Weekly Newsletter 40/2012

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 40/2012

  1. This week’s events
  2. Application period for AYY exchange scholarships on 1 Oct-31 Oct
  3. Aava presents: Back to the 20th century
  4. TTE-Fund contest: Pitch a project idea and win a camcorder!
  5. Apply for the board of the Fund for Promoting Teekkari Activities
  6. Nominate new honorary members for the Guild of the Round Tower (Pyöreän Tornin Kilta)
  7. Registration to Teekkarius 140 party to open on 3 Oct
  8. Participate in the arrangements of Teekkarius 140 party!
  9. Meditation & mysticism
  10. Fysikalen 2012: Nobel
  11. Poli’s Appro
  13. Asia Exchange’s call for applications for internships in Asia
  14. Great debate night – the city’s most heated discussion on 3 Oct
  15. News from Aalto Career Services
  16. Decent work, decent parties: Decent Work club on 5 Oct 2012
  17. Well-being week on 1-5 October 2012
  19. Campus 2015 exhibition 1-12 October
  20. Space truck in Otaniemi on 3 Oct, Kumpula on 4 Oct and Narinkkatori Square on 5 Oct
  21. Join the Dialogue
  22. Floorball shifts for women

1. This week’s events

2. Application period for AYY exchange scholarships is 1 Oct-31 Oct

AYY distributes scholarships to its members in accordance with the Student Union’s Scholarship Regulation and the regulations of the scholarship funds administered by the Student Union. The purpose of the scholarships is to support the internationalisation of low-income students, support community activities and encourage for successful combination of studies and the student life. In addition, AYY administers certain field-specific scholarship funds.

The distribution of the scholarships and scoring criteria for applications are regulated by Scholarship Regulation and the guideline for the scoring of community activities. The amounts of the scholarships are based on the profits of funds. AYY has three scholarships and the amounts of those in 2012 are as follows: Exchange scholarship max. 800 €, Community scholarship approx. 500 €, Study scholarship approx. 500 €

In the autumn of 2012, the application period is 8am, 1 Oct 2012– 11.59pm, 31 Oct. Only exchange scholarships are granted in the autumn.

Scholarship application form.

Further Information: Board Member Eetu Pursiainen (eetu.pursiainen(at)ayy.fi)

3. Aava presents: Back to the 20th century

Experience the party of the century! It’s time to return to the 20th century! Aava will take you on an unforgettable journey on Tuesday 16 Oct at Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki. During the event, you can experience the fall of Titanic, the glorious King of Rock n’ Roll, the psychedelic 60’s and much more. Later on DJ’s EAS and MPH guarantee the night will be of remembrance.

The party starts at 7pm at the year 1900. We should get back to 2012 by 3am. The ticket costs €18 including an open bar for the entire evening and some snacks. A pretty sweet deal 😉

Let’s party like it’s 1999..and 1952..and 1921..and..1980..and …!

In a nutshell:

  • What? Back to the 20th century
  • Where? Puristamo, Kaapelitehdas (Tallberginkatu 1)
  • When? Tuesday 16 Oct, 7pm – 3am
  • How much? €18, Open Ba

The event is organised by Aava. Age limit: 18 years

You can sign up online.

Payment info will be sent to you upon registration.

4. TTE-Fund contest: Pitch a project idea and win a camcorder!

Do you have a great project idea in your pocket? Explain your idea to a video clip with the maximum of 90 seconds, download it to the new facebook site of TTE-Fund and tell your friends about it. The idea which receives most likes will win an HD camcorder. Also those who like the ideas will be rewarded! The contest is open between 1-14 Oct. Check out the detailed instructions on participation on facebook.

Did you know that you can also apply for financial assistance for the implementation of your project: the grants with the maximum of EUR 1000 may be applied continuously. Larger grants may be applied during the application rounds – the next application period ends on 3 Feb 2013!

