Weekly Newsletter 44/2012

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 44/2012

Do you participate in student exchange in the spring? Apply for AYY’s exchange scholarship by 31 Oct.

1. This week’s events
2. Apply for AYY’s exchange scholarship by 31 Oct
3. Teekkarius 140 anniversary week on 31 Oct-11 Nov 2012!
4. International week of AYY on 12-17 Nov 2012
5. Looking into next year and more comfortable living in Teekkari Village!
6. News from Aalto Career Services
7. Apply for MoA’13
8. Coffee Break with AaltoAlumni  – meet the representatives of alumni relations!
9. TEK is looking for student representatives for its committees
10. Apply for AIESEC Volunteer Abroad Programs and Professional International Internships!
11. ARENA fair at the School of Economics on 14 Nov
12. Stories of the Round Tower on 31 Oct @ Aate
13. Song contest sitsit on 1 Nov @ Smökki and teekkari song contest
14. Wanha Poli ball on 3 Nov @ Wanha Poli
15. Poli’s Appro
16. Voyage to St. Petersburg
17. Drinkathlon on Sunday, 4 Nov
18. Japani-themed events at Caisa
19. Come to Ristin kilta guild’s sauna night


1. This week’s events

Mon, 29 Nov – Teekkari sailors’ info night /blog/events/teekkaripurjehtijoiden-infoilta-3/

Tue, 30 Oct – Course on sharpening and noise reduction /blog/events/teravointi-ja-kohinanpoisto-kurssi/

Tue, 30 Oct – Café Lingua /blog/events/cafe-lingua-4/

Tue, 30 Oct – Teekkarispex’s band jamming /blog/events/teekkarispeksin-bandijamit/

Wed, 31 Oct – Teekkarispex’s band jamming /blog/events/teekkarispeksin-bandijamit-2/

Wed, 31 Oct – Olli Toivonen: As a believer in the middle of difficulties  /blog/events/olli-toivonen-uskovana-vaikeuksien-keskella/

Wed, 31 Oct – Cocktail sitsit /blog/events/18233-2/

Thu, 1 Nov – TalentIT fair 2012 /blog/events/talentit-messut-2012/

Sat, 3 Nov – Teekkarispex’s dance audition /blog/events/teekkarispeksin-tanssikoe-2/

Sat, 3 Nov – Teekkarius 140 anniversary week /blog/events/teekkarius-140-juhlaviikko/

Sun, 4 Nov – ABP & POJU presents: Drinkathlon /blog/events/abp-poju-presents-drinkathlon/


2. Apply for AYY’s exchange scholarship by 31 Oct

AYY distributes scholarships to its members in accordance with the Student Union’s Scholarship Regulation and the regulations of the scholarship funds administered by the Student Union. The purpose of the scholarships is to support the internationalisation of low-income students, support community activities and encourage for successful combination of studies and the student life. In addition, AYY administers certain field-specific scholarship funds.

The distribution of the scholarships and scoring criteria for applications are regulated by Scholarship Regulation and the guideline for the scoring of community activities. The amounts of the scholarships are based on the profits of funds. AYY has three scholarships and the amounts of those in 2012 are as follows: Exchange scholarship max. €800, Community scholarship approx. €500, Study scholarship approx. €500

In the autumn of 2012, the application period is 8am, 1 Oct 2012– 11.59pm, 31 Oct. Only exchange scholarships are granted in the autumn.

Scholarship application form: https://lomake.ayy.fi/koulutuspolitiikka/ayy-scholarship-applications-october-2012/

Further Information: Board Member Eetu Pursiainen (eetu.pursiainen(at)ayy.fi)


3. Teekkarius 140 anniversary week on 31 Oct-11 Nov 2012!

Teekkarius 140 anniversary week offers everything from a song contest to appro and from sitsit to herring breakfast! Check out the great events and participate in all of them if you like! More information is available at www.teekkarius140.fi.


