Weekly Newsletter 14/2012

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 14/2012

AYY’s Housing Office and Otaniemi Service Point will be open exceptionally between 9am-1pm on Maundy Thursday, 5 Apr. On Good Friday, 6 Apr, and Easter Monday, 9 Apr, the Housing Office and Service Point will be closed.

The weekly newsletter will also be on holiday next week. Happy Easter to all!

  1. This (and next) week’s events
  2. Student Union member: respond to AYY’s visibility survey and win a gift certificate to Tiketti
  3. AYY’s Excursion to Tallinn 20 Apr–22 Apr
  4. Volunteer at SELL Games
  6. Apply for AYY’s Anniversary Committee
  7. Become a seller at Aarremarkkinat flea market
  8. Prices of AYY’s one-time rental premises for the year 2012
  9. Jaloviina 80 years
  10. Aalto Beer Pong presents: Spring Pong! 7 Apr
  11. Sauna of old songs, 9 Apr
  13. News from Aalto Career Services
  14. Ristin Kilta guild to organise two interesting lectures
  15. AEGEE-Helsinki summer university info night

1. This (and next) week’s events

2. Student union member: respond to AYY’s visibility survey and win a gift certificate to Tiketti

Dear student union member: AYY wants to identify what kind of views and images Aalto University students have about the student union, its activities as well as its role in the academic community. We are looking for a respondent’s personal views, so there are no correct answers. All responses will be treated confidentially and it is not possible to identify an individual respondent’s answers. Based on the responses, we will create a communications strategy for AYY, so your response is very valuable!

The survey is open between 2 Apr–2 May and it takes a few minutes to respond to the survey. Among all respondents, we will raffle one gift certificate of 200 euro and two gift certificates of 50 euro to Tiketti. Participation in the draw requires submitting your contact details at the end of the survey.  For further information on the survey, please contact AYY’s Organisation and Communications Specialist  Joonas Jylhä (joonas.jylha@ayy.fi).

Answer the survey here

3. AYY’s Excursion to Tallinn 20 Apr-22 Apr

Bon Voyage is French and means ‘have a nice trip’. Aalto Voyage, on the other hand, is an organisation that will take you for a journey! An epic journey south beyond the sea, not caring about cultural differences.

Aalto Voyage will head its unprecedented journey towards our kindred nation on Friday, 20 Apr. You have, of course, been to Estonia and brought everything that custom regulations allow, but that is not all. Estonia offers more, such as wild start-up companies, student life and bars, where the price level is the same than in student parties.

The journey will consist of company visits, sitsit parties, campus tours, Old Town tour and Pub Crawl.

Event on facebook
Teretulemast Eesti Vabariik!

4. Volunteer at SELL Games

Sell Games, students’ sports games, will be organised in Otaniemi on 17-20 May. We are expecting 2,000 students so there will be quite a hullabaloo! (further information: www.sell2012.fi) If you are not interested in exercising but would like to participate in the sporty atmosphere, you can participate as a volunteer!

As a volunteer, you get a positive spirit and get to enjoy the sporty atmosphere as well as

  • all the same benefits as the participants, which are:
      • event bags full of goodies and also useful stuff
      • HSL travel card during the event (regional ticket)
      • three meals a day throughout the event (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
      • free entry to SELL party (on two days)
  • strike
  • SELL shirts

We need volunteers to help in the organisation of accommodation, security supervision, organisation of related events and judging in sport-specific contests (volleyball, badminton, swimming, basketball …)

Registrations and further questions on positions to at liikunta@ayy.fi


Woman? Man? Black? White? Old? Young? – Does it matter? During the spring of 2012, AYY will draft a gender equality and equality plan. You can influence the content of the plan by responding to the survey here!

The matter is prepared at AYY’s Central Office by Kati Penttinen and Janne Peltola (firstname.surname@ayy.fi).

6. Apply for AYY’s Anniversary Committee

Aalto University Student Union is looking for volunteers to work with the person in charge of anniversary arrangements. New members and the person in charge will establish the anniversary committee which will organise a unique, fresh and charming 3-year anniversary on 2 Feb 2013. The committee gets to plan the party concept from start to finish together and independently.

So please apply and participate in the construction of a triumphant anniversary! There is plenty to do in the fields of planning, implementation, programme, corporate relations and marketing. Previous experience is not required, you only need enthusiasm and open mind.

The application for the committee is open here until Sunday, 8 Apr. For further information on the committee and application, please contact Chair of the Anniversary Committee Lilli (lilli.konttinen@ayy.fi | 046-597 3929).

Apply now, and enjoy!

7. Become a seller at Aarremarkkinat flea market

Aarremarkkinat is here again! Welcome to a cosy flea market where you can also enjoy a tasty brunch and listen to atmospheric music. Come and make new findings or sell your things that are useless to you. You can also sell your own creations.

If you wish to sell something, please sign up here.

