Weekly Newsletter 17/2012

This is AYY’s Weekly Newsletter 17/2012

May Day events can be found easily from one site. Click yourself to the address wappu.fi and let your May Day begin.

  1. This week’s events
  2. Student union member: respond to AYY’s visibility survey and win a gift certificate to Tiketti
  3. Application period for AYY’s scholarships open until 27 Apr
  4. AYY is looking for emergency accommodation coordinator
  5. Aate Grand Opening
  6. Work for the campus
  7. AYY’s overall badge sales
  8. Basic course for security officers
  10. Oranki’s and Contractura’s boulder competition in Konala on 28 Apr
  11. Apply for AEGEE’s summer universities
  12. Product Design Gala 2012 on Fri, 27 Apr
  13. CEMS Stage 2012
  14. Waputin tickets on sale on Otaniemi Campus Main Building on Wed, 25 Apr
  15. Vuorimieskilta Guild’s legendary beer relay race is here again
  16. Mp3 Experiment in Helsinki on 25 Apr
  17. Travel to AATU with KUJ & Voyage
  18. Tivoli May Day, Mon 30 Apr

1. This week’s events

More events at wappu.fi

2. Student union member: respond to AYY’s visibility survey and win a gift certificate to Tiketti

Dear student union member: AYY wants to identify what kind of views and images Aalto University students have about the student union, its activities as well as its role in the academic community. We are looking for a respondent’s personal views, so there are no correct answers. All responses will be treated confidentially and it is not possible to identify an individual respondent’s answers. Based on the responses, we will create a communications strategy for AYY, so your response is very valuable!

The survey is open between 2 Apr–2 May and it takes a few minutes to respond to the survey. Among all respondents, we will raffle one gift certificate of 200 euro and two gift certificates of 50 euro to Tiketti. Participation in the draw requires submitting your contact details at the end of the survey.  For further information on the survey, please contact AYY’s Organisation and Communications Specialist  Joonas Jylhä (joonas.jylha@ayy.fi).

Answer the survey here

3. Application for AYY’s scholarships open until 27 Apr

AYY distributes scholarships to its members in accordance with the Student Union’s Scholarship Regulation and the regulations of the scholarship funds administered by the Student Union. The purpose of the scholarships is to support the internationalisation of low-income students, support community activities and encourage for successful combination of studies and the student life. In addition, AYY administers certain field-specific scholarship funds.

The distribution of the scholarships and scoring criteria for applications are regulated by Scholarship Regulation and the guideline for the scoring of community activities. The amounts of the scholarships are based on the profits of funds. AYY has three scholarships and the amounts of those in 2012 are as follows:

  • Exchange scholarship max. 800 €
  • Community scholarship approx. 500 €
  • Study scholarship approx. 500 €

In the spring of 2012, the application period is 12 noon, 2 Apr 2012– 11.59pm, 27 Apr. For the exchange scholarship, a second round of applications is organised in October-November for the student exchange in the spring of 2013.

Scholarship application form here.

Further Information: Board Member Eetu Pursiainen (eetu.pursiainen(at)ayy.fi)

4. AYY is looking for emergency  accommodation coordinator

AYY is looking for emergency accommodation coordinator beginning in the position approximately on 6 Aug 2012 or as agreed on.

The emergency accommodation coordinator is responsible for organising temporary housing for students who have no accommodation in the autumn and informing about emergency accommodation. The duties will include advising of students and international students in particular, practical management of emergency accommodation, including the monitoring of emergency accommodation use and management of keys, as well as long-term planning of emergency accommodation operations. In addition, the duties include reporting on activities and preparing follow-up proposals after the autumn.

The total working time in the position is two months. The basic salary is €1400 per month.

Free-form applications with résumés can be submitted to AYY’s Secretary General Teemu Halme no later than 10 May to the address paasihteeri(at)ayy.fi.

Further information on the position and application.

For further information on the position, please contact Housing Specialist Jaakko Koivula (firstname.surname@ayy.fi, 050 520 9444).

5. Aate Grand Opening

Aate Cultural Arena is an open forum and a connecting force for Aalto members interested in audio-visual expression, culture and arts. The mission of the cultural arena is to promote the creativity and open-minded thinking of Aalto students and bring together Aalto members regardless of their study field. The cultural arena offers students opportunities to present their own productions and encourages them to express themselves. The activities of the cultural arena are shaped by the users’ needs and they are primarily produced by volunteers. The main focus is not a spectacular outcome but experimenting, learning and working together.

Aate will celebrate the Grand Opening 24th – 27th April. Opening week is full of interesting events: relaxed evening with our vinyl record treasures, Petteri Sariola performance, stop motion animation workshop and open jam session! Check out the schedule.
You are welcome! See you @ Aate!

Location: Jämeräntaival 1 A (basement)

Like us on Facebook and stay up to date with future happenings.

6. Work for the campus

AYY is looking for student representatives for working groups which discuss library services and the future of technology teaching at Otakaari 1. In working groups, you can influence how Otaniemi will look in 2012 and 2020!

Apply now!

