AYY to discontinue sauna and basement storage charges in Helsinki

In some AYY’s properties located in Helsinki, fees have been collected from residents for sauna reservations and basement storage cages. From 1 Jan 2013 onwards, basement storage cases and sauna reservations will be included in the housing rents.

Separate sauna reservations and basement storage case charges will be discontinued mainly due to the burdensome system. The monitoring of the use of saunas and basement storage in Helsinki properties has in practice cost more than what was collected with the charges. At the same time, the practices in all Helsinki properties will be standardised to correspond to one another.

Charges will be removed automatically and this change does not require any measures from the residents. However, from now on all basement storage cases in use must be marked clearly. The name of the resident, the address of the apartment and the current year must be displayed on the door of the basement storage cage. This is to prevent that storage cages slowly fill with extra junk of former residents, for example. If unmarked storage cages are not marked even after a notice, the maintenance company may clear the storage case and dispose of stored items.

The resident council in each property may decide on the arrangements of saunas and the booking of sauna reservations in the building. The housing office can help with the practical arrangements of sauna reservations when requested. Parking space fees will remain unchanged.

For further information and questions, please contact Housing Specialist Jaakko Koivula (firstname.surname@ayy.fi, 050 520 9444).


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