Weekly Newsletter 9/2013

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 9/2013

Advance information: The weekly newsletter will NOT be published in week 12 NOR after the Easter in week 14. Therefore, please submit your text and add your event to the event calendar at AYY.fi in time, so that they can be published at least once.

Have a nice end of February everyone!

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Student financial aid at risk
  3. Keys to AYY’s housing in Helsinki handled at Töölö also in March
  4. Apply for the position of the chair or the member of the anniversary committee 2014
  5. Come and hang out – hang out night on 28 Feb
  6. Come and listen to professor lectures on 6 March
  7. News from Aalto Career Services
  8. Study psychologists’ tools for anxious situations workshop
  9. Become an international tutor
  10. Ticket sales of Condus spex at TÀffÀ on Wed, 27 Feb, 12noon-2pm!
  11. Want to work in a startup? Startup Sauna Internship Helsinki applications open on 25 Feb
  12. Reminder: Respond to Employer Profile 2013 research

1. This and next week’s events



2. Student financial aid at risk

The fate of the student financial aid system will be decided in the internal arm wrestling of the Finnish Government during this spring. It is possible that the current student financial aid system will be a system of the past in some respects. Currently, there has been discussion about a model in which the studend would receive student financial aid for the first three (3) years but would have to finance the last two (2) years completely with a loan. The Ministry of Finance would like to go even further and make the student financail aid only consist of a loan. Currently, the government parties are preparing for the mid-term review of the Government (28 Feb) and the spending limits discussion (21 March), around which the student financial aid reform is also realised. AYY will continue to support the student financial aid with the emphasis on the study grant and is getting ready to take to the streets for the cause. Everyone is welcome to get involved in activities. For further information, please contact AYY’s board member in charge of social affairs Laura Euro (laura.euro@ayy.fi, 0505209429).

Would you like to do something with your group of friends or your organisation? The Student Union of the University of Helsinki coordinates the organising of campaigns, further information is available at www.hyy.fi/opintotuki2013

A related Facebook site ”NĂ€pit irti opintotuesta” has been created. By following this page you stay on track of what is going on!

Further information on the topic:

3. Keys to AYY’s housing in Helsinki handled at Töölö also in March

Keys to AYY’s housing in Helsinki are handled through Töölö Service Point. In March, the moving date happens to be Friday, when the service point is usually closed. Therefore, AYY will organise service for Töölö Service Point on the moving day in March. Keys are handled at Töölö Service Point as usual and you not have to agree on anything separately. Please return and collect your keys only from Töölö Service Point on 1 March. The housing office in Otaniemi will NOT be able to receive the keys for apartments in Helsinki in order to prevent that new and old residents go to different locations and the keys will not change the owner.

The key service is available at Töölö Service Point according to regular opening hours between 10.30am-2.30pm.

4. Apply for the position of the chair or the member of the Anniversary Committee 2014

Come to organise AYY’s 4th anniversary. The application period is now open and ends on 28 Feb  Https://lomake.ayy.fi/rekry/stop/

The anniversary committee annually organises AYY’s anniversary in February. The anniversary is the student union’s most important event for members and interest groups. The concept of the party aims at including the latest phenomena in the world and emphasises innovativeness.

A person in charge of the anniversary is annually appointed to lead the committee in Aava. The person in charge recruits new members after the party of one’s predecessor at the beginning of the year. The term continues after the official year all the way until the end of February. Four to ten anniversary adjutants are appointed either directly to various duties or as committee members to the areas of responsibility to be decided later in the manner chosen by the chair.

5. Come and hang out – hang out night on 28 Feb

During the spring, AYY will organise four hang out nights in Otaniemi. Events are free and open to everyone and you do not have to sign up in advance. Many come to the hang out night either alone or for the first time, so you do not have to worry if you know anyone there. You can just stop by or stay for the entire evening. Next hang out night will be held on Thursday, 28 Feb, 6pm-10pm in Otaniemi in the small section of OK20 at the address Otakaari 20. Snacks are provided during the night. Welcome to hang out! Further information: sopo@ayy.fi or at Facebook.

6. Come and listen to professor lectures on 6 March

Aalto University celebrates its Tenured Professors with popular lectures presented by the new tenure track professors of Associate or Full level. Welcome to hear about Aalto University’s research on Wednesday 6 March 2013 at 2.15pm at the Dipoli Congress Center.

