Weekly Newsletter 15/2013

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 15/2013

May Day is approaching! The most exciting May Day events will be once again gathered to the address wappu.fi. The site will open this week.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Apply for AYY’s scholarships by 30 Apr
  3. Submit your events for AYY’s academic year calendar 2013-2014
  4. Data centre removal to cause a major service break in Aalto University IT services on 19-21 Apr
  5. KY is looking for employees for the period 2013-2014
  6. Café Lingua and Polirytmi’s jam session at Keltsu on 9 Apr
  7. Night floorball tournament on Well-Being Day on 10 Apr
  8. Participate in Hitchball 4000 hitchhiking contest
  9. Sitsi competition 27 Apr
  10. Putting your bikes into summer shape
  11. Apply for Aalto University Student Alumni Council by 15 Apr
  12. How does creative passion change businesses and society? panel
  13. Game industry recruiting event at Design Factory on 11 Apr
  14. Off-Broadway Musical “I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change” premiere on 12 April
  15. Sustainable Business Club Career night
  16. AEGEE Summer University 2013
  17. TLKS Spex 2013: Kuumotus
  18. OtaKoppi’s baseball teams are looking for new players
  19. Mini beginner’s course of horseback riding

1. This and next week’s events

Week 15

Week 16

2. Apply for AYY’s scholarships by 30 Apr

AYY distributes scholarships to its members in accordance with the Student Union’s Scholarship Regulation and the regulations of the scholarship funds administered by the Student Union. The purpose of the scholarships is to support the internationalisation of low-income students, support community activities and encourage for successful combination of studies and the student life. In addition, AYY administers certain field-specific scholarship funds.

The distribution of the scholarships and scoring criteria for applications are regulated by Scholarship Regulation and the guideline for the scoring of community activities. The amounts of the scholarships are based on the profits of funds. AYY has three scholarships and the amounts of those in 2013 are as follows:

  • Exchange scholarship max. €800
  • Community scholarship approx. €500
  • Study scholarship approx. €500

In the spring of 2013, the application period is 12 noon, 8 Apr 2013–11.59pm, 30 Apr.

Scholarship application form can be found here.

For the exchange scholarship, a second round of applications is organised in October-November for the student exchange in the spring of 2014.

Further Information: Board Member Tuisku Suomala (tuisku.suomala(at)ayy.fi)

3. Submit your events for AYY’s academic year calendar 2013-2014

Associations and actors within AYY have the opportunity to submit important event dates for the student union’s academic year calendar. Events can be submitted through the google docs file linked below until Sunday, 26 May 2013. Please add your events under the correct month in chronological order. Please enter the text you want in the calendar ”Event name/Text” field (yellow background). Please note that one line can hold up the maximum of 25 characters of text, including spaces. When writing the text, please consider how many lines from your own calendar you wish to be ”wasted”. The calendar is trilingual so please take this into account when planning the text.

If there are several events marked on the same date, the event that concerns most of the students will end up in the calendar. The file is editable until the provided deadline 26 May 2013, until which you can make changes to your events. Please fill out the columns carefully, and check and double check that the information is correct. Please also remember to include information on who is organising the event.


Questions and comments to AYY’s Communications Officer Henna Lahti (henna.lahti@ayy.fi or 050 520 9440).

4. Data centre removal to cause a major service break in Aalto University IT services on 19-21 Apr

Aalto University IT is working to improve the university’s data center capacity. The project includes shutting down an old data center in Otaniemi and deploying new data center capacity rented from CSC. The main goal is to increase the capacity to meet the current needs and to improve service reliability.

IT will move equipment from the old data center to the new location between 19 and 21 April 2013. This causes a service break which begins by starting to shut down networked IT services on 19 April 2013 at 16:00. Equipment will be moved on 20 April and IT services will be restarted during 21 April. Most services are expected to function normally by Monday morning on 22 April. Some services may still have services breaks after this.

During the service break computer classrooms, Aalto desktop workstations and the university’s networked services cannot be used.

For further information.

5. KY is looking for employees for the period 2013-2014

Association of Economics Students in Helsinki (KY) is looking for employees for the academic year 2013–2014. KY is looking for four full-time secretaries and two half-time secretaries. Other positions include the AD, club secretary, cultural secretary, communications officer, IT and web coordinator as well as sales coordinator. More information on the application process and positions is available on KY’s website.

Deadline for applications is Sunday, 14 Apr.

6. Café Lingua and Polirytmi’s jam session at Keltsu on 9 Apr

Café Lingua is an informal language learning event, where persons interested in a certain language gather around the same table to speak and learn languages in a fun way. Café Lingua is a great way to speak the languages that you have studied with native speakers. When you arrive, you can either join a table with a language that you are interested in or set up your own language table! The event is free of charge, but participants are encouraged to buy something to drink or eat at the café.

