Weekly Newsletter 6/2013

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 6/2013

Shrove Tuesday is approaching. Have you already registered for the academic sledding contest? Further information: http://www.laskiaisrieha.fi/ Also remember to get your ticket to the official after party Gravitation.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Aino magazine is looking for a subeditor and AD
  3. AYY Shop survey
  4. Apply for the Student Union’s Central Election Committee
  5. Apply for AYY’s Rule Committee
  6. Teekkarispex performs: Agent – tickets sales to open on 6 Feb
  7. Gravitation 2013
  8. Shrovetide celebrations on 12 Feb @Ullis
  9. Respond to Employer Profile 2013 research
  10. Participate in a career and education survey and win amazing prizes!
  11. Aaltoes Insights – Open Data @ Startup Sauna, 6 Feb, 3pm
  12. ESN Aalto: A bunch of events for ERASMUS students coming this week
  13. Apply for AIESEC GLOBE Programme!

1. This and next week’s events



2. Aino magazine is looking for a subeditor and AD

Student magazine Aino is recruiting! We are looking for a subeditor and AD for part-time employment (approx. 10 h /week). We offer the chance to renew the concept of AYY’s magazine in cooperation with the chief editor. We appreciate previous experience, initiative, understanding about Aino’s target group and the ability to inspire others. Further information: ainolehti.fi or Chief Editor Annaleena Kuronen (tel. 050 520 9428, firstname.lastname@ayy.fi).

3. AYY Shop survey

Are you interested in Aalto University students’ own university hoodies? Or do you want to express your wishes concerning the future by-products of AYY’s or Aalto?

The survey related to AYY Shop, which will open in the spring, is now open. By responding to the survey you will help to develop the products of AYY Shop to better match the preferences and wishes of all students. You can also suggest your own idea on university hoodies by e-mail to verkkokauppa@ayy.fi. The best idea wins cinema tickets!

In addition, three respondents will win the prize of two movie tickets. The survey is available in English. Survey can be found here.

4. Apply for the Student Union’s Central Election Committee

In addition to other exciting affairs, the year of 2013 is the Representative Council election year for the student union. In the beating heart of the Representative Council elections, the elections are led by the Central Election Committee. Are you interested in making AYY’s next Representative Council elections THE best and most excellent elections so far?

The applications for the Central Election Committee are submitted through the electronic form here.

The member of the Central Election Committee cannot run as a candidate in the Representative Council elections in 2013. The Central Election Committee decides on voting and advance voting stations, reviews the candidate notifications and agreements on electoral alliances and coalitions, performs the vote count audit and supervises the general election procedure.

5. Apply for AYY’s Rule Committee

Are you interested in the Associations Act and particularly the rule issues of the student union and student associations? Join AYY’s rule committee! The rule committee acts as the observer and developer of the student union rules and helps the associations operating within AYY with rule technical issues. The rule committee has drafted the model rules provided for the associations, among other things. In accordance with the

The term of office of the rule committee is a calendar year and the committee members are appointed by AYY’s Board.

The application period is open between 23 Jan–6 Feb 2013. You can apply here.

6. Teekkarispex performs: Agent – ticket sales to open on 6 Feb

The wait is now over, Teekkarispex is here again! Finland’s largest student musical presents a chilling drama about agents, the outsourcing of morality and the orbital laser. Have a look at what’s really going on behind the iron curtain!

Agent is a full-blooded musical created by more than a hundred people, where improvisation wondrously brings the last finishing touch. In this play, you do not only have to sit still but you can participate in creating the play.

So buy your ticket and get an unforgettable experience!

Tickets are sold at: http://teekkarispeksi.fi – Act quickly, as these tickets will be sold out!

7. Gravitation 2013

Bring it on! Gravitation is here again! The biggest interdisciplinary party of the early part of the year will burst into flames on Shrove Tuesday, 12 Feb!

Gravitation party is the official afterparty of Shrovetide Celebrations at Ullanlinnanmäki (Laskiaisrieha). After buns and sledging, come and warm yourself up in The Circus, where our performers French Films and Cheek, DJs and karaoke take care of the atmosphere.

