Weekly Newsletter 36/2012

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 36/2012

The academic year will be opened on Tuesday, 4 Sept. Welcome to the opening of the academic year, Aalto Party and its mustachioed after party.
On Thursday it’s possible to watch meeting of the representative council of AYY on live here. (discussions mostly in Finnish). The meeting starts at 17.15. Under discussion for example the future of AYY’s media.

Please remember to register for the attendance and pay the Student Union’s membership fee by 13 Sept. Detailed instructions can be found here. A tag distribution point at Building T in Otaniemi will be open for the next couple of weeks at 10am-6pm.

Have a nice September!

  1. This week’s events
  2. Vacant positions in AYY
  3. Supplementary application period for student representatives in administration
  4. Apply for the union meeting delegation of SYL
  5. AYY to help homeless students
  6. Hertz benefits for AYY members
  7. AYY to launch a weekly sports bulletin
  8. FSHS appointment fees will change as of 1 September 2012
  9. Two weeks in Shanghai at the end of October? Apply by 13 Sept!
  10. Apply for the new STUDENT FAMILY FRIEND PROGRAMME at Aalto
  11. Teekkarispeksi’s improv and dance courses in the autumn
  12. Polijazz´s weekly dance lessons to begin on 10 Sept
  13. Work at Lakinlaskijaiset 2012
  14. Work for the technology students’ 140th anniversary week!
  15. Aalto party’s mustachioed after party

1. This week’s events

2. Vacant positions in AYY

AYY is looking for a

  • fixed-term web developer to programme a web-based publishing and administration system for videos under the student union site. The deadline for applications is 4pm on 14 Sept. The position will begin on 24 Sept or as agreed. Further information (in Finnish).
  • part-time sales-oriented employee to launch the Student Union’s online store. The employee’s duty is to launch the online store established for AYY, its further development and practical arrangements, such as taking orders and mailing. The deadline for applications is 17 Sept, 4pm. The position will begin on 1 Oct or as agreed. Further information (in Finnish).

3. Supplementary application period for student representatives in administration

AYY is looking for student representatives for the organs at School of Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering and School of Business.

Call for applications:

In addition, AYY is looking for a person in charge of student representatives from the School of Electrical Engineering.

Further information (in finnish).

Apply and have influence!

4. Apply for the union meeting delegation of SYL

SYL, the National Union of University Students in Finland, is the association of the Finnish student unions, which represents the Finnish university students in national decision making. The annually appointed board implements the action plan and the policy paper which guide the advocacy work of SYL. The policy paper and the action plan will be approved in the union meeting where the board is also elected. The union meeting of the year 2012 will be held in Tampere on 23-24 November. SYL’s union meeting is an excellent vantage point to the Finnish student movement as well as university students’ national interest representation and its impact on students’ everyday life.

In the union meeting, AYY is represented by a delegation which consists of 16 union meeting representatives who use the student union’s voting right in the union meeting, and their sixteen deputies. The board will appoint the delegation to SYL’s union meeting after consulting the Representative Council groups. An open electronic application will be organised for the delegation.

The application period is Friday 31 Aug 12noon–Friday, 16 Sept 2012, 11.59pm.

You can apply here.

At its meeting 7/2012, the Representative Council approved a regulation on acting in a union meeting. The regulation is available here.

Further information: Juho Salmi, Board Member, juho.salmi@ayy.fi

5. AYY to help homeless students

Emergency Housing Coordinator Vera Moshina will operate in AYY until 31 Oct. Ms. Moshina helps all those AYY members who have problems in finding accommodation for the autumn of 2012. The emergency housing coordinator gives advice on how to find housing, organises temporary accommodation and helps with other matters related to housing.

The emergency housing coordinator is available at AYY’s Housing Office in Otaniemi at the following times:

  • 30 Aug–15 Sept, 12noon-4pm
  • 16 Sept–1 Oct klo 12noon-2pm
  • At other times by appointment.

Vera can be reached by phone at 050 520 9413 and by email at emergencyhousing(at)ayy.fi

Aalto University Student Union also organises temporary accommodation on its premises during September. If you think you need short-term emergency housing, please contact the emergency housing coordinator. The coordinator receives requests for emergency housing and gives advice on practical arrangements. Emergency housing does not generally take reservations in advance and therefore temporary housing is available for those who have an acute need for it.

The emergency housing coordinator will also continuously update AYY’s own database for housing search in the metropolitan area. The database can be found here.

The coordinator has been hired in cooperation with Aalto University. For further information, please contact the emergency housing coordinator or Housing Specialist Jaakko Koivula (050 520 9444, firstname.lastname@ayy.fi).

6. Hertz benefits for AYY members

AYY and Hertz have signed a cooperation agreement, under which all AYY members are entitled to a 10 % discount on car hire – also abroad. In addition, our members are entitled to free Hertz #1 Club Gold membership!

See the official newsletter at ayy.fi/edut

7. AYY to launch a weekly sports bulletin

AYY has launched a new weekly sports bulletin which will be published every Wednesday on AYY’s website. The newsletter is available at students>sports>sports bulletin. The bulletin will be published in Finnish and English and it includes current sports news from UniSport, AYY and the services of Helsinki and Espoo cities. In addition, the bulletin includes current sports events, OSM-contests, courses and series. A shorter e-mail version of the bulletin will also be published, which you can subscribe directly to your e-mail at https://lomake.ayy.fi/liikunta/122/

The first e-mail bulletin has already been sent out but the first bulletin will not be published online until Wednesday, 5 Sept. You can read current sports news next week.

