Weekly Newsletter 8/2013

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 8/2013

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. AYY is looking for a Secretary General
  3. AYY awarded the learning promotion deed of the year 2012
  4. AYY’s housing keys from Töölö also in March
  5. Start Exercising course to begin on 26 Feb
  6. Apply for the campus guerrilla group
  7. Submit your events for AYY’s academic year calendar 2013-2014
  8. Aalto in Africa: apply now!
  9. Participate in Radiodiodi’s activities
  10. Antti Nurmesniemi postgraduate scholarships for design are now available
  11. Scholarships for studies in China
  12. Become an International Tutor
  13. Welcome to NSCN seminar on 5- 6 March 2013
  14. Participate in a career and education survey and win amazing prizes!
  15. Participate in the studio audience for the new talkshow of YLE TV2

1. This and next week’s events



2. AYY is looking for a Secretary General

Aalto University Student Union (AYY) has approximately 15,000 students. AYY employs more than 50 permanent employees and dozens of volunteer actors and approximately 200 associations operate within AYY. The student union’s policy priorities are strong advocacy and services. In addition, the student union offers its apartments for about 3,000 members. AYY’s property is approximately EUR 150 million and the annual turnover is approximately EUR 15 million.

We are looking for a full-time SECRETARY GENERAL

for the period 1 Sept 2013 – 31 Aug 2016.

The Secretary General’s role is to act as the supervisor of the secretariat in the non-profit sector and as a link between different operators in the student union. The Secretary General participates in AYY’s financial management, as well as in the meetings and activities of the Board, Representative Council and Financial Committee. In daily work, activity planning and continuous improvement have a large role. The Secretary General’s key duties also include work with interest groups and the representation of the student union.


  • Knowledge of the student union/organisational activities
  • Knowledge of financial management
  • Management skills
  • Ability to endure stress
  • Academic studies
  • Fluent Finnish language skills, Swedish and English language skills

The following are considered advantages:

  • Managerial experience
  • Knowledge of AYY and Aalto University
  • Academic degree
  • Spelögan

We offer you a diverse and inspiring workplace, as well as a unique view on the construction of Aalto University Student Union and Otaniemi campus area. The Secretary General’s position offers a wide range of challenges, a wide-ranging field of action and a competitive salary. The vibrant and inspiring atmosphere of our office is created by the student union’s active volunteers and highly skilled specialists. During your period of employment, you are entitled to live in AYY’s housing. The position includes a paid training session starting in May if possible.

The applications with CVs and salary requests are submitted to Teemu Halme, the secretary of the working group set by AYY’s Representative Council to prepare the election of the secretary general, to the address teemu.halme@ayy.fi by 12noon on 22 Feb 2012. Applications are acknowledged as received. Applications are confidentially handled by the secretary general’s election working group. Interviews will be held during the weeks 10-11. Based on the interviews, the working group will make a proposal on the most suitable candidate for AYY’s Representative Council which makes the final decision on the election of the Secretary General in April.

For further information on the position, please contact the chair of the election working group Martin Aalto (martin.aalto@ayy.fi, 050 342 4360) or secretary Teemu Halme (teemu.halme@ayy.fi, 050 512 5852).

3. AYY awarded the learning promotion deed of the year 2012

At its 3rd anniversary party on 2 Feb 2012, Aalto University Student Union (AYY) awarded the learning promotion deed of the year 2012. The award was granted to ”Paremman oppimisen puolesta! (POP)” project of Aalto University School of Science. The purpose of POP project is to create a community and culture around learning. Another aspect which makes POP an excellent project is that it involves both students and the staff. Along with POP, Learning Hub Greenhouse was established in Building T and the basics of optimisation course was developed, among other things. AYY also awarded a grant of EUR 300 for the further development and spreading of the project among the academic community of Aalto University. AYY wishes the dozens of POP members enthusiasm and success in the continuation of the project that began well.

AYY annually awards the learning promotion deed of the year. The award is intended to make visible and to support concrete deeds and projects that have been done at Aalto University for the promotion of learning. This year, the learning promotion deed was the first of its kind. The new prize replaces the teacher of the year award.

Next time, the learning promotion deed will be awarded at AYY’s fourth anniversary party in February 2014. AYY encourages Aalto members from students to professors and janitors to improve learning and learning conditions at Aalto University.

Further information: Board Member Perttu Karjalainen, education policy (firstname.surname@ayy.fi)

4. AYY’s housing keys from Töölö also in March

Keys to AYY’s housing in Helsinki are handled through Töölö Service Point. However, the service point is closed on Fridays.