The party in a nutshell:

  • What: Gravitation 2013
  • When: Shrove Tuesday, 12 Feb
  • Where: The Circus, Salomonkatu 1-3, 00100 Helsinki
  • How: Ticket in advance €12. Tickets at the entrance or from Tiketti €15
  • Why: French Films and Cheek! The greatest, wildest and the most interdisciplinary student party of the early part of the year. You do not want to miss this party!

Ticket sales start on monday 4 Feb at Aalto University and University of Helsinki campuses and at Tiketti. Check out the details on our website www.gravitaatio.fi or the FB event.

Also check out www.laskiaisrieha.fi!

8. Shrovetide celebrations on 12 Feb @Ullis

On Shrove Tuesday, the 12th of February, it’s time to find you something that passes for a sled and head over to Kaivopuisto, Helsinki! Students from all over are showing up for an action-packed afternoon outdoors – you should join as well!

The most daring and ambitious take part in the legendary downhill race, where teams pilot their home-made sleds down the Ullanlinnanmäki hillside in the hope of winning the grand prize! They are judged not only by their run’s distance, but creativity and showmanship as well. Enter the race by signing up at www.laskiaisrieha.fi or on the spot in Kaivopuisto, but do it before 2PM on Shrove Tuesday!

In addition to the race, there will be all kinds of activities including smaller competitions and live music. The hill is of course also open for casual sledders. The best time to enjoy the great outdoors is between 1PM and 5PM. Grab a sled, dress warmly and come join the festivities! After party Gravitation will warm you up after a long day outdoors!

Questions? Get answers here or by e-mail at: info@laskiaisrieha.fi

P.S. Help keep the park clean by picking up your trash. Thanks!

9. Respond to Employer Profile 2013 research

T-Media clarifies the most recent labour market trends, the attractiveness of employers operating in Finland and expectations related to employers. Among all participants of the researches in the spring of 2013, we will raffle a gift voucher of 1000 euro, iPad, and gift vouchers for presentcard.fi website. In addition, you get a motivation profile description based on your answers, which tells about your attitude towards the working life.

You can access the survey form via the link below:

It takes about 20 minutes to fill out the form. Please respond to the survey by 17 Feb! Questions related to the research: essi.vesterinen@t-media.fi

10. Participate in a career and education survey and win amazing prizes!

Welcome to the annual student survey trendence Graduate Barometer 2013 – Finland Edition! The survey is conducted online and is quick and easy to fill out. To participate, please click here: www.trendence-gradbarometer.eu

The questions asked include how satisfied you are with your studies and what you expect from your future career. The survey gathers student opinions from across Europe and explores differences and similarities that exist among the individual countries.

After completing the survey, you can compare your answers to the average results of students in Europe. Furthermore, you have the chance to win one of the following prizes:

  • 5 x Amazon vouchers of each €500
  • 10 x Amazon vouchers of each €200

This survey is conducted with our research partner the trendence Institut. We can reassure you that your answers will be anonymous and your data will be legally protected.

Thank you for participating and good luck for the prize draw!

11. Aaltoes Insights – Open Data @ Startup Sauna, 6 Feb, 3pm!

Aaltoes presents a valuable insight into the world of Open Data especially for students and budding entrepreneurs.

Open data is the idea that certain data should be freely available to everyone to use and republish as they wish, without restrictions from copyright, patents or other mechanisms of control. It has huge potential in all kinds of business, but most of it is going to waste. Come join us for an inspiring and insightful evening to hear more about the industry. For further information visit our Facebook event and sign up at Eventbrite!

Facebook: Aaltoes Insights – Open Data

12. ESN Aalto: A bunch of events for ERASMUS students coming this week

Exchange students, we have 3 awesome events for you! Check out the Facebook page of each event and mark them down in your calendar:

Come and make the most of your student exchange!

13. Apply for AIESEC GLOBE Programme!

This Spring AIESEC Aalto is offering various international volunteer programs. Lasting for 6-12 weeks, this intense experience is a unique combination of working for meaningful social projects in cultural or health education, exploring the most exotic landscapes and cultures of Latin America and Asia, and having the time of your life with the fellow volunteers coming from all parts of the world! Application deadline is 12 Feb 2013. For more information go to www.aiesec.fi/globe or contact program coordinator Dung Vu at dung.vu@aiesec.net.


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