Weekly Newsletter 22/2012

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 22/2012. The weekly newsletter will begin its summer holiday. Have a sunny and hot summer. The first weekly newsletter will be published in August in week 34.

During the summer, the Student Union will inform about current issues and events on its website at ayy.fi. Among other things, Helle Aalto summer event will be organised for all Aalto members in August.

  1. This week’s events
  2. AYY is looking for a person to examine and clarify cost structure details of the Student Union
  3. AYY’s scholarship holders of the spring of 2012 have been elected
  4. AATE: Bee 7 June 2012 12pm ->
  5. MoA – Masters of After work Fri, 1 June
  6. Are you interested in having your own garden plot in Otaniemi?
  7. Summer job info answers to summer employees’ questions
  9. Film club Montaasi’s 16 mm film course 8–10 June 2012
  10. OtaKoppi’s summer baseball
  11. Teekkari minigolf 60th anniversary
  12. University Students Golf Challenge 2012
  13. Participate in the national language strategy’s survey by 10 June
  14. Founders’ Week brings hard-core start-up entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley to Finland on 4-8 June 2012
  15. ESPOO CINÉ is looking for volunteers
  16. Call for internships and student exchange in Asia

1. This week’s events

  • no upcoming events

2. AYY is looking for a person to examine and clarify cost structure details of the Student Union

AYY is looking for a part-time employee for a fixed-term employment from 1 Jun 2012 until 31 Aug 2012 or as agreed on.

Duties include

  • clarifying costs and revenues of premises rented by AYY (housing) from the existing bookkeeping material and margin calculations based on the material and operation statistics.
  • describing special processes of AYY’s non-profit operations (such as allocation of operating grants, distribution of scholarships, advance booking of rental premises).
  • examining how AYY’s operational costs (housing maintenance) are formed.

Excellent expertise in Ms-Excel programme is a requirement for work performance.

The position is part-time (20 hours per week). Initial salary depending on experience and education in full-time employment starts from 1400 euro per month in accordance with the competence group I in the collective labour agreement binding the Student Union.

Free-form applications with résumés are addressed to AYY’s Secretary General Teemu Halme and delivered no later than 4pm on 29 May 2012. You will receive a confirmation stating that we have received your application. Interviews will be arranged on week 22 (30‒31 May).

Further information on the position is available at /blog/2012/05/22/ayy-hakee-henkiloa-tarkastelemaan-ja-selvittamaan-ylioppilaskunnan-kulurakenteen-yksityiskohtia/ or Secretary General Teemu Halme (paasihteeri(at)ayy.fi, 050 520 9415).

3. AYY’s scholarship holders of the spring of 2012 were elected

At its meeting on 25 May, AYY Board has approved the proposals of the scholarship committees concerning scholarship holders. Scholarships and further information is available at  /blog/2012/05/25/ayyn-kevaan-2012-stipendit-on-jaettu/

4. AATE: Bee 7 June 2012 12pm ->

Bee: “A gathering for a specific purpose, e.g. a sewing bee or a quilting bee.”

Aate renovation has finally ended and it’s time for a final step! There’s dust to get rid of, furniture to assemble and plenty of other little to-dos. All help is greatly appreciated! After this event we will have tidy and cosy culture arena for your projects and events! So, put on your work clothes and come over! We will start at 12pm.

Aate takes care of You during the bee: there’s food and beverages for the bee people and sauna&barbeque in the evening!

What to pack:

  • work clothes (some tasks are messy)
  • towel and clean clothing to put on after sauna (there will be sauna shifts for women and men in the beginning and rest of the night it’s unisex so take swimwear also if you feel like it)

This is also a great opportunity to meet other Aate-minded people and plan future projects and events!

Aate is located in Otaniemi. Bus 102 takes you very near. Use the address “Jämeräntaival 1” for Journey Planner (http://www.reittiopas.fi/en/)

We kindly ask you to join the Facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/events/171669382962149/ so we can reserve enough food & beverages.

In case you don’t use Facebook, you can enroll by mail: vesa.rajala@ayy.fi .

5. MoA – Masters of Afterwork Fri, 1 June

What on earth?! Wild After work appears!

Aava will take you on the most unforgettable afterwork picnic in Jätkäsaari! Pack up a beer or two and head over to the coolest exhibition of the spring. In this event you can consume culture and beverages simultaneously. There will be music and snacks for your amusement.

FB:  https://www.facebook.com/events/210047989116840/

  • What: After work Masters of Aalto exhibition
  • Where: Jätkäsaari, Tyynenmerenkatu 6, Helsinki
  • When: 1 June, 5pm-9pm
  • Why: Staggering exhibition combined with after work is just pretty cool.

Are you the MoAster of after work?

