Weekly Newsletter 43/2012

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 43/2012

On Friday, 26 Oct, AYY will organise for its members Aalto Thinks forum in Otaniemi with the topic ”the future role of entrepreneurship and start-ups in Finland. A panel of experts will discuss the topic and you have the opportunity to present your own questions to the panel! Come and hear what the future will bring to entrepreneurs and make sure that perspectives that interest you will be addressed! NB: the event will be held in English. /blog/events/aalto-thinks-12012/

  1. This week’s events
  2. Remember to vote in the municipal elections!
  3. International week of AYY on 12-17 Nov 2012
  4. Wanted: the international deed of the year 2012!
  5. Looking into next year and more comfortable living in Teekkari Village!
  6. AATE: Video workshop vol 2: broadcasting multi-camera live show
  7. The five-year wait is over – Teknologföreningen’s festive spex 2012 – Robin Hood
  8. Apply for HOAS delegation
  9. Voyage to St. Petersburg
  10. Voyage’s ride to Christmas cruise
  11. Poli’s Appro
  12. Teekkari song contest 2012
  13. Drinkathlon on Sunday, 4 Nov
  14. Cocktail sitsit on Wednesday, 31 Oct
  15. Build and realize MoA’13 – Masters of Aalto with us!
  16. Welcome to bachlelor drinks offered by Alumni Relations at Restaurant Kämppi on 25 Oct
  17. News from Aalto Career Services
  18. Study psychologists’ workshops for students
  19. Nominate candidates for Women and Technology prize by 31 Oct 2012

1. This week’s events

2. Remember to vote in the municipal elections!

International students can also vote in the municipal elections, if they are EU/EEA citizens and have registered as permanent residents to a Finnish municipality no later than 7 Sept 2012 or if they are of any other nationalities and have lived in Finland for at least two years. Further information.

Municipal elections will be organised on 28 Oct 2012 in all Finnish municipalities. You can also vote in advance in post offices and libraries between 17-23 Oct 2012. You will only need an identity card. In the municipal elections, the municipal council is elected, which decides on the services and zoning of the municipality, among other things.

3. International week of AYY on 12-17 Nov 2012

The world comes to you, embrace it.

Internationalisation means unexpected friends, surprising experiences, tingling fun and on the other hand awareness, recognition and responsibility. During the international week of AYY Mosaic will take you to a colorful reality of new and exciting thoughts, tastes, languages, ceremonies, experiments, insights and so much more!

More information at internationalweek.ayy.fi or Mosaic’s facebook page.

The programme of the week:

Mon 12 Nov

World Dinner
Explore the tastes of the world and share your own favorites too!
@6pm, Smökki
Event on facebook

Tue 13 Nov

Café Lingua
Open and informal language exchange event.
@4pm, ADD Café
Event on facebook.

Wed 14 Nov

Exchange Forum
Leena Plym-Rissanen speaks on the topic Global competence in work. Also listen to students reflecting upon their exchange experiences.
@ 2pm, Hall L (Otaniemi)
Event on facebook

Thu 15 Nov

Speaker: Minister for Foreign Affairs Erkki Tuomioja
On the topic Global sustainability.
@11.30am, Auditorio, Dipoli
Event on facebook

International Sitsit
A sustainable, eco-friendly, and multicultural sitsit.
@ 6:30pm, Smökki
Event on facebook

Fri 16 Nov

Speaker: MEP Tarja Cronberg
on the topic Future of Europe
@ 12.30am, Hall E (Otaniemi)
Event on facebook

Global Lives – the screening
See ten lives from around the world in five hours. Http://youtu.be/3uFdO8k6IHA.
@6pm, Design Factory
Event on facebook.

Sat 17 Nov

Well-being adventure in the world’s cultures
@1pm, Design Factory
Event on facebook

More information at internationalweek.ayy.fi!

4. Wanted: the international deed of the year 2012!

The time has come to reward the international deed of the year. Has a professor of yours, a student association or someone else done something special to make Aalto more international? Does someone you know deserve recognition for a brilliant idea or for a great effort to help international students? If yes, propose their deed for the International Deed of the Year-award!

