Weekly Newsletter 18/2012

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 18/2012

  1. This week’s events
  2. AYY is looking for emergency accommodation coordinator
  3. Travel to AATU with KUJ & Voyage
  4. Basic course of security officers
  5. What Property issue?
  6. Long maintenance break (4 – 8 hours) in IT services on Saturday, 5 May 2012 from 9am
  7. Summer courses and exams for technology students
  8. EUROPEAN FILM WEEKS IN HELSINKI 26 April – 8 May 2012
  9. Connect over drinks? Invitation to a publication event
  10. TEDxAaltoUniversity goes MoA, Jätkäsaari 12 May
  11. Transparency International Summer School on Integrity 2012, Vilnius, Lithuania
  12. OtaKoppi’s opening of the baseball season on 3 May 2012
  13. Volunteer in the casting events of the Winning Team programme?

1. This week’s events

2. AYY is looking for emergency accommodation coordinator

AYY is looking for emergency accommodation coordinator beginning in the position approximately on 6 Aug 2012 or as agreed on.

The emergency accommodation coordinator is responsible for organising temporary housing for students who have no accommodation in the autumn and informing about emergency accommodation. The duties will include advising of students and international students in particular, practical management of emergency accommodation, including the monitoring of emergency accommodation use and management of keys, as well as long-term planning of emergency accommodation operations. In addition, the duties include reporting on activities and preparing follow-up proposals after the autumn.

The total working time in the position is two months. The basic salary is €1400 per month.

Free-form applications with résumés can be submitted to AYY’s Secretary General Teemu Halme no later than 10 May to the address paasihteeri(at)ayy.fi.

Further information on the position and application.

For further information on the position, please contact Housing Specialist Jaakko Koivula (firstname.surname@ayy.fi, 050 520 9444).

3. Travel to AATU with KUJ & Voyage

Akateeminen Aurajokilaivuritutkinto, also known as AATU, is all about appreciating the wonderful riverside in Turku and celebrating the beginning of the summer holidays. The participants of this event are instructed to roam around the beautiful city of Turku, collect stamps from bars for their special pub crawl map, and most importantly, enjoy the nascent summer!

Kulttuurijaosto (KUJ) and Aalto Voyage together provide bus rides from Helsinki to the site of the event in Turku. Two buses will take Aalto University’s students back and forth, leaving from Arabianranta, Otaniemi and in front of the KY building.

The price of this event, 30 euros, includes bus rides Helsinki-Turku-Helsinki and the event in Turku itself.

The bus rides from Helsinki to Turku leave at 11AM / 12PM on Thursday,  10 May, and the rides back home leave at 3:30AM near the site of the event’s after party. More information coming up during the bus rides.

KUJ entertains fellow passengers en route from Helsinki to Turku and from Turku to Helsinki. Are you overly fond of really bad jokes? Great, so are we.

Enrollment here


  • WHAT: Akateeminen Aurajokilaivuritutkinto aka AATU
  • WHERE: AATU will be held in Turku, the bus rides leave from Helsinki
  • WHEN: Thursday, May 10, 2012. The buses leave at 11PM from Arabianranta and 12PM from Otaniemi and from Kamppi. The buses from Turku to Helsinki leave 3:30AM sharp.
  • COST: 30€ (incl. bus rides back and forth and the AATU event in Turku

4. Basic course of security officers

Dear student! Are you looking for work? Are you interested in the duties of a security officer? Do you want to employed next summer or alongside with your studies? Complete the basic course of a security officer! After completing the course, you can apply for the security officer card from the police, which entitles you to act as a security officer throughout the country.

AYY will organise in cooperation with Turvakerroin Ltd a VERY INEXPENSIVE basic course of security officers. You can complete the 32-hour course this spring during the following five days: 21 May, 23 May, 24 May, 25 May and 26 May. You should reserve time between 4pm-10pm on weekdays and 4pm-10pm on Saturday.  You must participate every day!

The course price for students of Aalto university will be only 42e! This price is a fraction of the price you would have to pay elsewhere. The course will be organised if there are enough participants. Registrations: tuomo.tarvainen@gmail.com.

5. What Property Issue?

AYY arranges an open information and discussion session about the property issue between AYY and KY foundation  on Thursday 3rd of May. Come and find out what have happened and ask questions you’ve been thinking of.

Location: Design Factoryn Studio
Time: Thursday 3rd of May from 5 pm to  7pm


6. Long maintenance break (4 – 8 hours) in IT services on Saturday, 5 May 2012 from 9am

Aalto IT will update its centralized disc system to increase customers’ growing need for disc space. Various services will be out of use during the update. The most suitable day for this kind of update is Saturday 5 May 2012 when asked from the university’s service and support units. It’s only Saturday in May without teaching.

Maintenance break will last about 4-8 hours. Some important services which will be unavailable during the break are below. Some services will probably recover faster.

  • Many financial services and difficulties with accessibility to some systems ( Dynastia, ProE)
  • many servers rented by IT
  • library’s payment and invoicing  systems
  • Aalto e-mail
  • Noppa
  • VPN connections
  • HOME and WORK file directories
  • Qlickview
  • TTS (business management system)
  • logging in to workstations not possible

Portable computers will work if they are not connected to the fixed network. More specific information will be sent to IT administrators. It’s challenging to make big changes! We try to avoid future problems by improving our disc system.