Also check out MoA’s FB site: https://www.facebook.com/pages/MoA-Masters-of-Aalto-University/335839369781395?ref=ts

6. Are you interested in having your own garden plot in Otaniemi?

Welcome to create urban farming community and hear about Aalto Garden Otaniemi competition

Event on Wed, 13 June 12, 5pm-6.30pm, Otakaari 5

Aalto Garden Otaniemi competition created plans to develop Martti Levón Park, the so-called Ossinlampi area. The winner entry was ”Uomapuisto” designed by student of landscape architecture

Sofia Tigerstedt. Implementation of the plan is currently in progress. Setting for independent farming will be created in the area.

In order to launch urban farming activities, the plan is to act within AYY’s current association activities or establish a new association. We need you, Aalto student, staff member or Otaniemi resident interested in urban farming!

If you can’t participate on 13 June, please send your contact information by e-mail. In this way, you will get information about the progress of the project and we can chart the conditions for the launching of farming activities.

Schedule, Wed, 13 June 12, Sodexo Restaurant Electra’s ”Nettikahvila”, Otakaari 5:

  • 17:00 Opening / Jorma Kyyrä, Chair of Aalto Garden Otaniemi competition jury
  • 17:10 Uomapuisto – area plan presentation / Sofia Tigerstedt, garden contest winner
  • 17:30 Uomapuisto implementation and urban farming, project schedule / Marja Törmälä, chief designer of the garden area, Architect Office Ari Mäki-Marttunen

Including Garden Advisor Saana Karlsson from the City of Espoo, Environmental Specialist Hille Häkkinen from Aalto Facility Services and AYY’s Board Member Anna af Hällström

  • annual events of horticultural activities
  • following procedures and schedule for 2012 and 2013
  • principles of operations and renting of plots, waster and water supply in the area, expenses, community effort
  • conditions for successful urban farming and examples from elsewhere

The event will end at approximately 6.30pm.

The event will be held in Finnish unless there is a request for the English language.

Advance registration: lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/kaupunkiviljely

Further information: anna.af.hallstrom@ayy.fi

You can also participate without advance registration.

Aalto Garden Otaniemi: living.aalto.fi/fi/program/1e11cc2268de7b61cc211e1a0dea59a200eefcfefcf/

Aalto sustainable development: www.aalto.fi/fi/about/sustainability/

7. Summer job info answers to summer employees’ questions

In the summer, the summer job info will help young people with questions related to emploment. The free service will begin on 2 May. The service is available by telephone at 0800 179 279 or through the electronic form at www.kesaduunari.fi.

For the first time, the service is also available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/kesaduunari. The purpose of Facebook site is to initiate discussion on the employment affairs of the young, and young employees can compare their own summer job experiences on the site.

– You should contact the summer job info before signing the work contract if you are uncertain about any employment-related issue. We are also glad to serve employers, says Summer Job Counsellor Joonas Tutti.

In the previous years, we have received questions on wages, vacation compensation and the length of work shifts. The service has proved to be very necessary: last year we received over 400 contacts.

Telephone service is open until 24 August on Fridays, 9am–3pm. Guidance is available in Finnish, Swedish and English. Guidance service is provided by the employees’ confederations SAK, STTK and Akava.

Further information:

SAK’s Organisation Secretary Anita Spring, tel. 0400 506 339, STTK’s Special Adviser in Student and Youth Issues Ulla Hyvönen, tel. 044 777 7089, Akava’s Student Ombudsman Elina Havu, tel. 050 341 4894

8. Script competition of Teekkarispex

Teekkarispex is pleased to declare open the script competition!

We will choose the topic for Teekkari Spex of the spring of 2013 through an open competition. The winners will write a finished script for thousands of spectators to see in cooperation with a professional director. You can participate in the competition either individually or as a group – usually a group of 2-4 people has proved to be successful.

You can participate in the competition by returning the following documents:

  • initial plot description, ie. synopsis, describing plot twists and the story with scenes from the beginning to the end without dialoge
  • descriptions of at least the most important characters
  • two completed scenes written open with dialogue and entries
  • informal cover letter describing in your own words why your proposal should be selected as the script of Teekkari Spex (max. 1 A4)

You can submit entries either directly to Teekkari spex mail box in AYY’s Otaniemi Service Point  (Otakaari 11) or send it by mail to: Teekkarispeksi ry, PL 69, 02151 Espoo

All entries must be received by 3pm on Friday, 27 July 2012.

A competition entry must not identify participants, but the proposal should be named with a working title. The proposal must be accompanied with a closed envelope with a working title, which incudes the contact information of scriptwriter candidates.

The winner(s) will be selected as the scriptwriter of Teekkari Spex 2013 based on the topic and synopsis, and the winning script will be handed over for the use of Teekkari Spex.

Transcript of the scenes gives an indication of the scriptwriter’s ability to transform the synopsis to material suitable for the stage.

If you want to ask about the competition or scriptwriting, you can get help at tuottajat@teekkarispeksi.fi. If we do not know the answer, at least we know someone who does.

9. Film club Montaasi’s 16 mm film course 8–10 June 2012

Learn how to film a movie! Montaasi’s 16mm film course covers the technique of film shooting. The course includes theoretical lectures and a practical session where we make two short films on 16 mm film. The course covers both digital post-production and traditional cutting work.

