Weekly Newsletter 42/2012

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 42/2012

Recruitment of AYY actors for the year 2013 start with the application for the chairpersons of AYY’s Representative Council, the former of the Board and the Board. The application for sections and committees will begin later in November. Now is your chance to participate in AYY, your young and spry student union. See more information at ayy.fi/stop/

Teekkarius140 year and the anniversary week will climax with Teekkarius 140 party in Kaapelitehdas in Helsinki on 10 Nov. Please sign up no later than Friday 19 Oct at https://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/140-ilmoittaudu/

  1. This week’s events
  2. Application period for AYY exchange scholarships on 1 Oct-31 Oct
  3. Aava presents: Back to the 20th century
  4. Application for AYY Board and the chairpersons of the Representative Council is open
  5. AYY’s Development Cooperation Week on 15-18 Oct
  6. Wanted: the international deed of the year 2012!
  7. Pests in the metropolitan area: instructions for AYY’s residents
  8. Registration for Teekkarius 140 party is open until 19 Oct
  9. Participate in the arrangements of Teekkarius140 breakfast!
  10. Apply for the board of the Fund for Promoting Teekkari Activities
  11. Linus Torvalds at Open Innovation House, Tuesday, 23 October at 2pm
  12. AATE: Video workshop vol 2: broadcasting multi-camera live show
  13. Students’ municipal election panel on 16 Oct and 22 Oct
  14. AYY & ADS: Debate training of student representatives on 27 Oct 2012
  15. SLEEP GROUP – in search of good sleep
  16. Aalto Cocktail’s info night on Thu, 18 Oct
  17. Come and hang out
  18. Take a weekend trip to St. Petersburg with HEBA
  19. Free screenings of Spanish films in Tapiola on 15 Oct 2012 and Helsinki on 16-17 Oct 2012
  20. KY Finance and Nordea Markets & Investment Banking: Fun sport event in Salmisaari on 19.10.
  21. Brothel on 26 Oct 2012 @ Smökki

1. This week’s events

2. Application period for AYY exchange scholarships on 1 Oct-31 Oct

AYY distributes scholarships to its members in accordance with the Student Union’s Scholarship Regulation and the regulations of the scholarship funds administered by the Student Union. The purpose of the scholarships is to support the internationalisation of low-income students, support community activities and encourage for successful combination of studies and the student life. In addition, AYY administers certain field-specific scholarship funds.

The distribution of the scholarships and scoring criteria for applications are regulated by Scholarship Regulation and the guideline for the scoring of community activities. The amounts of the scholarships are based on the profits of funds. AYY has three scholarships and the amounts of those in 2012 are as follows: Exchange scholarship max. €800, Community scholarship approx. €500, Study scholarship approx. €500

In the autumn of 2012, the application period is 8am, 1 Oct 2012–11.59pm, 31 Oct. Only exchange scholarships are granted in the autumn.

Scholarship application form.

Further Information: Board Member Eetu Pursiainen (eetu.pursiainen(at)ayy.fi)

3. Aava presents: Back to the 20th century

Experience the party of the century! It’s time to return to the 20th century! Aava will take you on an unforgettable journey on Tuesday 16.10. at Kaaplitehdas, Helsinki. During the event you can experience the fall of Titanic, the glorious King of Rock n’ Roll, the psychedelic 60’s and much more. Later on DJ’s EAS and MPH guarantee the night will be of remembrance.

The party starts at 7pm at the year 1900. We should get back to 2012 by 3am. The ticket costs 18€ including an open bar for the entire evening and some snacks. A pretty sweet deal 😉

Let’s party like it’s 1999..and 1952..and 1921..and..1980..and …!

In a nutshell:

  • What? Back to the 20th century
  • Where? Puristamo, Kaapelitehdas (Tallberginkatu 1)
  • When? Tuesday 16 Oct, 7pm – 3am
  • How much? €18, Open Bar

The event is organised by Aava. Age limit: 18 years.

4. Application for AYY Board and the chairpersons of the Representative Council is open

Which issues work in your student union and what needs to be changed? Now is your chance to participate in AYY, your young and spry student union.

Next Stop AYY recruitment site at ayy.fi/stop was opened and the first sections updated on 12 Oct. AYY’s recruitment begins with the application for the chairpersons of AYY’s Representative Council, the Board and the former of the Board. The application for sections and committees will begin later in November.

