Weekly Newsletter 11/2013

This is AYY’s Weekly Newsletter 11/2013

Student financial aid is in danger! Get prepared to take to the streets with the student movement in the mass demonstration organised on 20 March. For more information, check out facebook.com/opintotuki2013 and opintotuki.fi

The weekly newsletter will not be published next week or the week 14 after Easter. Sunny March to everyone!

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Aino magazine is looking for writers, photographers and illustrators
  3. Come to mass demonstration to support student financial aid on Wednesday 20 Mar
  4. Submitting of AYY’s association notices and the application period for the operating grant in progress
  5. World Dinner and Café Lingua in Design Factory on 12 Mar
  6. 2nd application round of TTE-Fund in 2013, DL Sun, 24 Mar
  7. Submit your events for AYY’s academic year calendar 2013-2014
  8. Come and hang out on 21 March – theme Chocolate Party
  9. FSHS’s hay fever theme day
  10. Join Aalto University’s community marketplace
  11. Helsinki Cine Aasia brings Asian film to Helsinki
  12. You still have time to respond to Into user survey
  13. Study psychologists’ Mindfulness workshop
  14. News from Aalto Career Services
  15. Aalto Design Factory Experience Day on Tuesday, 12 Mar
  16. StartupLife & Startup Sauna Info Event on 11 Mar, 6pm @ Startup Sauna
  17. Participate in teekkari sailors’ ski day and the environment night
  18. Mikkeli Road Trip – Mission Impossible on 23 Mar
  19. World IP Day 2013 – writing contest for students
  20. Finland youth to business forum
  21. Summer courses of BEST
  22. Singles’ camp in Ystävyyden Majatalo in Salo

1. This and next week’s events



2. Aino magazine is looking for writers, photographers and illustrators

AYY’s student magazine Aino will return after its one-year publication break! The first Aino will be published at the end of April. During the year of 2013, a total of four issues will be published.

We are now looking for enthusiastic writers, illustrators and photographers to make this renewed magazine. The editorial period will last until the end of 2013. All Aalto members interested in the making of the magazine, regardless of their major subject or the study year, are welcome to join the voluntary-based editorial staff of approx. 10 members.

If you want to join, please send a brief motivation letter and your work samples by Friday, 15 March to ainolehti@ayy.fi. Further information: www.ainolehti.fi.

3. Come to mass demonstration to support student financial aid on Wednesday 20 Mar

Once again, there is a great deal of commotion around the student financial aid. Decisions on the future of student financial aid are made in connection with the government spending limit discussion on 21 March. The state finances are under strain and it looks like the cost-cutting pressure is targeted at the students. The government parties disagree on the development of student financial aid, and all options from the limiting of the period of student financial aid to student financial aid with emphasis on the loan are possible.

We will meet at the Senate Square at 1pm on Wed 20 Mar 2013. From the Senate Square, we move in a procession to Parliament House to demand answers to equality between generations in education policy. The student movement is fed up with the continuous fiddling with student financial aid. Enough is enough!

More information on the themes and the whole student financial aid situation can be found in Facebook group of Näpit irti opintotuesta campaign.

Check also page opintotuki.fi.

If you act in an organisation, we recommend that you come together to the demonstration. In this way, it is more likely that more people will participate.

4. Submitting of AYY’s association notices and the application period for the operating grant is in progress

The submitting of AYY’s association notices and the application period for the operating grant began on Friday, 1 March. The notice and application period will last from Friday, 1 March to Monday, 1 April.

The submitting of AYY’s association notices and the application period for the operating grant will begin on Friday, 1 March. The notice and application period will last from Friday, 1 March to Monday, 1 April. All associations approved in the first list of AYY’s association register may apply for the operating grant. Associations in the second list of the association register and those associations which do not apply for financial assistance this year only have to fill out the association notice section at the beginning of the application form. Please note that each association in AYY’s association register must submit at least one association notice. If the association notice is not submitted in two consecutive years, the association will be removed from AYY’s association register.