The price can be awarded to any person, group or organization within Aalto who has made Aalto more international or a better place for international students or Finnish students looking for international experiences. The deed should have taken place in 2012 or in late 2011.

Please send your proposal to international@ayy.fi by 25 October 2012. Please include a justification why this deed should be selected to win the award.

The prize will be awarded during the international week (12-18 November).

5. Looking into next year and more comfortable living in Teekkari Village!

Would you like to make Teekkari Village an even better place to live? Now you have the opportunity: run as a candidate in the village elections and get your friends to participate as well! This year, nine resident members of the Village Senate are elected through a direct personal election, but you can naturally implement the advertisement campaign together. You can run as a candidate at Otaniemi Service Point from Mon, 22 Oct, onwards. The candidate form, the election declaration and other instructions are available at http://kylavaalit.ayy.fi.

Advance voting will begin on Mon, 12 Oct, and the election day is Thu, 22 Nov, when the Christmas party of the village will be celebrated at Smökki.

The Village Senate is the resident committee of Teekkari Village, which purpose is to improve the comfort of living. The most visible events of the year are May Day declaration from the roof of Smökki, Flower Day message to the eastern harbour city and the organising of the Christmas party of the village in connection with the elections. In the previous years, the Village Senate has also organised the collection of junk cars and deserted bikes. In 2012, the 60-year-old Village was celebrated with sitsit, children’s Saturday and the Flower party. The Village Senate also organised a clothing donation box of UFF next to OK20 in Otaniemi.

By the way, the position of the Village Chief, the chairperson of the Village Senate of 2013, will be filled through AYY’s volunteer recruitment, so those who are interested should keep their eyes and ears open later in the autumn!

6. AATE: Video workshop vol 2: broadcasting multi-camera live show

Have you ever wanted to make your own TV show? In this workshop we will go through the basics of live video broadcast production. We will also produce a live show together with the Teekkari Section of AYY!

The course will cover the basics of the following themes:

  • working as a camera operator (cameraman)
  • working as a multi camera director
  • how to set up a studio for multi camera live show
  • the basics of live broadcast sound engineering

The course is held in AATE studio, Jämeräntaival 1 A, basement floor.


  • First session on Tue, 23 October 5pm: principles of multi-camera work (video mixing, directing, operating the camera)
  • Second session on Thu, 25 October 5pm: we begin to build the live setup (lights, sound, intercom system, cameras etc). Also training included.
  • Third session on Tue, 30 October 5pm: building & training continues
  • Fourth session (live show) on Wed, 31 October 4pm

No previous skills needed. You can also participate single sessions (if you can’t make all of them). Welcome!

Info: vesa.rajala@ayy.fi / 050 520 9425

Event on Facebook

7. The five-year wait is over – Teknologföreningens’ festive spex 2012 – Robin Hood

After five years of waiting, it is again the time! On 13 Oct, Linnanmäki Peacock Theatre is transformed into Sherwood Forest for the premiere of Robin Hood, the spex 2012 of Teknologföreningen. This is the 9th spex of Teknologföreningen in the honour of its 140th anniversary. The first spex was organised in 1948 and in later years it has become a festive tradition every five years. After the premiere, we have a performance in Vaasa, after which we will conquer Sweden by visiting Stockholm and Gothenburg. When we return to Finland, two dazzling performances will wait for us in Helsinki.

See you at the performances!

Tickets can be bought at www.spexet.fi

8. Apply for HOAS delegation

Are you interested in having effect on the students’ housing issues?

In accordance with the rules of Foundation for Student Housing in the Helsinki Region (HOAS), AYY has the right to appoint its own representatives to certain organs. AYY has the right to appoint nine (9) members to HOAS delegation for two calendar years at a time. This autumn, based on the resignation regulations of the foundation rules, AYY Board will appoint five (5) members to the delegation for the period 2013-2014.

The duties of HOAS delegation include confirming the financial statement, budget and the action programme of the foundation. The actual delegation meetings include the spring meeting in May and the autumn meeting in November. If you are interested in the representation duties in the delegation, apply for the position by filling out the application form at https://lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/hoas/ 29 Oct 2012, by 4pm.

