Weekly Newsletter 19/2012

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 19/2012

SELL Games will take over Otaniemi after a little over one week on 17–20 May. You can still sign up for the event by Friday, 11 May, by email at info@sell2012.fi or telephone +358 50 5209428.
The event manual has also been published. You can read it here.

  1. This week’s events
  2. Aalto member, sign up for SELL Games by 11 May
  3. Teekkari Village 60th anniversary
  4. AYY is looking for a producer for events and cultural affairs
  5. Basic course of security officers
  6. Create ideas for new kind of student housing –  3,000 euro for the winning team!
  7. Otakappeli chapel’s renovation to be completed on 11 May
  8. Summer job info answers to summer employees’ questions
  9. Work goes happy – well-being at work event on 11 May
  11. Performers wanted for the 5th ScienceSLAM Helsinki event
  12. KY-Slice informs: supergolf game rights on sale until 11 May, golf season to begin on 26 May
  13. CNN-Aalto University seminar on 9 May: 12 months that can change decades
  14. Participate in creating future visions for Espoo

1. This week’s events

2. Aalto member, sign up for SELL Games by 11 May

SELL Student Games is this year’s biggest international student sporting event! The Games will be arranged in Espoo, Otaniemi, 17-20 May. The laid-back atmosphere and team spirit of the Games is definitely something unique! There are no age or level requirements – all sport enthusiasts are welcome to participate!

SPORTS: Basketball, volleyball, football (7 vs 7), floorball, ultimate (5 vs 5), disc golf, judo, fencing, tennis, chess, badminton, orienteering, swimming and athletics.

REGISTRATION: By 11 May via email info@sell2012.fi or by phone +358 50 5209428. The team leader for Aalto University is Heidi Heiskanen (heidi.heiskanen@ayy.fi). Important! Please submit your name, sport, date of birth and possible records/your level. Please also submit your photo (for the event pass).

ENTRY FEE: €15/person/day if the registration is made before 11 May!

Entry fee includes:

  • The right to participate in competitions and related events
  • Meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
  • HSL’s regional ticket during the games

For more information: www.sell2012.fi


3. 60th anniversary of Teekkari Village

This year on 13 May, Teekkari Village will celebrate its 60th anniversary as the home of technology students. This party offers something for everyone.

On the eve of the celebration, Saturday 12 May, Servin Mökki (Jämeräntaival 4) offers a bouncy castle, popcorn and fun slush ice drink for children. The event is organised between 12noon-4pm.

In the evening, a party will take over Smökki at 7pm, where all AYY members are warmly welcome. Event on Facebook.

On the morning of the birthday (Mother’s Day) on 13 May, there is a more formal section of the party, Flower Day message. The event will begin at Otaniemi beach sauna at 8am where food, drinks and music performances are provided. Official ceremonies begin at 12noon. The sauna is warm between 10am-6pm and the night continues at OK20 from 6pm onwards. Event on Facebook.


4. AYY is looking for a producer for events and culture

AYY is looking for a producer for an open-ended position from 1 June 2012 onwards or by arrangement.

The producer supports the student union sections in producing events with another producer. During the year, the student union sections organise numerous events for the members and the producers support the organising of these events. Producers particularly take care of the monitoring of finances, obtaining permissions from the authorities, and general supporting of volunteers. The producer acts as the member and secretary of Aalto Community Section Aava. In addition, the producer is responsible for the development and coordination of the Student Union’s rental facilities (saunas, club facilities, etc.)

Free-form applications with résumés can be submitted to AYY’s Secretary General Teemu Halme to the address paasihteeri(at)ayy.fi  by 4pm on 15 May 2012. You will receive a confirmation stating that we have received your application. Interviews will be arranged in week 21 (21‒25 May), after which AYY Board will decide on the suitable applicant.

Further information on the vacancy. (in Finnish)

5. Basic course of security officers

Dear student! Are you looking for work? Are you interested in the duties of a security officer? Do you want to employed next summer or alongside with your studies? Complete the basic course of a security officer! After completing the course, you can apply for the security officer card from the police, which entitles you to act as a security officer throughout the country.

AYY will organise in cooperation with Turvakerroin Ltd a VERY INEXPENSIVE basic course of security officers. You can complete the 32-hour course this spring during the following five days: 21 May, 23 May, 24 May, 25 May and 26 May. You should reserve time between 4pm-10pm on weekdays and 4pm-10pm on Saturday.  You must participate every day!

The course price for students of Aalto univerity will be only 42e and 64e for others! This price is a fraction of the price you would have to pay elsewhere. The course will be organised if there are enough participants. Registrations: otto.palonen@ayy.fi.

6. Create ideas for new kind of student housing –  3,000 euro for the winning team!

Dear student! Take your chance: We have decided to continue the registration of teams to the competition New Forms in Student Housing until 31 May. The former registration ended 30 April. See further information and register your team in the address http://worldstudentcapital.fi/en/city-home/

7. Otakappeli chapel’s renovation will be completed on 11 May 

Otaniemi chapel’s renovation will be completed in May. The first event after the renovation is the mass on Mother’s Day on 13 May, 11am. After the mass, Mother’s Day coffee and cake will be served. Welcome!

8. Summer job info answers to summer employees’ questions

In the summer, the summer job info will help young people with questions related to emploment. The free service will begin on 2 May. The service is available by telephone at 0800 179 279 or through the electronic form at www.kesaduunari.fi.

