Weekly Newsletter 16/2012

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 16/2012

May Day events can be found easily from one site. Click yourself to the address wappu.fi and let your May Day begin.

  1. This week’s events
  2. Student union member: respond to AYY’s visibility survey and win a gift certificate to Tiketti
  3. Application period for AYY’s scholarships open until 27 Apr
  4. The 62nd Akateeminen Wartti (2012)
  5. Indoor air survey for Arabia Campus students
  6. The future is presented by new graduates at Masters of Aalto 2012
  7. Accessibility support for international student exchange
  9. Quality survey – Aalto’s restaurant services 17–19 Apr
  10. Julkku deals in April and Hyvä Veli scholarship
  11. FUTURE OF EUROPE – growth in digital single market
  12. Logo competition: SYL’s development co-operation
  13. News from Aalto Career Services
  14. Participate in Juoppohullun päiväkirja film

1. This week’s events

More events at wappu.fi

2. Student union member: respond to AYY’s visibility survey and win a gift certificate to Tiketti

Dear student union member: AYY wants to identify what kind of views and images Aalto University students have about the student union, its activities as well as its role in the academic community. We are looking for a respondent’s personal views, so there are no correct answers. All responses will be treated confidentially and it is not possible to identify an individual respondent’s answers. Based on the responses, we will create a communications strategy for AYY, so your response is very valuable!

The survey is open between 2 Apr–2 May and it takes a few minutes to respond to the survey. Among all respondents, we will raffle one gift certificate of 200 euro and two gift certificates of 50 euro to Tiketti. Participation in the draw requires submitting your contact details at the end of the survey.  For further information on the survey, please contact AYY’s Organisation and Communications Specialist  Joonas Jylhä (joonas.jylha@ayy.fi).

Respond to the survey here

3. Application period for AYY’s scholarships open until 27 Apr 

AYY distributes scholarships to its members in accordance with the Student Union’s Scholarship Regulation and the regulations of the scholarship funds administered by the Student Union. The purpose of the scholarships is to support the internationalisation of low-income students, support community activities and encourage for successful combination of studies and the student life. In addition, AYY administers certain field-specific scholarship funds.

The distribution of the scholarships and the scoring criteria for applications are regulated by Scholarship Regulation and the guideline for the scoring of community activities. The amounts of the scholarships are based on the profits of funds. AYY has three scholarships and the amounts in 2012 are as follows:

  • Exchange scholarship max. €800
  • Community scholarship approx. €500
  • Study scholarship approx. €500

In the spring of 2012, the application period is 12noon, 2 Apr 2012– 11.59pm, 27 Apr. For the exchange scholarship, the second round of applications will be organised in October-November for student exchange in the spring of 2013.

Scholarship application form

Further Information: Board Member Eetu Pursiainen (eetu.pursiainen(at)ayy.fi)

4. The 62nd Akateeminen Wartti (2012)

Akateeminen Wartti will be arranged at Senaatintori Square, Helsinki, Thursday, 26 Apr 2012 starting at 3pm. Akateeminen wartti will be run in three different series. The idea is to advance in the principles of relay race in 5-7 person teams as far as possible in 15 minutes. All participating teams will be given a bottle of sparkling wine after the race.

The enrollment ends on 21 March. You can also sign up for the open division at Senaatintori Square. Enrollment here.

Participation fees:

  • Open division €10, 5-7 person team
  • Race division €24 6 person team
  • Executive division €60 5-7 person team

Further information on the event at wartti.wappu.fi or Facebook.

5. Indoor air survey for Arabia Campus students

Aalto University’s facilities services, occupational safety and health, Aalto University Properties (AYK) and occupational health care have established an indoor air group for Aalto University, which coordinates all indoor issues at Aalto University.

The indoor air group has decided to conduct an indoor air survey for Arabia Campus students to determine the quality of indoor air and the number of students who possibly suffer from indoor air problems. The survey was sent by email to students who study at Arabia Campus and have began their studies between the years 2007-2011. If you have not yet received the survey, you can get it from helena.harkonen@aalto.fi.

Further information.

6. The future is presented by new graduates at Masters of Aalto 2012

MoA’12 is the year show of Aalto University which will be opened on Wednesday 9 May 2012. This month-long event showcases the future through theses and projects, research and study programmes.

The theses and participants of MoA’12 have now been announced. The almost 100 Aalto University graduates have decided to conquer the challenges of the future. The common theme in the projects presented in MoA’12, is creating a better, more equal and more functioning world. The topics discussed at the theses include everything from architectural structures supporting peace mediation to building wells in Burkina Faso, and from bicycles made of recycled materials to knitting as a user interface.

MoA’12 is open daily from 9 May to 3 June 2012 in Jätkäsaari, Helsinki (Harbour warehouse L3/Tyynenmerenkatu 6). Free admission. moa.aalto.fi.

7. Accessibility support for international student exchange

CIMO has expanded its accessibility support in higher education programmes (Nordplus, Erasmus, North-South-South, FIRST, north2north) and published Accessibility and International Student Exchange checklist. Accessibility support is intended for programme participants with special needs who need additional support in order to implement their student exchange. Further information.


Expand your horizons in Finland by getting to know the culture beyond your campus and studies.  Now in spring, international students at Aalto are invited to apply for the pilot run of the Student Family Friend Programme, and get matched with an Aalto alumni family.  The full version of this programme will be launched in the fall.  Through the programme you will have a chance to experience everyday life here with a Finnish family, and also to share your own culture with them.

