Weekly Newsletter 39/2012

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 39/2012

AYY’s Facebook site already has over 3,500 Aalto members! Join the site at www.facebook.com/ylioppilaskunta.

  1. This week’s events
  2. Apply for the committee discussing the policy paper and future of AINO
  3. Apply for the acknowledgement working group
  4. Cleaning service discontinued in shared apartments from 1 Oct onwards
  5. We became process engineers
  6. Join AYY’s advocacy community
  7. Lakinlaskijaiset party 2012
  8. Otatarhan ajot race & NättiJussi.140
  9. Great debate night – the city’s most heated discussion on 3 Oct
  10. Aalto Lunch Beat vol. 4 – THE TIME MACHINE 26 Sept, 12noon-1pm
  11. Come to sail
  12. Film club Montaasi’s narrow-film course on 5–7 Oct
  13. Anniversary and herring breakfast of the polytech drinking game association
  14. Choral Evensong – an evening prayer with relaxing and beautiful music for students
  15. Teekkarispeksi’s spex night on Tuesday, 25 Sept, 6pm-> @OK20
  16. ESN Aalto info session for Erasmus in School project
  17. Call for applications for student exchange in Asia
  18. Scholarships for teachers and post-graduate students in the field of technology

1. This week’s events

2. Apply for the committee discussing the policy paper and future of AINO

Do you have a vision of what AYY’s magazine should be like in the future? Apply for the committee through this form!

The application period is open until Thursday, 27 Sept 2012. The working group will convene during the autumn of 2012 as necessary.

Background: AYY’s Representative Council decided on the so-called media issue in its meeting on 6 Sept. Due to the decision, Aate student media will be discontinued from 1 March 2013 onwards and Aino magazine will continue its operations with a new concept (further information on the Representative Council wiki at edustajisto.ayy.fi, meeting 8/2012, meeting item 10). The Representative Council also approved a resolution in which the Board was ordered to convene a working group from among the members, which duty is to prepare Aino’s new policy paper and reconceptualise the magazine.

3. Apply for the acknowledgement working group

Would you like to be involved in discussing who should be awarded with the Student Union’s acknowledgements? The duty of the acknowledgement working group is to invite applications for the recipients of the Student Union’s acknowledgements, process applications and make a presentation to the Student Union Board on the recipients of acknowledgements.

Administrative Manager Janne Koskenniemi acts as the secretary and Archivist/Museum Director Tiina Metso acts as the specialist member of the acknowledgement working group. The acknowledgement working group, which is now elected, will operate until the end of 2013. It is possible to complete the group during the year of 2013. The members of the acknowledgement working group should be motivated and come from different backgrounds.

Application form here.

4. Cleaning service discontinued in shared apartments from 1 Oct onwards

The rent in shared apartments in Teekkari Village and Leppävaara has included regular cleaning service of common facilities in shared apartments by the maintenance company. As of 1 Oct, a new property maintenance agreement will come into force, which no longer includes the cleaning of common facilities in shared apartments. After this, residents must ensure the cleanliness of their apartment by themselves. Stairways and common premises in the building will be cleaned as usual.

Cleaning of common premises in shared apartments is discontinued due to high costs and equal treatment of AYY’s tenants. In the properties in Helsinki, the cleaning of common facilities in shared apartments has never been included in the rent.

After 1 Oct, the residents must ensure the cleanliness of common facilities and keep their apartment in a generally acceptable condition. The storing of waste in common facilities or balconies, for example, is strictly prohibited and may result in warnings and even the termination of a rental agreement. If a shared apartment is found to be in an unsuitable condition, a cleaning request is submitted. After the request, the apartment can be cleaned by AYY and cleaning costs will be charged from all residents of the shared apartment. If problems arise, residents may contact the castle warden in their building or AYY’s housing office.

Housing Specialist Jaakko Koivula (050 520 9444, firstname.lastname@ayy.fi) answers any questions and provides additional information.

5. We became process engineers

On Saturday, 15 September, 53 Aalto University students established a new association which purpose is to unite the students in the School of Chemical Technology. In the founding meeting of the association, the first rules and the board for the rest of the year 2012 were approved. The association did not want to be named a chemist or forest guild even if it would be suitable with the school subjects. Prosessiteekkarit (process engineers) were chosen as the name and the abbreviation is PT. Association activities consist of freshman education, interest representation, corporate visits in cooperation with the guild and fun activitities. Actual operations will begin next year, the end of 2012 will be used for planning and creating relations.

Mikaela Mirsch was elected as the first chair of process engineers. ”During the autumn, our main task is to make the association fill the criteria of AYY’s special status associations in 2013″, says the new chair. Other elected board members are Emilia Stenman, Mikko Kiviluoma, Laura Lundell, Mikko Laine, Julia Nyström, Anni Nisov and Paavo Mälkönen.