In March, the moving date happens to be Friday. Therefore, AYY will organise service for Töölö Service Point on the moving day in March. Keys are handled at Töölö Service Point as usual and you not have to agree on anything separately. Please return and collect your keys only from Töölö Service Point on 1 March. The housing office in Otaniemi will NOT be able to receive the keys for apartments in Helsinki in order to prevent that new and old residents go to different locations and the keys will not change the owner.

The key service is available at Töölö Service Point according to regular opening hours between 10.30am-2.30pm.

5. Start Exercising course to begin on 26 Feb

Would you like to exercise more? Need some company? Is it hard to exercise on your own? Would you like to receive guidance on various sports opportunities?

If you answered yes, Start Exercising course is for you. The course organised in cooperation with AYY, UniSport and FSHS will start on Tuesday, 26 Feb. The purpose of the course is to introduce new sports and, above all, make friends who inspire each other to exercise. There are three groups and one of them is organised in Helsinki. Group members exercise 1-3 times per week and they can have effect on the course content. All course participants will receive UniSport card for three months, which they can use to try out various sports at UniSport.

Come and try out new experiences together and make new friends. The course is free and will last for 12 weeks. Previous experience and knowledge of different types of sports is not required. However, it is necessary to commit yourself to the group.

Register for the course by e-mail at liikunta@ayy.fi. Deadline for registration is Fri, 22 Feb. Further information on the course is available at heidi.heiskanen@ayy.fi.

6. Apply for the campus guerrilla group

Do you want to influence the world’s best campus through concreteness? AYY is looking for a campus guerrilla group to implement a concrete idea generation platform on Otaniemi Campus. The project generates ideas and constructs concrete physical brainstorming facilities for the campus. The facilities will be located in Urban Mill building next to Design Factory. The physical brainstorming space implemented in the project will remain after the project as a space where you can view and comment on the development of the campus. In the project, you have the opportunity to concretely influence Otaniemi Campus in a compact project team of 7 members. One chairperson and 6 members are recruited to the team. We are looking for team members ranging from freshmen to old hands.

Background: Aalto University’s main campus will be located in Otaniemi, where students of different fields encounter. Our main campus will also be a key part of T3 area (science, arts and economics) located in Otaniemi, Keilaniemi and Tapiola in Espoo.


  • Recruitment for the project team is open: 8 Feb-25 Feb
  • Implementation of the project: February-April
  • Opening of the facilities in April
  • The facilities are open to students, staff, researchers and the city from April onwards.
  • The application form is available at http://lomake.ayy.fi/rekry/kampus/

7. Submit your events for AYY’s academic year calendar 2013-2014

Associations and actors within AYY have the opportunity to submit important event dates for the student union’s academic year calendar. Events can be submitted through the google docs file linked below until Sunday, 26 May 2013. Please add your events under the correct month in chronological order. Please enter the text you want in the calendar ”Event name/Text” field (yellow background). Please note that one line can hold up the maximum of 25 characters of text, including spaces. When writing the text, please consider how many lines from your own calendar you wish to be ”wasted”. The calendar is trilingual so please take this into account when planning the text.

If there are several events marked on the same date, the event that concerns most of the students will end up in the calendar. The file is editable until the provided deadline 26 May 2013, until which you can make changes to your events. Please fill out the columns carefully, and check and double check that the information is correct. Please also remember to include information on who is organising the event.


Questions and comments are received by AYY’s Communications Officer Henna Lahti (henna.lahti@ayy.fi or 050 520 9440).

8. Aalto in Africa: apply now!

We are looking for people who are ready to take the initiative and co-create an awesome learning experience together. Application period is open for a week – until 25th of February. Aalto in Africa is a student-driven innovation project. It will be a unique learning experience; participants with different backgrounds are going to learn from and teach each others in exotic places and situations together with local communities, companies and universities.

Read more and apply & http://www.facebook.com/AaltoInAfrica

9. Participate in Radiodiodi’s activities

Aalto’s May Day radio had its debut in May Day 2012 and will make a comeback in 2013. Now the channel is known as Radiodiodi and it is looking for new people to guarantee even a better radio year! Have you always wondered what you would sound like on the radio? Do your friends laugh at your stories? Have you always wanted to speak to large audiences? Come and participate in making a radio programme! Get in touch with our artistic directors Ilkka Rekola (ilkka.rekola@aalto.fi) and Katharina Jokinen (katharina.jokinen@aalto.fi). If you already have ideas for the programme, tell us about it so we can implement your idea together. Finished programme ideas, however, are not a requirement, as long as you have enthusiasm!

