Weekly Newsletter 20/2012

This is AYY’s Weekly Newsletter 20/2012

SELL Games take over Otaniemi this week. Enjoy the sporty atmosphere and cheer Aalto University’s team to success. The detailed programme and schedule with sporting venues is available in the event manual.

This spring, the weekly newsletter will be published for the last time at week 22, so there will be two more newsletters. Sunny May for you all!

  1. This week’s events
  2. AYY is looking for a producer for events and culture
  5. Major sitsit at Senaatintori Square on Tuesday, 29 May
  7. Basic course of security officers
  8. SIT ME furniture exhibition open around the clock in front of Design Museum
  9. Bikepolis beginner group rides
  10. MoA’12 Slam: Science goes performance theatre
  11. Bit Bang Seminar on Future of Internet, register no later than 16 May
  12. Suomi Summer Party, Mon, 14 May 2012, at 7pm-

1. This week’s events

2. AYY is looking for a producer for events and culture

AYY is looking for a producer for an open-ended position from 1 June 2012 onwards or by arrangement.

The producer supports the student union sections in producing events with another producer. During the year, the student union sections organise numerous events for the members and the producers support the organising of these events. Producers particularly take care of the monitoring of finances, obtaining permissions from the authorities, and general supporting of volunteers. The producer acts as the member and secretary of Aalto Community Section Aava. In addition, the producer is responsible for the development and coordination of the Student Union’s rental facilities (saunas, club facilities, etc.)

Free-form applications with résumés can be submitted to AYY’s Secretary General Teemu Halme to the address paasihteeri(at)ayy.fi by 4pm on 15 May 2012. You will receive a confirmation stating that we have received your application. Interviews will be arranged in week 21 (21‒25 May), after which AYY Board will decide on the suitable applicant.

Further information on the vacancy. (in Finnish)


Associations and actors within AYY have the opportunity to submit important event dates for the student union’s academic year calendar. Events can be submitted through the google docs file linked below until Sunday, 27 May 2012. Please add your events under the correct month in chronological order. Please enter the text you want in the calendar ”Event name/Text” field (yellow background). Please note that one line can hold up the maximum of 25 characters of text, including spaces. When writing the text, please consider how many lines from  your own calendar you wish to be ”wasted”. The calendar is trilingual so please take this into account when planning the text.

If there are several events marked on the same date, the event that concerns most of the students will end up in the calendar. The file is editable until the provided deadline 27 May 2012, until which you can make changes to your events. Please fill out the columns carefully, and check and double check that the information is correct. Please also remember to include information on who is organising the event.

Submit events here.

Questions and comments are received by AYY’s Communications Officer Henna Lahti (henna.lahti@ayy.fi or 050 520 9440).


On Friday, 18 May 2012, the second opening ceremony of the world’s only Polytech Museum will be celebrated. The museum is located in Otaniemi at the address Jämeräntaival 3.

Doors to the renovated premises and exhibition will be open on the opening day between 11am-6pm and the solemn ceremonies will be implemented at 3pm. Activities organised indoors and outdoors.

Engineering students with their friends are welcome!

5. Major sitsit at Senaatintori Square on Tuesday, 29 May

Major sitsit are organised at Senaatintori Square for several hundred university students, where citizens and tourists can take part in their own way by coming to a picnic and participating in the event. The event is part of the ”Helsinki 200 Years As Capital” theme year.

A separate area is limited to the actual participants who can access the area with the event pass. Outside the area, it is desirable that citizens, tourists, friends and guests celebrate their own dinner party or picnic in a sophisticated way, of course. The major sitsit starts at 4pm with a welcome drink and the event will culminate with the ball starting approximately at 9pm to which all are welcome! At 10pm, a procession will lead us towards Havis Amanda and Runeberg statues, where speeches are held. The after party takes place at the restaurant Kaarle XII. Further information on Facebook.

This splendid spectacle costs 15 euro and AYY’s food is known to be very tasty. Aava also participates in the event!

We have reserved 80 seats for AYY’s members, so please sign up fast. The registration will open on Monday, 14 May, 6pm at https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/suursitsit/ . Registration will be open until the quota is met.


Aalto First Year Experience (AFYE) is a project offered by Aalto University, which aim is to welcome new students to the university and open a window to various opportunities offered by Aalto without clinging to the borders of the scientific fields. AFYE means everything that is related to the reception of new students as part of Aalto community during the first year of studies. Orientations and tutor activities of the schools are part of AFYE’s concept. In addition, we organise various events and advertise opportunities concerning the new students on our website.

AFYE invites student organisations, guilds and associations to create an incredible first year for new students and show everything that Aalto has to offer. AFYE provides funding for event organising, which are targeted to new students during the next academic year. Further information on AFYE’s Into website.

7. Basic course of security officers

Dear student! Are you looking for work? Are you interested in the duties of a security officer? Do you want to employed next summer or alongside with your studies? Complete the basic course of a security officer! After completing the course, you can apply for the security officer card from the police, which entitles you to act as a security officer throughout the country.

AYY will organise in cooperation with Turvakerroin Ltd a VERY INEXPENSIVE basic course of security officers. You can complete the 32-hour course this spring during the following five days: 21 May, 23 May, 24 May, 25 May and 26 May. You should reserve time between 4pm-10pm on weekdays and 4pm-10pm on Saturday.  You must participate every day!