Today, the students took a step towards the autumn of 2013. Now the bachelor reform should try to keep up with the school. The association website is available at prosessiteekkarit.ayy.fi.

6. Join AYY’s advocacy community

Do you want to know what happens in the student advocacy field in Aalto, Finland or the world? Are you troubled with issues related to student advocacy? Have you encountered drawbacks in the student advocacy field, which you would like to discuss?

Join AYY’s advocacy community on Facebook.

Aalto University Student Union’s advocacy community is a completely unofficial and independent platform for advocacy discussion and operations in AYY, Finland and abroad. Joining the community does not bind you to anything and you do not have to be student representative in administration or even a student at Aalto University. AYY’s advocacy sectors follow the community closely and aim to deliver the students’ insight to decision-makers.

7. Lakinlaskijaiset party 2012

On 1 October, there will be a huge blast in Otaniemi! In the dusk of the evening Lakinlaskijaiset 2012 will have its spectacular start! The biggest party of the student union offers awesome experiences for everyone. Kuningasidea, Ruudolf and Pariisin Kevät will perform on the stage! In addition, great music is brought to you by Entropy, the association for electronic music, and by a variety of entertaining DJs! And of course, at midnight it is time to lower your cap with all the traditions involved.

Tickets are available on various campuses in the metropolitan area and Tiketti. More information on the event and ticket sales is available at www.lakinlaskijaiset.fi or on Facebook .

8. Otatarhan ajot race & NättiJussi.140

On Lakinlaskijaiset Day on 1 Oct, Otatarhan ajot race will be held from 2pm onwards at Alvari Square. It is a competition of man-powered vehicles you don’t want to miss!

NättiJussi.140 competition will be held to find the King of Otaniemi on the same day. This Wipeout -styled competition will be the wildest thing you will experience this autumn.

Registration for both events is open! Read more on Facebook.

9. Great debate night – the city’s most heated discussion on 3 Oct

Great debate night – the city’s most heated discussion at Apollo Live Club (Mannerheimintie 16) on Wednesday, 3 Oct, 7pm. The doors will open at 6pm.


  • Samuli Putro–Jone Nikula: Do people improve as they get older?
  • Anni Sinnemäki–Wille Rydman: Is a man the master of his own destiny?
  • Matti Vanhanen–Eero Heinäluoma: Incentive vs. justice of taxation

Commentator is a journalist Ruben Stiller. Debates are held in Finnish.

DJ Mikko Mattlar. Tickets 5/6 euro. Advance tickets from Tiketti.

10. Aalto Lunch Beat vol. 4 – THE TIME MACHINE 26 Sept, 12noon-1pm

The self claimed Aalto dancing authority brings you the next installment of lunchtime disco-getaways. As always, guests are served with a ONE HOUR of DJ-led dancing experience spiced up with rhythms, bass lines and moves from the past, present and the future!

Registration required, further information.

Note! If you do not care to dance like there’s no tomorrow, have your lunch break somewhere else.

Note 2! No prior dancing experience required.

11. Come to sail

Are you interested in sailing? Would you like to try it out? Come to the sailing presentation of Teekkari Sailing Club Teekkaripurjehtijat!

If you missed Campus Expo and you have not yet signed for the sailing presentation of TRIP, it is not too late! Sailing presentations are organised in the evening between Mon-Thu on 24‒27 Sept and Mon-Thu on 1‒4 Oct. Sailing events are free and previous experience is not required. You can sign up as long as there are free seats.

Registration form and additional information is available here.

PS. You should also write down in your calendar the info night of TRIP on Mon, 29 Oct, on the main hall of OK20. Further information on the club and courses is available, and you can also enjoy a sauna and good company!

12. Film club Montaasi’s narrow-film course on 5–7 Oct

In the legendary film-making course of Montaasi, we go through the basics of script writing, visual narration, lighting and filming, as well as shoot short films in groups to 8 mm colour film. The course thus provides a unique opportunity to make a film to narrow-film which becomes rarer each year.

Films are sent to the laboratory to be developed, after which they are edited in Montaasi’s film cutting room at times agreed upon by the groups. Cutting is carried out with the so-called classical method, by cutting and taping.

More detailed course schedule here. Further information and registration by email: montaasi@list.ayy.fi. Fifteen people may attend the course and the price is EUR 20 for Montaasi members. If your are not yet a member, you can pay the membership fee of EUR 10 in connection with the course fee. You can become a member here.

