Weekly Newsletter 3/2013

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 3/2013

AYY’s third annual party will be organised on Saturday, 2 Feb at Event Arena Bank. Sign up at vuosijuhlat.fi.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. AYY’s 3rd anniversary on 2‒3 Feb
  3. AYY’s Board was organised
  4. AYY Uncovers – insider information about jobs!
  5. Thank you card for a nice university employee
  6. Come and hang out – hang out night on 24 Jan
  7. Exercise together – apply for a peer instructor position and get yourself and others to exercise
  8. Practices of the weekly newsletter to change in terms of event information
  9. Do you want to include your own news in weekly newsletter?

1. This and next week’s events



2. AYY’s 3rd annual party on 2‒3 Feb

Celebrate the Student Union’s past three years in a great atmosphere at Event Arena Bank on Saturday, 2 Feb! There will be a three-course dinner with speeches, music performances, stand up, a balloon artist, as well as a great afterparty. The dresscode of the night is ”cocktail”. On Sunday, 3 Feb, the anniversary brunch is served at Design Factory from 12noon onwards. There is a bus service for the brunch.

Registration and further information on the party is available at vuosijuhlat.fi and on facebook.

Tickets to the afterparty will be sold separately during week 4.

3. AYY’s Board was organised

The Student Union’s administrative and executive power is exercised by the Board appointed by the Representatve Council. The term of office is a calendar year. The Board takes care of the Student Union’s routine matters and is responsible for the implementation of the action plan. The Board represents the Student Union, oversees the administration of the Student Union, as well as uses the general executive power within the limits of the student union rules and the decisions of the Representative Council. In all operations, the Board is liable for the Representative Council. Each board member has one or several sectors for the operations of which they are in charge of.

AYY’s Board 2013 was organised at its first meeting on 9 Jan as follows:

  • Piia Näränen Chair
  • Jori Jämsä Vice Chair
  • Perttu Karjalainen Educational policy, academic affairs and national advocacy, finances
  • Henna Hietanen Culture and volunteers
  • Jani Laamanen Housing
  • Ilmi Salminen Educational policy, Aalto University, campus affairs
  • Tuukka Pykäläinen Communications and organisational affairs
  • Mariko Landström International affairs
  • Tuisku Suomala Corporate relations
  • Laura Euro Social policy and sports

You can contact the board members via e-mail, for example. Addresses are in the form firstname.surname@ayy.fi.

4. AYY Uncovers – insider information about jobs!

Do job postings often look the same? Is it difficult to find out from the ads what kind of a job/organisation/team is looking for employees? AYY wants to help!

AYY – in cooperation with companies – offers AYY Uncovers video blog, where the real employees in companies tell about their background and future prospects in the form of video interviews!

More videos will be published on the website when they are finished. You will also have the opportunity to influence which organisations will produce videos – please suggest an employer who interests you via the link on the website!


5. Thank you card for a nice university employee

Did you go to a good lecture? Did a caretaker keep the door open for you when you had your hands full? Did a study secretary help you at a moment of despair? Now it is time to thank a nice university employee.

By submitting a thank you through this form will deliver an old-school postcard to this person with your thank you in it. The form is available from now on, so you can send your thank you at any time in the future.

6. Come and hang out – hang out night on 24 Jan

During the spring, AYY will organise four hang out nights in Otaniemi. Events are free and open to everyone and you do not have to sign up in advance. Many come to the hang out night either alone or for the first time, so you do not have to worry if you know anyone there. You can just stop by or stay for the entire evening. The first hang out night will be held on Thursday, 24 Jan, 6pm-10pm in Otaniemi in the small section of OK20 at the address Otakaari 20. Snacks are provided during the night. Welcome to hang out! Further information: sopo@ayy.fi.

7. Exercise together – apply for a peer instructor position and get yourself and others to exercise

AYY, UniSport and FSHS offer you the opportunity to gain new student experiences. At the turn of February-March, a new group is established in Otaniemi. The objective of the group is to activate those students to exercise who find it challenging to exercise alone or who do not get desired social contact from their current hobby. The main emphasis is in the creation and strengthening of social relations, along with fun exercise. Now we are looking for 4-6 peer instructors for this group from among Aalto University students.

A peer instructor meets once a week with the group and they try out fun and new or already familiar sports. A peer instructor does not have to have experience in sports instruction, enthusiasm for learning new things and group leading are enough. Peer instructors are trained for their duty before the course begins. The training lasts for a total of approx. 6 hours (3 x 2h). The groups will start in February-March and meet 10 times during the spring, according to agreed schedules. UniSport provides services for the group for free. Peer instructors receive a free UniSport season pass for their full-term contribution.

Please send an informal application by 23 Jan 2013 via e-mail to liikunta@ayy.fi. Please tell about yourself and why you would like to become a peer instructor and what are your expectations of the task. Elected persons are announced via e-mail by 30 Jan 2013. Participation in the training is a prerequisite for the election.

For further information, please contact Heidi Heiskanen at liikunta@ayy.fi

8. Practices of the weekly newsletter to change in terms of event information

From the beginning of this year, individual events will be advertised primarily in ”this and next week’s events” section of the weekly newsletter. Information about the event is automatically transferred to the weekly newsletter from the event calendar of AYY.fi, for which all associations and organisation should have user names. Therefore, individual events will no longer be published as their own weekly newsletter section other than in exceptional cases. So please check that your association/organisation/guild/subject organisation has the user name which you can use to add an event to the event calendar on AYY.fi, and add your event to your calendar in time. If, for some reason, you do not have the user name or you have lost it, you can request it from the Communications Specialist Joonas Jylhä (joonas.jylha@ayy.fi).

9. Do you want to include your own news in weekly newsletter?

Do you want to include your own news in the weekly newsletter? Please send a brief text by Friday, 10am, to the address tiedottaja@ayy.fi. The news will be translated so you can submit your text in just one language. The contents of the newsletter are ultimately edited by AYY’s Communications Officer Henna Lahti (henna.lahti@ayy.fi, tel: 050 520 9440).


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