31 Oct, 6pm: Stories of the Round Tower @ Aate

1 Nov, 6pm: Song contest sitsit @ Smökki

3 Nov, 8pm: Wanha Poli ball @ Wanha poli

5 Nov, 6pm: Teekkari song sauna @ Rantsu

6 Nov, 4pm: Poli’s Appro @ Helsinki

7 Nov, 6pm: Festive sitsit for freshmen @  Smökki

8 Nov, 7pm: Club night @ Smökki

10 Nov, 5.30pm: Teekkarius 140 main party

11 Nov, 12noon: Teekkari herring breakfast


4. International week of AYY 12-17 Nov 2012

The world comes to you, embrace it.


Internationalisation means unexpected friends, surprising experiences, tingling fun and on the other hand awareness, recognition and responsibility. During the international week of AYY Mosaic will take you to a colorful reality of new and exciting thoughts, tastes, languages, ceremonies, experiments, insights and so much more!


More information at http://internationalweek.ayy.fi or Mosaic’s facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mosaic/339791316059416.


The programme of the week:


Mon 12 Nov

World Dinner

Explore the tastes of the world and share your own favorites too!

@6pm, Smökki

on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/395785453823643/

Tue 13 Nov

Café Lingua

Open and informal language exchange event.

@4pm, ADD Café

on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/537613299597675/


Wed 14 Nov

Exchange Forum

Leena Plym-Rissanen speaks on the topic Global competence in work. Also listen to students reflecting upon their exchange experiences.

@ 2pm, Hall L (Otaniemi)

on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/494927267191999/


Thu 15 Nov

Speaker: Minister for foreign affairs Erkki Tuomioja

On the topic Global sustainability.

@11:30am, Auditorio, Dipoli

on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/214910428640366/


International Sitsit

A sustainable, eco-friendly, and multicultural sitsit.

@ 6.30pm, Smökki

on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/events/439602129409814/


Fri 16 Nov

Speaker: MEP Tarja Cronberg

on the topic Future of Europe

@ 12.30pm, Hall E (Otaniemi)

on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/280684618715640/


Global Lives – the screening

See ten lives from around the world in five hours. Http://youtu.be/3uFdO8k6IHA.

@6pm, Design Factory

on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/293502574098190/


Sat 17 Nov


Well-being adventure in the world’s cultures

@13.00, Design Factory

on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/114023392088980/


More information at http://internationalweek.ayy.fi!


5. Looking into next year and more comfortable living in Teekkari Village!

Would you like to make Teekkari Village an even better place to live? Now you have the opportunity: run as a candidate in the village elections and get your friends to participate as well! This year, nine resident members of the Village Senate are elected through a direct personal election, but you can naturally implement the advertisement campaign together. You can run as a candidate at Otaniemi Service Point from Mon, 22 Oct, onwards. The candidate form, the election declaration and other instructions are available at http://kylavaalit.ayy.fi.


Advance voting will begin on Mon, 12 Oct, and the election day is Thu, 22 Nov, when the Christmas party of the village will be celebrated at Smökki.


The Village Senate is the resident committee of Teekkari Village, which purpose is to improve the comfort of living. The most visible events of the year are May Day declaration from the roof of Smökki, Flower Day message to the eastern harbour city and the organising of the Christmas party of the village in connection with the elections. In the previous years, the Village Senate has also organised the collection of junk cars and deserted bikes. In 2012, the 60-year-old Village was celebrated with sitsit, children’s Saturday and the Flower party. The Village Senate also organised a clothing donation box of UFF next to OK20 in Otaniemi.


By the way, the position of the Village Chief, the chairperson of the Village Senate of 2013, will be filled through AYY’s volunteer recruitment, so those who are interested should keep their eyes and ears open later in the autumn!


6. News from Aalto Career Services



Join the TalentIT Career Fair on 1st November and participate in the auditorium presentations!

Zoom into the future – The latest news from the field of ICT at the Dipoli auditorium!

Find the detailed information and registration instructions from:




CV Workshop

Tue, 6 Nov 2012, from 2pm to 4pm at Aalto University Career Service’s office, Otakaari 7 B, 3rd floor.  For Aalto students of technology. What does your CV tell about your knowledge and skills? How do the others interpret your CV? Come and join this workshop by sending your best possible CV latest on Sunday 4.11.2012 to aila.saloranta@aalto.fi. Only 10 places available.