The application period for the former of the board and the chairpersons of the Representative Council will end on 26 Oct. The board candidates should submit their applications by 18 Nov so that their participation in the panel for the board candidates on 19 Nov can be arranged. More detailed schedule and further information on the positions in the Board is available at ayy.fi/stop. If you already know a responsibility in the board, which interests you, feel free to contact the board member who had the same responsibility this year. Contact information is available at ayy.fi/hallitus.

5. AYY’s Development Cooperation Week on 15-18 Oct

AYY-Kehy participates in the national development cooperation week on 15-18 Oct with the topic ‘food as a human right’. The week includes coffee breaks, sustainable development workshop, excursion to KEPA, movie night and a seminar where Pekka Haavisto (Greens), chef Sasu Laukkonen and panel discussants consider the various aspects of fair and free trade. Welcome!

Developement cooperation week on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/kehyviikko2012AYY

6. Wanted: the international deed of the year 2012!

The time has come to reward the international deed of the year. Has a professor of yours, a student association or someone else done something special to make Aalto more international? Does someone you know deserve recognition for a brilliant idea or for a great effort to help international students? If yes, propose their deed for the International Deed of the Year-award!

The price can be awarded to any person, group or organization within Aalto who has made Aalto more international or a better place for international students or Finnish students looking for international experiences. The deed should have taken place in 2012 or in late 2011.

Please send your proposal to international@ayy.fi by 25 October 2012. Please include a justification why this deed should be selected to win the award.

The prize will be awarded during the international week (12-18 November).

7. Pests in the metropolitan area: guidelines for AYY’s residents

Recently, there have been news about pests being a problem in student housing. Finland has not had pests for a very long time but now the problem has come back here. Pests are a persistent problem, and their destruction requires fast action from the resident and the landlord.

Currently, the most common pests in student housing are bedbugs and beetles. Both have been found in AYYs apartments. The best way to avoid pests is to take good care of the cleanliness and hygiene of your apartment. If you detect anything referring to pests in your apartment, please contact AYY’s housing office immediately. The housing office will immediately order professionals to check the apartment and do the necessary fumigation. The resident does not have to pay for these expenses.

Unfortunately, AYY cannot pay other compensation or provide rent reductions due to pest animals. Therefore, it is in everyone’s interest to keep the apartment in such a good condition that pests do not nest there. If the situation is prolonged, the worst case scenario with bed bugs is that you have to destroy entire pieces of furniture and AYY cannot compensate for them either. The faster AYY receives information on pests, the easier and quicker it is to destroy them and the less likely the problem will spread in other apartments and cause more expenses to anyone.

Because of this, also be very careful if you are going to take an abandoned piece of furniture in your home! Check the furniture very carefully and play it safe rather than carry pests to your home with an old arm-chair.

If pests are found in the apartment, AYY cannot offer a new apartment to the residents before the pest situation is fixed. Otherwise pests could spread in the new apartment with the transferred resident, and the problem would start all over again.

If AYY is not informed about pests or the problem gets worse or spreads in other apartments because of the tenant’s actions, the tenant may be charged the expenses of the pest control. This may happen if the apartment is considered particularly filthy and suitable for pests, or if AYY is not informed about pests and pests are carried to a new AYY apartment.

Information on bedbugs.

Information on beetles.

Questions and comments may be presented to Housing Specialist Jaakko Koivula (050 520 9444, etunimi.sukunimi@ayy.fi).

8. Registration for Teekkarius 140 party is open until 19 Oct

Teekkarius 140 party will be celebrated in Kaapelitehdas in Helsinki on 10 Oct 2012!

Registration for the greatest teekkari party will be open until 19 Oct 2012 at https://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/140-ilmoittaudu/.

Further information on the anniversary year and the party is available at www.teekkarius140.fi. The event is also on facebook.

9. Participate in the arrangements of Teekkarius140 breakfast!

Do you have an active group of about 8-10 friends? Do you need some money for a trip or other project? Now you have a unique opportunity to earn some money!