9. Voyage to St. Petersburg

Voyage will organise a group trip to St. Petersburg, where you have the opportunity to see this wonderful city for just 200 euros. This is a visa-free journey and includes a ferry journey with

St. Peter Line Princess Maria and a 3-star hotel accommodation! In addition, the price includes several guided tours, such as the world-famous Hermitage Museum and Pub Crawl!

  • When: 16 Nov-20 Nov
  • What: Ferry journey to St. Petersburg, two-day accommodation, several guided tours
  • Price: EUR 200

Further information on the facebook event.

10. Voyage’s ride to Christmas cruise

Voyage will organise a trip to the absolutely best student cruise of the year, the Christmas cruise of natural scientists! The journey begins with transport from Kamppi/Otaniemi to Turku from where we will board Silja Europa ferry. There will be about 2,600 other students, so we can guarantee a great atmosphere! If you have previously attended the Christmas cruise, you know that this opportunity should not be missed. Others should know that you will certainly not be disappointed!

Further information on Facebook.

11. Poli’s Appro

On Tuesday, 6 Nov, on the anniversary week of Teekkarius140, the eastern coastal city will explode when the first teekkari-led appro will be organised. The aim is to tour bars in Helsinki in the environment of Vanha Poli in the footsteps of the historical technology student spirit. A participant’s goal is to collect drink stamps in the bars visited during the night. The final performance level is determined by the number of collected stamps. There are a total of three levels in appro: Schnapps, Jug and Barrel.

The starting point is LeBonk (Yrjönkatu 24, Helsinki) at the hour marked in the ticket. The after party is held in Fredan Tivoli (Fredrikinkatu 51, Helsinki) from 9pm onwards. The midnight show includes ManMan, for example.


  • €8 in advance, €5 at the entrance. NB! Only admission to Fredan Tivoli! Tickets do not include the cloakroom fee
  • Ticket sales at Alvari Square from 22 Oct onwards, 22–26 Oct and 29 Oct–2 Nov and 5–6 Nov, 10am–2pm


The event is open to all who are interested in the technology students’ party. Age limit 18.

12. Teekkari song contest 2012

Teekkari song contest is here again, bigger and better than ever. We invite all AYY members to participate in the teekkari song contest of the 140th anniversary and compete for whose pen is the sharpest and who has the best lyrics? All songs which participate in the contest can be perfomed at the song contest sitsit at Smökki on 1 Nov 2012, and all members are welcome to listen to the songs with the judges.

Link to the event.

There are two categories in the contest. You can participate with songs written alone or in a group after 4 Nov 2011:

  1. Completely new songs which have not been performed previously (directional and a completely optional theme is history and 140 years of teekkari spirit)
  2. Songs written this year, already performed at sitsit or other singing events

In addition to fame and glory, the winners in both categories get their song added to the song booklet of Teekkarius 140 celebration (and the song will be performed in the party). In addition, the winners will also receive a special prize of the anniversary year! Please incldue your name (or names if several writers), contact information, the category, and naturally the name, melody and lyrics of the song. Grab a pen and create teekkari traditions!

13. Drinkathlon on Sunday, 4 Nov

Aalto Beer Pong and POJU will organise the greatest drinking game event on Sunday, 4 Nov. Whether you are interested in Beer Pong, Flunkyball, Flipcup or some other drinking game, you can certainly play it here! Tournament registration is already open at http://tinyurl.com/Drinkathlon.

Further information on the event on Facebook.

14. Cocktail sitsit on Wednesday, 31 Oct

Aalto Cocktail will organise slightly better sitsit at OK20 on Wednesday, 31 Oct. Instead of traditional drinks, the event offers cocktails for each course. There are only 50 seats to the event so act fast!

Further information on the facebook event.

15. Build and realize MoA’13 – Masters of Aalto with us!

MoA – Masters of Aalto consists of an exhibition and a stage showcasing the expertise and teachings of Aalto University.

The dates for MoA’13 are 8 May-26 May 2013, the venue is yet to be published.

We are looking for happy, inspiring, open-minded and cooperative exhibition architects (3 people), production trainees (2 people), marketing trainees, social media wizards and exhibition guides to join our team.