7. Apply for MoA’13

Is your thesis / diploma work larger than life?

Is the topic and content of your thesis interesting but dull when in a file?

How could you be able to make everyone believe that you’ve done a scientific finding that will change the world?

How could you be able to show it to mankind?


Masters of Aalto – MoA among friends – will consist of an exhibition and a stage where thesis and diploma works from all the fields of Aalto University will be displayed and shown. Aalto Uni’s year show presents studies and research, May 8-26th 2013 in downtown Helsinki.


By taking part in MoA you will have the opportunity to expand your network, you will get help to display and visualise your work, get the attention of a wide audience for your work, get an opportunity to show society what you have become and have a chance of a lifetime to have an exhibition participation on your CV.


Sign up and explore the possibilities that MoA’13 offers you!


Apply now – the application period is open 22 Oct -4 Nov, extended application time for BIZ,CHEM,ENG, ELEC, SCI until 13 January 2013 !


For more information see http://moa.aalto.fi/2012/en/moa13/, or contact producer katri.winqvist@aalto.fi


8. Coffee Break with AaltoAlumni  – meet the representatives of alumni relations!

Come and meet Aalto’s alumni relations and recently graduated students over coffee. The event is informal and you can show up when you feel like it. You can get to know alumni relations activities and mingle with the alumni. You can talk about mishaps in the working life or the role of alumni relations after graduation. If you do not know yet what the word alumni means, you can find it out over coffee.

Time: 6 Nov, 1.30 pm-2.15pm

Location: Front of Melli Hall, Otakaari 1

Did you know that you can join AlumniNET network already when you graduate as a bachelor (alumninet.aalto.fi).


9. TEK is looking for active student representatives for its committees

TEK’s teekkari committee has opened the call for student representatives for TEK’s committees. You can also apply for the position of a student representative and one’s vice member in TEK Board.


Applications should be submitted either electronically or as paper versions to TEK’s teekkari delegate no later than 31 Oct 2012.


So join the activities of your trade union!


Further information on the application: http://teekkari.fi/fi/node/127


Inquiries and applications:

Teekkari Delegate

Juuso Kuusinen

Ratavartijankatu 2, 00520 Helsinki


+358 50 340 9645


10. Apply for AIESEC Volunteer Abroad Programs and Professional International Internships!

This winter AIESEC Aalto is offering Aalto students various opportunities to gain international and professional experience! For Globe Program (volunteer), we have several meaningful social projects in China, Ghana, Kenya or Uganda through which you can contribute to the community development. For Expert Programme (professional), there are several internship positions at the top companies in Brazil in the fields of International Business, Marketing, Finance, Information Technology and Electrical Engineering! For more information please go to http://aiesec.fi/international-internships?lc=mc, or http://facebook.com/AIESECinAalto, or contact Dung Vu – Exchange Coordinator at dung.vu@aiesec.net


11. ARENA fair at the School of Economics on 14 Nov

BIZ and Industrial Engineering students: now it is time to start preparing for the ARENA Career Fair! The ARENA fair is organized on Wednesday, 14 November at 9.30am-4pm at the School of Business main building. This year we have over 60 exhibitors as well as numerous employer presentations, CV Clinic, speed interviews and CV photo shooting. Signing up for CV Clinic and speed interviews begins on Monday, 29 October, at 12noon; instructions for signing up as well as the job adverts for speed interviews can be found on CareerWeb. The program of the employer presentations as well as participating employers can have been published on ARENA website on Into https://into.aalto.fi/display/encareer/ARENA+Career+Fair. See you at the fair!


12. Stories of the Round Tower on 31 Oct @ Aate

You can get a head start to Teekkarius 140 anniversary week by immersing in the depths of teekkari culture!


Former actors from different decades tell about highlights and mishaps that have occurred over the years with the theme Freshmen and Song and Sitsi Culture.


You can follow the stories via live stream (http://aatemedia.fi/live/) on your couch or show up at Culture Arena Aate (JMT 1 A, basement) from 6pm onwards on 31 October!


