Weekly Newsletter 13/2013

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 13/2013

A BIG thank you to everyone who took part in last week’s mass demonstration supporting student financial aid. The government spending limits discussion promised to keep student financial aid study grant oriented. In terms of the voluntary student loan, a better loan refund system will replace the current loan deduction system. In addition, student financial aid will be indexed on 1 Aug 2014, one month before what was promised in the government programme. Hooray!

The weekly newsletter will not be published next week due to the Easter holidays. Sunny Easter to you all!

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Submitting of AYY’s association notices and the application period for the operating grant ongoing until 1 Apr
  3. Participate in Radiodiodi’s activities
  4. Work for Teekkari May Day 2013
  5. FSHS’s hay fever Theme Day
  6. President’s Aalto Coffee 9 April at Dipoli
  7. Study psychologists’ mindfulness workshop
  8. Mensa IQ test in Otaniemi!
  9. Summer of Startups
  10. Apply for Aalto University Student Alumni Council by 1 Apr
  11. Explore the world with AIESEC’s “global citizen” program
  12. Gathering for International Students and Finnish Students Interested in Foreign Exchange
  13. How does creative passion change business and society? panel
  14. Aalto sitsit 5 Apr @ Design Factory
  15. Hukkaputki 2013
  16. Management Student Project 2013
  17. World IP Day 2013 – writing contest for students

1. This and next week’s events

Week 13

Week 14

2. Submitting of AYY’s association notices and the application period for the operating grant is ongoing until 1 Apr

The submitting of AYY’s association notices and the application period for the operating grant began on Friday, 1 March. The notice and application period lasts throughout March from Friday, 1 March to Monday, 1 April. All associations approved in the first list of AYY’s association register may apply for the operating grant. Associations in the second list of the association register and those associations which do not apply for financial assistance this year only have to fill out the association notice section at the beginning of the application form. Please note that each association in AYY’s association register must submit at least one association notice. If the association notice is not submitted in two consecutive years, the association will be removed from AYY’s association register.

The application form is available from Friday morning, 1 March onwards at https://lomake.ayy.fi/yhdistykset/ayyn-toiminta-avustushakemus-2013/. Further information on the application is available at /grants-for-associations/, which includes the scoring model used for the allocation of the operating grants and the grant amounts of the previous year. You should also bear in mind that the prerequisite for the operating grant is the association profile at AYY.fi, and the associations are responsible for updating their profiles. If you have lost your user name or otherwise need help with updating your profile, you can send e-mail to jarjestoasiat@ayy.fi. At the same address, you can receive additional information and help with the association notice and the operating grant application. You can also contact us by phone at 050 520 9442. The best time to reach the organisation specialist by phone is on weekdays from 10am to 2pm.

Good luck with applications!

3. Participate in Radiodiodi’s activities

Aalto’s May Day radio had its debut in May Day 2012 and will make a comeback in 2013. Now the channel is known as Radiodiodi and it is looking for new people to guarantee even a better radio year! Have you always wondered what you would sound like on the radio? Do your friends laugh at your stories? Have you always wanted to speak to large audiences? Come and participate in making a radio programme! Get in touch with our artistic directors Ilkka Rekola (ilkka.rekola@aalto.fi) and Katharina Jokinen (katharina.jokinen@aalto.fi). If you already have ideas for the programme, tell us about it so we can implement your idea together. Finished programme ideas, however, are not a requirement, as long as you have enthusiasm!

If you are sure that you are not the radio personality that we are looking for, don’t worry, as we need other kind of people as well. If you want to be in the studio without speaking, become a producer, and get in touch with the maestro Markku Leppälä (markku.leppala@aalto.fi). Those interested in radio and studio technology can contact the person in charge of technology Juha Biström (juha.bistrom@aalto.fi).

If none of the previous positions does not sound like your thing, but you would still like to participate or you have something particular that you would like to do, get in touch with Chief Editor Anna Mannila (anna.mannila@aalto.fi) as we have plenty of things to do and will invent something for you.

Welcome! – Radiodiodi’s editorial staff

4. Work for Teekkari May Day 2013

April is approaching and May Day is also getting closer. This year, May Day party will be held at Onnela in the city centre of Helsinki. Once agani, this astounding party includes spectacular performers. Workers are needed to perform various tasks, including ticket sales, carrying equipment, decorating, technology, cooking and driving the van.

You can sign up for work on Friday, 29 Mar, 12noon through this link. You should be open to different tasks when it is more likely that you will be chosen to work. As a reward, you get a free VIP admission, overall badge, one of the two workdays required for earning the pink ribbon, access to the after party for employees and the legendary May Day basket!

