Weekly Newsletter 48/2012

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 48/2012

All Finnish universities celebrate the day for tuition-free education on Wednesday, 28 Nov. Stay tuned! Facebook.com/maksutonkoulutus, ayy.fi/blogi, maksutonkoulutus.fi

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. AYY is looking for students who deserve acknowledgement!
  3. Informative event about degree reform in Aalto ARTS on Tue, 27 Nov
  4. Association training at Design Factory on 4 Dec
  5. Application for AYY’s positions of responsibility and volunteer positions is ongoing – application for sections is now open!
  6. Three vacancies of international grand viziers
  7. Apply for the housing committee!
  8. AATE: rent sound and light equipment for Christmas parties & stories of the Round Tower
  9. TOKYO’s Christmas Sales on 30 Nov-2 Dec
  10. Spring courses of BEST are here again!
  11. Career services news

1. This and next week’s events

Week 48

Week 49

2. AYY is looking for students who deserve acknowledgement!

A conscientious team player or a diligent workhorse. A relentless creator of Aalto spirit or whoever.

AYY is looking for individuals from among its members who deserve acknowledgement. The recipient does not have to be an active organisation member in ivory towers or an eternal student who has worn out the couches at AYY’s office. On the other hand, these features do not preclude anyone from receiving acknowledgement. Acknowledgements, which are granted for the first time, will be awarded in a festive event in 2013. Proposals are received by the acknowledgement working group.

The suggestion form is available at bling.ayy.fi

Who gets and who is given? You decide! The deadline for applications is 12noon on 31 Dec 2012.

3. Informative event about degree reform in Aalto ARTS on Tue, 27 Nov

There are plenty of changes going on in Aalto ARTS about our degrees in the future. TOKYO has asked the university to arrange an informative event about the issue. Come to classroom 6088 in the textile department (6th floor) on Tuesday, 27 Nov, from 1pm to 3pm, to find out what’s happening!

4. Association training at Design Factory on 4 Dec

AYY’s association training will be organised at Design Factory in Espoo from 5pm onwards on 4 Dec. Training is intended for old and new operators in the member associations of AYY’s association register. You can also show up if you are interested in organisational activities or consider the establishment of a new association. Training is suitable both for beginners in association activities and more experienced actors. If you are very experienced, you should consider in advance in which training sections you would like to participate and attend accordingly. The first section, which is the same for everyone, mainly addresses issues related to AYY and Aalto community as well as the operating grants, whereas the latter group-specific programme covers the twists and practical arrangements of association activities. Training will end at 8pm at the latest.

Some refreshments will be served in the training but it is better brings snacks if you think that you will get hungry during the intense training period of three hours. Unfortunately, training is arranged only in Finnish. Facilities are accessible in a wheelchair.

A more detailed schedule and programme is available below. You can sign up at www.tinyurl.com/yhdistyskoulutus-2012. You can also show up without pre-registration but we reserve refreshments according to the number of registered participants. If you have any training-related questions or suggestions, please contact us at jarjestoasiat@ayy.fi. Welcome!

Schedule and programme for AYY’s association training on 4 Dec 2012

Common programme for everyone, 5pm–6.30pm (The Stage)

  • 5pm – Internationality and trilingualism in associations
  • 5.15pm – Communications in Aalto community
  • 5.30pm – Operating grants and services for associations
  • 5.45pm – TTE-Fund grants
  • 6pm – Facilities available for associations
  • 6.15pm – Equality in associations

Break, 6.30pm–6.45pm

Specialised group-specific programme from 6.45pm onwards (ends at 8pm at the latest)

Group 1: Chairs, vice chairs and secretaries (The Stage)

  • 6.45pm – Duties and responsibilities of the Board
  • 7pm – Rules and responsibilities
  • 7.20pm – Meeting technique and documents
  • 7.40pm – Filing

Group 2: Communications officers and persons in charge of communications (Engine Room)

  • 6.45pm – Event marketing and communications in associations, practical advice for communications

Group 3: Treasurers (The Studio)

  • 6.45pm – Financial management in associations

5. Application for AYY’s positions of responsibility and volunteer positions is ongoing – application for sections is now open!

Come and make the student union more like you. For the year 2013, we have tasks in different sections and committees, as well as AYY’s Board. Come and work in duties ranging from cultural events to the reception of new students and from international affairs to communications.

Application for sections is now open! The application period is 16 Nov-1 Dec. The same application also applies to those who apply for the chairperson position in the sections. A more specific schedule is available at ayy.fi/stop. At the same address, you can also explore a variety of duties that the student union has to offer.

6. Three vacancies of international grand viziers

We are looking for one grand vizier for the School of Chemical Technology, one for Electrical Engineering and one for the School of Science. The grand vizier is responsible for the recruitment of international tutors of incoming exchange students and Master’s degree students, as well as the coordination of tutoring activities throughout the year 2013. The school will pay a one-time fee of €500 to each grand vizier at the end of the year. More information.

7. Apply for the housing committee!

Application for the next year’s housing committee is open! The meeting of the housing cooperative (ASY) will decide on the housing committee members in January and you can register as a candidate through this form.

The housing committee is responsible for preparing amendments to the housing regulation for the Representative Council, supervising the resident selection and the implementation of the review of the right to housing, as well as processing housing-related complaints, applications and presentations within its decision-making power. The housing committee meets and makes decisions approximately ten times a year.

Deadline for applications is 4pm on 19 Dec.

For further information, please contact AYY’s housing sector: asuminen@ayy.fi

8. AATE: rent sound and light equipment for Christmas parties & stories from the Round Tower

AYY’s Aate media rents light and sound equipment inexpensively for Christmas parties, for example. Price list and contact information is available here.

On 31 Oct 2012, we heard stories about freshman education from the 1960s to the present day. Stories of the Round Tower live broadcast is available here.

9.TOKYOs Christmas Sales 30 Nov-2 Dec

TOKYO welcomes you to the annual TOKYOs Christmas Sale on 30.11.-2.12.2012!

The sale starts on Friday 30th November at 1pm, and it’s open during weekend, sat and sun from 10am to 6pm. The sale is held at Lume Gallery, right after the main entrance of the Arabia Campus. Please note that sometimes only cash will be accepted. Event on FB.

Come and experience the fascination of the sale and enjoy the products and artwork of students of our school accompanied by buns and glögg! TOKYO’s cafeteria is open during the sale.

10. Spring courses of BEST are here again!

The list has 18 amazing different options to see Europe through the local eyes! Choose your favourite from a wide range of courses — you can get to explore Iceland, for example, see how geothermal heat is used for energy production, and bathe in thermal water, or take a kick-start to the summer and head to Thessaloniki in early April to get acquainted with the culture and learn more about the energy efficiency of buildings. Pick your favourites and start to write the motivation letter! Head here and choose your favourite courses, but please remember to apply before 4 Dec 2012!

If you want more information on courses or BEST, please contact the local group in Helsinki: best-h@list.ayy.fi.

11. Career services news

Training affairs:

Aalto University Foreign Student’s Internship Support Programme provides funding for degree students of Aalto University for their internships in Finland. For internships that begin in the beginning of year 2013, the application period is right now (21st Nov – 12th Dec). Read more from CareerWeb https://into.aalto.fi/en/careerweb > Internship programmes and grants.



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