Weekly Newsletter 38/2012

This is AYY’s Weekly Newsletter 38/2012

AYY’s Facebook site already has 3,500 Aalto members! If you are not yet involved, join the site now at www.facebook.com/ylioppilaskunta.

This week includes a debate on basic income and an introduction to association activities at Campus Expo. On Saturday, you can exercise with other Aalto members in Aalto kymppi running event!

  1. This week’s events
  2. What is basic income? Come to discuss tomorrow at 5pm
  3. Campus Expo 17 Sept-19 Sept
  4. Lakinlaskijaiset party 2012
  5. AYY’s international section Mosaic brings the World to Campus!
  6. Join AYY’s advocacy community
  7. Apply for the board of the Fund for Promoting Teekkari Activities
  8. Application period for AYY’s exchange scholarships, 1 Oct-31 Oct
  9. Celebration of the 140-year journey of engineering students in the autumn!
  10. Otatarhan ajot race & NĂ€ttiJussi.140
  11. 3rd application round of TTE-Fund in 2012, DL Sun, 23 Sep
  12. Nominate new honorary members for the Guild of the Round Tower
  13. Film Club Montaasi’s narrow-film course 5–7 Oct
  14. Aalto Aikikai’s aikido performance on Mon, 17 Sept, 4.30pm and autumn classes for beginners
  15. ESN Aalto activities in the autumn
  16. AMCA – the consulting club of Aalto University – membership applications are now open
  17. Samba school ImpĂ©rio do Papagaio’s bateria is looking for new members
  18. Come and join Polytech Orchestra!
  19. Vacancies in Aalto University’s Career Services
  20. Young Student – Go Services! event
  21. Looking for the best summer job employer in Finland
  22. Participate in Dialogue project with the mission to improve the working life

1. This week’s events

2. Which basic income? Come to discuss tomorrow at 5pm

Come and find answers or ask questions in the basic income event organised by AYY on Tuesday, 18 Sept, 5pm on Finlandia premises of Aalto University (LÀmpömiehenkuja 2). The event is open to everyone! Questions (and answers, comments and ideas) can be sent in advance to https://lomake.ayy.fi/sosiaalipolitiikka/mika-perustulo/. Programme and more detailed information on FB.

3. Campus Expo 17 Sept-19 Sept

Come to meet AYY’s associations in Campus Expo! This year, the event is organised in Töölö (main lobby) on Monday, 17 Sept, and in Otaniemi main building M-lobby at 10am-2pm on Tue-Wed, 18-19 Sept. Campus Expo is a three-day event for all Aalto students and the associations under AYY, in particular. In this event, all students have a perfect opportunity to get acquainted with a variety of associations in AYY by visiting stands, taking part in competitions etc.! Come and find out which recreational activities the associations can provide for you!

More info and the schedule for the open evening events of associations.

4. Lakinlaskijaiset party 2012

On 1 Oct, there will be a huge blast in Otaniemi! In the dusk of the evening, Lakinlaskijaiset 2012 will have its spectacular start! The biggest party of the student union offers awesome experiences for everyone. Kuningasidea, Ruudolf and Pariisin KevĂ€t will be seen on the stage! In addition, great music is brought to you by Entropy, the association for electronic music, and by a variety of entertaining DJs! And of course, at midnight it’s time to lower your cap with all the traditions involved.

Tickets are available from Tiketti and various campuses in the metropolitan area from 17 Sept onwards. More information on the event and ticket sale locations are available at www.lakinlaskijaiset.fi or Facebook.

5. AYY’s international section Mosaic brings the World to Campus!

When: 19.9. 4pm-7pm (movie starts at 7pm!)

Associations within AYY and other international associations present their operations at their display stands in the tent village which will be constructed at Alvari Square. The list of participating associations will be announced closer to the event.

Do you have stuff that you would like to give up? Or have you perhaps made jewellery or crafts you would like to sell to others? Spread your blanket at Alvari and sell your goods at World Campus flea market between 4pm-7pm! Remember that your junk can be another person’s treasure!

Do you dance, sing, juggle, foretell? Can you list the first 100 decimals of pi from your memory, can you draw a living model or do a split? Can you drink a sparkling water bottle in one gulp? Come and present your skills in the playful talent contest at 5pm, where you get fame and glory and can practise your stage charisma. There will also be fabulous prizes!