Questions may be presented to May Day Director Markku Leppälä markku.leppala@ayy.fi or Lakinlaskijaiset Director Elli Taimela elli.taimela@ayy.fi.

The form system will be closed when we have enough workers. After that, you can still contact us by e-mail if you want to be added to biletmk (party committee) e-mail list. Those on the list will faster receive information about recruitments.

5. FSHS’s hay fever Theme Day

  • Tuesday, 26 March 2013, 12noon-2.30pm & Wednesday, 24th April 2013, 12noon-2.30pm
  • FSHS, Otaniemi unit, Otakaari 12
  • FSHS, Töölö unit, Töölönkatu 37A

During the hay fever theme day, you will be able to meet with a doctor to renew your prescription with ease and with no advance appointment required. In addition, you will be able to obtain information about hay fever (allergic rhinitis) and its treatments.

All the visiting hay fever patients will receive an inquiry concerning their symptoms so that their medication can be made more effective or changed, when appropriate.

6. President’s Aalto Coffee 9 April at Dipoli

Aalto Coffee for all Aalto community will be organised at Dipoli, Otaniemi, on 9 April at 1pm-2.30 pm, Otakaari 24, Espoo, Lecture hHall 1, 2nd floor.

In the event, we have a chance to hear about current issues at Aalto University presented by President Tuula Teeri. Questions and comments are welcomed. Coffee is served at the lobby after the presentation.

Please register at https://eage.aalto.fi/?fs/en/aalto_kahvitno later than 2 April.

The language of the event is partly Finnish and partly English.
Faculty, staff and students – welcome!

7. Study psychologists’ Mindfulness workshop

Since mindfulness workshops are very popular, study psychologists will organise an additional workshop. The workshop will be held on Fridays, 5 Apr-3 May between 1pm-3pm.

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a state of open attention on the present. It is living here and now – our mind often wanders to the past or the future. Mindfulness skills help us to become aware of the present moment and live in the moment.

Further information.

8. Mensa IQ test in Otaniemi!

Are you interested in your intelligence and would like to measure your IQ? Now participation in Mensa test is made particularly easy for engineering students, as Mensa will organise its official test in Otaniemi! The test is organised in Finnish.

  • Location: Otaniemi library, lecture hall in the lobby
  • Time: 4 Apr 2013, 5.30pm

The test fee is €40 and it is paid in cash at the test location. Pre-registration is not required, you will only need your identity card. The test result is strictly confidential and will only be sent to the tested person.

When you come to the Mensa test, please take the following practical issues into account:

  • Test fee is EUR 40 (EUR 38 in advance*)
  • Test fee can be paid in advance as wire transfer or in cash at the beginning of the test, preferably with exact change
  • Pre-registration is not required
  • You must arrive on time as the test will start exactly at the given time
  • Bring a valid ID with you
  • Minimum age 16 years
  • The duration of the test event is about one hour
  • The test is of a one-time nature, you can participate in the test one more time – twice at the absolute maximum
  • The test is a pattern reasoning test, to perform the test you need normal vision and hearing, as well as the ability to use the pen

* see: http://www.mensa.fi/sivu.php/testikalenteri

If the timing is not suitable for you this time, if you want more information about Mensa and the test or if you want to do the official online test of Mensa first, you can find more information and the test calendar at www.mensa.fi.

NB! A unique Mensa ad condom will be given out to the first 20 participants! Welcome and success to the test!

9. Summer of Startups

Thinking of applying for a summer job, AGAIN? How about you forget that and spend the summer of your life building the future? Gather a team and start creating your own company. Summer of Startups (SoS) is a two-month startup program targeted for very early stage teams at Startup Sauna in Otaniemi. The teams that get accepted, receive a 5000 euro grant to help focus on the one thing that matters, building your company. The program starts 7.6.2013 (7th June) and the application process is open NOW at http://summerofstartups.com/apply . The applications close on 7th April.

10. Apply for Aalto University Student Alumni Council by 1 Apr

Aalto University Alumni Relations is establishing a new communication channel with students, inviting student involvement in alumni relations through the Aalto University Student Alumni Council. We are looking for 8-10 student members for the 2013 calendar year. Applications and nominations are welcome 11.3 – 1.4.2013. Note: nominees must also apply themselves.

The Council will act as representatives of the student body in making a bridge with Alumni Relations – As future alumni, sharing input on issues, activities and directions, e.g. through feedback in reporting to the Alumni Relations team – While at the same time representing Alumni Relations among the student body. The Council will meet at least five times during the year. In addition the role will offer chances for further engagement, as decided either by the Council or each member.

Find out more, and apply or make a nomination here. 

11. Explore the world with AIESEC’s “global citizen” program

Would you like to have an advantage over other students? Would you like to embrace exotic culture? Would you like to make international friends? Would you like to explore new sceneries? Would you like to learn a new language?