For further informations, please contact Eeva Henriksson firstname.lastname@ayy.fi 0407784140

8. Prices of AYY’s one-time rental premises for the year 2012

At its meeting 12/2012, the Board has revised the price list of AYY’s one-time rental premises. The updated prices are available on AYY’s website. The prices remain otherwise unchanged, but Servin Mökki rent for associations rose to 60 euro. At the same time, the different pricing for members and associations was discontinued. Rental price for Servin Mökki kitchen was set at 60 euro. The changes will enter into force on 1 Apr 2012.

For further information, please contact the organisational sector at jarjestoasiat@ayy.fi

9. Jaloviina 80 years

On 5 Apr 1932, at 10am, Alkoholiliike Ltd opened its doors at the end of Prohibition. Jaloviina, which over the years has developed into a traditional Finnish drink, was available on the shelves. This year, there will be 80 years from this remarkable event, which Akateeminen jaloviinaseura association has decided to celebrate with appropriate ceremonies.

The festivities will start at Alko’s Arkadia flagship store at 10am on 5 Apr, when Akateeminen jaloviinaseura  marches there to deliver the quality certificate and, naturally, purchase a bottle of Sheriff. The gathering will take place at Narinkkatori Square at 9.45am from where we will go to Alko together. We hope that participants will wear something patriotic.

After the delivery of the quality certificate and mandatory transactions, we will celebrate the anniversary in the city centre, from where we will go back to Otaniemi in the afternoon to commemorate Jaloviina-filled years in the sauna evening.

10. Aalto Beer Pong presents: Spring Pong! 7 Apr

Aalto Beer Pong is organising a beer pong tournament in Otaniemi, at “Peli- ja sitsitila” (Jämeräntaival 3A). There are spots for 24 teams, so be quick and sign up here!

The price of participation per team is 10 euros (15 euros for long drink/cider), which includes at least two games and beers for those games (4 beers per game). There are two players in a team. The tournament consists of a group stage (8 groups, 3 teams per group) and a playoffs of the best team from each group (8 teams). Here are the rules of game play. The registration is binding!

Event on Facebook
More info from abp-hallitus@list.ayy.fi

11. Sauna of old songs, 9 Apr

AYY’s Lukkari Committee will organise the major singing sauna of the spring at Rantasauna on 9 Apr, 6pm

As the warm up for Teekkarius 140th anniversary, the theme of the singing sauna is the sauna of old songs. The programme includes singing and sauna, and there will be experts in teekkari songs to introduce songs from the history of technology students. Some snacks and drinks are provided, so bring your own towel, old songs and immerse yourself in the tradition of technology students!

Event on Facebook.


Mentors are University graduates, our alumni. As a mentee you will get support and guidance how to face Finnish working life, a chance to improve your job application skills and a unique possibility to build network with a cross-disciplinary group of professionals.

Apply to the programme until 15 May.

Apply here.

13. News from Aalto Career Services

Aalto in the Game – recruiting event for students and young experts interested in the game industry at Aalto Design Factory on Thu 12 April, 12noon-5pm!

Aalto in the Game is a recruiting event for students, alumni and young experts fascinated by the game industry. The event starts at 12noon with top speakers who take the floor in Studio and tell you about today’s game industry, the future prospects and share some interesting cases with us. The Stage is filled with company stands at 2pm. You get the opportunity to meet representatives from the leading Finnish companies in the game industry. The event is organized by Aalto Career Services. Find out more and enroll here.

14. Ristin Kilta guild to organise two interesting lectures


Dr Denis Alexander will visit Otaniemi on Thu, 12 Apr. Dr Alexander is an evangelical Christian but rejects both creationism and the scientificness of the so-called Intelligent Design movement. Dr Alexander stresses the reality of evolution and inspiration from the Bible at the same time. Dr Denis Alexander is also the director of the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, Cambridge. Further information on the Faraday Institute.

So come to Hall M on Thu, 12 Apr, to hear the Dr Alexnader’s lecture “Beyond Dawkins Delusion: Renewing the Positive Interface Between Science and Faith”

Organisers UCC and Ristin Kilta


A well-known American theologist and philosopher, Professor William Lane Craig discusses the birth of the universe and the existence of God with Professor of Cosmology Kari Enqvist at the University of Helsinki  (Porthania PII, Yliopistonkatu 3) on Monday, 16 Apr, 10am-12noon. The English discussion ”Can the Universe Exist Without God?” is hosted by Professor of Philosophy Sami Pihlström.

Organisers are teekkari associations Ristin kilta and Atheos as well as Veritas Forum Finland, HOPKO, HSSM

15. AEGEE-Helsinki’s Summer University info night

Have you already heard about the summer universities of the international student organisation AEGEE?

Are you interested in, for example:

  • exploring another country’s culture guided by local students?
  • Spend a few weeks of your summer in the big city bustle or under the Mediterranean sun?
  • Make new friends all around Europe?
  • Travel to one of dozens destinations with a STUDENT BUDGET?

Come and learn more at AEGEE-Helsinki summer university info night on the main side of KY building ( Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 21 B, 3rd floor) Tue 3 Apr, 6pm.