13. Anniversary and herring breakfast of the polytech drinking game association

Welcome to celebrate the three-year journey of the polytech drinking game association in Gorsu, Otaniemi, on Friday, 28 Sept, 9pm onwards. The evening includes a sauna and revolutionising drinking games as well as surprise performers! POJU will also arrange herring breakfast in the rooftop sauna of JMT3 on Saturday, 29 Sept, 12noon onwards. There are snacks and games for the price of five euro. See you there! The event on Facebook.

14. Choral Evensong – an evening prayer with relaxing and beautiful music for students

University Chaplains are organising with Anglican chaplaincy of St. Nicholas Choral Evensong services for students.

Service time & place

  • Kallio Church, Itäinen papinkatu 2
  • Wednesdays 5.15pm, *26 Sept *17 Oct *28 Nov

What is Choral Evensong? In a fully choral service of Anglican evensong, all of the service except the introduction, lessons, and some the final prayers are sung or chanted by the officiating cleric and the choir. Our Choral Evensong is a little bit contemporary but follows the Anglican tradition. Service is in English.

We are looking for students to help us with music (mostly singing) or reading texts and prayers. If you are interested please contact Henri Järvinen, University Chaplain, henri.jarvinen@evl.fi / 050 355 9294

Further information.

15. Teekkarispeksi’s spex night on Tuesday, 25 sept, 6pm 18-> @OK20

Did you know that Teekkarispeksi is much more than talented actors and dancers? In spex nights, you get to peek behind the surface and see what goes on behind the scenes: every year, a large number of talented set designers, costumers and make-up artists contribute to our performance. Our own spex band is in charge of music, and we have written lyrics and arranged the performed songs by ourselves. Sound and light technicians in the darkness of the last row also work for us! Or are you perhaps interested in corporate marketing and advertising in our public relations teams? You have the opportunity to do all this and much more in Teekkarispex in the next spring, so join our team! Come to the spex night to meet spex members and find your place in our troops! In the evening, there is also the opportunity to go to the sauna, so bring a towel with you. Welcome to get to know Teekkarispeksi!

16. ESN Aalto info session for Erasmus in School project

Would you like to see what a Finnish school looks like? What makes the Finnish school system so famous? Do you want to teach Finnish children about your home country? Teach them some French or German? Or how to make your favorite food or play your national sport?

If you answered YES to at least one of the previous questions this project is for you! ESN Aalto is organising an info session for those who are interested. Come and here more at the ERASMUS IN SCHOOLS INFO AT:

  • Time: Thursday, 27 Sept, 4.30pm-6pm
  • Place: Aalto Design Factory – The Stage (Betonimiehenkuja 5, 02150, Espoo)

Erasmus in Schools is a nationwide project aimed for all Erasmus students interested in visiting local/nearby schools during their stay in Finland. It is a great way to make the most out of one’s exchange period by getting to know the Finnish culture and schooling system a bit better.

Erasmus students can visit Finnish comprehensive (grades 1-9) and upper secondary (10-12) schools. Erasmus students can work as teachers’ helpers, carry out a project with the class, give a lecture on a certain topic etc. Depending on what the student, the teacher and the school prefers.

School visitors will also receive MOVIE TICKETS and official certificate of participation as a small thank-you!

17. Call for applications for student exchange in Asia

Go for a student exchange in South-East Asia or China! In Asia Exchange, you study in an international group in English and get to know the local culture at the same time. You still have time to apply for the student exchange for the spring of 2013! Further information at www.asiaexchange.fi. Our latest exchange location is University of Malaya (UM) located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. UM is an internationally recognised university and there are hundreds of courses from a variety of faculties.

Deadline for applications

  • Spring term 2013: 1 Oct / 16 Oct / 31 Oct depending on the location
  • Summer term 2013: 10 March
  • Autumn term 2013: 1 June / 1 July depending on the location

The application is organised through Asia Exchange and you will get the approval decision within a week.

18. Scholarships for teachers and post-graduate students in the field of technology

The School of Electrical Engineering Student Services declares the following scholarships open for application:

  • From the fund of Kansallis-Osake-Pankki, one scholarship of EUR 1000 for teachers of Aalto University in the field of technology to support research work. Further information.
  • From the fund of Oy Strömberg Ab, one scholarship of EUR 1000 for a teacher of Aalto University to support research work in the field of electrical engineering. Further information.
  • From the Ernst Wirtzen fund, one scholarship of EUR 3500 for a post-graduate student of Aalto University in the field of technology for a study trip of approximately one year to the United States. Further information.
  • One grant of EUR 2000 from the Rapal Oy’s student fund for the best master’s thesis, licentiate’s thesis or doctoral dissertation in the field of built environment economics. Further information.

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