7. AYY’s overall badge sales

AYY will organise the traditional overall badge sales on Wednesday, 25 Apr, 12noon-2pm, in the lobby of Otaniemi Main Buildling and on 26 Apr, 4pm-8pm, in connection with Akateeminen Wartti at Senate Square. Welcome to buy funny overall badges for May Day before the best ones are sold out!

8. Basic course of a security officer

Dear student! Are you looking for work? Are you interested in the duties of a security officer? Do you want to employed next summer or alongside with your studies? Complete the basic course of a security officer! After completing the course, you can apply for the security officer card from the police, which entitles you to act as a security officer throughout the country.

AYY will organise in cooperation with Turvakerroin Ltd a VERY INEXPENSIVE basic course of security officers. You can complete the 32-hour course this spring during the following five days: 21 May, 23 May, 24 May, 25 May and 26 May. You should reserve time between 4pm-10pm on weekdays and 4pm-10pm on Saturday.  You must participate every day!

The course price for students will be approximately 70 euro! The exact price will be announced in the coming weeks. This price is a fraction of the price you would have to pay elsewhere. The course will be organised if there are enough participants. Registrations: tuomo.tarvainen@gmail.com.


Europe Hall (Malminkatu 16, Helsinki)

The event gathers together 26 different films from European countries and reaches a broad range of genres, such as drama, thriller, adventure, comedy, children and youth films, and animation. Download programme here.

Film information.

Irish director Risteard Ó Domhnaill participates in the opening event 26 April and talks about his award winning document ‘The Pipe’. Finnish director Rax Rinnekangas participates on 4 May to present his film ‘Journey to Eden’. The films are mainly subtitled in English. All screenings are free of charge, no tickets are required. The doors will be opened 30 minutes prior to each screening. Welcome!

Contacts: Johanna Kaprio, comm-rep-hel-eps@ec.europa.eu, 09 6226 5421,
ec.europa.eu/finland, www.europarl.fi

Event on facebook

10. Oranki’s and Contractura’s boulder competition in Konala on 28 Apr

Aalto’s Oranki and the medical school’s Contractura will again organise a common boulder competition in Boulder Centre in Konala! As in the previous year, the purpose is not to only complete your old routes but to project in good company.

  • Saturday, 28 Apr, 6pm-9pm. Doors open at 5.30pm.
  • About 30 routes from easy ones to more challenging ones
  • Series: Beginners, practisers, spoilers
  • The price is a ridiculous €5!
  • After party in sauna facilities at Medioma I, Paraistentie 15.
  • The maximum of 50 participants, so act fast!

FB event.
Registration here
Further information: oranki@list.ayy.fi

11. Apply for AEGEE’s summer universities

Have a travel fever? Don’t worry. Apply for AEGEE’s summer universities!

Have you already heard of the summer universities of the international student organisation AEGEE? Do you want to make new friends around Europe and spend a couple of weeks on the road with a budget which is suitable for even a student’s wallet?

Apply now here! Deadline for applications is 11.59pm on 24 Apr.

Summer university project in Finland and on Facebook.

12. Product Design Gala 2012 on Fri, 27 Apr

Aalto University interdisciplinary Product Development Project presenting: Product Design Gala 2012 on Friday, 27 April 2012

The project tasks and problems are given and sponsored by both domestic and foreign industrial companies, who are searching for innovative cooperation with the next generation of product developers. Come and see how the student teams have solved these challenges!

All student teams and their sponsor company representatives are presenting their projects in the Gala. Among others, these are the topics of the day:

  • Innovations in the Helsinki City Library
  • Urban gardening takes over the cities and Biolan takes over the market?
  • Innovative and sustainable development for sanitation and hygiene – Aalto, Unicef and Uganda
  • Something missing? Don’t worry, Ericsson will search

and ten (10) other projects and companies, for example Panasonic, ABB, GE, Kone, Ruukki, Vaisala…

  • Product Design Gala 2012
  • Friday, 27 Apr 2012
  • Exhibition open 9:00-17:00
  • Seminars 12:00, 14:00, 16:00
  • Aalto Design Factory, Betonimiehenkuja 5 c, Otaniemi, Espoo

More info:

The event is open for everyone! Welcome!

13. CEMS Stage 2012

The CEMS Club Helsinki cordially invites you to attend CEMS Stage 2012, a unique seminar under the topic of “Different Faces of Leadership”, held at the Aalto University School of Economics Main Building on 27 April 2012 at 5pm–8pm.

CEMS Stage will be organised for the first time this year, gathering some 500 attendees who share an interest toward international business, personal development and leadership to the Aalto University School of Economics. The aim of the evening is to act as a source of inspiration for current and future professionals, while offering a networking opportunity to share your own thoughts concerning the topics at hand.

The event is free but requires a sign-up here
Join the event also on facebook

14. Waputin tickets on sale on Otaniemi Campus Main Building on Wed, 25 Apr

On May Day Eve, starting at 5pm, the bar is open and the atmosphere rising at Wanha Poli where the traditional (84th) Waputin Matinee of the 90-year-old Polytech Orchestra will be arranged, this time with the 90’s theme. PO, RWBK and the salon ensemble Jorma get people dancing.