See the event details and programme here.

7. News from Aalto Career Services

1. The application period for the interdisciplinary summer training campaign Murjottelu is open until 28 February.

More information and the application form can be found at into.aalto.fi/murjottelu.

2. Would you like to gain work experience within an organisation in the public sector?

Students of technology can find supported internships posted in Aalto CareerWeb’s Jobs section. These public sector internships are a good way for students to gain work experience from their of own field of studies during the summer. You can recognise these internships in the Jobs section from the title “Korkeakouluharjoittelu TECH”. Notice that only those internships with descriptions in English are available to non-Finnish speaking students. You can learn more about public sector internships in CareerWeb under Internship programs and grants –page https://into.aalto.fi/careerweb

8. Study psychologists’ tool for anxious situations workshop

The workshop is intended for students whose studies are affected by anxiety and who need tools for coping with anxiety. The workshop convenes on six Mondays, 11 March-22 April, 12noon-2pm.Registration for the workshop no later than Friday, 1 March 2013.

More information and detailed schedules are available on the study psychologists’ website at Into (in Finnish). The language of the workshop is Finnish.

9. Become an international tutor

Do you remember how it was when you first came to Aalto and got a student tutor? Perhaps you want to be as good or better than your tutor was?

Or maybe you just want to get to know interesting people and new cultures, improve your language skills and have a great time? Now it is your chance to make incoming international students feel welcome and help them to be part of the community by becoming an international tutor!

You can apply in http://tinyurl.com/kv-tutor. DL is 2 March.

In case of any questions, please feel free to contact your Grand Vizire:

  • Matleena Kukkonen (matleena.kukkonen@aalto.fi), ELEC
  • Arne Kiaupa (arne.kiaupa@aalto.fi), SCI
  • Reetta Repo (reetta.repo@aalto.fi), CHEM

10. Ticket sales of Condus spex at TÀffÀ on Wed, 27 Feb, 12noon-2pm!

Lovely behavioural scientists strand for the moment to TKK’s sphere of influence and invite you to watch the ninth Condus spex. Tickets are sold in the lobby of TĂ€ffĂ€ on Wednesday 27 Feb, 12noon-2pm. You and cash, preferably exact change!

  • Basic ticket €15
  • Student ticket €12
  • Support ticket €20

If you miss ticket sales at TÀffÀ, get your ticket here.

Futher information and audition times: www.condus.fi/speksi

Genrestars news: http://genrestars.blogspot.fi/

11. Want to work in a startup? Startup Sauna Internship Helsinki applications open on 25 Feb

The Startup Sauna Internship 2013 program offers a chance for the best students to work in the most exciting startups in Finland. The program offers engineering, business and design jobs from Helsinki area startups for the summer of 2013. This is an opportunity for you to build a network of entrepreneurial minded people and learn by doing with the most driven entrepreneurs in Finland. Take a leap and apply to have the time of your life!

Applications open on 25 Feb and positions will be filled as soon as good interns are found, so apply early!

More information and available positions can be found on startupsauna.com/internship.

12. Reminder: Respond to Employer Profile 2013 research

Have you already replied to Employer Profile research of T-Media and participated in the raffle of the travel voucher? If you have already replied to the survey, this post does not concern you. If you have not responded yet, you still have time to do it!

T-Media clarifies the most recent labour market trends, the attractiveness of employers operating in Finland and expectations related to employers. Among all participants of the researches in the spring of 2013, we will raffle a gift voucher of EUR 1,000, iPad, and gift vouchers for presentcard.fi website. In addition, you get a motivation profile description based on your answers, which tells about your attitude towards the working life.

You can access the survey form via the link below:

It takes about 20 minutes to fill out the form. Please respond to the survey by 17 Feb! Questions related to the research: essi.vesterinen@t-media.fi


Do you want to include your own news in weekly newsletter?

Do you want to include your own news in weekly newsletter? Please send a brief text by Friday, 10am, to the address tiedottaja@ayy.fi. The news will be translated so you can submit your text in just one language. The contents of the newsletter are ultimately edited by AYY’s information officer Henna Lahti (henna.lahti@ayy.fi, tel: 050 520 9440).





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