Come to arrange the herring breakfast which ends Teekkarius140 anniversary week and earn some pocket money! The breakfast will be arranged at Servin Mökki on 11 Nov 2012, 12noon onwards. You need to work on that Sunday and possibly a little in advance. If you are interested, please send your offer to pauliina.makkeli@ayy.fi or arne.kiaupa@ayy.fi as soon as possible.

10. Apply for the board of the Fund for Promoting Teekkari Activities

The Fund for Promoting Teekkari Activities (TTE-Fund) operates within Aalto University Student Union. The purpose of the fund is to grant scholarships in order to promote the aspirations of AYY and its members and associations, awake and maintain interest in technical, scientific, economic and social issues, as well as cultural activities.

The board of the fund consists of four members appointed by AYY and three members appointed by the Guild of the Round Tower. The board members are elected for two years at a time and the chair is elected from among the persons appointed to the board by AYY. The board is appointed by the Representative Council of the Student Union. The board is responsible for the granting of scholarships based on applications, while managing the fund’s assets is the duty of AYY Board. The board offers its members a unique vantage point to student activities, as the fund’s opportunity to allocate grants is very significant on AYY’s scale.

Based on the resignation section, two positions in the board of the fund will become vacant at the end of the year, and we are looking for smart and versatile persons to fill these positions. Please fill out the application form by 4pm on 23 Oct 2012 and tell us why you should be appointed to the board. The secretary general confirms the reception of the applications after verifying that the attachments are readable. Applications should include a curriculum vitae and a personal view (the maximum of one page) on how the fund could best implement its duty. If you believe that you are suitable for the chairperson’s position, please mention this in your application. The board members are elected directly on the basis of applications.

11. Linus Torvalds at Open Innovation House, Tuesday 23 October at 2pm

  • Date and time: Tuesday, 23 October at 2pm-3.30pm
  • Venue: 1st floor Seminar Hall, Open Innovation House, Otaniementie 19B, Espoo

Linus Torvalds is a world famous computer programmer. He is the founder and coordinator of Linux. This year the Technology Academy of Finland has named Torvalds joint winner of the 2012 Millenium Technology Prize, one of the technology commmunity’s highest honors.

On 23 October, the Aalto University students (and faculty) have a unique chance to discuss with Mr Torvalds. The disucssion is moderated by Prof. Marko Turpeinen, Director EIT ICT Labs Helsinki.

The event is open to all Aalto students and faculty, no registration is required. The seminar hall has 150 places – first come first serve!

More info.

12. AATE: Video workshop vol 2: broadcasting multi-camera live show

Have you ever wanted to make your own TV show? In this workshop we will go through the basics of live video broadcast production. We will also produce a live show together with the Teekkari Section of AYY!

The course will cover the basics of the following themes:

  • working as a camera operator (cameraman)
  • working as a multi camera director
  • how to set up a studio for multi camera live show
  • the basics of live broadcast sound engineering

The course is held in AATE studio, Jämeräntaival 1 A, basement floor.


  • First session on Tue, 23 October, 5pm: principles of multi-camera work (video mixing, directing, operating the camera)
  • Second session on Thu, 25 October, 5pm: we begin to build the live setup (lights, sound, intercom system, cameras etc). Also training included.
  • Third session on Tue, 30 October, 5pm: building & training continues
  • Fourth session (live show) on Wed, 31 October, 4pm

No previous skills needed. You can also participate single sessions (if you can’t make all of them). Welcome!

Info: vesa.rajala@ayy.fi / 050 520 9425

Event on Facebook.

13. Students’ municipal election panel on 16 Oct and 22 Oct

Are you interested in the municipal elections? You can check out the candidates in panels organised in Helsinki and Espoo. The panels discuss topics raised by the students, such as housing, transport and student health care.

In Helsinki, the student unions will organise the municipal election panel in the Old Student House (Mannerheimintie 3) on Monday, 22 Oct, 6pm-8pm.

In Espoo, student unions METKA and LAUREAMKO will organise the municipal election panel in the lobby of Metropolia office in Leppävaara (Vanha maantie 6) on Tuesday, 16 Oct, 3.30pm-4.30pm.

