Weekly Newsletter 7/2013

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 7/2013

On Tuesday, you should grab your sleds and sliders and head to Ullanlinnanmäki where the students’ traditional Shrovetide celebrations take place. http://www.laskiaisrieha.fi/ The evening continues at Gravitation party at The Circus! http://www.gravitaatio.fi/ The last tickets will be sold at Ullanlinnanmäki on Tuesday from 1pm onwards.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Aino magazine is looking for a subeditor and AD
  3. Apply for the Student Union’s Central Election Committee by 12 Feb
  4. Apply for the campus guerrilla group
  5. Support the initiative on basic income and other citizens’ initiatives
  6. Apply for the position of the chair or the member of the anniversary committee 2014
  7. EBEC Helsinki 2013
  8. Respond to Employer Profile 2013 research
  9. Study psychologists’ workshops in February-March
  10. News from Aalto Career Services
  11.  Travel free on the Kutsuplus service on 14 Feb

1. This and next week’s events



2. Aino magazine is looking for a subeditor and AD

Student magazine Aino is recruiting! We are looking for a subeditor and AD for part-time employment (approx. 10 h /week). We offer the chance to renew the concept of AYY’s magazine in cooperation with the chief editor. We appreciate previous experience, initiative, understanding about Aino’s target group and the ability to inspire others. Further information: ainolehti.fi or Chief Editor Annaleena Kuronen (tel. 050 520 9428, firstname.lastname@ayy.fi). Send your application NOW or no later than 4pm on 15 Feb. Positions will be filled as soon as suitable persons have been found.

3. Apply for the Student Union’s Central Election Committee by 12 Feb 

In addition to other exciting affairs, the year of 2013 is the Representative Council election year for the student union. In the beating heart of the Representative Council elections, the elections are led by the Central Election Committee. Are you interested in making AYY’s next Representative Council elections THE best and most excellent elections so far?

The application period for the central election committee has been extended until this week’s Tuesday, 12 Feb, 12noon. In addition, the Student Union has been informed that some applicants who have filled out the form have not received confirmation of their application. If you have NOT received the confirmation e-mail when sending the application, please fill in the form and send your application again.

The form is available here. 

The member of the Central Election Committee cannot run as a candidate in the Representative Council elections in 2013.

4. Apply for the campus guerrilla group 

Do you  want to influence the world’s best campus through concreteness? AYY is looking for a campus guerrilla group to implement a concrete idea generation platform on Otaniemi Campus. The project generates ideas and constructs concrete physical brainstorming facilities for the campus. The facilities will be located in Urban Mill building next to Design Factory. The physical brainstorming space implemented in the project will remain after the project as a space where you can view and comment on the development of the campus. In the project, you have the opportunity to concretely influence Otaniemi Campus in a compact project team of 7 members. One chairperson and 6 members are recruited to the team. We are looking for team members ranging from freshmen to old hands.

Background: Aalto University’s main campus will be located in Otaniemi, where students of different fields encounter. Our main campus will also be a key part of T3 area (science, arts and economics) located in Otaniemi, Keilaniemi and Tapiola in Espoo.


  • Recruitment for the project team is open: 8 Feb-25 Feb
  • Implementation of the project: February-April
  • Opening of the facilities in April
  • The facilities are open to students, staff, researchers and the city from April onwards.

The application form is available at http://lomake.ayy.fi/rekry/kampus/

5. Support the initiative on basic income and other citizens’ initiatives

The Representative Council of Aalto University Student Union (AYY) updated its subsistence policy paper and added a unanimously favourable opinion on basic income. The initiative on basic income was introduced on 1 Feb 2013 and it requires the parliament to prepare the legislation of basic income, a social benefit with the amount similar to the current basic security, which would be paid to everyone. You can submit your support signature for basic income initiative at  https://www.kansalaisaloite.fi/fi/aloite/44.

At the address www.kansalaisaloite.fi, you can also support other initiatives, such as initiatives related to Finnish Copyright Law or more equal sharing of parental expenses.

Get involved and collect signatures on paper. Not everyone wants to use the electronic form so there is a need for face-to-face collection. Own collection teams are set up for various units at Aalto University. Please register by e-mail to aleksi.rossi@avoinministerio.fi.

The citizens’ initiative is a recent institution as it came into use on 1 March 2012. Now, about a year later, the first initiative will be addressed in the Parliament after receiving approx. 70,000 signatures. The Open Ministry crowd-sources legislation. The Open Ministry and its volunteers help in high-quality and open preparing and campaigning of citizens’ initiatives.