5. Apply for the board of the Fund for Promoting Teekkari Activities

The Fund for Promoting Teekkari Activities (TTE-Fund) operates within Aalto University Student Union. The purpose of the fund is to grant scholarships in order to promote the aspirations of AYY and its members and associations, awake and maintain interest in technical, scientific, economic and social issues, as well as cultural activities.

The board of the fund consists of four members appointed by AYY and three members appointed by the Guild of the Round Tower. The board members are elected for two years at a time and the chair is elected from among the persons appointed to the board by AYY. The board is appointed by the Representative Council of the Student Union. The board is responsible for the granting of scholarships based on applications, while managing the fund’s assets is the duty of AYY Board. The board offers its members a unique vantage point to student activities, as the fund’s opportunity to allocate grants is very significant on AYY’s scale.

Based on the resignation section, two positions in the board of the fund will become vacant at the end of the year, and we are looking for smart and versatile persons to fill these positions. Please fill out the application form by 4pm on 23 Oct 2012 and tell us why you should be appointed to the board. The secretary general confirms the reception of the applications after verifying that the attachments are readable. Applications should include a curriculum vitae and a personal view (the maximum of one page) on how the fund could best implement its duty. If you believe that you are suitable for the chairperson’s position, please mention this in your application. The board members are elected directly on the basis of applications.

6. Nominate new honorary members for the Guild of the Round Tower (Pyöreän Tornin Kilta)

The Guild of the Round Tower is an honorary and senior organisation operating in the vicinity of Aalto University. Annually 15-20 people are invited as honorary members in recognition of active involvement in the community of engineering students and Aalto University’s student community. Every autumn, PTK’s conclave appoints new honorary members based on the nominations of the communities of engineering students and Aalto University.

This year’s nominations may be submitted until 10.11am on 10 Oct 2012. The nomination should include the nominated person’s name, picture and the reasons for the nomination, as well as the names of the person(s) who made the nomination.

Please send nominations to ehdota-arwoisia@list.ayy.fi.

Persons who are at the final stage of their studies or who have recently graduated and have shown continuous interest in the culture of engineering students and other student activities at Aalto University and promoted its development in the Student Union or its associations may be nominated for the position of an honorary member.

The nomination can be made by an individual, guild or association, or by several people, guilds or associations together.

Further information on PTK and its honorary members: www.ptk.ayy.fi.

7. Registration to Teekkarius 140 party to open on 3 Oct

Teekkarius 140 party will be celebrated in Kaapelitehdas in Helsinki on 10 Oct 2012!

Registration to the greatest teekkari party will open at 12noon on 3 Oct 2012 at lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/teekkarius-140-paajuhla .

Further information on the anniversary year and the party is available at www.teekkarius140.fi. The event is also on facebook.

8. Participate in the arrangements of Teekkarius 140 party!

Teekkarius 140 anniversary week will be celebrated on 3-11 Nov 2012 and the arrangements are well under way. In order to have a successful party, we still need a number of helping hands. Duties include decoration, technique, carrying equipment, serving, cooking, etc.

Register at lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto.

Financial compensation is not paid to the party workers but they will have unforgettable experiences, free breakfast and an invitation to the employees’ party where you can reminiscence the great party afterwards.


9. Meditation & mysticism

Introduction to Christian mediation

24 Oct, 10am-3pm, Chapel of Helsinki Cathedral. Would you be interested to explore the diverse world of the Christian prayer and meditation? In this course, you learn about Christian meditation in theory and practice. Suitable for beginners and more experienced.

Christian mysticism group

Chapel of Helsinki Cathedral >4 Oct >8 Nov >13 Dec. What is Christian mysticism? How can I deepen my spiritual life? Meditation moment and exploring themes of Christian mysticism once a month.

A busy student’s retreat

4-11 Nov 2012.

Are you too busy to leave for a retreat? A busy student’s retreat is just for you! The retreat is free, lasts for a week (Sun-Sun) and happens in the middle of the daily life. The retreat is designed for students, you do not need other experience or background. Just some space to breathe.

Quiet morning

4 Oct and 15 Nov, Marjaniemi church community centre. What if you began your day in silence? We start with a breakfast after which we descend to silence. This little retreat ends at lunchtime.