If you are sure that you are not the radio personality that we are looking for, don’t worry, as we need other kind of people as well. If you want to be in the studio without speaking, become a producer, and get in touch with the maestro Markku Leppälä (markku.leppala@aalto.fi). Those interested in radio and studio technology can contact the person in charge of technology Juha Biström (juha.bistrom@aalto.fi).

If none of the previous positions does not sound like your thing, but you would still like to participate or you have something particular that you would like to do, get in touch with Chief Editor Anna Mannila (anna.mannila@aalto.fi) as we have plenty of things to do and will invent something for you.

Welcome! – Radiodiodi’s editorial staff

10. Antti Nurmesniemi postgraduate scholarships for design are now available

In the year 2000, Askon Säätiö established scholarships that bear the name of Professor Antti Nurmesniemi to support further education or internships abroad. Two scholarships of EUR 17.000 each are allocated per academic year. One scholarship is reserved for a Finnish student who has completed the Master of Arts or a similar degree for doctoral studies or internship. The other one is reserved for a student who has completed a Finnish Bachelor of Arts or a similar degree for completing one’s studies.

Antti Nurmesniemi postgraduate scholarships 2013 for the academic year 2013-2014 are now available. Further information and application instructions: www.askonsaatio.fi (in Finnish)

11. Scholarships for studies in China

Scholarships provided by the Chinese government for studies and research in Chinese universities can be applied for beforre 15 March. Scholarships can be applied through CIMO. Further information and the application form are available on the website of CIMO.

12. Become an International Tutor

Do you remember how it was when you first came to Aalto and got a student tutor? Perhaps you want to be as good or better than your tutor was?

Or maybe you just want to get to know interesting people and new cultures, improve your language skills and have a great time? Now it is your chance to make incoming international students feel welcome and help them to be part of the community by becoming an international tutor!

You can apply at http://tinyurl.com/kv-tutor. DL is 2 March.

In case of any questions, please feel free to contact your Grand Vizire:

  • Matleena Kukkonen (matleena.kukkonen@aalto.fi), ELEC
  • Arne Kiaupa (arne.kiaupa@aalto.fi), SCI
  • Reetta Repo (reetta.repo@aalto.fi), CHEM

13. Welcome to NSCN seminar on 5- 6 March 2013

NSCN (Nordic Sustainable Campus Network) is a network of sustainability professionals of ESD and campus greening in the Nordic Universities. Now it is time to bring these professionals and students together by organising a seminar at Aalto University in the following March. The NSCN seminar focuses on sustainable development in education and campus development. The seminar also has a special emphasis on student engagement.

Sustainability professionals aim to connect people across the university by sharing information, tools, and inspiration for the sustainability challenges at hand. By enhancing sustainable campus development and change in the curricula, this field of work is making universities more sustainable for the long term.

We are more than happy to invite you all to Aalto University campus area in Otaniemi, Finland! The seminar is free of charge and lunch/coffee is offered for all the participants. And for letting you all participate in an active manner to this seminar, we encourage you to contribute. So please bring posters, reports, videos and other relevant information on good practices concerning student engagement in sustainability projects of your institution! Contact hille.hakkinen@aalto.fi for additional info.

Registration is open until 26 Feb 2013. Registration link: https://eage.aalto.fi/?fs/nscn

For additional info:

14. Participate in a career and education survey and win amazing prizes!

You recently received an invitation to participate in the student survey trendence Graduate Barometer 2013 – Finland Edition. We thank everyone who has already completed the survey. And if you have not participated yet, this is your last chance! To participate, please click here: www.trendence-gradbarometer.eu

After completing the survey, you can compare your answers to the average results of students in Europe. Furthermore, you have the chance to win one of the following prizes:

  • 5 x Amazon vouchers of each €500
  • 10 x Amazon vouchers of each €200

This survey is conducted with our research partner the trendence Institut. We can reassure you that your answers will be anonymous and your data will be legally protected

Thank you for participating and good luck for the prize draw!

15. Participate in the studio audience for the new talkshow of YLE TV2:SUORANA: KORTESMÄKI

The programme hosted by Joona Kortesmäki does not lack anything. Except commercials. There will be almost 80 episodes this year, which will include the most interesting characters and topical guests! The programme will also include intimate music performances by Finnish artists.


Sign up by e-mail to suorana.kortesmaki@yle.fi. Please include your name, phone number, e-mail address, how many participants there are and which broadcast you would like to participate in. The programme is broadcasted live in Pasila from 4 March onwards on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 8:30pm – 9pm. We will send a ticket to registered persons as confirmation, which includes precise time, location and arrival instructions. Further information: tel. 040 190 9180 / Tea



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