Weekly Newsletter 46/2012

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 46/2012

AYY’s international week is celebrated this week. Check out the incredible events of the week at http://internationalweek.ayy.fi/ and participate!

Application for AYY Board is open until Friday, 16 Nov. Apply now and experience the year of your life!

Weekly Newsletter (in English) won’t be published next week because of translator’s holiday.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. International week of AYY 12-17 Nov 2012
  3. AYY elected the former of the board and the chair for the Representative Council for 2013
  4. Application for AYY’s positions of responsibility and volunteer positions is ongoing
  5. Participate in AYY’s association training
  6. Advance voting of the village elections to begin on Mon, 12 Nov
  7. Influenza vaccinations have arrived
  8. Töölö sports facilities under renovation from 18 Nov onwards
  9. Aalto Predators to begin their operations
  10. News from Aalto Career Services
  11. ARENA fair at the School of Economics on 14 Nov
  12. Microsoft’s Stars tour in Otaniemi on 13 Nov 2012!
  13. Apply for Aiesec volunteer abroad programmes and professional international interships!

1. This and next week’s events

Week 46

Week 47

2. International week of AYY 12-17 Nov 2012

The world comes to you, embrace it.

Internationalisation means unexpected friends, surprising experiences, tingling fun and on the other hand awareness, recognition and responsibility. During the international week of AYY Mosaic will take you to a colorful reality of new and exciting thoughts, tastes, languages, ceremonies, experiments, insights and so much more!

More information at internationalweek.ayy.fi or Mosaic’s facebook page.

The programme of the week:

Mon 12 Nov

World Dinner
Explore the tastes of the world and share your own favorites too!
@6pm, Smökki
Event on facebook

Tue 13 Nov

Café Lingua
Open and informal language exchange event.
@4pm, ADD Café
Event on facebook.

Wed 14 Nov

Exchange Forum
Eeva Lyytikäinen speaks on the topic Global competence in work. Also listen to students reflecting upon their exchange experiences.
@ 2pm, Hall L (Otaniemi)
Event on facebook

Thu 15 Nov

Speaker: Minister for Foreign Affairs Erkki Tuomioja
On the topic Global sustainability.
@11.30am, Auditorio, Dipoli
Event on facebook

International Sitsit
A sustainable, eco-friendly, and multicultural sitsit.
@ 6:30pm, Smökki
Event on facebook

Fri 16 Nov

Speaker: MEP Tarja Cronberg
on the topic Future of Europe
@ 12.30am, Hall E (Otaniemi)
Event on facebook

Global Lives – the screening
See ten lives from around the world in five hours. Http://youtu.be/3uFdO8k6IHA.
@6pm, Design Factory
Event on facebook.

Sat 17 Nov

Well-being adventure in the world’s cultures
@1pm, Design Factory
Event on facebook

More information at internationalweek.ayy.fi!

3. AYY appointed the former of the board and the chair for the Representative Council for 2013

AYY’s Representative Council appointed the former of the board and the chair for the Representative Council for the year 2013 at its meeting on 8 November.

28-year-old Piia Näränen was elected as the former of the board. This year, Näränen has acted as the first vice chair of AYY’s Representative Council and the chair of the Guild of the Degree Programme of Information Networks. In addition, she has coordinated the learning cooperation project of the School of Science (POP: for better learning).

The former of the board makes a proposal for the next year’s board to the Student Union’s Representative Council which will elect the new board at its meeting on Thursday, 29 Nov.

25-year-old student of engineering Martin Aalto was elected as the chair of the Representative Council for the year 2013. Previously, Aalto has acted as the second vice chair of AYY’s Representative Council, study secretary and the minister in the board of the Guild of Mechanical Engineering, as well as in a number of student representative positions in Aalto University administration.

4. Application for AYY’s positions of responsibility and volunteer positions is ongoing

Come and make the student union more like you. For the year 2013, we have tasks in different sections and committees, as well as AYY’s Board. Come and work in duties ranging from cultural events to the reception of new students and from international affairs to communications. A more specific application schedule is available at ayy.fi/stop. At the same address, you can also explore a variety of duties which the student union has to offer.

5. Participate in AYY’s association training

AYY’s traditional association training will be organised on Tuesday, 4 December. Registration is open at https://lomake.ayy.fi/yhdistykset/yhdistyskoulutus_2012/. Please sign up if you operate actively in an association and you are interested in rules, archiving, communications, finances and meeting technique. If you have a new position of responsibility in an association, the training is particularly important to you. If you have any questions or suggestions related to training, you can send e-mail to organisers at jarjestoasiat@ayy.fi.