The application form is available from Friday morning, 1 March onwards at https://lomake.ayy.fi/yhdistykset/ayyn-toiminta-avustushakemus-2013/. Further information on the application is available at /grants-for-associations/, which includes the scoring model used for the allocation of the operating grants and the grant amounts of the previous year. You should also bear in mind that the prerequisite for the operating grant is the association profile at AYY.fi, and the associations are responsible for updating their profiles. If you have lost your user name or otherwise need help with updating your profile, you can send e-mail to jarjestoasiat@ayy.fi. At the same address, you can receive additional information and help with the association notice and the operating grant application. You can also contact us by phone at 050 520 9442. The best time to reach the organisation specialist by phone is on weekdays from 10am to 2pm.

Good luck with the applications!

5. World Dinner and Café Lingua in Design Factory 12.3.

Mosaic proudly presents: World Dinner and Café Lingua in Design Factory!

When: Tuesday the 10th of March at 6-10pm.

World Dinner is an event in which hundreds of AYY students share a dinner together by bringing some food they prepared themselves and tasting the meals of others. If you are not willing to cook for one reason or another, don’t worry – you can also participate in the Café Lingua, which is also held at the venue! Mosaic will also be selling some Finnish food in the event.

6. 2nd application round of TTE-Fund in 2013, DL Sun, 24 Mar

The second application round of TTE-Fund in 2013 is open! The fund may grant financial aid for all AYY members and the association within it. TTE-Fund supports visible activities that reach for the stars and make other people excited.

You can apply for grants from TTE-Fund in two ways: through the application rounds arranged approximately three times a year and through the continuous application period which is open during the academic terms. During the continuous application period, you can apply for the grants with the maximum of €1000, whereas the amount of project grants during the actual application rounds is not limited.

The second application round of 2013 will end on Sunday, 24 Mar 2013, at 11.59pm. Instructions for the application and its attachments are available on the website of the fund at http://tter.ayy.fi/. The grant can be applied for with an online form which is available at: http://tter.ayy.fi/hae-avustusta/

Deadlines for the application rounds of year 2013 and other additional information is available on TTE-Fund’s website at http://tter.ayy.fi/. Also check out the facebook site at www.facebook.com/tterahasto.

7. Submit your events for AYY’s academic year calendar 2013-2014

Associations and actors within AYY have the opportunity to submit important event dates for the student union’s academic year calendar. Events can be submitted through the google docs file linked below until Sunday, 26 May 2013. Please add your events under the correct month in chronological order. Please enter the text you want in the calendar ”Event name/Text” field (yellow background). Please note that one line can hold up the maximum of 25 characters of text, including spaces. When writing the text, please consider how many lines from your own calendar you wish to be ”wasted”. The calendar is trilingual so please take this into account when planning the text.

If there are several events marked on the same date, the event that concerns most of the students will end up in the calendar. The file is editable until the provided deadline 26 May 2013, until which you can make changes to your events. Please fill out the columns carefully, and check and double check that the information is correct. Please also remember to include information on who is organising the event.


Questions and comments are received by AYY’s Communications Officer Henna Lahti (henna.lahti@ayy.fi or 050 520 9440).

8. Come and hang out on 21 March – Theme Chocolate Party

During the spring, AYY will organise four hang out nights in Otaniemi. Events are free and open to everyone and you do not have to sign up in advance. Many come to the hang out night either alone or for the first time, so you do not have to worry if you know anyone there. You can just stop by or stay for the entire evening. Third hang out night of this spring will be held on Thursday, 21 March, 6pm-10pm in Otaniemi in the small section of OK20 at the address Otakaari 20. This time, the theme of the night is Chocolate Party. Snacks are provided during the night. Welcome to hang out! Further information: sopo@ayy.fi or https://www.facebook.com/events/291870164249502/

9. FSHS’s hay fever Theme Day

  • Tuesday, 26 March 2013, 12noon-2.30pm & Wednesday, 24 April 2013, 12noon-2.30pm
  • FSHS, Otaniemi unit, Otakaari 12
  • FSHS, Töölö unit, Töölönkatu 37A

During the hay fever theme day, you will be able to meet with a doctor to renew your prescription with ease and with no advance appointment required. In addition, you will be able to obtain information about hay fever (allergic rhinitis) and its treatments.