For the first time, the service is also available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/kesaduunari. The purpose of Facebook site is to initiate discussion on the employment affairs of the young, and young employees can compare their own summer job experiences on the site.

– You should contact the summer job info before signing the work contract if you are uncertain about any employment-related issue. We are also glad to serve employers, says Summer Job Counsellor Joonas Tutti.

In the previous years, we have received questions on wages, vacation compensation and the length of work shifts. The service has proved to be very necessary: last year we received over 400 contacts.

Telephone service is open until 24 August on Fridays, 9am–3pm. Guidance is available in Finnish, Swedish and English. Guidance service is provided by the employees’ confederations SAK, STTK and Akava.

Further information:

SAK’s Organisation Secretary Anita Spring, tel. 0400 506 339, STTK’s Special Adviser in Student and Youth Issues Ulla Hyvönen, tel. 044 777 7089, Akava’s Student Ombudsman Elina Havu, tel. 050 341 4894

9. Work Goes Happy – well-being at work event on 11 May

We welcome all students to the free Work Goes Happy well-being at work event in Wanha Satama in Helsinki on Fri, 11 May, 10am-6pm. The idea of Work Goes Happy concept is to lighten up the message of well-being at work so that people get interested and listen. WGH gathers decision-makers in companies and opinion leaders to find inspiration for well-being at work.

The free event provides ideas, realisations from lecturs and tools from workshops. The workshops, such as the Boss Park tackles the challenges of leadership. Stella Polaris workshop introduces the secrets of the body language and expression.Lecturers include, among others, Change Coach Petri Niskanen and TTL’s Jari Hakanen.

The versatile programme on the main stage includes Entertainment World vs. Officer Battle, and the host is Mato Valtonen. An intense debate in front of the audience include, among others, Mikko Kuustonen and Pirjo Heikkilä, as well as Director of Finnish Institute of Occupational Health Guy Ahonen and Brain Researcher Kiti Müller.

You can register for the free event in advance at www.wgh.fi or on the venue for the price of a regular text message.

Further information, the programme and the list on exhibitors are also available at www.wgh.fi

Well-being at work concerns you, too. You are cordially welcome!


Mentors are University graduates, our alumni. As a mentee you will get support and guidance on how to face the Finnish working life, a chance to improve your job application skills and a unique possibility to build network with a cross-disciplinary group of professionals.

Apply for the programme by 15 May.

Apply here

11. Performers wanted for the 5th ScienceSLAM Helsinki event

The 5th ScienceSLAM will be held on 13 June, in Helsinki’s brand new Pavilion for this summer’s World Design Capital festivities. We are again looking for enthusiastic, open-minded researchers that would like to share their research topic with a wider audience.

ScienceSLAM Helsinki is a popular science event series, aimed at the general public to promote science and research in a creative and entertaining way. Participants can come from all areas and stages of science, and are free to present a topic related to their own research expertise. Presenters have ten minutes each to win the votes of the audience. The medium of presentation is free and can range from a more traditional talk, to a dance choreography or self-made video clip. A stimulating, entertaining performance is at least as important as pure scientific value. Creativity and fun is strongly encouraged! The language of the event and presentations is English.

For more info on the event and how to apply please visit our website, or contact us directly. Deadline for applications is 20 May 2012. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Your team of ScienceSLAM Helsinki

web: www.scienceslam.fi
mail: mail@scienceslam.fi

12. KY-Slice informs: Supergolf game rights on sale until 11 May, the golf period to open on 26 May.

KY-Slice offers again inexpensive Supergold game rights for all Aalto members. Game rights are sold for 28 euro a piece. Further information is available here.

The opening game of the golf season will be organised on Saturday, 26 May in Nevas. The game is open to all Aalto members. Further information and registration instructions are available through this link.

13. CNN-Aalto University -seminar on 9 May: 12 months that can change decades

Welcome to an exclusive seminar with CNN’s foremost international business correspondent and presenter Richard Quest and special guests!

Some of the world’s major powers — the US, Russia, France and China — are electing their political leaders in 2012. How will the business world be affected by the possible governmental changes? What impact will the outcome of the U.S. election have on the rest of the world? And how do the elections affect the Finnish and European economy? How will the US election results affect EU?

  • Time: 9 May 2012, 2pm-3.30pm
  • Place: Aalto University School of Economics, Assembly Hall, Runeberginkatu 14-16

Members of the panel:

  • Dr. Mika Aaltola The Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Programme Director – the Global Security research programme
  • Dr. Sixten Korkman Former CEO of EVA and ETLA, Dr. Matti Nojonen Aalto University School of Economics
  • Researcher Dr. Hanna Ojanen, The Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Researcher – The European Union research programme

The event is free of charge.

Please sign up by 7 May here.

14. Participate in creating future visions for Espoo

In your opinion, what would be the ideal Espoo like? Join the discussion by participating in this online interview. We want to set goals for the future years together with the residents and decision-makers of Espoo.

The idea is that you first think about the important features of a city. After this, you get to evaluate comments arisen from the common discussion. Your views are important material for the strategic work for the future of the city.

You can respond anonymously. It takes approximately only 10-15 minutes to respond. We will raffle five Nokia Lumia 800 mobile phones and cinema tickets among all respondents.

You can respond by Thursday, 31 May.

Please respond here (the survey is available in Finnish and Swedish)