Then go for AIESEC’s “Global Citizen” volunteer abroad program in BRAZIL, TAIWAN AND MALAYSIA. No matter what your academic background is, no matter what country you are coming from, no matter your grades or previous work experience, you can apply for it and gain personal growth and create a positive impact in society through our program and make your summer an everyday adventure!

For more information, please come to our Info session at 6pm on 4th of April in Aalto Design Factory or 6pm on 8th of April in KY Building. Visit us at our website: aiesec.fi/globe. Contact: zhe.zhai@aiesec.net

12. Gathering for International Students and Finnish Students Interested in Foreign Exchange

The aim of this gathering is to help international students in adapting to a foreign culture and help them find a place in their new surrounding, increase one’s self-awareness, get to know new people and have fun. It’s for free and for everyone no matter what your conviction is. There is only room for 15 people. So, sign up soon.

  • Time: Mondays, 8 April – 13 May at 4-6 pm (16.00-18.00)
  • Place: Uusi ylioppilastalo (the New Student House), Mannerheimintie 5 B, meeting room Cajsa, 4th floor
  • Organiser: The university chaplains of Helsinki congregations (evangelical lutheran)
  • Sign up by 3 April: laura.mantyla@evl.fi or minna.tuominen@evl.fi
  • Additional information: University chaplains Reverend Laura Mäntylä laura.mantyla@evl.fi, 0923402607 and Reverend Minna Tuominen minna.tuominen@evl.fi, 0923402606

13. How does creative passion change businesses and society? panel

Creativity and passion in work is being increasingly highlighted as the engine for entrepreneurship, change and growth. What kind of explosive power is released when these two things come together? A group of people among the best in their field will convene in Otaniemi to discuss how they have taken advantage of these features in their own success. Different perspectives on creativity, passion and success are offered in the fields of entrepreneurship, research, social decision-making, world-class sports and arts.

On Friday, 12 Apr 2013, 12noon-2pm, Otaniemi, Main Building, Otakaari 1, Door M, Mellin-Sali Hall. The event is open and free to anyone interested. Come and listen, participate and get excited! Further information on the panelists and registration at: http://www.servicefactory.aalto.fi/fi/paneeli2013

14. Aalto sitsit on 5 Apr @ Design Factory

In order to raise the Aalto spirit, the Guild of Mechanical Engineering will organise a joint sitsit, where all Aalto community members are welcome! Sitsit are organised in Aalto Design Factory facilities in Otaniemi. The event has a joyful and stylish atmosphere where you can get to know your academic fellows. In addition, the event includes the presentation of Design Factory and other activities.

Registration will begin at 12noon on 22 Mar on the event site of the Guild of Mechanical Engineering: http://www.koneinsinoorikilta.fi/Toiminta/Tapahtuma/?id=724

Do not miss this event!

Further information: Host of the Guild of Mechanical Engineering Rami El Geneidy isanta@koneinsinoorikilta.fi

15. Hukkaputki 2013

If I were a smart user of public transport, I would avoid the metro network on Thursday, 11 Apr 2013, as it is once again time to drown in the tube! The legendary pub crawl in overalls and spring weather is here, but is there ever light at the end of the tube? Find out for yourself, gather your own team and find out what the Eastern Helsinki has to offer to you!

Ticket sales:

  • Helsinki School of Economics on 25 Mar, 27 Mar, 4 Apr, 8 Apr, 9 Apr and 10 Apr, 12noon and 2pm breaks
  • Otaniemi: TKK Main Building, Hall M lobby on 25 Mar, 26 Mar and 27 Mar, 12noon-2pm

Event on Facebook.

16. Management Student Project 2013

The management student project course of the School of Economics will take 13 students of management to a study trip to San Fransisco in April 2013! The project, completely led by students, has been in progress since the autumn. Read more about the progress of the project and business cooperation on the project blog at http://erityishanke2013.blogspot.fi/ and like the project on Facebook. In cooperation with KPMG, Aalto Protomo, Feedback Dialog, aTalent Recruiting, Espoo Blues and Sivina, among others.

17. World IP Day 2013 – writing contest for students

IPR University Center organises a writing contest with the copyright theme. All undergraduate students from the Universities of Helsinki and Turku, Aalto University and Hanken can participate in the contest. Writings should address issues related to copyright. You can participate in the contest with a current writing in Finnish, Swedish or English which addresses or touches on copyright issues. Writing style is free. The maximum length of the writing is 8,000 characters. You can participate by sending your writing to the address info@iprinfo.com by 31 Mar 2013. Writings should be sent as Word files.

Further information and detailed rules for the competition can be found here.


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