6. Join AYY’s advocacy community

Do you want to know what happens in the student advocacy field in Aalto, Finland or the world? Are you troubled with issues related to student advocacy? Have you encountered drawbacks in the student advocacy field, which you would like to discuss?

Join AYY’s advocacy community on Facebook.

Aalto University Student Union’s advocacy community is a completely unofficial and independent platform for advocacy discussion and operations in AYY, Finland and abroad. Joining the community does not bind you to anything and you do not have to be student representative in administration or even a student at Aalto University. AYY’s advocacy sectors follow the community closely and aim to deliver the students’ insight to decision-makers.

7. Apply for the board of the Fund for Promoting Teekkari Activities

The Fund for Promoting Teekkari Activities (TTE-Fund) operates within Aalto University Student Union. The purpose of the fund is to grant scholarships in order to promote the aspirations of AYY and its members and associations, awake and maintain interest in technical, scientific, economic and social issues, as well as cultural activities.

The board of the fund consists of four members appointed by AYY and three members appointed by the Guild of the Round Tower. The board members are elected for two years at a time and the chair is elected from among the persons appointed to the board by AYY. The board is appointed by the Representative Council of the Student Union. The board is responsible for the granting of scholarships based on applications, while managing the fund’s assets is the duty of AYY Board. The board offers its members a unique vantage point to student activities, as the fund’s opportunity to allocate grants is very significant on AYY’s scale.

Based on the resignation section, two positions in the board of the fund will become vacant at the end of the year, and we are looking for smart and versatile persons to fill these positions. Please fill out the application form by 4pm on 23 Oct 2012 and tell us why you should be appointed to the board. The secretary general confirms the reception of the applications after verifying that the attachments are readable. Applications should include a curriculum vitae and a personal view (the maximum of one page) on how the fund could best implement its duty. If you believe that you are suitable for the chairperson’s position, please mention this in your application. The board members are elected directly on the basis of applications.

8. Application period for AYY exchange scholarships, 1 Oct-31 Oct

AYY distributes scholarships to its members in accordance with the Student Union’s Scholarship Regulation and the regulations of the scholarship funds administered by the Student Union. The purpose of the scholarships is to support the internationalisation of low-income students, support community activities and encourage to successfully combine the studies and the student life. In addition, AYY administers certain field-specific scholarship funds.

The distribution of the scholarships and scoring criteria for applications are regulated by Scholarship Regulation and the guideline for the scoring of community activities. The amounts of the scholarships are based on the profits of funds. AYY has three scholarships and the amounts of those in 2012 are as follows: the exchange scholarship max. €800, the community scholarship approx. €500, the study scholarship approx. 500 €

In the autumn of 2012, the application period is 8am, 1 Oct 2012–11.59pm, 31 Oct. Only exchange scholarships are granted in the autumn.

Scholarship application form.

Further Information: Board Member Eetu Pursiainen (eetu.pursiainen(at)ayy.fi)

9. Celebration of the 140-year journey of technology students in the autumn!

This year, 140 years have passed since the establishment of Teknologföreningen. That is also the year from which the Student Union of the School of Technology, which preceded AYY, counted its age. To mark the occasion, we will celebrate the 140-year journey of engineering students in an appropriate magnitude.

The anniversary will culminate in the 140-year celebration of engineering students organised on 10 Nov 2012. The party is celebrated in the anniversary week starting on 3 Nov, and there are plenty of activities ranging from ballroom dancing to a singing sauna and herring breakfast.

More information on the celebrations and engineering student events can be found at www.teekkarius140.fi -website or liking the facebook site here.

10. Otatarha race & NĂ€ttiJussi.140

On Lakinlaskijaiset Day on 1 Oct, Otatarhan ajot race will be held from 2pm onwards at Alvari Square. It is a competition of man-powered vehicles you don’t want to miss!

NĂ€ttiJussi.140 competition will be held to find the King of Otaniemi on the same day. This Wipeout -styled competition will be the wildest thing you will experience this autumn.

Registration for both events is open! Read more on Facebook.

11. 3rd application round of TTE-Fund in 2012, DL Sun, 23 Sep

The third application round of TTE-Fund in 2012 is open! The fund may grant financial aid for all AYY members and the association within it. TTE-Fund supports visible activities that reach for the stars and make other people excited.