Registration and further information

University Priest Henri Järvinen, henri.jarvinen@evl.fi, 09 2340 2543


10. Fysikalen 2012: Nobel

Fysikalen is a spex organised by Kunglika Tekniska Högskolan’s physicists. This year, the spex will lead us to the era of Alfred Nobel and the source of dynamite. Follow his battle with the regent of England and the representatives of Prussia to ensure funding!

You can enjoy this explosive play in the Finnish performance of Fysikalen in Kannusali, Espoon keskus, on Saturday, 6 Oct, at 2pm (address: Kannusillankatu 4, 02770 Espoo).

Ticket prices for students and children (under 16) are 6 euro and for adults 10 euro. You can buy tickets on the website of the spex and in the lobby of Hall M in the former main building of TKK on weekdays between 10am-2pm (weeks 39-40). In addition, tickets are sold in week 40 in the lobby of Physicum, Kumpula Campus of the University of Helsinki on Mon, Tue, Wed and Fri, 12noon-2pm. Any unsold tickets can be purchased at the theater entrance.

Watch the trailer.

After the play at 6pm, Nachspex sitsit party will start in Otaniemi in a location to be announced later. Sitsi tickets cost EUR 15 and can be purchased at ticket sales of Fysikalen.

Further information on the website and facebook.

11. Poli’s Appro

On Tuesday, 6 Nov, on the anniversary week of Teekkarius140, the eastern coastal city will explode when the first teekkari-led appro will be organised. The aim is to tour bars in Helsinki in the environment of Vanha Poli in the footsteps of the historical technology student spirit. A participant’s goal is to collect drink stamps in the bars visited during the night. The final performance level is determined by the number of collected stamps. There are a total of three levels in appro: Schnapps, Jug and Barrel.

The starting point is LeBonk (Yrjönkatu 24, Helsinki) at the hour marked in the ticket. The after party is held in Fredan Tivoli (Fredrikinkatu 51, Helsinki) from 9pm onwards. The midnight show includes ManMan, for example.

Advance sales of ticket packages to associations takes place between 16-17 Oct through the form lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto


€8 in advance, €5 at the entrance. NB! Only admission to Fredan Tivoli! Tickets do not include the cloakroom fee

Ticket sales at Alvari Square from 22 Oct onwards, 22–26 Oct and 29 Oct–2 Nov and 5–6 Nov, 10am–2pm


The event is open to all who are interested in the technology students’ party. Age limit 18.


AIESEC Aalto is offering two Globe Volunteer Programs for this winter: Experience Asia and Discover Brazil! You can have opportunities to do various meaningful social projects and at the same time experience the most exotic cultures of Taiwan, Malaysia and Thailand. And in South America we give you the opportunity to see the Latin American culture in Brazil while educating local youth about social issues.

The application is now open until October 14. If you are interested in world issues, personal development, cultural discovery and making positive impacts to society, we believe this program will be of great value to you! More details can be found here. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dung Vu, AIESEC Aalto Exchange Coordinator, at dung.vu@aiesec.net or 046 525 1211.

13. Asia Exchange’s call for applications for internships in Asia

In addition to student exchange, Asia Exchange (AE) offers interesting international internships in Asia. Hundreds of positions are available in several fields in China, Indonesia and Thailand, for example. Are you interested in the business training in Shanghai, tourism position in Indonesia or working in a children’s home in Thailand? Internships are also available for students who are interestd in international relations, development issues and culture. Read more about the positions and fill out the application at www.asiaexchange.fi

14. Great debate night – the city’s most heated discussion on 3 Oct

Great debate night – the city’s most heated discussion at Apollo Live Club (Mannerheimintie 16) on Wednesday, 3 Oct, 7pm. The doors will open at 6pm.


  • Samuli Putro–Jone Nikula: Do people improve as they get older?
  • Anni Sinnemäki–Wille Rydman: Is a man the master of his own destiny?
  • Matti Vanhanen–Eero Heinäluoma: Incentive vs. justice of taxation

Commentator is a journalist Ruben Stiller. Debates are held in Finnish.

