinä will start around 5pm. You can travel there yourself or join with us at the following meeting points:

  • Otaniemi mall at 4pm
  • Rautatientori bus stop for 66A at 4.10pm

Paloheinä is located at:
Pakilantie 124, 00670 Helsinki

4. Study psychologists’ workshops for students

Study psychologists organise again this spring free Finnish workshops for Aalto University students.

  • You can sign up for the stress management workshop until Thursday, 15 March. The group’s first meeting will be on Thursday, 22 March.
  • You can sign up for the mindfullness workshop until Monday, 12 March and the first meeting will be on Thursday, 15 March.

Further information and the more specific schedule of the workshops is available here.

5. Seminar on the future of Europe

The Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs/Europe Information and the University of Helsinki will arrange a seminar on the future of Europe in the Great Hall of the University of Helsinki (Aleksanterinkatu 5) on Tuesday 13 March 2012 at 12.45pm–3pm. The event is part of a series of seminars launched in Helsinki in September 2011 (www.vnk.fi/futureofeurope).

Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen, and former President of the European Central Bank Jean-Claude Trichet will present the keynote speeches in the seminar. Rector of the University of Helsinki, Thomas Wilhelmsson, will open the seminar. The discussion will be moderated by Director Teija Tiilikainen from the The Finnish Institute of International Affairs. All addresses will be in English.
The seminar will be open to the public. However, pre-registration is required here by Thursday 8 March 2012. The event can be followed as a live webcast or later as a recording at www.vnk.fi/futureofeurope. It is also possible to follow the discussion on Twitter using the hashtag #EUtulET.

The entrance of the venue and registration will be opened at 12.15pm. Participants are asked to arrive well in advance of the start of the seminar. Participants should also be prepared to present a legal proof of identity if asked to do so.

Further information.

6. Get Supergolf game rights through KY-Slice

Take an early start for the golf summer! KY-Slice sells inexpensive Supergolf game rights for 27 euro each (after March the price rises by one euro). In addition, when ordering you can get the annual membership fee of Supergolf even for free. The due date of the order is Friday, 16 March. Further information on the order is available here.

7. Espoo’s city planning asks for opinions about archipelago

City Planning Centre is charting special features of Espoo archipelago, so that they can be taken into account in the planning of land use. The centre hopes to receive answers from land owners, residents and users in the region as well as others interested in the archipelago.
The local master plan draft of Espoo archipelago and the questionnaire are prepared in cooperation with Finnish Consulting Group Ltd. The pending local master plan draft of Espoo archipelago is prepared as a local master plan with legal consequences, which is used to justify the granting of the planning permission. Espoo archipelago local master plan: user and landowner questionnaire is published on the website of the City of Espoo and it is open on 20 Feb– 20 March 2012.

The link to the survey (in Finnish). Answers or part of them may be used in studies, publications and exhibitions of Espoo City Planning Centre.

Further information
Planning Assistant Tuija Siren, tel. 8162 4344 tuija.siren@espoo.fi (questionnaire)
Zoning Technician Anne Pitkänen tel. 8164 2208 (information on permit solutions)

8. Boating and environment theme night

Teekkari Sailors will arrange a Finnish debate at the main section of OK20 at 6pm on Monday, 12 March 2012. The evening’s theme is boating and the environment.

The programme includes an introduction on the evening’s theme, after which there will be discussion and debate about what a club or an independent boater can do to promote nature-friendly boating. The introduction is presented by the club member Ville Karvinen, who works as a researcher in the marine centre of the Finnish Environment Centre. The situation of Trip’s nature-friendly boating pilot project eVene will also be presented.

The theme night is open to all interested parties, both members of Trip and others. We particularly recommend this for the participants in the leisure skipper course of the spring, as the course’s environmental affairs are taught at this event. It is also easy to get to know the club members during the night.

The venue is the main section of sitsi and sauna facilities of OK20 in Otaniemi.
The entrance is in the yard between Otakaari 20 and Jämeräntaival 1, the bottom floor.

Snacks are provided and the sauna will be heated – so take a towel with you.

9. News from Aalto Career Services

Careerlab: Landing on the Finnish job market
Wednesday, 14 March, from 2.15 to 3.45 pm, Otakaari 1, lecture hall G
Are you interested in working in Finland? If you are considering looking for a job in Finland and would like to know more about the labour market and job search, this is an event for you! This CareerLab is an informal event where you can come and discuss with Career Services any questions you might have about job hunting and we are happy to share with you all the knowledge we have! The event will be held in English and you can read more about it in the Aalto CareerWeb.

Participate in Universum’s Student Survey
By participating in Universum’s Student Survey you now have a chance to win a Nokia Lumia phone. You also have a chance to win a travel voucher or a scholarship worth 1000 Euros. The survey focuses on career related questions. We want to know which your career goals are, what an ideal employer is and how you would like to get additional information about various employers. The results will be presented in Kauppalehti in May 2012 and in Universum’s publication Tulevaisuuden yritykset. Participate by following the link.

10. Annihilaatio goes ST. PATRIC

The best party of the year is here once again! Freshmen of The Guild of Physics proudly present:

Annihilaatio goes ST.PATRICK

Gather your friends, dress up in green and/or gold according the theme and arrive to Bar Bäkkäri wich has gone through great transformation with Irish spirit. Naturally the atmosphere is wild and the prices have been cut down to a more student-friendly level. You get the best start for your evening during the happy hour between 10pm to 12pm. There will also be a professional photographer from whom you can inquire pictures afterwards.

The tickets cost 2€ in advance and 3€ at the entrance. You can also get the overall patch for just 2,5€.

Ticket sale times and further information on Facebook.

11. Bad Taste sitsi-party 15 March

Have you ever tried to party wearing spandex overalls, sandals and socks, rustling wind suit or a string vest? On March 15th dress up with really bad taste! Join the Finnish masters of anti-fashion with your out of fashion or far too much over stylish clothing and enjoy! Sing as loud as you can and forget the traditional dress-code, look bad taste but eat and drink good taste!

Date: 15.3.2012. Cocktail party starts at 6:00 pm at Smökki (Jämeräntaival 4). The sitsit starts at 7:00 pm. After party at OK20 (Otakaari 20)!

15e/13e (alcoholic / non-alcoholic)

There are places for 120 people at the sitsit: 60 places for foreign students, 60 for Finnish students.

Ticket sales at Otaniemi Main building’s entrance hall:
Thu 8.3. 11 am – 13 pm
Fri 9.3. 11 am – 13 pm
Mon 12.3. 11 am – 13 pm
Tue 13.3. 11 am – 13 pm
Wed 14.3. 11 am – 13 pm

Event on Facebook.
Be there, be BAD TASTE!