Further information on Café Lingua.

P.S. This time, the jam session of Polirytmi is held at the same time, so there is a live band and the opportunity to jam! Further information on the jam session at /blog/events/jazz-soul-funk-jamit-keltsussa/

7. Night floorball tournament on Well-Being Day on 10 Apr

As part of Well-Being Day, AYY’s Sports Committee will organise a night floorball tournament in Otahalli on Wednesday, 10 Apr, 9pm-2am.

Come and take part in this tournament which is sportive but not played too seriously. Gather your own team and challenge your group of friends as well. The most important thing in the tournament is not the result of the game, but to enjoy exercising together. Each team participating in this tournament is guaranteed at least two games. Games are played with 5 vs 5 players without goalkeepers. Both teams must have at least five players and both genders must be presented in the field at all times. The game time is 2 x 8 minutes.

Deadline for registration is 8pm on Tuesday, 9 Apr. The participation fee is €10/ team.

Sign up at: www.tinyurl.com/yosahly2013

8. Participate in Hitchball 4000 hitchhiking contest

Hitchball 4000 is an epic hitchhiking race across Northern and Eastern Europe. It’s a weekend-long adventure you’re not soon to forget. Find yourself a team mate to build a lasting bond with and take a leap of faith to the next level. The winner is the team that hitchhikes the longest way during the weekend. The winners will be awarded with fame and glory in addition to a real prize 🙂

Registration to the event is open here (Deadline on 9 Apr, 2 pm)

More information on facebook.

L’Aventure commence! Let the adventure begin!

9. Sitsi competition on 27 Apr

On May Day week’s Saturday, 27 Apr, the sitsi contest fills the Alvari Square! In this traditional celebration, you have the freedom to let your imagination run wild and execute your wildest fantasies. Will your team have the best idea, atmosphere and implementation this May Day? Who will raise the concept of sitsit to a new dimension? To harness the unlimited potential of your academic feast, please proceed as follows:

  1. Gather a group of enthusiastic participants
  2. Create a marvelous feast with a theme, setting and catering
  3. Register your team for the competition by Wednesday, 24 Apr, 11.59pm here.
  4. Implementation at Alvari Square on Satuday, 27 Apr, from 2pm onwards!

A prestigious jury will elect both the winners and teams that receive an honorable mention. The awards ceremony will take place in the declaration of May Day celebrations on 30 Apr.

Please remember – the most important part of this contest is a good atmosphere and that Alvari is left tidy.

10. Putting your bikes into summer shape

Now is the right time to take your bike out of the cellar and put it into spring condition and start to ride it! Come to Urban Mill next to Design Factory at Otaniemi on Wednesday 17 March to put your bike into summer shape by cleaning it, adding some oil, checking its tires… There will be tools for you to use and some experts giving advice on bike fixing! This event is for EVERYONE with a passion for cycling.

On top of fixing your bike, you can also come and SELL your old bike here! If you wish to sell your bike, please post a photo of it to the event wall on Facebook that people will know what to expect! This event is also the OPENING PARTY for our prototype at Urban Mill and you will get the privilege to test our prototype of the bike center we have built here.

  • What: Putting your bikes into summer shape
  • Where: Urban Mill next to Aalto Design Factory, entrance from the back yard
  • When: Wednesday 17 Apr 2013 from 3pm to 7pm

We are the HoT- Helsinki On Tires team and this event is part of our Product Development Project for Helsinki City. Www.hot.pdp.fi

11. Apply for Aalto University Student Alumni Council by 15 Apr

Aalto University Alumni Relations is establishing a new communication channel with students, inviting student involvement in alumni relations through the Aalto University Student Alumni Council. We are looking for 8-10 student members for the 2013 calendar year. Applications and nominations are welcome 11 Mar–15 Apr 2013. Note: nominees must also apply themselves.

The Council will act as representatives of the student body in making a bridge with Alumni Relations – As future alumni, sharing input on issues, activities and directions, e.g. through feedback in reporting to the Alumni Relations team – While at the same time representing Alumni Relations among the student body. The Council will meet at least five times during the year. In addition the role will offer chances for further engagement, as decided either by the Council or each member.

Find out more, and apply or make a nomination here.

12. How does creative passion change businesses and society? panel

Creativity and passion in work is being increasingly highlighted as the engine for entrepreneurship, change and growth. What kind of explosive power is released when these two things come together? A group of people among the best in their field will convene in Otaniemi to discuss how they have taken advantage of these features in their own success. Different perspectives on creativity, passion and success are offered in the fields of entrepreneurship, research, social decision-making, world-class sports and arts.