You can apply for grants from TTE-Fund in two ways: through the application rounds arranged approximately three times a year and through the continuous application period which is open during the academic terms. During the continuous application period, you can apply for the grants with the maximum of €1000 whereas the amount of project grants during the actual application rounds is not limited.

The third application round of 2012 will end on Sunday, 23 Sep 2012, at 11.59pm. Instructions for the application and its attachments are available on the website of the fund at tter.ayy.fi. The grant can be applied for with an online form which is available here.

All application periods of the academic year 2012-2013 and additional information is available on TTE-Fund website at http://tter.ayy.fi/. Also check out the new facebook site at www.facebook.com/tterahasto.

12. Nominate new honorary members for the Guild of the Round Tower

The Guild of the Round Tower is an honorary and senior organisation operating in the vicinity of Aalto University. Annually 15-20 people are invited as honorary members in recognition of active involvement in the community of engineering students and Aalto University’s student community. Every autumn, PTK’s conclave appoints new honorary members based on the nominations of the communities of engineering students and Aalto University.

This year’s nominations may be submitted until 10.11am on 10 Oct 2012. The nomination should include the nominated person’s name, picture and the reasons for the nomination, as well as the names of the person(s) who made the nomination.

Please send nominations to: ehdota-arwoisia@list.ayy.fi.

Persons who are at the final stage of their studies or who have recently graduated and have shown continuous interest in the culture of engineering students and other student activities at Aalto University and promoted its development in the Student Union or its associations may be nominated for the position of an honorary member.

The nomination can be made by an individual, guild or association, or by several people, guilds or associations together.

Further information on PTK and its honorary members: www.ptk.ayy.fi.

13. Film club Montaasi’s narrow-film course on 5–7 Oct

In the legendary film-making course of Montaasi, we go through the basics of script writing, visual narration, lighting and filming, as well as shoot short films in groups to 8 mm colour film. The course thus provides a unique opportunity to make a film to narrow-film which becomes rarer each year.

Films are sent to the laboratory to be developed, after which they are edited in Montaasi’s film cutting room at times agreed upon by the groups. Cutting is carried out with the so-called classical method, by cutting and taping.

More detailed course schedule.

Further information and registration by email: montaasi@list.ayy.fi. Fifteen people may attend the course and the price is EUR 20 for Montaasi members. If your are not yet a member, you can pay the membership fee of EUR 10 in connection with the course fee. You can become a member here.

14. Aalto Aikikai’s aikido performance on Mon, 17 Sept, 4.30pm and autumn classes for beginners

Aalto Aikikai will organise an aikido performance on Monday, 17 Sept, 4.30pm in the tatami hall at JĂ€merĂ€ntaival 5 A. Beginners’ classes will begin on Thursday, 20 Sept, 4.30pm in the same place. More information is available on the website of the club.

15. ESN Aalto activities in the autumn

ESN Aalto has a ticket sales point in the main building Tuesday (18 September) 11am-2pm, Thursday (20 September) 11am-2pm for the following events:

We will also organise a trip to Saint. Petersburg (11.10 – 15.20). Sign up online no later than 3 Oct.

16. AMCA – the consulting club of Aalto University – membership applications are now open

Aalto Management Consulting Association (AMCA) is back for its second year of activities! If you are interested in consulting and want to know more about what AMCA has to offer, check our Facebook page or if you are already sure you want to become a member go straight to our application page!

Please note that our application deadline is already on the 23rd of September!

17. Samba School ImpĂ©rio do Papagaio’s bateria is looking for new members

Are you a student interested in rhythms? Come and get to know the samba drum group in the facilities of Samba School ImpĂ©rio do Papagaio in Töölö on Wednesdays, 6pm-7.30pm (Oksasenkatu 1-2, shelter). On 26 September, there is a performance of the advanced group after the beginner’s class. Come and listen to the bateria and explore samba. With diligent practice, you can join our bateria for the carnival in June and tour with us – sometimes even abroad! The introduction class is free, and you do not need your own drum or sticks, we play with the instruments of the school. Previous experience of drumming is not required, but some playing experience is certainly useful.

Welcome! www.papagaio.fi

18. Come and join Polytech Orchestra!

Polytech Orchestra is a full-sized student symphony orchestra based in Espoo, Finland. Our players are students and graduates from Aalto University and other universities in Helsinki area.