+ Please note, that most probably also the University websites and intranet Inside will be down during the break, at least for a while.

Aalto IT will be updating the news items on Into

7. Summer courses and exams for technology students

Again this summer, Aalto University will organise courses and exams for the attending bachelor and master level students in the schools of technology. The general exam dates of technology in the summer of 2012 and the courses organised in the summer of 2012 are available on Into’s summer teaching website.

If you wish a summer exam for a specific course to be organised, please contact the head lecturer and ask for him/her to contact the summer teaching staff. The best way is to ask the lecturer to send an email to kesaopetus-avoin@aalto.fi.

Registration for summer courses and the exams in the early summer will begin on WebOodi on 3 May 2012 either at 8am or 12noon depending on a course. Registration for exams in August will start on WebOodi at 12noon on 2 July. Registration for courses that begin in August and exams in August requires that you have registered for attendance for the autumn term of 2012.



Eurooppasali (Malminkatu 16, Helsinki)

The event gathers together 26 different films from European countries and reaches a broad range of genres, such as drama, thriller, adventure, comedy, children and youth films, and animation. Download programme.

Film information.

Irish director Risteard Ó Domhnaill participates in the opening event 26 April and talks about his award winning document ‘The Pipe’. Finnish director Rax Rinnekangas participates on 4 May to present his film ‘Journey to Eden’.

The films are mainly subtitled in English. All screenings are free of charge, no tickets are required. The doors will be opened 30 minutes prior to each screening. Welcome!

Contacts: Johanna Kaprio, comm-rep-hel-eps@ec.europa.eu, 09 6226 5421

ec.europa.eu/finland, www.europarl.fi
Event on facebook

9. Connect over drinks? Invitation to a publication event

INVITATION TO A PUBLISHING EVENT: Tuesday, 15 May 2012, 9am-12.30pm, Linnanmäki, Helsinki

Welcome to discuss the social motives and emotions of the students’ drinking. Those who participate in the event will get their own copy of the recent release.


Preventive substance abuse work and young adults’ drinking culture in the 2010s. Antti Maunu. EHYT 2012.

Venue: Linnanmäki Seminar Hall Poukama
Registration: By Monday, 7 May: http://tinyurl.com/ehytjulkkarilintsi tai kiti.poikonen(at)ehyt.fi |tel. 040 451 4199.

The event is organised by preventive substance abuse work EHYT: AMIS – Arjen Ammattilaiset.

10. TEDxAaltoUniversity goes MoA, Jätkäsaari 12 May

TEDxAalto presents a whole day event in Masters of Aalto premises at Jätkäsaari. Inspiring talks, TEDTalks videos, TEDx atmosphere and additional surprise programme. The event is open for everybody, limited seats.

Saturday 12 May, 1pm – 7:30pm

MoA exhibition, Jätkäsaari (Tyynenmerenkatu 6, L3) Registration 3-6 May. More information: www.tedxaalto.com

11. Transparency International Summer School on Integrity 2012, Vilnius, Lithuania.

Participants will learn from leading anti-corruption experts about the causes of corruption and practical ways in which societies can become more transparent and accountable in both public and private sectors. Summer School is for senior students, graduates and young professionals. There is a limited number of competitive scholarships that cover transportation, tuition and board expenses. The language of instruction is English. The application deadline is 7 May 2012. University students will earn 4 ECTS credits upon successful completion of the course. www.transparencyschool.org

12. OtaKoppi’s opening of the baseball season on 3 May 2012

OtaKoppi will open the baseball season on Thursday, 3 May, 5pm-7pm in Tuuliniitty Field in Tapiola (otakoppi.fi/pelaamaan).

All interested in baseball are welcome! You can also arrive late! The event includes laid-back playing and no previous experience is required. We will provide the game equipment for those who need them and a stroke/throwing radar.

Bring a friend with you and come to play!

P.S. Don’t worry if you can’t make it to the season opening! The games will continue throughout the summer on Wednesdays, 6.30pm-8.30pm.

13. Volunteer in the casting events of the Winning Team programme?

We are currently seeking enthusiastic volunteers to help run the Finland-wide casting events of the new reality-TV show, The Winning Team. These will be held in the last weekend of May and second weekend in June and will see grass-roots team compete for the title of City Champions in an innovative new team-sport, Leet. Spread over three days – Friday afternoon, Saturday, and Sunday – this is a unique opportunity to see behind the scenes of what is soon to be the latest media-sensation.

So, if you’d be interest to play a part in creating the next big hit in television and sports please send us an email at voittajajoukkue@leetinternational.com including your contact details, the qualifying city for which you would be available, and a brief explanation as to why you’d like to sign-up. We can promise you free food and drink while you’re there, your own Leet box (a stick, three balls, and grip in their limited edition display case), and an experience to remember!

More information: www.leet.fi, www.facebook.com/voittajajoukkue or www.mtv3.fi/voittajajoukkue