13. Song contest sitsit 1 Nov @ Smökki and teekkari song contest

Song contest sitsit are organised at Smökki at 6pm on 1 Nov, where everyone who is interested in sitsi and song culture in Otaniemi are welcome! We also present songs that participated in the teekkari song contest this year and find out the winners!


So join the colourful crowd of engineering students!

Please register by 31 Oct at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/laulukilpailusitsit-2012/


Do you want to have your name in history as a great song writer?

Instructions for the teekkari song contest:



14. Wanha Poli ball 3 Nov @ Wanha Poli

In the good old times, engineering students organised balls in their own student union house, featuring an orchestra, dancing, celebrations and happy party-goers. The venue was the beautiful Jugend Hall of Wanha Poli. In the honour of the 140th anniversary of engineering students, the breath of old times fills Jugend Hall again, when it hosts the traditional Wanha Poli ball. So take your dancing shoes and get carried away by nostalgia!

Tickets are sold at Alvari lobby on 30 Oct-1 Nov, 12noon-2pm, and at the entrance if there are tickets left.

You can also sign up at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/wanhan-polin-tanssiaiset/

Further information: http://teekkarius140.fi and facebook http://www.facebook.com/events/206869466111446


15. Poli’s Appro

On Tuesday, 6 Nov, on the anniversary week of Teekkarius140, the eastern coastal city will explode when the first teekkari-led appro will be organised. The aim is to tour bars in Helsinki in the environment of Vanha Poli in the footsteps of the historical technology student spirit. A participant’s goal is to collect drink stamps in the bars visited during the night. The final performance level is determined by the number of collected stamps. There are a total of three levels in appro: Schnapps, Jug and Barrel.


The starting point is LeBonk (Yrjönkatu 24, Helsinki) at the hour marked in the ticket. The after party is held in Fredan Tivoli (Fredrikinkatu 51, Helsinki) from 9pm onwards. The midnight show includes ManMan, for example.


Advance sales of ticket packages to associations takes place between 16-17 Oct through the form lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto




€8 in advance, €5 at the entrance. NB! Only admission to Fredan Tivoli! Tickets do not include the cloakroom fee


Ticket sales at Alvari Square from 22 Oct onwards, 22–26 Oct and 29 Oct–2 Nov and 5–6 Nov, 10am–2pm




The event is open to all who are interested in the technology students’ party. Age limit 18.


16. Voyage to St. Petersburg

Voyage will organise a group trip to St. Petersburg, where you have the opportunity to see this wonderful city for just 200 euros. This is a visa-free journey and includes a ferry journey with

St. Peter Line Princess Maria and a 3-star hotel accommodation! In addition, the price includes several guided tours, such as the world-famous Hermitage Museum and Pub Crawl!

When: 16 Nov-20 Nov

What: Ferry journey to St. Petersburg, two-day accommodation, several guided tours

Price: EUR 200



17. Drinkathlon on Sunday, 4 Nov

Aalto Beer Pong and POJU will organise the greatest drinking game event on Sunday, 4 Nov. Whether you are interested in Beer Pong, Flunkyball, Flipcup or some other drinking game, you can certainly play it here! Tournament registration is already open at http://tinyurl.com/Drinkathlon.

Further information on the event on Facebook. Https://www.facebook.com/events/268072529961857


18. Japani-themed events at Caisa

Japan Meets Finland – Exhibition

Fri 19 Oct 2012 – Thu 20 Dec 2012, Free entrance


Today’s Topic! Japanese Minimalist Aesthetics

Wed 31 Oct 2012, 5pm, Free entrance


Kamome Diner

Thu 1 Nov 2012, 7pm, Free entrance




19. Come to Ristin kilta guild’s sauna night

Our transport leaves from Otaniemi at 4.30pm on 13 Nov. Come and relax, enjoy snacks, go to sauna and practice devotion together with other believers. Our ride back leaves at 10pm. The night is free for you so don’t miss it. Please sign up by 29 Oct at tiedottaja@ristinkilta.fi.

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