6. Apply for the position of the chair or the member of the Anniversary Committee 2014

Come to organise AYY’s 4th anniversary. The application period is now open and ends on 28 Feb at https://lomake.ayy.fi/rekry/stop/

The Anniversary Committee annually organises AYY’s anniversary in February. The anniversary is the student union’s most important event for members and interest groups. The concept of the party aims at including the latest phenomena in the world and emphasises innovativeness.

A person in charge of the anniversary is annually appointed to lead the committee in Aava. The person in charge recruits new members after the party of one’s predecessor at the beginning of the year. The term continues after the official year until the end of February. Four to ten anniversary adjutants are appointed either directly to various duties or as committee members to the areas of responsibility to be decided later in the manner selected by the chair.

7. EBEC Helsinki 2013

The Board of European Students of Technology (BEST) organises ‘EBEC Helsinki 2013’ Competition, a software development competition for Windows Phone with Nokia at Aalto Design Factory in Otaniemi during 21-22 Feb 2013.

No prior experience is required for Windows Phone programming, as there will be a training day on 15 February, 10am-2pm, at Venture Garage. It is enough that you are interested in the topic and willing to learn more! The trainings before the event and the tutoring during the competition will support your success.

The competition time is 24 hours and the theme is Do-Good-apps. During the competition, there will be food and drinks served, video games and other activities available for breaks and accommodation in the guest rooms in OK20 available if you need some rest.

It will be a unique learning experience unlike any regular schoolwork. Don’t miss it! The registration happens at www.ebecaalto.fi. We can take only a limited amount of participants so register yourself or your whole team of 4 Aalto students quickly to make sure you are included!

If you have any questions, please contact the Main Organisers Vili Auvinen and Lauri Blomberg (first.last(at)aalto.fi).

8. Respond to Emploer Profile 2013 research

T-Media clarifies the most recent labour market trends, the attractiveness of employers operating in Finland and expectations related to employers. Among all participants of the researches in the spring of 2013, we will raffle a gift voucher of 1000 euro, iPad, and gift vouchers for presentcard.fi website. In addition, you get a motivation profile description based on your answers, which tells about your attitude towards the working life.

You can access the survey form via the link below: http://www.t-media.fi/tutkimus2013/

It takes about 20 minutes to fill out the form. Please respond to the survey by 17 Feb! Questions related to the research: essi.vesterinen@t-media.fi

9. Study psychologists’ workshops in February-March

Otetta opiskeluun (sign up no later than 17 Feb 2013)

Simplify your everyday life, advance your studies and sign up for Otetta opiskeluun workshop: you can get to know the strenghts and pitfalls of your own learning style and learn new ways to promote studies with less stress.

Työkaluja jännittäviin tilanteisiin (registration DL Fri, 1 March 2013)

The workshop is intended for students whose studies are affected by anxiety and who need tools for coping with anxiety

More information and detailed schedules are available on the study psychologists’ website at Into.

10. News from Aalto Career Services

The call for applications for IAESTE programme 2013 is open between 4-15 Feb 2013 (4.15pm).

There are 26 positions mainly directed to students in technical fields, some positions are also suitable for economics students. There are 22 local committee positions directed at students with German skills. Available positions, application instructions and the filling instructions of the electronic form are available at www.iaeste.fi | Hakijalle. You can access language versions on the top sections ”På svenska” and ”In English”. The call for applications will end soon, so be sure to apply in time!

For further information, please contact Aalto University’s Career Services in Otaniemi.

The Kutsuplus service will celebrate Valentine’s Day by offering its test users free travel for the whole day. An unbeatable opportunity to test the next-generation on-demand public transport!

Starting from Monday 11 February, you can register for the service as a user on the address kutsuplus.fi/sign-up and invite your friends to join – but bear in mind that there are only a limited number of places available.

11. Travel free on the Kutsuplus service on 14 Feb

The Kutsuplus service will celebrate Valentine’s Day by offering its test users free travel for the whole day. An unbeatable opportunity to test the next-generation on-demand public transport!

Starting from Monday 11 February, you can register for the service as a user on the address kutsuplus.fi/sign-up and invite your friends to join – but bear in mind that there are only a limited number of places available.

Kutsuplus is an intelligent on-demand bus service, piloted by Helsinki Regional Transport Authority HSL. You can travel on the buses in the area south of Ring Road I (Kehä I), with the eastern border lying just east of the Viikki campus. There are several hundreds of stops where you can hop on and off the bus. The mini buses run from 7.30 to 18.30 on weekdays. Travel reservations can be made from 7.15 onwards.

The first pilot users will be treated to low-price rides: the basic price of a journey will be EUR 1.50, in addition to which a charge of EUR 0.15 per kilometre will apply. Of a journey of 10 kilometres you will pay only 3 euros.

Read more at www.kutsuplus.fi

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