Waputin tickets will be sold in the lobby of the main building of Aalto University Otaniemi Campus on Wednesday, 25 Apr, 10am-2pm. In addition, you can buy tickets from orchestra members and at the entrance. The tickets cost 7 euro for students and 15 euro for others.

Further information: tiedottaja@polyteknikkojenorkesteri.fi

15. Vuorimieskilta Guild’s legendary beer relay race is here again

It is again the time to gather a liver-free student team to run around the Department of Materials Science and Engineering on May Day Eve, as the traditional beer relay race of Vuorimieskilta Guild is approaching! The beer relay will start in the courtyard of the department on Monday morning, 9am, on 30 Apr 2011!

The teams will consist of three (3) runners and one (1)  anchorman = a total of four (4) people. The participation fee is 10 euro and payment information is submitted to contact persons by email.

The registration for the beer relay will begin at 12noon on Thursday, 19 Apr 2011 at  http://vk.ayy.fi/ilmomasiina/. You can sign up for the general series or women’s series. There is room for the first 35 teams! You can also sign up for the waiting list when you can join the competition if any team decides to cancel their participation.

Beer relay rules for the first-timers:

At the starting shot, the anchorman begins to drink. When the anchorman has finished one’s bottle, the first runner will start to run. Halfway through the journey there is a drinks station where a runner must drink one bottle of beer – under the supervision of an official inspector. After this, the runner will continue to the finish line where the anchorman starts over. Rounds are repeated until the anchorman has destroyed the last drink (and challenged one’s liver). A team, however, can be disqualified due to an incorrect performance determined by the judge. In this case, the performance must be finished when the error is detected.

Let the thirstiest team win!

16. Mp3 Experiment in Helsinki on 25 Apr

Join the MP3 Experiment that has attained an incredible international reputation! This event is definitely something that you have never experienced before.

Mosaic and KY Sub will organise this hugely successful event again on Wednesday of the May Day week, 25 April. The only thing that you need for the event is a functioning mp3 player and a watch, not forgetting the May Day spirit! You are welcome on your own or with a group of friends.

The purpose is to attract positive attention, delight other people and have fun in a great group, within the limits of law.

This is how it works:

  1. Go to MP3 Experiment site at mp3.wappu.fi
  2. Download MP3 file and time your watch according to the instructions
  3. Show up at the Three Smiths Statue wearing your overalls at 4pm on Wednesday, 25 Apr, and press “PLAY”!

After the Experiment, you can stay and enjoy the picnic atmosphere at Väinämöinen Park. Dance samba on the lawn, play a game of petanque with friends or strangers, or just take it easy. After the sunset, we will continue the night at Alakertsi of KY Building, where entry is free. Bring your own bottle!

17. Travel to AATU with KUJ & Voyage

Akateeminen Aurajokilaivuritutkinto, also known as AATU, is all about appreciating the wonderful riverside in Turku and also to celebrate the beginning of the summer holidays. The participants of this event are instructed to roam around the beautiful city of Turku, collect stamps from bars to their special pub crawl map, and most importantly, enjoy the nascent summer!

Kulttuurijaosto (KUJ) and Aalto Voyage teams up by providing mutual bus rides from Helsinki to the site of the event in Turku. Two buses will take Aalto University’s students back and forth, leaving from Arabianranta, Otaniemi and in front of the KY building.

The price of this event, 30 euros, includes bus rides Helsinki-Turku-Helsinki and the event in Turku itself. The bus rides from Helsinki to Turku leave at 11AM / 12PM on Thursday the 10th of May, and the rides back home leave at 3:30AM near the site of the event’s after party. More information coming up during the bus rides.

KUJ entertains fellow passengers en route from Helsinki to Turku and from Turku to Helsinki. Are you overly fond of really bad jokes? Great, we are also.

Ticket sales are held at HSE’s main lobby during the following times:

  • 24 April 11:30AM
  • 25 April 11:30AM
  • 26 April 11:30AM

And https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/aatu/


  • WHAT: Akateeminen Aurajokilaivuritutkinto aka AATU
  • WHERE: AATU will be held in Turku, the bus rides leave from Helsinki
  • WHEN: Thursday, May 10, 2012. The buses leave at 11PM from Arabianranta and 12PM from Otaniemi and from Kamppi. The buses from Turku to Helsinki leave 3:30AM sharp.
  • COST: €30 (incl. bus rides back and forth and the AATU event in Turku)

18. Tivoli’s May Day on Mon 30 Apr

Wappu is here once again and so is the legendary Wappu party! On May Day Eve things are gonna get wild as it’s time to enjoy the huge party right after the capping of the Havis Amanda statue. The party takes place at Fredan Tivoli (Fredrikinkatu 51-53) and musical performances are brought to you by Aste and Movetron and of course by the awesome DJ! There’ll be lots of other great stuff, more information coming up.

At midnight it’s time for the traditional ceremonies after which it’s time to put on your cap. So you really don’t want to miss this! Doors open at 8 PM and the party’s going on all the way until 4AM. Buses to Otaniemi leave at 2:40AM, 3:20AM and 4:00AM.