The course price for students of Aalto univerity will be only 42e and 64e for others! This price is a fraction of the price you would have to pay elsewhere. The course will be organised if there are enough participants. Please sign up at https://lomake.ayy.fi/yhdistykset/jarjestyksenvalvojan-peruskurssi/

Further information: otto.palonen@ayy.fi.

8. SIT ME furniture exhibition open around the clock in front of Design Museum

SIT ME furniture exhibition 11.5.-16.9. open around the clock In front of Design Museum, the area between Korkeavuorenkatu, Yrjönkatu and Merimiehenkatu

Furniture design students have taken a new stance on where to sit. Their work is on the borderline between fine art and applied art, more specifically, when everyday, functional seats are transformed into sculpture. SIT ME is a furniture exhibition by third-year furniture design students at the Aalto University School of Art, Design and Architecture.

Their SIT ME exhibition asks questions about our contemporary ideas of design, presenting experimental and unique sculptural wooden benches. SIT ME is an outdoor exhibition, located in front of the Design Museum and is open from May to September around the clock.

Designers: Mirella Abe, Eetu Enqvist, Laura Euro, Laura Jokinen, Anna-Kaisa Laitinen, Anni Ojanen, Katja Rouvinen, Minttu Somervuori, Mari Sollman, Suvi Toivari, Mirka Uski and Caius Verhe

9. Bikepolis beginner group rides

Bikepoli organises three mountain biking group rides for beginners. The schedule for the rides is as follows:

  • Wednesday 16 May 6pm from the workshop, destination Leppävaara
  • Wednesday 23 May 6pm from the workshop, destination Espoo Central Park
  • Wednesday 30 May 6pm from the workshop, destination Helsinki Central Park

The duration of the rides is around 2hrs. The equipment needed is a mountain bike and a helmet. No previous experience is needed. It is also possible to borrow Bikepolis mountain bike.

10. MoA’12 Slam: Science goes performance theatre

16 May 2012, 7pm-10pm, At MoA’12 exhibition space, Jätkäsaari, Helsinki, Building 3L, Tyynenmerenkatu 6, (ex. Hietasaarenkuja 6)

At MoA’12 Slam, 5 Aalto students will enter the race for a €500 cash prize and present their research topics to the audience and judges. The medium of presentations is free and can range from a more traditional talk to dance choreography or self-composed song. Creativity is strongly encouraged and everything is allowed to fascinate, inspire, move or entertain the audience – and win their votes. Because in the end of the evening it will be the audience who selects the winner of MoA’12 Slam.

MoA’12 Slam is collaboration between Aalto University and ScienceSLAM Helsinki to promote fun and creativity in science. At MoA’12 Slam, these 5 performances will be shown:

  • Anna Cajanus (School of Science), “Social enterprises and for-profit businesses working together in Finland – how and why?”
  • Seungho Lee (School of Arts, Design and Architecture), “Beef Finland 2012”
  • Jemina Lehmuskoski (International Design Business Management), “Bringing R&D tools to elementary schools”
  • Linda Söderholm (School of Arts, Design and Architecture), “Helsinki freezing – B-girls’ view”
  • Siiri Viljanen (School of Chemical Technology), “Utilisation of spent sulphite liquor for chemical production”

Free entrance, limited seats. Register here in advance.



11. Bit Bang Seminar on Future of Internet, register latest on 16 May

  • What? Bit Bang Seminar on Future of Internet
  • When? 21 May 2012 at 12.30pm-5pm
  • Where? TUAS building, auditorium AS1 (Otaniementie 17, 02150 Espoo)

Bit Bang 4, the fourth Aalto-wide and multidisciplinary post-graduate course, invites you to attend the presentations of the semester’s team work assignments. The post graduate students have spent the spring discussing economical, societal, governance and technological aspects of the Future of the Internet. Come and hear what they’ve found out!

Register to elina.karvonen@aalto.fi by 16 May

Seminar programme

  • 12:30 Registration and coffee
  • 13:00 Welcoming words, Professor Yrjö Neuvo
  • 13:05 The Internet took my job!
  • 13:50 Gamification of Life
  • 14:35 Coffee
  • 15:00 Strategies to take over the Internet
  • 15:45 Mankind 2.0
  • 16:30 Closing, Professor Yrjö Neuvo
  • 17:00 Seminar ends

More information about the course and the event.

12. Suomi Summer Party, Mon 14 May 2012, at 7pm-

The AYY International Committee proudly presents!

The spring is coming to an end, and it is time for you to experience the Finnish summer! Come and enjoy yourself with your friends at the Suomi Summer Party, and learn how the stereotypical Finn might enjoy his or her time at the summer cottage or otherwise.

We have arranged some interesting summery games for you to participate in, and there are prizes as well! There is Finnish traditional summer food available, as well as other stuff we are still keeping as a secret 🙂

To blend in to the crowd, please dress comfortably and informally. Also take your swimsuits and towels with you! 🙂

  • Where: Gorsu, JMT 5
  • When: 14 May starting from 7pm
  • Why: It’s summer! Wohoo!