14. AYY & ADS: Debate training of student representatives on 27 Oct 2012

Aalto University Student Union AYY and Aalto Debating Society ADS organise a debate training for student representatives in Aalto administration at Design Factory on Saturday, 27 Oct 2012. The training is intended for all student administration representatives and those who want to become student representatives in the future. The schedule starts at 10am and ends at 4pm. In the training, we practise debating skills and learn to become better argumentators. Better rhetorical skills are useful when arguing in administrative working groups as well as in real life. The training content is provided by ADS and catering is organised by AYY. In order to arrange catering, please sign up here.

The training is organised both in Finnish and in English.

15. SLEEP GROUP – in search of good sleep

Welcome to hear and discuss good sleep and the conditions for it! Meetings in FSHS Töölö Health Centre on Wed, 7 Nov, 14 Nov and 21 Nov, 1.30pm-3.30pm. Discussions are led by public health nurses Tiina Karppinen and Kirsi Helosuo. Relaxation is led by physiotherapist Leena Serkamo

The groups are free of charge and held in Finnish.

Registration and inquiries by e-mail by 31 Oct to tiina.karppinen@yths.fi

16. Aalto Cocktail’s info evening on Thu, 18 Oct

Would you like to take part in Aalto’s cocktail club Aalto Cocktail?

Aalto Cocktail is hosting an info evening at KY’s Sauna (3rd floor) on Thursday, 18 October, at 8pm. All Aalto University students are welcome!

We will tell you about the club activities and how you can be a part of it. The road to mastering cocktail wizardry begins at the same night, as the board of Aalto Cocktail will personally guide you to make excellent drinks. No previous experience needed.

17. Come and hang out

During the autumn, AYY will organise two hang out nights in Otaniemi. The events are free and you do not have to register in advance. Many come to the hang out night alone or for the first time, so you do not have to think about whether you know anyone there. You can just stop by or stay for the entire evening. The nights will be held on 18 Oct and 21 Nov, 6pm-10pm in Otaranta club facilities at Otaranta 8 B. Snacks are provided. Welcome to hang out! Further information: sopo@ayy.fi.

18. Take a weekend trip to St. Petersburg with HEBA

Russian Club HEBA will organise a weekend trip to St. Petersburg on 2 Nov-5 Nov. We leave on Friday afternoon and return early in Monday morning. The price of the trip is EUR 160 + visa. NB! You have to get the visa yourself. A single-entry visa may be received in about ten days. Please sign up by Wednesday, 17 Oct. Further information. Welcome!

19. Free screenings of Spanish films in Tapiola on 15 Oct 2012 and Helsinki on 16-17 Oct2012

Spanish film week

  • 15 Oct 2012 Kino Tapiola, Mäntyviita 2, Espoo
  • 16 Oct-17 Oct 2012 Kino (Cultural Complex Andorra), Eerikinkatu 11, Helsinki

Finnish-Spanish Society will organise in cooperation with the Embassy of Spain the spanish film week on 15-17 Oct 2012. Free admission (within the age limits). Language of the films is Spanish, subtitles in English. Schedules and information on the website.

20. KY Finance and Nordea Markets & Investment Banking: Fun sport event in Salmisaari on 19.10.

The event includes playful sports together with Nordea’s financial professionals such as beach volley and sand golf. After the sporting events, we will continue the evening with snacks, drinks, and sauna.

This is a great opportunity for you to:

  • Become more familiar with Nordea professionals
  • Learn more about work opportunities at Nordea
  • Have fun in a warm (+26 C) environment in the Finnish autumn

Time: 19 Oct 2012 starting at 5pm
Place: Salmisaaren liikuntakeskus, Biitsi.fi Areena, Energiakatu 3

As the number of participants is limited, we kindly ask you to confirm your attendance to Anni Räihä (anni.raiha@nordea.com) by Monday 15 October. Please include information on your major subject and the number of completed credits.

21. Brothel 26 Oct 2012 @ Smökki

This party is always talked about from the previous party to the next one. A half-clothed theme is obligatory, you cannot get in in normal clothes. There is no footage of this party but wild stories are told. The ticket sales of this party fill out the corridors of the main building every year and no tickets are left without a new domina.

Ticket sales on Wed, 17 Oct, 10am @ main building / Töölö (main building lobby) / Arabia (in front of Restaurant Kipsari)

Tickets €10, overall badge €2. Max. 2 tickets/person.

Most of the tickets are sold in Otaniemi. Age limit 18 years. Cameras are strictly prohibited!





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