Weekly Newsletter 13/2012

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 13/2012

Application periods for AYY’s association grant and TTE-Fund’s grant are ongoing. You can apply for both grants until next Sunday, 1 Apr 2012. Please also note that AYY’s scholarship application will open on 2 Apr.

The weekly newsletter will be published as usual next week but will be on holiday on week 15.

  1. This week’s events
  3. Open Letter from Aalto Students to Student Organizations
  4. Apply for AYY’s anniversary committee
  5. AYY Kehy’s travel evening on Friday, 30 March
  7. Volunteer work in Asia, Africa or Latin America next autumn?
  8. Tell us about your Erasmus Experience and you could win a tablet pc
  9. Rapal’s student fund scholarships and grants are open for application until 12 Apr
  10. Design a logo for Victim Support
  11. Prank 25 years – birthday party on 1 Apr, 3pm @ Smökki
  12. Great debate night – the hottest debate in the city on Friday, 30 March

1. This week’s events


Woman? Man? Black? White? Old? Young? – Does it matter? During the spring of 2012, AYY will draft a gender equality and equality plan. You can influence the content of the plan by responding to the survey at http://bit.ly/ayy-yhdenvertaisuus-jasenet!

The matter is prepared at AYY’s Central Office by Kati Penttinen and Janne Peltola (firstname.surname@ayy.fi).

3. Open Letter from Aalto Students to Student Organizations

184 Degree Students of Aalto University who do not speak Finnish have written an open letter to Student Organizations of Aalto University. They want to bring three topics for discussion.

  1. Define clearly “International Degree Students”
  2. Claim why we need student organizations by our side
  3. Explain what we believe should be done by these organizations

The letter can be found from ayy’s webpages.

Non-Finnish speaking students would like to invite all the students and representatives of all the organizations concerned to an open discussion, both through emails and meetings. Next International Degree Student Committee meeting will be held on March 28th at 16:00 at TF, Otakaari 22. Feel free to join and share with us your opinions and concerns.

4. Apply for AYY’s Anniversary Committee

Aalto University Student Union is looking for volunteers to work with the person in charge of anniversary arrangements. New members and the person in charge will establish the anniversary committee which will organise a unique, fresh and charming 3-year anniversary on 2 Feb 2013. The committee gets to plan the party concept from start to finish together and independently.

So please apply and participate in the construction of a triumphant anniversary! There is plenty to do in the fields of planning, implementation, programme, corporate relations and marketing. Previous experience is not required, you only need enthusiasm and open mind.

The application for the committee is open here until Sunday, 8 Apr. For further information on the committee and application, please contact Chair of the Anniversary Committee Lilli (lilli.konttinen@ayy.fi | 046-597 3929).

Apply now, and enjoy!

5. AYY Kehy’s travel evening on Friday, 30 March

What happens if you send 13 Aalto students to Southern Africa for two weeks? Come and find out on Friday the 30th at 6pm at KY-house (yläkertsi, Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 21 B, 3rd floor). There will be photos, stories and some fun with AYY-Kehy.


Young Designers (http://nude.ayy.fi/, http://www.facebook.com/NuoretDesigneritRy) are once again arranging the Design & Entrepreneurship seminar inspired by last year’s success.

Our focus is on the possibilities of entrepreneurship in field of design and the different ways to practice or support it. This year we will have presentations from Aalto Entrepreneurship Society, MottoWasabi, Helsinki FRESH and Uploud Audio.

The seminar will be held on Tuesday, 27 March at 5pm at Sampo Hall (School of Arts, Design & Architecture, Hämeentie 135 C). The event is held in English and is free and open for all! After the presentations we will have some refreshments and time to mingle in the foyer.

More info

7. Volunteer work in Asia, Africa or Latin America next autumn?

Are you interested in volunteer work in Asia, Africa or Latin America next autumn?

There are still a few vacancies for ICYE (International Cultural Youth Exchange) volunteer programme for the next autumn:

  • One 6-month vacancy in each country: Costa Rica, Ecuador, Indonesia, Japan
  • One vacancy (12 months or 6 months) in each country: Ghana, Honduras, Columbia, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Taiwan, Togo (knowledge of French required in Togo)

Apply now! Vacancies will be filled in the application order. The deadline for applications is 16 Apr 2012. Participants will be selected on the basis of an application and interview. Programme information, prices and application instructions:


8. Tell us about your Erasmus Experience and you could win a tablet pc

Ever been on an Erasmus exchange? Did it change your life? We’re looking for funny, exciting or moving stories (preferably in English), in any format, whether text, photo or video. The competition is our way of celebrating the 25th birthday of the Erasmus programme this year.

Deadline for posting stories is 30 April 2012 (23:59 PM – Central European Summer Time). Winners will be announced on the event page on 9 May.

Further information

9. Rapal’s student fund scholarships and grants are open for application until 12 Apr

The Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering Student Services declares the following scholarships and grant open for application for Aalto Students of Technology:

  • Two scholarships of EUR 1500 from the Rapal Oy’s student fund to academically successful students who are studying towards their master’s degree and have completed their Bachelor of Science (Technology) degree in Aalto University.
  • One grant of EUR 2000 from the Rapal Oy’s student fund to an academically successful postgraduate student of technology.

Deadline for applications is 12 Apr 2012.

Call for applications is available on Into\s scholarship page.

10. Design a logo for Victim Support

Victim Support will organise a logo competition, which aims to find a logo to describe its wide range of services and the set of values. The competition will end on 18 Apr 2012.

The new logo should:

  • reflect RIKU’s activities and the set of values
  • include the text “Rikosuhripäivystys”, but also function without the text
  • be suitable for the current colour scheme
  • function both in large and small size, electronic and printed environment, in colour or black and white

Further information here or RIKU’s designer Minna Järvinen at minna.jarvinen@riku.fi, 050-5166 554.

11. Prank 25 years – birthday party on 1 Apr, 3pm @ Smökki

April Fool’s Day is here! Otaniemen Jäynä will have its 25th birthday and this will be celebrated in the birthday party at Servin Mökki from 3pm onwards. Food! Drinks! Music! Pranks! Friends!

Be there or be fooled! Free admission.

Further information: Einari Näveri, Chief Judge, Otaniemi’s 25th prank contest, einari.naveri@aalto.fi

12. Great debate night – the hottest debate in the city on Friday, 30 March

Great debate night – the hottest debate in the city at Virgin Oil (Mannerheimintie 5) 30 March, 7pm. The doors will open at 6pm.

  • Head of Finnish Business and Policy Forum EVA Matti Apunen and Member of Parliament Anna Kontula (Left) will debate about the topic ”does downshifting make sense?”
  • Musician Yona and Journalist Anne Moilanen will debate about the topic ”Do traditional gender roles make life easier?”
  • Visual artist and retired porn star Rakel Liekki and the supervisor of Nyt attachment of Helsingin Sanomat Juhani Mykkänen ask, “Is an intimate relationship the best form of relationship?”

All debates are commented by writer Jörn Donner.
DJ Supergrande plays music.

Tickets 5 euro. Advance tickets from Tiketti. Debates are organised in Finnish.

Event on Facebook

The link of the week

Architect Guild has published a new web magazine called ”Paperi”. You can get to know the magazine at www.arkkitehtikilta.fi