6. Advance voting of the village elections to begin on Mon, 12 Nov

Would you like to make Teekkari Village an even better place to live? Vote in the village elections! Advance voting will begin on Mon, 12 Oct, and the election day is Thu, 22 Nov, when the Christmas party of the village will be celebrated at Smökki.

Further information at http://kylavaalit.ayy.fi/

7. Influenza vaccinations have arrived

Influenza vaccines for medical risk groups have arrived. If you are entitled for an influenza vaccination, make an appointment for a public health nurse tel. 046 710 1027. If you need additional information about influenza vaccines or risk groups, call 046 710 1027.

8. Töölö sports facilities under renovation from 18 Nov onwards

The renovation of Töölö campus sports facilities has begun. At the moment, work is being done in the extension section of the gym.

The renovation affects UniSport Töölö services as follows:

  • Gym training in Töölö is possible until 18 Nov.
  • Group training, courses and regular training shifts continue until 2 Dec.
  • Töölö facilities are completely closed between 3 Dec 2012-6 Jan 2013.

In connection with the expansion, the individual service room (massage, testing and training programmes) will be placed next to the gym. Individual services will be included in the selection of Töölö facilities in the year 2013.

9. Aalto Predators to begin their operations

Aalto University’s own American football team has been set up and will begin its operations on Wednesday, 14 Nov with the first rehearsals. The goal of the team is to participate in the American football series of higher education institutions in early spring 2013. The team is looking for players from among Aalto members; both women and men are welcome, regardless of one’s age or physical condition.

Rehearsals will be held on Unisport premises at Fabianinkatu at 5.30pm-6.30pm. You should bring indoor sport shoes, sports clothing and a water bottle with you. At first we focus on learning the basics of the game without a helmet or other equipment. You can come and check out the rehearsals even if you have no experience of the sport or sports in general.

Do not hesitate to participate. American football does not leave anyone indifferent! Further information: www.facebook.com/aaltojefu

10. News from Aalto Career Services


Career workshop – Learn how to tell about your skills and goals

Thu, 22 Nov 2012, 10am-12noon. For Aalto students of engineering.

Come and learn how to present your own skills orally in a short time. It is necessary to know how to market your own knowledge when you meet an employer or other person to whom you should tell about your know-how. Further information and registration instructions at Aalto CareerWeb (https://into.aalto.fi/careerweb).

11. ARENA fair at the School of Economics on 14 Nov

ARENA Career Fair is here! ARENA Career Fair will be held on Wed, 14 November in the Aalto University School of Business main building from 9.30am to 4pm. All the business students at Aalto (including industrial engineering) are welcome! This year, there are over 60 exhibitors participating in the largest annual contact fair organised for business students in Finland. Check out the fair programme and the participating exhibitors on Into and book a time for CV Clinic on CareerWeb.

12. Microsoft’s Stars tour in Otaniemi on 13 Nov 2012!

Microsoft’s Stars tour at Aalto University (Otakaari 1, front of Hall M) on 13 Nov 2012, 10am-4pm. The Stars tour is Windows 8 tour organised by Microsoft, which takes place at universities and polytechnics around Finland.

Come and try out new Windows 8 tablets and get useful tips for studies and leisure time! Further information on the tour: www.microsoft.fi/starat.

13. Apply for Aiesec volunteer abroad programmes and professional international interships!

The best and easiest way to change the world is to do it by yourself! This winter, you will have the opportunity to ‘be the change you want to see’ through IMPACT AFRICA and EXPERIENCE CHINA volunteer programmes. It’s going to be challenging, exciting, and impactful and will change your life forever. The deadline for applications is 15 NOVEMBER.

If you have ever dreamed of international working experience, you can achieve this through EXPERT programme in BRAZIL. There are several internships available at the top companies in Brazil in the fields of International Business, Marketing, Finance, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering! Don’t miss your chance! The deadline for applications is 25 NOVEMBER.

Wanna hear more: INFO EVENING will be held at 6pm on Wednesday, 14 Nov, at KY Building, 3rd floor. For programme details and application, please go to www.aiesec.fi, or contact Dung Vu – Exchange Coordinator at dung.vu@aiesec.net.



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