The pilot application period is open 16 Apr–27 Apr, for participants who will be in the Helsinki region at least for May and preferably also in June.  Please note that we can accept a limited number of student to the pilot. If we are unable to include you in the pilot, your application will be considered for the fall (unless you indicate otherwise).

You can apply on the AlumniNET

The Student Family Friend Programme is organised by Aalto University Alumni Relations in cooperation with International Relations.  Contact: sarah.alden@aalto.fi or salla.hasa@aalto.fi.

9. Quality survey – Aalto’s restaurant services 17–19 Apr

Quality survey of the restaurants at Arabia, Otaniemi and Töölö campuses 17–19 Apr. Through the survey Aalto community can have effect on the quality of student and personnel restaurants by answering and giving opinion on the variety of menus, opening hours, quality of service, main reasons for the choice of restaurant and the environmental effect of food. At the end of the survey, it is possible to present ideas for the improving of restaurant services.

Surveys will be delivered at restaurants. Lunch and movie tickets will be drawn among the respondents. Please respond and have effect!

10. Julkku deals in April and Hyvä Veli scholarship

Advance deals for Julkku sales can be made every weekday at 12noon-2pm until 24 Apr in Otaniemi in the lobby of the main building. When you make the deal, you get money, a sales bag (Marimekko shoulder bag) and the greatest t-shirt of the year. In addition, you can participate in Julkku’s publication gala and the preceding VIP event. Whether you are alone or with your friends, make the best May Day decision and become a seller of Julkku! More information on deals and sales here. Questions on deals can be sent to esa-pekka.raisanen@julkku.fi.

Please also remember to nominate candidates for Julkku’s Hyvä Veli scholarships. May Day Magazine Julkku will again distribute Hyvä Veli scholarships to the hard-working members of our community and we need your help in order to find the scholarship candidates. Please send your justified nomination by 21 Apr 2012 to julkku@julkku.fi. Further information.

11. FUTURE OF EUROPE – growth in digital single market

There are almost 500 million consumers in the reach of companies that operate in the EU. Companies that provide digital products or services, however, often encounter several obstacles. How could Finnish mobile phone games or music, for example, access the European market more easily?

The Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs/Europe Information, and Aalto University will hold a discussion on the digital single market on Thursday, 26 April in Room 1 at Dipoli Congress Centre (Otaniemi Campus, Otakaari 24, Espoo) at 10am–12noon. The event is part of the seminar series on the future of Europe held around the country. (www.vnk.fi/euroopantulevaisuus)

Opening speeches will be given by Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen and Esko Aho, Executive Vice President (Corporate Relations and Responsibility) of Nokia. Panel discussion participants will include Katri Sipilä, CEO of the Finnish Composers’ Copyright Society Teosto, and Markku Ignatius, Executive Vice President (Legal and Corporate Communications) of social entertainment company Sulake. The discussion will be chaired by Minister for European Affairs and Foreign Trade Alexander Stubb. The panel discussion language is Finnish.

The discussion is open to the public. We kindly ask all participants to register no later than Monday, 23 Apr here. The event can also be watched as a video broadcast or recording at www.vnk.fi/euroopantulevaisuus. The discussion can also be followed on Twitter channel #EUtulET.

12. Logo competition: SYL’s development co-operation

We are launching a logo competition which is open to university students. The winner will be awarded with 400 euro. Submissions are accepted until the end of April. We want the logo to emanate positivity, responsibility, openness, learning, co-operation and activity. The size, colour, and shape of the logo are of your own choice. We also need a black-and-white version of the logo, and it should be suited for use in both printed and online material.

Please submit your proposal to johanna.ursin-escobar@syl.fi by 4pm on Monday, 30 April. Johanna can also provide additional information (tel. 044 780 0220). The winner will be selected by a jury in the beginning of May. The jury includes representatives of the National Union of University Students in Finland as well as the Development Co-operation Advisory Board of SYL (KENKKU).

Additional information on the development co-operation work of SYL and about competition can be found here:


13. News from Aalto Career Services

Career workshop:  Management of people, Otaniemi, Wednesday, 25 Apr, 10am-12noon

No workplace can function effectively without management. We need a person who is responsible for ensuring that working conditions are in order. What are the prerequisites for successful management? How to develop as the leader of people and the leader of changes?

The workshop is an interactive event which consists of ectures, briefings and discussion in groups. The workshop is intended for Master’s degree engineering students of Aalto University, who are heading for supervisory and management positions. The event will be held in Finnish. The event is led by Career Psychologist Seija Leppänen from Career Services.

Sign up at Aalto CareerWeb.

14. Participate in Juoppohullun päiväkirja film

We are looking for people of all ages to work as film assistants for Juoppohullun päiväkirja film. Filming will begin in May in Helsinki and assistants receive a movie ticket reward.

Assistants are involved in creating the film scenes, acting as bar customers or people in the background, etc. No previous experience is required, you only need a good attitude! Directions are in Finnish so assistants have to understand Finnish. Get yourself a great experience, take a peek behind the scenes and invite your friends with you!

Juoppohullun päiväkirja is a comedy of Finland’s national disease, alcoholism. It is based on the best-selling novel by Juha Vuorinen, which is on top of the bestseller lists year after year. Joonas Saartamo and Krista Kosonen have the leading roles. The film is written and directed by Lauri Maijala and produced by Aleksi Bardy and Juha Vuorinen / Dictator Films Ltd.

Please send your application no later than 7 May to the e-mail address: avustajat@helsinkifilmi.fi, and we will contact you! Please include your contact details, age, photo and tell briefly about yourself and possible experiences as an assistant/actor. Please also include your dress and shoe size.

Further information via e-mail at: avustajat@helsinkifilmi.fi