DJ Mikko Mattlar. Tickets 5/6 euro. Advance tickets from Tiketti.

15. News from Aalto Career Services


Career Day @ Design Factory, Tue 16 October, 2pm-6pm

Aalto University Career Services is organizing a career event for Aalto international degree students.

As an international student you may face some challenges in entering the Finnish job market. Aalto University Career Services is organizing an event to help you better understand how the job hunting process, and Finnish labor market work. We will present some peculiarities of the Finnish culture and channels to look for a job. We also give you some practical hints on how to apply for a job and help you in writing a good CV.

More information and registration in Aalto CareerWeb.


Interview Workshop (CHEM, ELEC, ENG, SCI), Tuesday 16 October, 4pm-5.30pm, Aalto Design Factory

In this workshop, you will hear general guidelines and tips on how to prepare yourself for an interview and on what the recruiters normally wish to find out about you. You will also have an opportunity to practice your skills in an interview situation, both in the role of interviewee and interviewer.

More information and registration in Aalto CareerWeb.

16. Decent work, decent parties: Decent Work club on 5 Oct 2012

The Finnish trade union movement celebrates the international Decent Work Day on Friday, 5 Oct 2012. The trade union organisations STTK, SAK and Akava as well as Trade Union Solidarity Centre of Finland SASK invite you to the Decent Work club to Kokomo restaurant (Uudenmaankatu 16-20, Helsinki) on Friday, 5 Oct, from 6pm onwards. The night is headlined by Pariisin kevät.

The programme:

  • 6m Decent Work club opens, Note! Kokomo has a great kitchen, you can start your club night by filling your stomach
  • 7.40pm Trade union rights are human rights: why?
  • 8pm Komea Seppo and Rytmiorkesteri
  • 9pm-10.30pm Pariisin Kevät
  • 22.30pm-03.30am DJ

The event can accommodate the first 250 who have registered. Free admission. Welcome!

Registration: http://tinyurl.com/8ftnnap

What is the Day for Decent Work about?

Young people are the operators of the future. They appreciate the sense of responsibility, honesty, equality and trust. They appreciate work. How to ensure that there is decent work and fair working conditions for the young? Finnish trade union organisations have chosen youth employment and working conditions as the theme for the international World Day for Decent Work held on 5 Oct.The day’s events are part of the celebrations of the international World Day for Decent Work. More than a hundred countries campaign for decent work.

17. Well-being week from 1-5 October, 2012

Be well at Aalto well-being week is organised in the beginning of October. The aim of this week is to remind and inspire everyone to think about their well-being as well as introduce the health and well-being actors of Aalto University, to both personnel and students.

We are cooperating with Terveystalo, UniSport, campus restaurants, FSHS and Nyyti. During the week, the metropolitan area campuses have a variety of health and welfare demonstration points, short exercise sessions, occupational health nurse meetings, product samples, events and lectures.

During the week there is campus-specific programme as follows:

• Otaniemi throughout the whole week; break exercises and the occupational health nurses are available:

Break exercises at Otaniemi

  • Mon, 1 Oct, 12.30pm, Vuorimiehentie 2, entrance hall
  • Mon, 1 Oct 1pm Otakaari 5, lobby 2krs
  • Wed, 3 Oct 12noon, Konemiehentie 2, entrance hall
  • Wed, 3 Oct 12.30pm, Library, Otakaari 1, lobby
  • Thu, 4 Oct 12noon, Betonimiehenkuja 5 C, lobby
  • Thu, 4 Oct 12.30pm, Otaniementie 17, entrance hall

Occupational health nurses available at Otaniemi

  • Mon, 1 Oct 10am–12.00am, Otakaari 5, roomI407
  • Tue, 2 Oct 10.00am–12.00am, Otakaari 4, nh 203b, 2nd floor
  • Wed, 3 Oct 10.00am–12.00am, Otaniementie 17, tuas 1167
  • Thu, 4 Oct 10.00am–12.00am, Vuorimiehentie 2
  • Fri, 5 Oct 10.0am–12.00am, Library, Otakaari 1, lobby

• Well-being day at ELEC Monday, 1 October
• Tuesday’s 2nd October programme
• Well-being day at Arabia, Wednesday, 3 October, programme during other days, too.
• Well-being day at Töölö, Thursday, 4 October
• Friday, 5 October program

Please note that some events may need an enrollment!

