Weekly Newsletter 10/2013

This is AYY’s Weekly Newsletter 10/2013

Student financial aid is in danger! Get prepared to take to the streets with the student movement in the mass demonstration organised on 20 March. For more information, check out facebook.com/opintotuki2013 and opintotuki.fi (the site will open in the next few days).

The weekly newsletter will not be published in week 12 or week 12. Sunny March to everyone!

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Come to mass demonstration to support student financial aid on 20 March
  3. Submitting of AYY’s association notices and the application period for the operating grant in progress
  4. World Dinner and Café Lingua in Design Factory on 12 March
  5. Participate in Radiodiodi’s activities
  6. Want to work in a startup? Startup Sauna Internship Helsinki applications open on 25 Feb
  7. Come to listen to professor lectures on 6 Mar
  8. Fashion and sustainable development – Women’s Day alumni seminar
  9. Scholarships for studies in China
  10. Call for study abroad and internship applications
  11. Digital working bee for the cleaning day – come to hack and create
  12. Finland youth to business forum
  13. Summer courses of BEST
  14. Apply for AIESEC GLOBE Program!

1. This and next week’s events



2. Come to mass demonstration to support student financial aid on 20 Mar

We will meet at the Senate Square at 1pm on 20 Mar 2013. From the Senate Square, we move in a procession to Parliament House to demand answers to equality between generations in education policy. The student movement is fed up with the continuous fiddling with student financial aid. Enough is enough!

Once again, there is a great deal of commotion around the student financial aid. Decisions on the future of student financial aid are made in connection with the government spending limit discussion on 21 March. The state finances are under strain and it looks like the cost-cutting pressure is targeted at the students. The government parties disagree on the development of student financial aid, and all options from the limiting of the period of student financial aid to student financial aid with emphasis on the loan are possible.

More information on the themes and the whole student financial aid situation can be found in Facebook group of Näpit irti opintotuesta campaign.

A website opintotuki.fi concerning the issue is currently being made (to open on 7 Mar)

If you act in an organisation, we recommend that you come together to the demonstration. In this way, it is more likely that more people will participate.

3. Submitting of AYY’s association notices and the application period for the operating grant is in progress

The submitting of AYY’s association notices and the application period for the operating grant began on Friday, 1 March. The notice and application period will last from Friday, 1 March to Monday, 1 April. All associations approved in the first list of AYY’s association register may apply for the operating grant. Associations in the second list of the association register and those associations which do not apply for financial assistance this year only have to fill out the association notice section at the beginning of the application form. Please note that each association in AYY’s association register must submit at least one association notice. If the association notice is not submitted in two consecutive years, the association will be removed from AYY’s association register.

The application form is available from Friday morning, 1 March onwards at https://lomake.ayy.fi/yhdistykset/ayyn-toiminta-avustushakemus-2013/. Further information on the application is available at /grants-for-associations/, which includes the scoring model used for the allocation of the operating grants and the grant amounts of the previous year. You should also bear in mind that the prerequisite for the operating grant is the association profile at AYY.fi, and the associations are responsible for updating their profiles. If you have lost your user name or otherwise need help with updating your profile, you can send e-mail to jarjestoasiat@ayy.fi. At the same address, you can receive additional information and help with the association notice and the operating grant application. You can also contact us by phone at 050 520 9442. The best time to reach the organisation specialist by phone is on weekdays from 10am to 2pm.

Good luck with the applications!

4. World Dinner and Café Lingua in Design Factory on 12 Mar

Mosaic proudly presents: World Dinner and Café Lingua in Design Factory!
When: Tuesday the 10th of March at 6-10pm.

World Dinner is an event in which hundreds of AYY students share a dinner together by bringing some food they prepared themselves and tasting the meals of others. You can participate in the event individually, but it is easiest to gather a group of 2-5 people and cook a large meal together.

If you are not willing to cook for one reason or another, don’t worry – you can also participate in the Café Lingua, which is also held at the venue! Mosaic will also be selling some Finnish food in the event.

Sign-up: https://lomake.ayy.fi/mosaic/12-3-world-dinner/

DL: Sunday the 10th of March

5. Participate in Radiodiodi’s activities

Aalto’s May Day radio had its debut in May Day 2012 and will make a comeback in 2013. Now the channel is known as Radiodiodi and it is looking for new people to guarantee even a better radio year! Have you always wondered what you would sound like on the radio? Do your friends laugh at your stories? Have you always wanted to speak to large audiences? Come and participate in making a radio programme! Get in touch with our artistic directors Ilkka Rekola (ilkka.rekola@aalto.fi) and Katharina Jokinen (katharina.jokinen@aalto.fi). If you already have ideas for the programme, tell us about it so we can implement your idea together. Finished programme ideas, however, are not a requirement, as long as you have enthusiasm!

If you are sure that you are not the radio personality that we are looking for, don’t worry, as we need other kind of people as well. If you want to be in the studio without speaking, become a producer, and get in touch with the maestro Markku Leppälä (markku.leppala@aalto.fi). Those interested in radio and studio technology can contact the person in charge of technology Juha Biström (juha.bistrom@aalto.fi).