All the visiting hay fever patients will receive an inquiry concerning their symptoms so that their medication can be made more effective or changed, when appropriate.

10. Join Aalto University’s community marketplace

Sharetribe (formerly called Kassi) is a free community marketplace for Aalto University students and personnel, where you can buy, sell, loan, rent and give away goods, search for apartments, offer or ask for help from others, or set up a carpool. Through the service, you can conveniently find an apartment or furniture, get rid of your old textbooks or borrow a drill from a neighbour. Through the service, you can also offer or ask for help for IT problems or carrying moving boxes. Get to know the community marketplace at https://aalto.sharetribe.com/

11. Helsinki Cine Aasia brings Asian film to Helsinki

On 14–17 March, Helsinki Cine Aasia film festival will be held for the first time. The festival’s program focuses on East and Southeast Asian contemporary film. Included are films from Japan, China, South Korea, Indonesia, Thailand and the Phillippines among others. The festival showcases films from well-known directors like Sion Sono, Apichatpong Weerasethakul and Wang Xiaoshuai as well as films from new up-and-coming directors. The whole official programme is posted on Helsinki Cine Aasia’s website.

Ticket sales is ongoing on the festival’s website (http://www.helsinkicineaasia.fi/) and tickets can also be purchased during the festival at screening locations.

Further information:

12. You still have time to respond to Into user survey

Into (http://into.aalto.fi) is a portal for Aalto University students. We would be grateful if you could spend a few minutes responding to a survey about Into service. Your responses will help us to improve Into.

The survey can be answered anonymously at http://digiumenterprise.com/answer/?sid=976262&chk=DA68Q4Q6 by 11.59pm on Monday, 11 March 2013.

If you want to participate in a prize draw of Aalto products, please submit your contact information at the end of the survey!

Thank you for participating, Aalto University Student Services and Communications

Further information: into@aalto.fi

13. Study psychologists’ Mindfulness workshop

Since mindfulness workshops are very popular, study psychologists will organise an additional workshop. The workshop will be held on Fridays, 5 Apr-3 May between 1pm-3pm.

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a state of open attention on the present. It is living here and now – our mind often wanders to the past or the future. Mindfulness skills help us to become aware of the present moment and live in the moment.

Further information.

14. News from Aalto Career Services

Are you interested in technical internships abroad?

You can now apply for grants for internships abroad, in countries other than your native country. Please read more about the grants in Aalto CareerWeb.

The application period is still open for the following programmes:

15. Aalto Design Factory Experience Day on Tuesday, 12 Mar

Welcome to the Aalto Design Factory Experience Day on Tuesday 12th of March. During the day you will get to know what Aalto Design Factory is all about and what kind of services and support we are able to give to the teaching and research faculty as well as industry partners and entrepreneurs. You will have the possibility to talk to different people in the ADF community; students, researchers, entrepreneurs and teaching faculty.

The day starts with breakfast buffet at 8.30am for EUR 2.5 and the official program starts at 9.30am in the lobby with the first short ADF introduction. Join the ADF Experience Day and bring your colleagues and friends with you.

Check out the event on Facebook.

16. StartupLife & Startup Sauna Info Event on 11 Mar, 6pm @ Startup Sauna

Do you want to work in the most promising startups in Silicon Valley, NY or Helsinki? Do you want to learn from the best entrepreneurs? Do you want to spend the summer of 2013 like never before? Startup Life & Startup Sauna Internship programs give you a chance to change your future for good.

Come and learn more about the programs at our special info event on Monday, 11 March, at 6pm @ Startup Sauna.

You’ll get tips from the start-ups and previous interns on how to apply and what is it like to work for a high-growth company. Food and beverages will be served. Check out the event on Facebook!

Bring your friends and see you on Monday!