On Friday, 12 Apr 2013, 12noon-2pm, Otaniemi, Main Building, Otakaari 1, Door M, Mellin-Sali Hall. The event is open and free to anyone interested. Come and listen, participate and get excited! Further information on the panelists and registration at: http://www.servicefactory.aalto.fi/fi/paneeli2013

13. Game industry recruiting event at Design Factory on 11 Apr

Aalto in the Game is a recruiting event for students, alumni and young experts fascinated by the game industry. At the event we have some of the most exciting employers of the industry who are looking for new talents e.g. in the fields of game design, programming, graphic design as well as marketing and business.

The event starts at 12 o’clock with top speakers who take the floor in Studio and tell you about today’s game industry, the future prospects and share some interesting cases with you. The Design Factory’s Stage is filled with company stands at 14 o’clock. You get the opportunity to meet representatives from the leading Finnish companies and associations in the game industry.

Check out the schedule and topics for the info flashes, read the introductions of participating companies and enroll not later than Monday 8 April. Link for enrollment as well as all the additional event information can be found at https://into.aalto.fi/display/encareer/Aalto+in+the+Game.

14. Off-Broadway Musical “I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change” premieres on 12 April.

“I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change” is a comedy that brings the course of romantic relationships into spotlight with stories of less than perfect men and women, couples, parents, kids, in-laws. This series of vignettes pays tribute to those who have loved and lost, to those who have fallen on their face at the portal of romance, to those who have dared to ask, “Say, what are you doing Saturday night?” This is the second longest running Off-Broadway Production that asserts the tagline, ‘Everything you have ever secretly thought about dating, romance, marriage, lovers, husbands, wives and in-laws, but were afraid to admit.’ Musical is performed by Thespians Anonymous Theatrical Society (in English).

Performances in GLORIA (Pieni Roobertinkatu 12, Helsinki) at 7pm: Fri 12 April, Sat 14 April, Mon 15 April, Sun 21 April and Mon 22 April


  • Online: €15/10 – follow this link
  • At the entrance (if available, CASH ONLY): €17/12

For more Information:

15. Sustainable Business Club Career night

For the first time ever, Sustainable Business Club is organizing a career night that is aimed at those who want to work in the field of sustainability. Five speakers representing companies big and small, as well as academia, shed light on what kind of career paths you can expect – or should be prepared to pioneer yourself. The event takes place at Yläkertsi (KY building, Pohjoinen rautatiekatu 21B, 3rd floor) on Wednesday, 10 April at 6pm. The talks will be in English.

Seats are limited, so kindly RSVP latest by Monday 8 April by sending email to aaltosbc(a)gmail.com with the title “Career night”. Refreshments will be served.

Event on facebook.

16. AEGEE Summer University 2013

Summer is almost here! Have you already applied to AEGEE Summer University? Application deadline is 28 Apr!

Apply now.

AEGEE-Helsinki will be hosting a Summer University Info Evening and party afterwards at KY Yläkertsi (Pohjoinen Rautatienkatu 21B, 3rd floor) on 13 April starting at 7pm! Stop by to hear up to date info about AEGEE Summer Universities!

Regards, AEGEE-Helsinki SU 2013 coordination team


17. TLKS Spex 2013: Kuumotus

The long anticipated spex of Turun lääketieteenkandidaattiseura is touring again! KUUMOTUS will take the spectator to the colourful world of addictions, where everyone’s most protected passions are revealed. Advance tickets are available online at www.turkuspeksi.com and at the entrance right before the performance. Buy your tickets in advance as the performance has been sold out in recent years! The price is EUR 12. HELSINKI PERFORMANCE on Sun, 14 Apr, 6pm, Alexander Theatre, Albertinkatu 32

Further information: www.turkuspeksi.com

18. OtaKoppi baseball teams are looking for new players

OtaKoppi is a baseball association operating within Aalto University Student Union. The summer and baseball season are approaching and the association is looking for new players for its teams. OtaKoppi teams play in men’s county league, women’s regional league and men’s fitness league, and particularly the last two leagues are now looking for new players. See more information on OtaKoppi activities and various teams on the association website at http://otakoppi.fi/ or directly contact OtaKoppi Board (otakoppi-hallitus(ät)list.ayy.fi). Contact persons of various teams are available on the website. Players and amateurs on all levels are welcome to join the activities of OtaKoppi!

19. Mini beginner’s course in horseback riding

Teekkariratsastajat will organise a mini beginner’s course in horseback riding (5 times) on 5 May-2 June 2013. The course will be held in Tapiola riding school in Otaniemi on Sundays at 4pm-5pm. The price is €160 + Tera’s membership fee €8 for new members (5 hours, group of 6 people).

The course includes 1 hour of theory and 4 hours of riding. The theory lesson covers how to behave with a horse and how a horse is prepared for riding. Riding lessons begin from the basic management of a horse and proceed according to the group’s progress.

Registration and further information on Tera’s event calendar. Registered participants will receive additional information via e-mail once the course is confirmed (min. 4 persons). You can also join Tera through Tera’s event calendar.


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