If none of the previous positions does not sound like your thing, but you would still like to participate or you have something particular that you would like to do, get in touch with Chief Editor Anna Mannila (anna.mannila@aalto.fi) as we have plenty of things to do and will invent something for you.

Welcome! – Radiodiodi’s editorial staff

6. Want to work in a startup? Startup Sauna Internship Helsinki applications open on 25 Feb

The Startup Sauna Internship 2013 program offers a chance for the best students to work in the most exciting startups in Finland. The program offers engineering, business and design jobs from Helsinki area startups for the summer of 2013. This is an opportunity for you to build a network of entrepreneurial minded people and learn by doing with the most driven entrepreneurs in Finland. Take a leap and apply to have the time of your life!

Applications open on 25 Feb and positions will be filled as soon as good interns are found, so apply early!

More information and available positions can be found on startupsauna.com/internship.

7. Come to hear professor lectures on 6 Mar

Aalto University celebrates its Tenured Professors with popular lectures presented by the new tenure track professors of Associate or Full level.Welcome to hear about Aalto University’s research on Wednesday 6 March 2013 at 2.15pm at the Dipoli Congress Center.

See the event details and programme here.

8. Fashion and sustainable development – Women’s Day alumni seminar

Aalto University Alumni Relations will organise a traditional Women’s Day event on Friday, 8 March. The breakfast seminar will be held at Media Centre Lume of the School of Arts, Design and Architecture. The event is aimed at all alumni, students and personnel of Aalto University over the school borders.

The event will begin with breakfast at 8.30am on Friday, 8 Mar. After breakfast, there will be inspiring discussions about fashion and sustainable development.

The event is free of charge – please pre-register for catering purposes no later than 4 Mar 2013 through this link!

Further information.

9. Scholarships for studies in China

Scholarships provided by the Chinese government for studies and research in Chinese universities can be applied for beforre 15 March. Scholarships can be applied through CIMO. Further information and the application form are available on the website of CIMO.

10. Call for study abroad and internship applications

Asia Exchange’s study abroad and internship opportunities are for freemover students. The language of instruction is English. Application is done via

Asia Exchange at www.asiaexchange.org

Application deadlines: Summer semester 2013: March 10 | Autumn 2013: May 31 / June 30 | Spring 2014: September 30 / October 31

Internships: Asia Exchange offers internships in Asia. There are hundreds of places available for students from different fields of study. Learn more at www.asiaexchange.org

11. Digital working bee for the cleaning day – come to hack and create

Aalto University in collaboration with Siivouspäivä
16 Mar 2013, 10am-6pm, Aalto Media Factory

A day for hacking and creating stuff to help Siivouspäivä (cleaning day). Come and join us to think and produce a mobile app for siivouspäivä and few other not so technical stuff!! We need all kinds of talents and input. Aalto students will also get 2 credits!

We will have some food and refreshments.

12. Finland youth to business forum

The youth of today are looking to share their ideas, to create, influence and work with business. Having been field tested from the UK to India and from Russia to South America, the event brings together movers and shakers from the business community, society and scores of students to chart future directions for both cutting-edge companies and students in higher education. It has given youth across the globe a chance to be heard by some of the biggest names in global business. Global Youth to Business Forum is going to happen for the first time in Finland on 16 March at 9am. It is more than just a career fair. You get a chance to discuss issues and brainstorm directly with representatives from companies. And who knows, you might just land that job you always wanted.

More information

13. Summer courses of BEST

The summer courses of BEST are here again! The list includes 56 different options to see Europe with new eyes. Since Aalto organises its own academic course in Otaniemi, all Aalto members have the right to apply for all international courses of BEST in Europe!

The course list and more information for the summer of 2013 is available here.

Select your preferred course and fill out an application before Sun, 17 Mar! The application should include a letter of motivation (keep in mind that the application will be read by local students, so do not write a job application). If you have any questions about a letter of motivation or courses, please contact: best-h@list.ayy.fi

14. Apply for AIESEC GLOBE Program!

This Spring AIESEC Aalto is offering various international volunteer programs. Lasting for 6 – 12 weeks, this intense experience is a unique combination of working for meaningful social projects in cultural or health education, exploring the most exotic landscapes and cultures of Latin America and Asia, and having the time of your life with the fellow volunteers coming from all parts of the world! Application deadline is 10 Mar 2013. For more information go to www.aiesec.fi/globe or contact Program Coordinator Dung Vu at dung.vu@aiesec.net.


Do you want to include your own news in weekly newsletter?

Do you want to include your own news in weekly newsletter? Please send a brief text by Friday, 10am, to the address tiedottaja@ayy.fi. The news will be translated so you can submit your text in just one language. The contents of the newsletter are ultimately edited by AYY’s information officer Henna Lahti (henna.lahti@ayy.fi, tel: 050 520 9440).



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