The work of the MoA exhibition architects will start already within this year therefore we would like to receive the applications by 1 November 2012. Please send your application to tarja.peltoniemi@aalto.fi

More information and answers to possible questions is available here and by mail: katri.winqvist@aalto.fi or tarja.peltoniemi@aalto.fi.

16. Welcome to bachelor drinks provided by Alumni Relations at restaurant Kämppi on 25 Oct

Congratulations on completing your Bachelor’s degree at Aalto University!

Alumni relations welcome you to Hotel Kämppi to celebrate your accomplishment with sparkling wine and good company. The Bachelor’s degree is an important step towards the Master’s degree and working life. We at Aalto University Alumni Relations are proud of your accomplishment and invite you to celebrate with us. All students who have completed their Bachelor’s degree during the year of 2012 are welcome to the event. The event is free of charge but requires registration, as places are limited. Please sign up no later than 23 Oct here.

  • Time: Thursday, 25 Oct 2012, 5pm
  • Location: Crystal Bar and Members Lounge on the 2nd floor of Kämppi (Pohjoisesplanadi 29, 00100 Helsinki).
  • Dress code: Smart casual

17. News from Aalto Career Services

TalentIT Career Fair, 1 November, 11am-5pm in Dipoli (Otakaari 24, Espoo)

Meet over 60 ICT sector employers, get CV guidance and hear top professionals’ presentations at the auditorium. Visit the fair and take a step towards the career of your dreams!

Detailed information.

Otaniemi Forum on November 1st

Welcome to Otaniemi Forum on 1 November from 5pm to 9pm at Aalto Design Factory! The event offers a networking opportunity for the young and the young-minded internationally orientated business, technology and design enthusiasts. Otaniemi Forum is all about discussions, new ideas and networks. Check out the program and registration details at www.otaniemiforum.com.

18. Study psychologists’ workshops for students

Stress management workshops

The workshop will be organised on Otaniemi and Arabia campuses. Otaniemi Campus workshop will be held at Innopoli 2 (Tekniikantie 14) on Thursdays, 10am-12noon on 1 Nov, 8 Nov, 15 Nov and 29 Nov. Arabia Campus workshop will be held on Wednesdays, 10am-12noon, 7 Nov-28 Nov, Hämeentie 135, class room 5022.

Map and compass for time management

The workshop will be organised on Otaniemi and Arabia campuses. Otaniemi Campus workshop will be held at Innopoli 2 on Mondays on 29 Oct and 5 Nov, 2pm-4pm. Arabia Campus workshop will be held on Mondays on 12 Nov and 19 Nov, 2pm-4pm, Hämeentie 135, class room 857.

Improving study skills workshop

The workshop will be held on Otaniemi Campus on Wednesdays, 10am-12noon, 7 Nov-28 Nov, Innopoli 2 (Tekniikantie 14).

Further information on all workshops is available on study psychologists’ site at Into.

The workshops are free of charge for students and held in Finnish.

19. Nominate candidates for Women and Technology prize by 31 Oct 2012

The Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering will distribute the Women and Technology Prize from the Marja-Terttu Tanttinen fund. You can suggest as a candidate a planned or executed project or an idea that promotes girls’ and women’s interest to study mathematical and natural sciences and to apply to be a student of technology. A person or a group that wishes to win the prize may also nominate themselves.

Student guilds of the Aalto University Schools of technology are also encouraged to present ideas that would support girls’ studies in mathematical and natural sciences in primary, secondary and upper secondary school. The suggestion may, for instance, include activities in schools lead by students of technology or some other campaign or project proposal that promotes girls’ enthusiasm to study. The projects can either be executed by the school alone or in cooperation with students of technology and the Aalto University. You can also suggest something that has not been thought of before!

The purpose of the prize is to promote women’s studies in the field of technology. The decision on the prize winner will be made by the Dean of the Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering. This is the sixth time the prize will be awarded. The amount of the prize is EUR 1000. The prize winner will be announced in early 2013.

Informal written proposals with reasons must be submitted by 31 October 2012, 15:45 by email to Henna Paananen at grants-elec@aalto.fi.

More information about grants from Planning Officer Henna Paananen, grants-elec@aalto.fi, tel. 050 347 7974.



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