The first rehearsals will be held on Monday, September 10th at 6pm at Servin mökki, Espoo. Joining us is easy! Just take your instrument with you and come to the first (or second) rehearsal. Programme for the autumn of 2012 consists of Night on Bald Mountain by Mussorgsky, Cello Concerto No. 1 by Shostakovich and Symphony No. 5 by Tchaikovsky.

More information.

19. Vacancies in Aalto Universitys Career Services

Murjottelu Summer Training Campaign 2013 coordinator for the period 8 Oct 2012–15 Aug 2013

Murjottelu campaign helps companies in recruiting the right trainees and students in finding internships in their own fields of study. We are looking for a graduate student near graduation or a recently graduated student near Aalto University. The position requires travelling to Arabia, Töölö and Otaniemi campuses from Design Factory and the office of Career Services.

Further information on Murjottelu is available here.

Link to the call for applications.

Two energetic students for mailing assistance in Otaniemi

Aalto University’s Career Services is looking for two energetic students to assist with the mailing of a career monitoring survey for masters, which takes place between 9-19 Oct 2012 at Otakaari 7 B, 3rd floor. Tasks include placing survey forms in labeled envelopes. The job is fast-paced and requires nimble hands and attention. We pay €12/hour and the job lasts for about five days. The working hours are 9am–12noon. Positions are filled immediately when suitable candidates are found. Candidates are requested to submit applications as soon as possible by email to career-tech@aalto.fi.

Further information on the position is available by phone at 050 363 4836 or by email at career-tech@aalto.fi.

20. Young Student – Go Services! -event

Student! Your future career will be in services. Come and learn about what a successful career in services takes! Young Student – Go Services!

21. Looking for the best summer job employer in Finland

Akava’s student delegation AOVA is again looking for the best summer job employer in Finland. The competition organised for the fifth time has grown in popularity year after year. Both summer employees and employers may suggest the best summer job employer in Finland. The winner will be elected by a panel which consists of AOVA’s representatives and the chairperson who will be elected later.

Summer jobs have a significant role for higher education students. With its competition,

AOVA wants to point out that summer jobs are an important source of income and work experience for students. A summer job in one’s own field is particularly important for higher education students in terms of achieving work experience, as the lack of work experience may complicate employment after graduation.

You can nominate the best summer job employer in Finland with an electronic form at www.akava.fi/paraskesatyonantaja. The site also provides additional information on the contest and the winners of the previous years.

The contest form is open until 30 Sept 2012. The form includes questions on a summer job employer’s practices in various basic employment issues, such as the introduction of assignments, guidance to duties and attending to workers’ rights. The winner of the best summer job employer of 2012 will be announced in late autumn 2012.

22. Participate in Dialogue project with the mission to improve the working life

Aalto student, six companies want to develop the future working life with you! Win a travel voucher of €800 and a better working life!

The mission of the Dialogue project is to improve the working life. Dialogue’s mission is to achieve a better working life. Dialogue is the first industrial action in the world history, where employees and employers work for the better working life on the same side and around the same table. Dialogue project of 2012 delves into mobile work. Together with students and companies, we clarify what mobile work is, how flexibly work is organised and with what kind of tools it is made.

Partners include Accenture, Elisa, UPM, WÀrtsilÀ, LÀhiTapiola and Yle. These six companies want to hear when, where and how you would like to work. They also want to have you in their business them to concretely develop their working methods together with their employees. It does not matter to what kind of working life you will graduate. It only matters that you have effect now!

You can participate in Dialogue in two different ways:

1. Respond to the survey

You can influence by responding to the survey by 5 Oct 2012. A travel voucher of 800 euro will be raffled among all respondents. To respond to the survey, you do not have to know the direction in which the working life evolves, it is enough that you have your own opinion.

2. Respond to the survey and join business teams

In addition to reviewing the students’ working life wishes, Dialogue’s core is in the interaction between students and companies. Dialogue is now looking for students to business teams who have an open mind, future-oriented ideas and the passion to improve the working life.

The business teams of about ten people develop different mobile working methods together with corporate management and the employees of Dialogue companies. Participation includes two three-hour workshops and a concrete opportunity to influence the future working methods. Workshops will be organised during October and November. By responding to the survey, you can sign up for business teams. You can find out more about Dialogue project on the website http://www.uusityoontaalla.fi

New work is here!

P.S. Dialogue also participates in the national remote work day on Friday, 21 Sept 2012! Hop on the mobile CV clinic and hear an HR manager’s tips for improving your CV. More information and registration at




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