Renovation of Jämeräntaival 1: info for the tenants

The building Jämeräntaival 1 will be renovated during the years 2013 and 2014. The renovation will be done in three partitions and the total duration will be approximately 12 months. Renovation of a single partition will take approximately four months. The partition being renovated won’t be in normal accommodation use while the work is in progress.

Because of the renovation, the leases of the tenants have to be terminated in stages. The leases will be terminated using 6 months notice period.

The tenants who will have to move out because of the renovation will be offered an option to move into another AYY shared apartment in Teekkari Village. Tenant can decide for himself/herself if he wants to take up this offer or organize his/her accommodation in some other fashion when the renovation begins.

More info about the timetable of the renovation and the exact order and composition of the partitions being renovated can be found on this page. The page is updated constantly as there is more info about the renovation. Questions can be directed to the building contractor Hannes Helminen (050 589 7519) and to the housing expert Jaakko Koivula (050 520 9444). Email:

How to apply for a replacement shared apartment

  • Once you have received notice for your old apartment, you can apply for a replacement apartment from AYY
  • Make an application normally in the Campus system for the queue: Teekkari Village single room
  • Write in the application, that you are applying for a replacement apartment because of the renovation
  • Make sure that your email address is correct in the Campus system!
  • You will get an apartment offer through email before the renovation begins

The transfer application will be granted an extra point, so they will always be on top of the queue. The extra point will be in effect until the applicant has been offered a shared room apartment. If the applicant declined the first shared apartment offer, will he/she be treated as a normal applicant after that.

Applicants can also apply to other AYY aparments. No extra points will be granted to other apartment queues. Other applications are graded normally according to the AYY Housing Regulations. The extra points for being given a notice of termination by the landlord will be granted to those apartment queues that the points are in use.

Updates on the renovation

  • 7.3.2013
    • A briefing will be organized for all the tenants and leaseholders. The briefing will be held on Tuesday 26.3.2013 at 17:00-18:00 in the big side of Otakaari 20.
  • 15.3.2013
    • The renovation will begin 1.10.2013. The first partition being repaired will consist of:
      • B-stair in entirety
      • A-stair apartments 124 – 132
  • 10.6.2013
    • Work has started on the underground drains outside of the building. Parking space contracts will be terminated if more of the yard needs to be cleared for construction work.

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