Course schedule:

  • Fri, 8 June   6pm–9pm   theoretical lectures
  • Sat, 9 June  10am–6pm   shooting of the course film
  • Sun, 10 June  10am–6pm  shooting of the course film

The course aso includes an introduction visit to colour film digitisation and colour definition, the opportunity to explore the development of black and white film and film cutting sessions.

The course has 10 available places and the price is 40 euro for Montaasi members.

Enquiries and registration: montaasi(at)list.ayy.fi Current information: http://montaasi.ayy.fi

10. OtaKoppi’s summer baseball

Summer baseball of Otakoppi will continue this summer!


Summer baseball is laid-back baseball where everyone can participate, regardless of their skills. You do not have to register in advance. You don’t need your own equipment as OtaKoppi provides  gloves, bats and balls. Summer baseball is played with women’s ball and limits.

Where and when?

Tuuliniitty Field in Tapiola on Wednesdays, 6pm

Take a friend with you and come to play!

Further information and location: http://otakoppi.fi/pelaamaan

11. Teekkari minigolf 60th anniversary

Technology students have brough to Finland their pranks and hats, but also minigolf. Sibelius Park minigolf is Finland’s oldest minigolf course and completely designed and built by technology students. The minigolf course is maintained by Ristin kilta guild and its profit are used for paying the school of 25 Dalits in India. In addition, it supports a children’s home Elämää Pietarissa. Welcome to play – at a student price 4€/round (normal price 6€).


12. University Students Golf Challenge 2012

An all-time golf event of KY-Slice, HYGS and HankGolf is here this summer. The competition will gathers golfers from the three universities together for the first time! Event sponsors Unisport, Supergolf and Hillside Golf guarantee high-quality prizes and very affordable entry fee.

Price: 26 € for Supergolf members and 31 € for others including game fee, dinner and after game.

Where: Hillside Golf, Valley Course

When: Saturday, 16 June, leaving at 3pm (the bus ride leaves already at 1pm)

Type of contest: 18 scr and pb

No handicap limit. NB. Those who have completed the green card this spring!

The event participants have the opportunity to use bus transportation for 5 €. The bus leaves from the centre of Helsinki at 1pm and returns to the same location at the end of the day. Bus schedule details will be informed in the near future.

Sign up: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/35742/lomake.html

Registration will end on 8 June.  Payment instructions will be sent to the partcipants by email.

Also join the fb event (University Students Golf Challenge 2012): https://www.facebook.com/events/294400297317264/

Be quick and ensure the hegemony of Helsinki as the leading university in the golf greens as wells!

13. Participate in the national language strategy’s survey by 10 June 

Dear student,

how do you use our national languages? Now you have the opportunity to participate in the government programme project by responding to this survey. Please click on the link below. At first the survey asks you to select either Finnish or Swedish.


Your participation is important and valuable for us.

National Language Strategy

14. Founders’ Week brings hard-core start-up entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley to Finland on 4-8 June 2012

Aaltoes will organise Founders’ Week in the first week of June, which will bring four entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley to Finland. Come to hear inspiring speeches, discuss the Finnish entrepreneurial culture and come up with the ways to make Finland Europe’s leading startup hub!

In Founders’ Week, entrepreuners arriving in Finland are Russel Simmons, co-founder of Paypal and Yelp, Sami Inkinen, co-founder of Trulia, Paul Bragiel, co-founder of startup accelerator i/o Ventures and Aaron Patzer, who developed Mint money management service.

Further information on the week and events at http://foundersweek.fi.

Follow the event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/292137444213121/

15. ESPOO CINÉ is looking for volunteers

Espoo Ciné International Film Festival will be organised in Espoo on 17-28 Aug 2012. Every year, Espoo Ciné needs plenty of help in event organising. 50-70 volunteers have worked in the festival each year. We need volunteers for festival info and ticket sales, movie theatres and different organising tasks.

We require a responsible and energetic attitude as well as at least 18 years of age. The festival lasts for ten days from Friday, 17 August to Sunday, 26 August.

You can sign up as a volunteer by filling out the form at:


The same address has additional information on volunteer work and the festival.

16. Call for internships and student exchange in Asia


Asia Exchange has started delivering of internship positions. Destinations include China and Indonesia, for example. There are internship positions for students in different fields, such as business, economics, health, languages, communications and engineering. You can apply either through AE or the sister organisations of AE.

Further information on internships is available at www.asiaexchange.fi/harjoittelupaikat


AE’s latest student exchange destination is the University of Malaya located in Kuala Lumpur, which is highly valued in international rankings. There are hundreds of courses in English in different fields. The price for the academic term is €900.

The call for applications concerns the autumn term 2012 (deadline for applications 1 June) and the spring term 2013 (deadline for applications 31 Oct)

Asia Exchange student exchange with tuition fees are intended for students who do not use student exchange destinations of their own school.

Further information and application form: www.asiaexchange.fi