8. The FSHS appointment fees will change as of 1 September 2012

As of the beginning of September, all appointments at the FSHS general health and mental health services, including appointments with specialists, physiotherapists and groups, will be free of charge for students. The services of oral hygienists will also be free of charge.

Clients will be required to pay appointment fees for dentists’ appointments only, and even for dentists’ appointments, the first check-up will remain free of charge for students.

See the new dentists’ appointment fees

The fees for chargeable certificates (such as medical certificates for driver’s licences) and statements remain unchanged. PLEASE NOTE! In accordance with the current practice, the penalty fee of 25€ for an uncancelled, unused appointment will apply also if the appointment would have been free of charge.

9. Two weeks in Shanghai at the end of October? Apply by 13 Sept!

As part of Helsinki WDC12 year, Radical Design Week 2012 will be organised in Shanghai, where Aalto participates as a partner. In connection with this event, Aalto will organise together with Finnish partner companies a user-driven innovation intensive course for fifteen students at Aalto-Tongji Design Factory in Shanghai between 19 Oct-5 Nov. All Aalto students who are at the final stage of their Bachelor’s degree and all Master’s level students can apply for the project. Further information.

10. Apply for the new STUDENT FAMILY FRIEND PROGRAMME at Aalto

How do you connect with Finnish people and culture? One way is through Aalto University’s Student Family Friend Programme, matching international students with local alumni families, which started as a pilot this summer, and is now officially launching this fall. Both Aalto alumni and students are invited to apply for the programme from 3 to 16 September 2012, after which applicants are matched, accommodating their hopes in the best way possible, for a limited number of participants. The coordinators of the programme then give the contact information to each match, with the only requirement being that you meet at least once. Please find more information on the programme (including the form to apply) here. Aalto’s Student Family Friend Programme is coordinated by Aalto Alumni Relations together with International Relations. Contact Salla Häsä salla.hasa@aalto.fi or Sarah Alden sarah.alden@aalto.fi.

11. Teekkarispeksi’s improv and dance courses in the autumn

Again this autumn, Teekkarispeksi will organise improvisation and dance courses for anyone interested. Come and challenge yourself with new dance styles or throw yourself into the depths of improvisation! Courses will start in week 38 and end in week 46. Improv courses will be held on Monday and Thursday nights and dance courses on Wednesday nights.

Registration for the beginner’s improv and dance courses will start on Wednesday, 12 Sept, 12noon in the main building lobby of the former TKK.You can sign up for advanced improvisation courses in the lobby of JMT1 at 6pm on Wednesday, 1 Sept.

Further information at teekkarispeksi.fi

12. Polijazz´s weekly dance lessons to begin on 10 Sept

  • STREETDANCE Mon 6.15pm-7.45pm. NB. The first lesson on 10 Sept is held exceptionally at 5.30pm-7pm!
  • CONTEMPORARY BEGINNERS Thu at 4.30pm-5.45pm
  • CONTEMPORARY ADVANCED Thu at 5.45pm-7pm
  • BREAKDANCE Thu at 7pm-8.15pm

Register here. The first lesson is free. The lessons continue until 9 Dec and you can join also in the middle of the season! The lessons will be held at multipurpose studio at Jämeräntaival 3a.

PRICES If you want to join one weekly class, the fee is 35 euros for the autumn season. For two weekly classes the fee is 45 euros, and for three 50 euros. Payment information here.

Welcome to dance!

13. Work at Lakinlaskijaiset 2012

Lakinlaskijaiset 2012 will be held at Dipoli on 1 Oct and the party will feature famous performers, diverse music selection, talented DJs, karaoke and anything that a great party is made of!

In order to organise all this, however, we need a number of energetic people for a variety of duties such as ticket sales, carrying equipment, decorating, cooking, security and van driving.

Come and organise the splendid and the greatest event of the Student Union in a laid-back company! You can register here.

As a reward, you get a free admission to Lakinlaskijaiset 2012 party, an overall badge, one of the two work contributions required for the earning of the pink cord as well as access to a massive employee party on 17 Oct!

Any questions may be presented to Lakinlaskijaiset Director Pauliina Mäkkeli pauliina.makkeli@ayy.fi or May Day Director Arne Kiaupa arne.kiaupa@ayy.fi.

14. Work for the technology students’ 140th anniversary week!

The 140th anniversary week of technology students will be celebrated between 3-11 Nov 2012 and arrangements are already well under way. Teekkari Section is now looking for an enthusiastic team to assist the section in order to make the party even more amazing. As a team member, you get to see the creation of one of the largest anniversaries of the year and leave your mark on a final result. We hope that team members have time from September until the end of the year.

In addition to the team members, we will elect a huge number of helping hands, and we will inform you about these duties later in the autumn.

Whether you are an experienced tech guru or a visionary ready to work on major decorations, please sign up at teekkarius140@list.ayy.fi.

For further information, please contact the chair of Teekkari Section Anu Juvonen, anu.juvonen@ayy.fi.

15. Aalto party’s mustachioed after party

Aalto party continues in a mustachioed atmosphere at Täffä (Otakaari 22). Come to see the Aalto community’s hairy side. Doors open immediately after the Aalto party at 9pm and the guests are asked to leave before 2am.

Entrance 2 euros including cloakroom service and fake mustaches.



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