17. Participate in teekkari sailors’ ski day and the environment night

1) TRIP’s ski day in Messilä on Sat, 16 Mar 2013

Come to ski on spectacular slopes in Messilä in the good company of Trip! Expenses comprise of a lift ticket, food and travel expenses shared by people in the same car. TRIP’s representatives have a few free tickets, the benefits will be divided between TRIP members in the morning. We will meet in Messilä at 10.15am in front of the main ticket office. If there is not enough carpools for everyone, you can use Messilä ski bus or take the train to Lahti and someone will pick you up from the train station. Please sign up by using the link below by Wed, 13 March, by submitting your name and phone number. Also mention whether you have a car and what your starting location is. The event is open to anyone interested, so you can also bring your friends!


2) Boating and the environment night on Tue, 19 Mar 2013, 6pm, Otaniemi Rantasauna.

Come to discuss how to move around the waters and not burden the environment too much. At the same time, you will also learn about research and the state of the Baltic Sea. The event is free and open to anyone interested, so bring your friends and spread the word. Registration is not required,so you can just come to have a good time and learn!

Further information: http://www.teekkaripurjehtijat.fi/

18. Mikkeli Road Trip – Mission Impossible on 23 Mar

Mikkeli Road Trip is here again and the world needs to be saved! This year, the legendary MRT of Probba convenes the hopes of the Finnish business world and other Aalto’s future champions to participate in a hilarious agent adventure in Mikkeli. In the event, you get to know bars in Mikkeli by fighting against the world’s criminal leagues at checkpoints. The checkpoints are toured in groups led by our experienced super agents.

This year, approx. 180 students from all over Finland are expected to participate in the event. The price for this unique experience is only EUR 17, including a suitable amount of hydration and food, an overall badge and an incredible afterparty at Bar n’ Night Vaakuna. Accommodation is also arranged for the fastest ones. Tickets (only 180 pcs!) can be inquired directly from Niklas Kiilava by e-mail at niklas.kiilava@aalto.fi. Ticket inquiries by Wed, 13 Mar!

Drink till you’re a secret agent.

19. World IP Day 2013 – writing contest for students

IPR University Center organises a writing contest with the copyright theme. All undergraduate students from the Universities of Helsinki and Turku, Aalto University and Hanken can participate in the contest. Writings should address issues related to copyright. You can participate in the contest with a current writing in Finnish, Swedish or English which addresses or touches on copyright issues. Writing style is free. The maximum length of the writing is 8,000 characters. You can participate by sending your writing to the address info@iprinfo.com by 31 Mar 2013. Writings should be sent as Word files.

Further information and detailed rules for the competition can be found here.

20. Finland youth to business forum

The youth of today are looking to share their ideas, to create, influence and work with business. Having been field tested from the UK to India and from Russia to South America, the event brings together movers and shakers from the business community, society and scores of students to chart future directions for both cutting-edge companies and students in higher education. It has given youth across the globe a chance to be heard by some of the biggest names in global business. Global Youth to Business Forum is going to happen for the first time in Finland on 16 March at 9am. It is more than just a career fair. You get a chance to discuss issues and brainstorm directly with representatives from companies. And who knows, you might just land that job you always wanted.

More information

21. Summer courses of BEST

The summer courses of BEST are here again! The list includes 56 different options to see Europe with new eyes. Since Aalto organises its own academic course in Otaniemi, all Aalto members have the right to apply for all international courses of BEST in Europe!

The course list and more information for the summer of 2013 is available here.

Select your preferred course and fill out an application before Sun, 17 Mar! The application should include a letter of motivation (keep in mind that the application will be read by local students, so do not write a job application). If you have any questions about a letter of motivation or courses, please contact: best-h@list.ayy.fi

22. Singles’ camp in Ystävyyden Majatalo in Salo

The camp includes spending pleasant time together, rehearsing social skills and soul-searching. Practices do not include spirituality. The camp includes separate devotions and a mass is organised on Sunday. We represent open-minded spirituality which respects the beliefs of others. You can join even if you are not so familiar with the church or religious issues.

The camp will be held in Finnish.

Price: For students €25 + travel expenses, for others €50 + travel expenses.

Inquiries and registrations: Minna Tuominen, University Chaplain, Couple Psychotherapist: minna.tuominen@evl.fi tel. 050-5965417; and Laura Mäntylä, University Chaplain: laura.mantyla@evl.fi tel. 050-5919874.

The event on Facebook.


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