Weekly Newsletter 47/2012

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 47/2012

This week weekly newsletter in English contains only news that were translated beforehand, because translator in on vacation.

Have a nice week!

1. This and next week’s events
3. Application for AYY’s positions of responsibility and volunteer positions is ongoing
4. Three vacancies of international grand viziers
5. Come and hang out
6. Participate in AYY’s association training
8. Aalto in Africa
10. News from Aalto Career Services
11. Slush start-up conference at Kaapelitehdas
13. ESN Aalto Beer Pong Tournament 19:00 Wednesday 21/11
14. Deadline extension for applying for aiesec volunteer abroad programmes and professional international interships!

1. This and next week’s events

Week 47

Viikko 48

3. Application for AYY’s positions of responsibility and volunteer positions is ongoing

Come and make the student union more like you. For the year 2013, we have tasks in different sections and committees, as well as AYY’s Board. Come and work in duties ranging from cultural events to the reception of new students and from international affairs to communications.

You can now apply for AYY’s sections too. The application period ends first of December. More specific timetable and further information can be found at ayy.fi/stop.

4. Three vacancies of international grand viziers

We are looking for one grand vizier for the School of Chemical Technology, one for Electrical Engineering and one for the School of Science. The grand vizier is responsible for the recruitment of international tutors of incoming exchange students and Master’s degree students, as well as the coordination of tutoring activities throughout the year 2013. The school will pay a one-time fee of €500 to each grand vizier at the end of the year. More information.

5. Come and hang out

During the autumn, AYY will organise two hang out nights in Otaniemi. The events are free and you do not have to register in advance. Many come to the hang out night alone or for the first time, so you do not have to think about whether you know anyone there. You can just stop by or stay for the entire evening. The night will be held on 21 Nov, 6pm-10pm in Otaranta club facilities at Otaranta 8 B. Snacks are provided. Welcome to hang out! Further information: sopo@ayy.fi.

6. Participate in AYY’s association training

AYY’s traditional association training will be organised on Tuesday, 4 December. Training is held in Design Factory at 5pm-8pm. Registration is open here. Please sign up if you operate actively in an association and you are interested in rules, archiving, communications, finances and meeting technique. If you have a new position of responsibility in an association, the training is particularly important to you. If you have any questions or suggestions related to training, you can send e-mail to organisers at jarjestoasiat@ayy.fi.

8. Aalto in Africa

The new Aalto experience is coming! After Aalto on Tracks and Aalto on Waves, a new course has been decided. The next student-driven journey is heading to southern Africa. Interested? We are looking for people who are not afraid of challenges! Join our organizing team, propose a project idea or consider partnering with us. Participant applications open in spring 2013, and the expedition starts on fall 2013.


10. News from Aalto Career Services


Presentation Skills Workshop

Wed 28.11.2012 from 10:00 to 12:00 at Aalto University Career Service’s office, Otakaari 7 B, 3rd floor.

For Aalto students of technology. Come and learn how to tell about your knowledge and skills to others. You will need this kind of compact presentation skill at job interviews or at various recruitment events. In the workshop we will all help each other to improve the presentations.

See more information in Aalto CareerWeb (https://into.aalto.fi/careerweb)

11. Slush start-up conference at Kaapelitehdas

Slush is a two-day startup conference taking place this Wednesday and Thursday (November 21-22) in Helsinki, Finland. In the past four years, Slush has grown to become the largest startup conference in Northern Europe and Russia. It’s organized by Startup Sauna, the Helsinki-based seed accelerator for early-stage growth companies.

Slush takes in around 2.500 attendees, 500 startups and 200 investors, introducing speakers such as Kristian Segerstråle (EVP at Electronic Arts Digital), Peter Vesterbacka (Rovio), Marko Ahtisaari (EVP of Design, Nokia), Monty Widenius (founder at MySQL) and David Gardner (London Venture Partners).

Jolla is launching its Sailfish OS at Slush, while Skolkovo Foundation brings the hundred most promising early-stage companies from Russia to Slush. Also, Techcrunch, GigaOM, Wallstreet Journal, Wired and TheNextWeb, among others, have confirmed their participation in Slush.

Students can get in with 40e which covers the whole event, food, beverages and after parties. Consider also applying as a volunteer for the event. Complete student offering can be found at


13. ESN Aalto Beer Pong Tournament 19:00 Wednesday 21/11

Are you ready for the best drinking game in town? Come and find out how we pong pong pong pong pong pong pong… pong… Address: Jämeräntaival 1B Yhdistystila. After party with no entry fee plus special discounts at Aladdin bar, Tapiola. No time for hesitation! We’ll be waiting for you!


14. Deadline extension for applying for aiesec volunteer abroad programmes and professional international interships!

The best and easiest way to change the world is to do it by yourself! This winter, you will have the opportunity to ‘be the change you want to see’ through IMPACT AFRICA and EXPERIENCE CHINA volunteer programmes. It’s going to be challenging, exciting, and impactful and will change your life forever. Deadline for applying is NOVEMBER 15TH.

If you have ever dreamed of international working experience, you can achieve this through EXPERT programme in BRAZIL. There are several internships available at the top companies in Brazil in the fields of International Business, Marketing, Finance, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering! Don’t miss your chance! Deadline for applying is NOVEMBER 25TH.

Wanna For programme details and application, please go to www.aiesec.fi, or contact Dung Vu – Exchange Coordinator at dung.vu@aiesec.net.


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