Weekly Newsletter 21/2012

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 21/2012

SELL2012 Games are successfully over. The game organisation wishes to thank all participants and those who helped with the arrangements! See photos of the games here.

Next week, the weekly newsletter will be published for the last time this spring.

  1. This week’s events
  3. Business book night, Wed, 30 May @ VG
  4. Art search for Cartes Flux 2012 the festival of New Media Art
  5. Take Part in Aalto University’s International Innovation Camp
  6. INSPIRE 2012 urban festival in the Old Customs Warehouse in Katajanokka on 26 May
  7. New work is done again – sign up in advance!
  8. New café to Otaniemi in the autumn – respond to the survey and influence!
  9. News from Aalto Career Services
  10. All American Movie Night

1. This week’s events


Associations and actors within AYY have the opportunity to submit important event dates for the student union’s academic year calendar. Events can be submitted through the google docs file linked below until Tuesday, 29 May 2012. Please add your events under the correct month in chronological order. Please enter the text you want in the calendar ”Event name/Text” field (yellow background). Please note that one line can hold up the maximum of 25 characters of text, including spaces. When writing the text, please consider how many lines from  your own calendar you wish to be ”wasted”. The calendar is trilingual so please take this into account when planning the text.

If there are several events marked on the same date, the event that concerns most of the students will end up in the calendar. The file is editable until the provided deadline 29 May 2012, until which you can make changes to your events. Please fill out the columns carefully, and check and double check that the information is correct. Please also remember to include information on who is organising the event.


Questions and comments are received by AYY’s Communications Officer Henna Lahti (henna.lahti@ayy.fi or 050 520 9440).

3. Business book night on Wed, 30 May @ VG

Business book night with Jari Parantainen (pollitasta.fi) Wed, 30 May 2012, 6pm at Aalto Venture Garage

Welcome to the traditional business book night of Remburssi to hear about favourite business books of the participants and find summer reading! Jari Parantainen is one of Finland’s most popular business blog writers and authors (www.pollitasta.fi and www.ediste.fi). The event is open to all Aalto University students and will be held in Finnish .


Facebook event and registration instructions (sign up no later than 23 May)

4. Art search for Cartes Flux 2012 the festival of New Media Art

Cartes Flux calls for digital artists and creative people to participate in the selection for the festival of New Media Art. The call is for Finnish and international experimental and innovative artworks combining art and technology with fresh and unique approaches.

This year, the festival is particularly looking for artwork which is suitable for public spaces and easy to move around. You can participate with video art, installations, workshops, lecturs and performances.

Deadline for applications is Monday, 28 May 2012! Detailed instructions and application forms: www.cartes-art.fi

5. Take Part in Aalto University’s International Innovation Camp

Would you like to create new economic engines or plan a more functional city in an inspiring team? Aalto Camp for Societal Innovation ACSI invites You to change the world!

Aalto University’s ACSI is a design, development and learning platform and camp for societal innovation. ACSI brings together working life experts, researchers and students from all over the world to create new and unexpected solutions to societal challenges. In 2012 the multi-disciplinary participant crew works with five significant real life cases during the eight day camp. These solutions, prototypes, point of views and actions are presented in an open ACSIbition event. ACSI 2012 is organised in Helsinki, Finland 7– 14 August and ACSIbition is on 14 August.

By taking part in ACSI you get to solve interesting challenges, find new ideas, make friends from different parts of the globe as well as build versatile cooperation possibilities. The participant recruitment is on now and will end on 31 May 2012. To fill out the online application, visit https://eage.aalto.fi/?fs/en/ACSI.

We welcome applications from everyone interested in solving societal challenges! More information about ACSI at www.acsi.aalto.fi and acsi@aalto.fi

  • Event: Aalto Camp for Societal Innovation ACSI
  • Place: Chydenia, Helsinki, Finland
  • Time: 7-14 Aug 2012.
  • Event: ACSIbition
  • Place: Design Factory, Espoo, Finland
  • Time: 14 Aug 2012.

6. INSPIRE 2012 urban festival in the Old Customs Warehouse in Katajanokka on 26 May

INSPIRE is a new one-day city festival in the heart of Helsinki. On Saturday, 26 May, the Old Customs Warehouse at Katajanokka will be full of excited people – those who are living their dreams and those who want to!

The event is divided into day and evening program. During the day, there will be stories to hear, hands-on workshops to try and performances to see. Open and free for all curious ones, program will be held in both Finnish and English. There will also be lovely pop-ups serving refreshments and food, like at any great festival! Step in for a little while or spend the whole day with us, but don’t miss it. Tickets for the evening program are sold separately through Eventbrite.

INSPIRE is about exploring and sharing. About provoking people to live their dreams and showing what is possible when you dare. Be passionately curious. See you on Saturday 26 May at Katajanokka!

Check out our teaser.
Learn more by visiting our website.

Join the event and secure your ticket to the evening

7. New work is done again – sign up in advance!

The common Dialogue of students and companies will start again in the autumn of 2012. We are looking for students who have an open mind, future-oriented ideas and passion to improve the working life. Ensure you place in advance at dialogi@ellunkanat.fi or read more at www.uusityöontäällä.fi

8. New café to Otaniemi in the autumn – respond to the survey and influence!

A new café ADD Café will open in Otaniemi in September, which will take the café scene to a new dimension. The link below will take you to a very quick survey which helps to refine the café concept.

Http://tinyurl.com/ctvy97t (Finnish)

See you in September!

9. News from Aalto Career Services

What do students want from the working life?

Welcome to hear what students want from the working life, which employers are Aalto students’ ideal employers and what kind of additional information the students would like to receive from employers. Universum will tell about these matters and other results of the student research 2012 on Thursday, 31 May, 2pm-3.30pm, AS1 Hall, TUAS building, Otaniementie 17.

Welcome! The event will be held in Finnish.

10. All American Movie Night

What: Films, cocktails and beer pong
Where: Yläkertsi, KY Building
When: 24 May, 5pm (Cocktail 5.15pm, Animal House 7.30pm)

Tikelo, Aalto Cocktail and Aalto Beer Pong joined forces and will provide a slightly different movie night for Aalto members!

The films Cocktail and National Lampoon’s Animal House will be screened but the programme does not stop there. Bar tenders from A’Cocktail work behind the bar which will be open as long as there are thirsty people. A genuine yankee atmosphere is also offered by ABP’s two Beer Pong tables which entertain participants between the movies. At the end of the evening, you can also go to the sauna before the after party.

Evaluated schedule:

  • 5:30pm Cocktail
  • 7:30pm National Lampoon’s Animal House
  • 9:00pm Sauna opens
  • 11:30pm Leaving to the after party

During the second film, there is a possibility to join a drinking game. After all, drinking games are a driving force behind the American student tradition. You can take your own bottles with you  😉

The event is free and open to all Aalto members. You can get drinks over the counter with traditional AC’s drink tickets and you can play Beer(/Cocktail) Pong games either with your own drinks or drink tickets purchased on the location.

Come to celebrate the end of the exam period and enjoy all the good things invented behind the Atlantic!