See more information: inside.aalto.fi


I hope you will take a moment to provide feedback on Aalto University’s premises.

All respondents are eligible to participate in a draw for a Jopo bicycle (value EUR 399) and an iPad (value EUR 598). Date of draw is 17 of October.

The survey can be found at the address: www.tutkimus.net/aalto2012

Please fill in the survey by 16 October 2012.

The study is being carried out by Qualitems Oy and the responses will go directly to them. The results will be processed confidentially and the respondents’ contact information will not be connected to the replies at any stage. For further information about the survey, please contact: hanna.lehtisalo(AT)qualitems.fi

19. Campus 2015 exhibition 1-12 October

The competition period for Stage 1 has ended. The entries can be seen in an open exhibition at Futuro Business Park, 3rd floor, Tekniikantie 4, 02150 Espoo. 1-12 October, from Monday to Friday 10am to 4.30pm.

The objective is to find new concepts and create a lively and interactive environment for research and learning activities wherein work, studies, leisure, and living are interwoven in a natural way and create the foundation for a university city of the future.

The entries can be seen and comment on the campus2015.aalto.fi during October.

Campus development, Campus 2015 – open international architectural design competition

20. Space truck in Otaniemi on 3 Oct, Kumpula on 4 Oct and Narinkkatori Square on 5 Oct

What happens in space in 2012? The space exhibition truck tours Finland with satellite models, information, ideas, construction of Aalto-1 satellite and breathtaking cosmic landscapes. The tour starts on Otaniemi campus where the truck will stop on Wednesday, 3 Oct, 10am–4pm in the parking lot between Otaniemi main building (Otakaari 1) and T Building (Konemiehentie 2). On Thursday, 4 Oct, the truck exhibition is open on Kumpula Campus of the University of Helsinki and on Friday, 5 Oct, in Narinkkatori in Kamppi. Welcome to visit the exhibition! Free admission. Further information: www.avaruusrekka.fi

21. Join the Dialogue

Aalto international students, check this out! Are you interested in developing future working life and being in contact with employers in Finland? Six companies want to engage in a dialogue with you through the Dialogi project!

Dialogi is a project about future work. The key aim of the project is to enable real dialogue between future employees, students, and employers. In 2012 Dialogi focuses on mobile work.

Do you feel like the current work environment slows you down? Is work breaking away from the restrictions of time and space? If yes, how do you think working methods, leadership and management, and organizational cultures should be redefined to enable this change?

You are the future employees and employers. Your opinion counts.

Accenture, Elisa, UPM, Wärtsilä, LähiTapiola and YLE are the companies, who want to hear your views on how, where and when you’d like to work. In addition, they would like to invite you to their company teams to further develop future working practices and methods.

Answer the questionnaire here before 5.10.2012 and join the company teams. By answering the survey, you will be entered into a draw where you can win a travel gift card worth 800€.

The Dialogi project is organised by communications agency Ellun Kanat. Partners in the project are the Ministry of Employment and the Economy, Ministry of Education and Culture, TEK, SEFE, AYY and Aalto Career Services as well as Talouselämä magazine as a media partner.

Further info here.

22. Floorball hours for women

Unisport and floorball club FLOB offer all female students of AYY and UH a free floorball shift on Sundays, 5pm-7pm in Otahalli. The shift is intended for casual playing and all women are welcome regardless of their skill level. We aim to provide some loan rackets to those who do not have their own racket. If you do have one, please take it with you. Further information is available at http://flob.ayy.fi/unisport/.


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